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Prof. Henry Dickson, Principal


Stopforgetting the Basis

The Key

To Success

The secret of busi-
ness and social suc-
cess is the ability

of All Knowledge

to remember. I can

make your mind an infallible classified index from which you can instantly select thoughts, facts, figures, names, faces. Enables you to concentrate, develop self-control, overcome bashfulness, think on your feet, address an audience. Easy. Simple. The result of 20 years' experience developing memories of thousands.

Write Today for free booklet "How to

Remember and Copyrighted Memory Test, also how to obtain my FREE book, "How To Speak In Public."

Dickson School of Memory, 1739 Hearst Bldg., Chicago, Ill.


A party of Eastern bankers was being entertained at the Omaha Club during the Convention of the Nebraska Bankers' Association recently. There were a dozen at the table, including N. H. Loomis, General Solicitor of the Union Pacific Railroad. The host, as was customary at that time, ordered cocktails, but noticed that seven glasses which chanced to be in a row remained untouched.

Hoping to have some fun at the expense of the teetotalers, he called attention to the fact and said, "Just to start conversation, I wish you fellows would tell us one by one your reasons for not drinking, in all good faith. I know that Mr. Loomis never

6 Strong Collection Letters touches the stuff because he is from Topeka,

to get after your old accounts; these are new, different, per-
suasive yet inoffensive; written by Ad-Man Davison, highest
paid letter writer in the world; complete set mailed for $5.
17 Madison Avenue,

New York

Are You An Investor?

During the past year the Financial Editor of The Outlook has helped hundreds of Outlook readers to solve intelligently their particular investment problems. Perhaps you are contemplating a shifting of


your present
ings or
or have
have fresh
funds to invest. In
either case we shall

be glad to give you
specific information
on any securities in

which you may be

interested. This service is entirely free to Outlook readers. The Outlook Financial Department

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Kansas, but you others are all Eastern
men, and perhaps we can get a story.'

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Mr. Loomis looked up with interest as
one after the other these well-known
bank officers from New York City, Phila-
delphia, St. Louis, Chicago, Kansas City,
and St. Joseph stated, in about the same
terms, that they had been born and bred in
Kansas, and for that reason, never having
been familiar with liquor, had never formed
a taste for it.


The Western Financier," The Chase Publishing
Company, Kansas City, Missouri.



I am the one-room rural school. The
farmer has improved his house and barn;
he has left me primitive.

The farmer has improved his machinery ; he has left me primitive.

The farmer has improved his corn; he has left me primitive.

The farmer has improved his hogs; he has left me primitive.

But I feel the throb of new growth; I feel sensations of infinite yields about to be made. I feel the wild strains giving place to the power of a new science. I am in process of becoming civilized.

Soon I, too, shall burst from the hard
shell of my primordial self. One room is
too small for my accretions.

I must have two, four, ten rooms.
Let go! Let me rise! Let me expand!
I am to be the consolidated rural school.
I will make newer, higher, richer educa-
tional yields.

I will produce a new type of farmer-pro-
prietor, farmer-legislator, farmer-citizen.



Your editorial on "Daylight Saving," in the issue of December 19 last, called to my mind a letter written on the subject by Dr. Benjamin Franklin to the "Journal of Paris." I think this letter of the Doctor entitles him to be called the original daylight saver, as you will, I am sure, be willing to concede after reading the letter. Perhaps you are already familiar with it.

The letter may be found under the caption "An Economical Project," and is addressed to the authors of the "Journal of Paris," and is signed "Subscriber." I read it in Volume II, page 227, of the "Works of Benjamin Franklin," published by Hilliard, Gray & Co. In that volume it appears under the general heading of Essays on Moral Subjects, etc."



St. Joseph, Missouri.

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Disease Is a


Luxury, Not a Necessity

By R. L. Alsaker, M.D.

Dear Doctor:-I have read several of your articles. In nearly every one you have repeated the statement, Disease is a luxury, not a necessity." It is contrary to everything I have learned about disease. Germs cause many diseases, and how can we protect ourselves against them, when they are everywhere?

