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Some months ago, in an editorial, the
Editor-in-Chief of The Outlook, Dr. Lyman
Abbott, expressed the opinion that Julia
Ward Howe's "Battle Hymn of the Re-
public" is "not merely for our Republic;
it is for all republics," and suggested that
it might well be used as a national hymn
for all English-speaking peoples. This edi-
torial came to the attention of Mr. M. C.
Coggeshall, of Summit, New Jersey, who
recalls the singing of this hymn to music not
ordinarily associated with the words. He
writes to us from New York City as fol-
lows: "During the Civil War I had two
Slowly but with Vigor


brothers who nursed two nights a week in the New England Soldiers' Relief Rooms, situated on Broadway, near Fulton Street. At the close of the war, when the Night Watchers' Association disbanded, they had some closing exercises at which a large chorus sang this hymn to music that I have never come across since. For forty years I remembered the tune, and then sang it to a friend of mine, a musician, who wrote it down for me." Mr. Coggeshall accompanied his letter with a copy of the melody.

There have been several attempts to provide for the "Battle Hymn" other music than



the com- ing of the Lord:
a hundred circ-ling camps;

in burnished rows of steel:

Mine eyes have seen the glo-ry of
I have seen him in the watch-fires of
3. I have read a fie-ry gos-pel, writ
4. He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call re-treat,
5. In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born, across the sea,

He is trampling out the They have builded him an "As ye deal with my conHe is sifting out the With a glory in his

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Marching, His truth is marching on.......
Marching, His day is marching on...
Marching, Since God
Marching, Our God
Marching, While God

is marching on...
is marching on...
is marching on..


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A New Old Tune to "The Battle of the Republic" (Continued)

the tune often sung to "John Brown's Body," with its Hallelujah refrain. One such tune has been written by Mr. Ralph Kinder, for many years the organist and director at Holy Trinity Church in Philadelphia. His music, which is effective and vigorous, has been published and has been performed by an orchestra under the direction of Victor Herbert.

Quite different in spirit and in rhythm, both from the familiar tune and from Mr. Kinder's setting, is the melody which was sung at the Night Watchers' celebration. It lacks some of the elements of popularity that are in both of the others. If it lacks the triviality that is sometimes associated with the performance of the familiar tune, it lacks also its spiritedness, and it has not the rapid movement of the music composed by Mr. Kinder. It is, moreover, in the minor key, which to many makes it perhaps forbidding. It is almost austere ; but it has the austerity of the martial. It emphasizes all that there is of the determined and the irresistible in the words. We print on the preceding page the melody which Mr. Coggeshall has supplied us, with a harmonization which we have given to it.THE EDITORS.




CIATION WAR SERVICE A fund of more than a million and a half dollars has been raised for the purchase of books, the erection of buildings, and the administration of the service.

More than half a million books have been donated by the public, sorted and labeled by the librarians, and shipped to camps, forts, training stations, and naval vessels.

A hundred thousand books, mostly nonfiction, have been purchased for the camp libraries.

Thirty-four library buildings have been erected or are in course of construction from the $320,000 given by the Carnegie Corporation for this purpose.

Sixty-six men, mostly trained and experienced librarians, have been placed in camps as librarians and assistants. In addition many men are employed in a subsidiary capacity. Hundreds of other librarians are giving some time every day to this work.

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Hundreds of small military and naval Important to Subscribers of a change in your address,

camps, posts, and vessels have been supplied with books through chaplains, Y. M. C. A. secretaries, and other agencies. Tons of magazines have been sorted and distributed to soldiers.

Automobile trucks have been purchased for the service in all the main camps, and daily deliveries of newspapers, magazines, and books are made to branches and deposit stations.

A despatch office has been opened at one of the ports of embarkation, from which books are being shipped to France and supplied to men while on board the transports. All of these things have been done with

the minimum possible expenditures for administration and the minimum possible formality in the actual service of the books. LIBRARY WAR SERVICE.

When you notify The Outlook both old and new address should be given. Kindly write, if possible, two weeks before the change is to take effect.

One System

Universal Service

"The Ten Great Secrets

Anarchy and Law of a Successful Letter


FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION Address Miss L. FREEMAN CLARKE 5 Brimmer Street, Boston, Mass.






-a remarkable little book by Ad-Man Davison, the highestpaid letter-writer in the world. The A B C of letter-writing, told by the foremost authority. A book you've long looked for! Can be read in 40 minutes. May revolutionize your methods and bring success! Don't miss it. Cloth bound, postpaid, $1. Order today.

AD-MAN DAVISON PUBLISHERS, 17 Madison Avenue, Dept. B, New York



The shrewd housewife will order the " WHITE MOUNTAIN" because it preserves foods, fruits and delicacies in their rich, original relish, and uses the smallest amount of ice. Economy that saves health and money. Buy WHITE MOUNTAIN" and join over a Million Homes that use them. Write for finely 1918 illustrated catalogues and booklets.







