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Alas, this relation shows us to what unexpected, and degrading changes the christian is liable. Faith, occasionally, becomes wavering; Love, cold; Hope, contracted; Zeal, enfeebled; and importunity in prayer, is succeeded by that restraining of prayer, which sooner or later, will pierce the soul through and through with sorrow. How is the gold become dim! how is the most fine gold changed! O thou worldly spirit, thou perverted reason, and Thou-Thou base unbelief, together ye have unnerved the soul, and blasted the wreath of honour, which encircled the brow of this praise-worthy christian.

In the dealings of God with this much declined christian, we see the compassion of our heavenly father. Yes, and well might our souls melt within us, in the humbling and grateful recollection of the signal instances, in which it has been exercised towards us, who have so often provoked him to jealousy. Instead of turning this disobedient son out of the family, he mercifully raises up an instrument for his recovery. The letter deserves to be read over, and over, and over again. Little did the young man think. when he was writing, that he was pointing an arrow, which was intended to pierce deep into the heart of his master. We often do God's work, without intending.

or knowing it. But he, superintends all; and he, overrules all. This letter was written under the superintending influence of the Almighty. It was meant for the heart; and, therefore, it reached the heart. None of God's arrows fall short. What a conflict followed. Here were the living embers, though covered over with much ashes; and they were blown by the breath of God, into a flame. The christian, sometimes, owing to having fallen into the gulph of spiritual declension, is in nearly similar circumstances with the drowning man. Ah, when the respiration of prayer is impeded, then the circulation of praise nearly ceases; then the warmth of desire becomes cold; and then the activity of the vital principle ceases. Yet, blessed, for ever blessed be God, there is a great difference between the ACTUAL EXTINCTION, and the mere suspension of the living principle in the Christian.

See, the family altar is rebuilt; and the sacrifice, again ascends to God. What a happy change. Good men, and good angels rejoice at it; and, with such sacrifices, God is well pleased: and he gave the most decided tokens of his approbation. Verily it is not a vain thing to serve God. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Christian reader, is thy altar neglect. ed? Does it lie in ruins? Awake from thy worthless sloth; arise out of thy deep dis grace; and instantly erect thy faltar anew. Art thou, though prosperous, pursuing business, with that intenseness of desire and application, which is, as a canker worm, at the root of thy devotion? Remember, O remember, the determination you have read; and seek, by the grace of God, to rise into the same exalted spirit. Once more hear him, "I have been, and am determined, through grace, that whenever business becomes too large to permit family prayer, I will give up the superfluous part of my business and retain my devotion. Better to lose a few shillings, than become the deliberate murderer of my family, and the instrument of ruin to my own soul."


One night, at a Public-house in Leek, Staffordshire, a few men were drinking at a late hour; when one of the party said, he would engage to ride his horse to Black

mere, and back again in a certain time, (which he mentioned) for a sum of money, which he also named; and that he would bring with him sufficient proof of his having been there. Blackmere is a large pool of water, at the top of the hill, called, "Morridge ;". which, some think, is without bottom: it is about three miles from Leek. His proposal was agreed to, and he mounted his horse, and set off with all speed. When he came near the place, he heard a woman cry out, in a very mournful tone, apparently, in very great distress. It directly struck him, that some person was going to drown the woman. He immediately spoke aloud, as though he had been addressing some companions. "He is here: he is here. I have him." The person directly left the woman, and ran for his life, and never was heard of after. But the man found his conjectures too true, for the person was, indeed, going to throw her into the pool! He, gave the woman his top coat, told her she must get up behind him, and hold fast, for that he was obliged to be at Leek by such a time. They both mounted, and reached Leek within the time. He delivered the woman. to the landlady, gave orders for her to be dressed immediately, related the circumstance, and presented the woman as a demonstrative proof that he had been at Blackmere.

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Communicated, as a well-known fact, by the Rev. J. Beaumont, to the Editor of the Arminian Magazine.


How true are the words of Hanani,

the seer, to Asa King, of Judah, "The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth." God saw the perilous situation of this distressed woman, and sent deliverance; but it was at the last moment. Why no sooner, and why he suffers the wicked, in the secret places, to murder the innocent, it probably does not become us to enquire. Of this one thing, however, we are confident, that when it comports with his plan to effect deliverance, it is always wrought in the fittest season. As light enters all bodies without being defiled, so God permits, and overrules even sin, to fulfil his determinate counsel, without spotting the purity of his nature; thus was the life of a helpless creature saved through the frolic of a few drunken men. The goodness of God towards this poor woman, rescuing her in so extrordinary a manner from a watery grave, should have led her to repentance. If it did not, it heightened her guilt in the present, and deepened her punishment in the future world, Reader, hast thou been

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