Our family lives simply and moderately. I seldum use liquor, and don't smoke more than three or four cigars a day. Our food consists mostly of cereals, bread, potatoes, and meat. My wife takes coffee only with her regular meals, and does not drink tea in the afternoon, as some of our friends do. Still we are not well. I have high blood pressure and arteriosclerosis. My wife has had rheumatism off and on for years. One of our children has catarrh. There is nothing luxurious about disease in my family. It's an infernal nuisance. My opinion is that people will get sick no matter what they do, consequently disease is a necessity.-E. T. G.

This is about what I believed years ago, until I found the truth. Now I know disease is a luxury. It is unnecessary. We have to break nature's laws to get it. We can get along without it. An individual can live from childhood to old age without suffering from disease, barring accidents. This is no theory. It is a fact that everyone can prove for himself. I don't ask the writer of this letter to take my word for it. He can prove it in his own case, in his own family and I have told him how.

Germs cause disease, it is said. If this is true, why don't all take the diseases to which they are exposed? During an epidemic of influenza, why don't all get it? Why have I not had influenza in the last decade? I have been exposed to it hundreds of times. The reason is that germs are not the real cause of disease. They can harm only those who are already run down physically. Those of us who give ourselves proper care can smile complacently at the germs and the germ theory. Health is the normal condition, and intelligent care of body and mind will bring health.

Here is a family living as many families do. There is not a healthy member in the family, and this is not exceptional. What is the trouble? The living is such that these people can not get rid of the waste made in their bodies. The child doubtless gets too many sweets and swallows his food without thoroughly masticating it. Bread, meat, and potatoes, with a liberal addition of sweets, manufacture heat and energy, but they are not the proper foods for health building in youth.

The parents are middle aged and they live too exclusively on the staple foods mentioned. They make the same mistakes that nearly all commit: They eat foods for their feeding value exclusively, and forget to eat foods for their health value. Apples and lettuce, for instance, are not high in food value, but they are rich in health value. They help to keep the body sweet and clean.

Catarrh, arteriosclerosis and rheumatism indicate that the body is not internally clean. They show that waste is clogging the entire system. There is an excess of waste in the muscles, joints, nerves, blood stream and the bowels.

Nearly all cases of arteriosclerosis are curable, and as the arteries soften the blood pressure goes down. Rheumatism vanishes when the body is cleared of poisonous waste. Catarrh in youth is based on wrong feeding; correct the eating and the catarrh disappears.

This is so easily proved that it is to the advantage of all to give it a fair trial. Give the body good care and learn how to eat properly, and nearly all diseases vanish, even most of those that are considered incurable. You may have consumed great quantities of drugs without benefit, and still be curable. Drugs don't cure; they simply change the symptoms and conceal the pains. The body is not built of mercury, strychnin, arsenic, opium and other popular drugs, and none of these are needed.

To have health one must know how to select the right kinds of foods, how to prepare and combine them, what and when to drink, how to use the lungs and how to care for the body in general. About ninetenths of the subject of health consists in proper eating. Those who live on bread, meat and potatoes almost exclusively can not have good health, for these foods do not contain enough of the natural purifying, cleansing elements to keep the body in good condition.

The body is built of food, water and air. It is influenced by our surroundings and our thoughts. If we use our brains to good advantage we can live so as to have health. Instead of living so as to build rheumatism, catarrh and arteriosclerosis (and other diseases), we can conduct ourselves so that health is ours every day.

The fact that we can recover from disease is in itself proof that we can live free from disease. Another proof is that thousands of individuals who used to be ill have learned how to live properly and are enjoying health every day.

23 January


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The experiences of a party of American, Canadian, and English soldiers during a trip to Versailles are amusingly recorded in the "National Geographic Magazine by an American woman who regularly conducts such parties of sightseers. Coming into the grand ball-room," of a size and splendor never equaled in the history of the world," a laconic trooper remarks, "Some dugout." At the dainty luncheon a "Ca nuck " says that the napkins would make good souvenirs; "The English," he says, Jocosely, "fight for honor, the French for glory, and the Canadians for souvenirs." When the waiter presents the bill, a jolly trooper "glances at it, falls back in his chair, and screams, 'Quick, quick, give me


Do you wake up in the morning feeling dull, or do you have a bad taste in your mouth? Is water ever disagreeable to you? Do you have coated or furred tongue? Do you have heartburn, gas in the stomach and bowels, or burning or tenderness in the region of the stomach? Is your right side sore? Do you suffer from twinges of pain? Do you have stiff joints or rheumatism? Are you dizzy or a sufferer from headaches? Are you bothered with catarrh or constipation? Do you find it hard to concentrate your mind? Do you have that tired feeling? Have you shortness of breath or oppression in the region of the heart? Do you ever have blotches, pimples or boils?