23 January

All legitimate questions from Outlook readers about investment securities will be answered either by personal letter or in these pages. The Outlook cannot, of course, undertake to guarantee against loss resulting from any specific invest ment. Therefore it will not advise the purchase of any specific security. But it will give to inquirers facts of record or information resulting from expert investigation, leaving the responsibility for final decision to the investor. And it will admit to its pages only those financial advertisements which after thorough expert scrutiny are believed to be worthy of confidence. All letters of inquiry regarding investment securities should be addressed to


Heavy Demand for 6% Bonds
Safeguarded Under Straus Plan


ERE is a fact of profound significance: In these days of
war and of economic change, when the market for invest-
ments in general has slackened, the demand for first
mortgage 6% serial bonds, safeguarded under the Straus Plan,
has been steadily maintained.

This demand comes from thousands of investors, all over the
United States, old customers and new.

Nothing could be more clearly significant of the confidence felt
by investors in these bonds, and of the standing they have
gained for themselves in the security markets.

Their standing and the confidence investors show in them are
based on their record, their amply proven safety, and their
stability in value, demonstrated over a period of many years.
You should post yourself on the merits of these sound 6% bonds,
and learn the definite reasons for their widespread popularity. A
letter or a postcard will bring you full information. Write today for

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NO many inquiries regarding investments of a doubtful or fraudulent character come to The Outlook that it seems worth while to point out some of the pitfalls to be avoided by those readers who seek a safe place for their savings. In spite of the spread of sound investment teaching, and the vigorous efforts of the post-office authorities to keep fraudulent financial literature out of the mails, the wildcat company promoters continue to offer their wares and attract the money of the credulous.

At a time like this, when millions of Americans are for the first time putting their savings in securities, and a Nationwide appeal is being made for savings to finance the Government in the prosecution of the war, it is amazing that worthless financial schemes should continue to be offered by irresponsible adventurers to rob people of their money. But it is nevertheless a fact. Inquiries from many Outlook readers plainly indicate that the buccaneers of finance are still spreading nets for the unwary, and exchanging their cheaply printed stock certificates for the good money of uninformed investors.

For many years ever since the days of the South Sea Bubble in England-one of the most alluring schemes for making money has been the printing of stock certificates in mining, oil, and other ventures, and selling them for the coin of the realm. Stock certificates costing but a few cents to print are sold for many dollars, and since the early days of wildcat company promoting countless reams of paper have been converted through the printing-press into certificates of stock and sold to the gullible for untold millions of dollars. The fortunes described in the promoters' literature are sometimes made, but not by the purchasers of the stock; the promoters, not their victims, get the money.

In the vast majority of these fraudulent promotions all the money that is ever made is the money subscribed by the small investors who buy the stock. The investors get the stock certificates and the company organizers get the money.

As proof of the worthlessness of these bubble companies, a test once made by the writer is illuminating. A record was kept of all new companies offering their shares in the advertising columns of a great Sunday newspaper in the course of a year. There were 125 mining, oil, and industrial companies, capitalized at $200,000,000. After three years every one of these companies, with one exception, had collapsed. The one remaining company died two years later. The millions of dollars of savings of credulous investors was all lost-that is, it was taken from the pockets of the investors and put into those of the promoters.

While there is no way of insuring investors against loss, it is possible to point out the most obvious pitfalls. It is hoped that these few "don'ts" will aid readers of this department in avoiding some of the mistakes investors so commonly make.

Don't buy stock that is advertised in circus-poster fashion. When pages of highpriced newspaper space are bought by promoters to tell the wonders of a new company, it is time for the prudent investor to guard his pocketbook. The bigger and more glowing the advertising, the more doubtful is the worth of the stock.

Beware of companies for which extravagant claims are made. If a promoter has a stock that is "going to pay very big divi


Before the war, most of South America's trade was with Europe. Today, owing to changed conditions, 'the tide of trade has turned toward the United States.

The problem that confronts the manufacturer and merchant in this country is how to enlarge this trade and place it on a permanent basis.

This matter of permanency is one of greatest importance, and can only come with a complete and broad understanding of the situation.



can give intelligent help and advice to manufacturers and merchants who are interested in South America. This Bank has close connections with some of the largest banks there. These connections have been definitely made to promote trade and to establish reciprocal markets for the goods of the two continents.

If you are interested in South American trade, now and after the war, correspondence is invited. This is an excellent time to investigate trade prospects.

THE NATIONAL SHAWMUT BANK, of Boston, Mass. Total Assets, $200,000,000

A national reputation for conservatism, souna judgment and strength.

dends," there is no reason why he should offer it to smali investors. If it really has the merit he claims, he can easily sell it in large blocks in the financial centers. Bankers and large investors in the cities are looking for sure things," and there is no need to peddle them around the country.

Inquire carefully as to the reputation of company directors. Look out for "guineapigs -men who sell their names to promoters to be used on boards of directorsex-Senators, ex-Governors, former Government officials, "prominent business men," and the like. Make inquiry as to the experience of the directors in the particular business in which the company is engaged, and make sure that every one of the directors is a man of undoubted integrity and business honor.

Cast into the waste-basket promoters' literature describing the fortunes made by Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, and other millionaires. This is the commonest kind of bait to catch the unwary.

Do not buy stock that is "soon to be advanced in price." This is an old trick.

When the promoter warns you that this is "your last chance to buy at this low price," you may know at once that his wares are worthless.

Do not buy stock from a promoter who declines to state at what price he will buy the stock from you. Investors who are enticed into buying worthless stock find afterwards that there is no market on which it can be resold. A stock that cannot be sold as easily as it can be bought should be shunned by the investor who does not wish to lose his savings.

When in doubt, seek the advice of a trusted banker. Very often the worthlessness of a stock will be apparent to the officer of one of your local banks. If he is in doubt, write to the financial editor of any of the national magazines.

High dividend yields are a danger sign. If a stock is offered to you to yield a rate much higher than standard investments, there is something wrong with it. You cannot get something for nothing, and good investments do not go begging.

Never buy the securities of a company

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The Spread of
American Thrift
John Muir

To his original study of public participation in the First Liberty Loan Mr. Muir has added a sequel which tells of the way in which the Thrift base was broadened in the Second Liberty Loan.

The human side of the great tasks of war finance is given due attention by Mr. Muir, who cites some of the most humorous incidents developed through hurry or enthusiasm.

For the general public, for that large section of it which subscribed for Liberty Loan Bonds and especially for all who realize the patriotic spur which the war has given to Thrift this publication will be intensely interesting.

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How Not to Invest (Continued)

that does not make full financial reports of its assets and liabilities, of its income and outgo. Take these reports to an experienced banker or business man to find if they will stand the acid test.

Glowing" write-ups" in cheap financial journals are an indication of fraud. When a promoter sends you one of these "writeups" make inquiry as to the character of the journal printing it. You will probably learn that the publication lives by selling its pages to these get-rich-quick promoters.

Examine thoroughly into very new companies, not yet making profits, but expecting to. Ordinarily the prudent investor does not risk his savings in these new flotations. Almost invariably the shares of the best of them may later be purchased at lower prices. It is a good rule for the ordinary investor never to buy the shares of new companies until after their earning power has been proved. The vast majority of them never develop any continuous earning power.

Make sure that the money you pay for stock goes to the company and not to the broker or promoter. If the stock-seller turns only a small part of the money into the company, and keeps most of it as his "commission," the scheme is a fraud.

Place little confidence in ordinary bank references. The directors and promoters may be men with bank accounts who pay their bills promptly, and yet may all be swindlers.

Investigate first and invest afterwards. Many foolish people invest first and investigate afterwards-when it is too late.


Q. I can save only a few dollars a month. I want to invest this where there will be no chance of loss, and at the same time I would like to get a good rate of interest. What do you recommend?

A. You cannot get a large rate of interest without risk. You can get four per cent from a savings bank, and by purchasing War Savings Stamps your money will earn four per cent compounded quarterly. We would recommend (1) the savings bank, (2) War Savings Stamps, (3) Liberty bonds. You cannot always be sure of selling Liberty bonds for as much as you pay for them. The $100 bonds sold last year are now quoted around $97. But you are insured against loss in the purchase of War Savings Stamps.

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Pamphlet "C" list of offerings on First Farm Mortgages and Real Estate Gold Bonds." E. J. Lander & Co., Grand Forks, N. D.

Booklet 12, on "Wisconsin Dairy Farm Mortgages." Markham & May Co., Milwaukee, Wis.

Current Investors' List, No. 104, on "First Mortgage Real Estate Serial Notes." Mercantile Trust Co., St. Louis, Mo.

Circular 0-8, on "California Municipal Bonds." Oakland Street Improvement Bond Co., Hall & Jennison, Oakland, Cal.

Circular No. A-805, on "Straus Plan of First Mortgage Serial Bonds." S. W. Straus & Co., 150 Broadway, New York, or Straus Building, Chicago.

Booklet 0-18, on "Guaranteed Farm Mortgages and List of Current Offerings." The Straus Brothers Company, Ligionier, Indiana.

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First Mortgage

Real Estate Serial Notes

offer what the successful investor always demands ample security and good returns. These notes are secured by first mortgages on improved property, the ground value alone frequently having a value greater than the total of the loan. After careful inspection and investigation by our experts, we buy the entire issue of notes-in other words, back our judgment with our own money.

Banks and other careful investors throughout the country have found these notes attractive, because the original notes are delivered to them. The genuineness of each note is certified by us, thus preventing forgery or over-issue. Our profit is the commission we charge the borrower.

This plan enables you to invest $500 or multiples thereof; to choose maturities and diversify your investments. Interest 5%-5%% and 6%. Write for our current investment list No. 104

Mercantile Trust Company

Capital and Surplus $9,500,000
Saint Louis

Member Federal Reserve Bank

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