If you have any of these signs and symptoms of disease, it is conclusive evidence that you are not giving your body the proper care and attention. The question is: Do you really want health? Disease is a luxury, not a necessity.

Announcement: Thoughtful readers of the above article will at once appreciate the fact that Dr. Alsaker knows his subject from the ground upknows it so well that he does not need to use a lot of so-called scientific expressions and many mysterious assertions to hide any want of knowledge. Dr. Alsaker is a regular medical graduate, a physician in active practice and as the N. Y. Tribune says "a competent professional authority." Dr. Alsaker's work is constructive and takes the form of personal consultations, letters of advice, public lectures, magazine articles, health books, pamphlets, etc. A complete list of his works together with a most interesting booklet entitled "Building Health or How to Live Loug and Prosper," will be sent absolutely free to any one mentioning this offer. FRANK E. MORRISON, PUBLISHER OF EDUCATIONAL HEALTH BOOKS (Established 1889), Dept. 117, 1133 Broadway, N. Y. C.

my gas mask!""

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The young woman who led the party above referred to is ingenious in her methods of amusing the men. In the park at Versailles she stops and says: "Boys, the French have a pretty saying, The smaller the ivy leaf, the dearer the love.' So I want each one of you to find the tiniest leaf possible and send it to the one that's waiting at home." The men set out to search for the smallest leaf. "The joker of the party comes to me with a perfectly enormous leaf, which he informs me he has plucked for his mother-in-law !" Another sarcastic young fellow brings a leaf even larger, and when asked what loved one is to have that tiny leaf, he says, "It's for the Kaiser!"

"A really useful Government," a subscriber writes, apropos of the Prohibition Amendment, "is one that helps to make virtue easy and vice difficult for the people in whose behalf it is exercised. Therefore I believe in supervised playgrounds and in using public schools as community centers, and in Nation-wide prohibition of the saloon and its drink traffic."

Is it in order for the birds to adopt a prohibition amendment for the good of their constitution? The question is suggested by the following extract from an article in "American Forestry:"

At times sapsuckers behave in an erratic and foolish manner, zigzagging through the trees with no apparent reason, flying into windows or walls or the sides of houses, even becoming so stupid as to allow themselves to be picked from the trees, or alighting on one's person and climbing up his leg as though it were the limb of a tree. It has been sug gested that the sap ferments in the sun and that the sapsuckers become intoxicated, but this theory has by no means been proved.

Among the numerous advertisements offering estates for sale to be found at present in English magazines is one announcing that Dryburgh Abbey is to be sold. "The Abbey dates from 1150," says the advertisenient," and is well known to every lover of the Scott country." Sir Walter Scott lies buried in the Abbey church.

An advertisement of another sort in a London newspaper should give comfort to Americans who bewail the high cost of shoe leather in this country. It describes a super trench boot," and one may buy it in two models- one for £5 5s. ($26.25) and another for £6 15s. ($33.75).


A bon mot of Lord Melbourne's is quoted in a recently published book. Referring to one of his contemporaries, a notoriously contentious person, Lord Melbourne said that this man "would dispute with the Recording Angel as to the number of his sins." A "prize misprint of the year" is sent in by a subscriber, as found in a report of the grounding of the Olympia off Block


By the Way (Continued)

Island, when the types of a New York daily made the statement that there were no casualties except that one man was killed by a falling match" (hatch).


The cold snap in New York City seriously affected the patronage of the theaters, according to the "Dramatic Mirror." Many of the playhouses suffered owing to the prevailing shortage of coal, from the small places "that burn one or two tons daily up to the Hippodrome, the biggest theater in New York, which burns twelve tons daily."

John Fiske said of George Eliot, as recorded in his recent biography: "I never saw such a woman. There is nothing a bit masculine about her. She is thoroughly feminine. But she has the power of stating an argument equal to any man. Equal to any man, do I say? I have never seen any man except Herbert Spencer who could state a case equal to her.'

Mahlon Shaaber, called "Lincoln's Tall Soldier Boy," recently died. The sobriquet was given to him, it is said, because of an experience during the Civil War in Washington. Shaaber, then only seventeen, was marching in review with his regiment. A tall man standing in a group of tall men called Shaaber out of the ranks as he

passed. "Excuse me," he said, "but it was jealousy that made me call you out of ranks. I wanted to size you up. How tall are you and what is your age?" It was President Lincoln who spoke. Shaaber proved to be two and a half inches taller than the President, who was himself six feet four inches in height.

The order making Saturday a "porkless day," issued by the Massachusetts Committee on Public Safety, specifically exempted that small piece of pork, so a despatch states, which is ordinarily used in the preparation of "Boston baked beans," famous as a Sunday morning dish in New England. Any one who has ever tasted the real" Boston baked beans," as prepared on their native heath and there alone, will congratulate New Englanders on the exemp


Lady Bessborough, a clever Englishwoman of the last century, traveled in France soon after the downfall of Napoleon. Among many anecdotes she tells of the fallen conqueror in a recent book giving extracts from her correspondence is this: While he was in exile on the island of Elba, a workman who was making repairs on his château fell from the roof and was instantly killed in the presence of Napoleon. He gazed at the lifeless figure and said: "A fall does not always kill. I have fallen

farther than that."

An American pedestrian tells in "Harper's" of the joy of unexpectedly getting an iced drink in a remote Japanese village on a sweltering summer day. "A maid," he says, "was hoisting a flag over the door of the shop. It is the sign of a fresh supply of ice. A coolie came running in. He was carrying a dripping block of ice in many folds of brown hemp cloth. The maid seized the ice, sawed off an end, and then craped the surface across plane. Shavings of sparkling snow fell into an inverted her hand. She packed this whiteness into two large, flat glass dishes. She poured over the snow an effervescing champagne cider and brought us the adventure." another bowl of snow and another bottle. I ordered It was costing sen after sen, but I knew in my soul that the uttermost payment could be in no proportion to the value."

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VACUUM CLEANER gasoline engine power. Once in

stalled the ARCO WAND Vacum Cleaner becomes one

of the most valued features to the household. The housewife is no longer dependent upon servants or outside help to do her cleaning.

Buy now on easy payment plan

Dealers will be glad to figure with you for installing an ARCO WAND in your home on easy payments. Get estimate for your home

Arco Wand Catalog sent free

Write for copy of catalog-full of illustrations and in-
formation about the ARCO WAND machine and
how it will solve the problem of the present scar-
city of servants.

[blocks in formation]



S. Michigan Av. Chicago

Makers of the world-famous IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators


[blocks in formation]

Machine is set in basement or side-room. A suction pipe runs to each floor. ARCO WAND Vacuum Cleaners, hose and tools, are sold by all Heating and Plumbing Trade.

Don't Let Rupture Spoil Your Fun


On the ice last winter, a group of men decided to go skating. In a jiffy they had their skates on and were dashing off over the shining ice-all except one. He was ruptured. He wore a steel band truss and dared not enjoy himself because he feared his truss would fail him. This unsmiling man was needlessly


robbed of healthful, invigorating fun. Had he worn a Brooks Rupture Appliance

he could have joined his friends in their sport. The Brooks Appliance is made of soft rubber, unaffected by water. It will not slip because the Automatic Air Cushion clings closely and follows every body movement. Draws and binds the parted muscular tissues together, gives Nature a chance to knit them. This wonderful, new, scientific treatment of hernia has helped thousands and will help you.


to prove its worth. A straight business proposition in which you are the sole judge. If the Brooks Rupture Appliance does not comfortably retain your rupture at all times, send the appliance back to us and get your money. Durable cheap. Write for catalogue and measure blanks today. BROOKS APPLIANCE CO. 471C State St. Marshall, Mich.

[blocks in formation]


line, four columns to the page. Not less than four lines accepted. In calculating space required for an advertisement, count an average of six words to Advertising rates are: Hotels and Resorts, Apartments, Camps, Tours and Travel, Real Estate, Live Stock and Poultry, fifty cents per agate

the line unless display type is desired.

"Want" advertisements, under the various headings, "Board and Rooms," "Help Wanted," etc., ten cents for each word or initial, including the address for each insertion. The first word of each "Want" advertisement is set in capital letters without additional charge. Other words may be set in capitals, if desired, at double rates. If answers are to be addressed in care of The Outlook, twenty-five cents is charged for the box number named in the advertisement. Replies will be forwarded by us to the advertiser and bill for postage rendered. Special headings appropriate to the department may be arranged for on application. Orders and copy for Classified Advertisements must be received with remittance ten days before the Wednesday on which it is intended the advertiseAddress: ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT, THE OUTLOOK, 381 FOURTH AVENUE, NEW YORK CITY

ment shall first appear.

[blocks in formation]

of the Y. W. C. A.

14 East 16th St., New York

A homelike hotel for self-supporting women. Rates in rooms 60c. to 90c. Restaurant open to all women. Send for circular.

Health Resorts

LINDEN The Ideal Place for Sick
Doylestown, Pa. An institution devoted to
People to Get Well
the personal study and specialized treat-
ment of the invalid. Massage, Electricity,
Hydrotherapy. Apply for circular to
(late of The Walter Sanitarium)

Established 1857

ennoyer Kenosha, Wisconsin Pennoyer


Kenosha, Wisconsin

Finest Health Resort and Sanitarium on Lake
Mich., in 100-acre park. Moderate rates. Booklet.

Dr. Reeves' Sanitarium

A Private Home for chronic, nervous, and
mental patients. Also elderly people requiring
care. Harriet E. Reeves, M.D., Melrose, Mass.

Country Board

U. S. & PACIFIC LINE HOTEL JUDSON 53 Washing-Elderly Ladies or Gentlemen f

Passenger Department

104 PEARL ST., NEW YORK Telephone Broad 5570.

[blocks in formation]

ton Square

adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms
including meals. Special rates for two weeks
with and without bath. Rates $2.50 per day,
or more. Location very central. Convenient
to all elevated and street car lines.

It affords all the comforts of home without extravagance. Outdoor sports if desired. Good sleighing and skating is now being enjoyed.

[blocks in formation]

exclusive board with the comforts of home can secure same by communicating with 7,507, Outlook.

Winter Camps

Pine Ridge Camp

Ideal for outdoor life in Winter. Main house
and individual cabins. Certified city water.
Northern cooking; tutoring for children.
November to May. Rates moderate. Write

Real Estate



Business Situations WANTED-A bright, active, and well edu cated young woman, who is likewise a first class stenographer and typewriter. Answer in own handwriting, stating age, where edu cated, and business experience, though busi ness experience not absolutely necessary. 5,580, Outlook.

WANTED-Two active, educated men be tween 30 and 60 years of age for special work. Address Dodd, Mead & Co., Inc., 449 Fourth Ave., New York City.

Companions and Domestic Helpers CAFETERIA managers, dietitians, ma trons, housekeepers, secretaries, governesses, mothers' helpers, Miss Richards, 49 Westminster St., Providence. Boston, Thursdays, 11 to 1-16 Jackson Hall, Trinity Court.

WANTED-Young woman of refinement a mother's helper in small family. Address Mrs. Woodbury, 93 Groton St., Forest Hills Gardens, L. I.

Teachers and Governesses WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools and colleges. Send for bulletin. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N. Y.

WANTED-Young man with experience as companion and tutor for boy fifteen years old. Will want the right kind of man for some time to come. Reference exchanged. Charles H. Wilson, Pittsfield, Mass.

TEACHERS desiring school or college positions apply International Musical and Educational Agency, Carnegie Hall, N. Y.

CALIFORNIA needs teachers with gradu ate study. Consult Boynton-Esterly Teachers' Agency, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cal.


Business Situations WOMAN of 31 desirous of obtaining knowl ducted preferably by a woman. Strong. Ref. erences. 5,590, Outlook.

Asheville, N.C. Florida Grape Fruit and Orange Grove edge of farming wishes place on farm con

in "The Land of the Sky"
A perfectly charming English Inn. South-
ern hospitality, homelike informality,
perfect service, concentrated comfort-
in an atmosphere of refinement and taste.
Perfect Golf in a Perfect Climate
All Other Sports in Perfection.
Open the year round.

Write for Booklet "0." Make Reservation.


[blocks in formation]

In America - - An English Inn Money-Making Farms 15 State, up

[blocks in formation]

Sanford Hall, est. 1841
Private Hospital
For Mental and Nervous Diseases
Comfortable, homelike surround-
ings; modern methods of treatment;
competent nurses. 15 acres of lawn,
park, flower and vegetable gardens.
Food the best. Write for booklet.
Sanford Hall Flushing New York
Tuberculous Patients

receive best of board and care at

Liberty, N. Y. Rates $18.00 up. Booklet.

HE BETHESDA, White Plains, N. Y. A sani-
Ttarium for convalescence, treatment and
rest. Large, sunny rooms. Graduate nurses.
Address for terms, Alice Gates Bugbee, M.D.

an acre

stock, tools, and crops often included to settle
quickly. Write for Big Illustrated Catalogue.
Strout Farm Agency, Dept. 2,716, New York.

[blocks in formation]



High class hunting dogs, also farm and watch dogs and pups. A specialty of all breeds. Pigeons, Ferrets, Rabbits, Guinea Pigs, Hogs. Stamp for circular and reply.

CHAS. RIDGELY, Canton, Ohio.
WONDERFUL chance to get men's shirts,
furnishings, and clothing at wholesale rates,
or make $10 a day as agent or start a real
mail order business. Write Goodell & Co.,
Room 147, Duratex Bldg., New York.

DOMESTIC SCIENCE, home study, good
position. American School Home Economics,


discriminating talking machine owners. It's

SEND for free orange wood soft needle for a winner. Wm. H. Case, Bayview, Florida.

HELP WANTED Business Situations FACTORY representatives wanted, either men or women, to represent us in unoccupied territory selling our Seedena silk hosiery and underwear direct to wearer. Easy to sell, dignified employment, satisfactory compensation. Many of our people are making $50 per week average. The C. & D. Company, Dept. 15, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

REFINED, educated young woman wishes position as resident secretary or secretary to social secretarial work for morning only. 5,594, Outlook.

·Companions and Domestic Helpers POSITION as seamstress with family or institution. 5,573, Outlook.

HOUSEKEEPER.-Woman of education and refinement, thoroughly competent, de sires position in family where servants are kept. Mrs. Bell, 124 West 82d St., New York. MANAGING housekeeper, three years' ex perience. References. 5,588, Outlook. EDUCATED woman of unusual executive

ability desires management of private home. 5,589, Outlook.

EDUCATED young woman desires position as companion or governess. References. 5,591, Outlook.

REFINED, educated woman of good family, who has had experience as companion secretary, desires similar, or any, position of trust in home; can furnish excellent New York City references, and from last om ployers, as to character, disposition, health and ability. Engagement preferred in New York or vicinity. 5,595, Outlook.

POSITION wanted by middle-aged Protes tant in St. Louis, Mo., as nurse, mother's helper: capable as companion. References. 5,596, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses ART curator or superintendent, by middleaged woman of long experience. 5,569, Outlook. GRADUATE teacher of backward children wants position as resident tutor for backward child. New York University, Vineland Training School; speech-correction, stuttering, stammering. Experience nursing. Massage, corrective gymnastics, manual training, kindergarten. Entire training. Highly recom mended by leading nerve specialists. 5,592, Outlook.


THE Red Cross needs nurses. The Cooley Dickinson Hospital, Northampton, Mass., can train you. Send for information. A small hospital, excellently managed. Corps of ex perienced graduate nurses direct training school. University extension work for our school in Smith College Laboratory. WANTED-Defective persons to board. Address W., Pawling, N. Y.

M. W. Wightman & Co. Shopping Agency. established 1895. No charge: prompt delivery. 44 West 22d St., New York.

MAR 25 918

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you finish reading this magazine. place a one-cent stamp on this notice. hand same to any postal employee. and it will be placed in the hands of our soldiers or sailors at the front. NO WRAPPING NO ADDRESS BURLAHON. Postmaster Gener!.

A. S.

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