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and so protect those institutions in which we are seeking to embody and express our ideals!

And even between one-language nations has the confusion of tongues been lessened. In France, for example, German has for years been included in the curriculum of every lycée and college, and, so far as I could learn, the war has made no change. In the scheme of secondary studies decreed by the national authorities the following are among the texts assigned or suggested : Freytag, Sudermann, Goethe, Schiller, Heine, Novalis, Auerbach, and many others; extracts from Mommsen, Treitschke, Kant, Nietzsche, Fichte, Hegel, and others, and ballads and songs of Bürger. And I infer from what I have read that Shakespeare, Rodin, and Dante have not been interned in Germany, though it is intimated that they are allowed their freedom on the ground that they are looked upon as of German genius.

Certainly we must intern those whose speech would poison our children's minds; we must keep them from our schools as we would keep bomb carriers from our docks. But we must not treat every man who has ever had the German language in his throat as the Gileadites treated the Ephraimites, slaying every man at the fords of the river Jordan who could not frame his lips to pronounce correctly the word "Shibboleth," but said "Sibboleth." We must keep in our association those who have spoken for human freedom, for the beautifying and ennobling of the human soul, even though they have spoken in the language of those who have in our day sung the "Hymn of Hate."

But it is not the confusion of tongues that is now dividing the earth. It is not a matter of vocabulary, of grammar, of syntax. The great Division physically marked by the red and still-bleeding gash in the earth across Europe is a division of purpose, of ideals, a confusion as to what makes right, as to what one generation should teach the next.

What lay back of the ancient confusion of tongues we do not know. It seemed to come suddenly. The bearers of brick and slime and the layers of brick could not understand one another, and the work stopped as if á strike had been declared. And so this new Division seemingly came in a night, but it was, as we know, long in preparation, for it had its beginnings back in the teaching of philosophers and schoolmasters, and in the sinister and selfish dreaming of emperors.

Meanwhile, the little "Pelegs" all over the world, those glorytrailing ones whose heads the light is still enhaloing, are asking, some in mute exhaustion, some in cries of pain when spitted upon bayonets or pierced by cold or torn by hunger, some in tears over the loss of father or brothers, some in stark death, and all in accusing wonderment are asking why they were brought into such a world of division: a planet of promised peace now become a planet that in its orbit gives off a stench of human blood in the universe, that is a sphere of pain flying through the night, a holocaust of hate smoking by day.

They cry in myriad tongues of confusion- starving Armenians and Serbians, joyless mechanized Germans, enslaved and nationless Belgians, exiled and fatherless French, munitionstained and factory-paled English. Till now we have heard our own children's laughter ringing above the woe of all the world slaughter:-above the groans of the wounded; the sobs of those who have lost their husbands, brothers, or sons; the thunder of the guns; and even these cries of the Old World children. But even these, our children, now turn to us, who have in the past talked of a free land and a civilized world, with their questioning. What shall we say to them? For what we say to them is our answer to our best selves and our answer to God and humanity. Why is our earth divided?


Our answer will be: “ Children, here in America, where men and women of all tongues have come to speak again one tongue, our fathers established what we call a free government, under which it was desired that all men should be not only free but of equal opportunity, so far as that could be given, a government under which every man might have his fair chance.

But over on the other side of the water, yet so near that the people could hear what was whispered here, there lived a nation whose leaders said, as did those of old on the Plain of Shinar who were divided: Come, let us make a name? And like that ancient people who in their building had brick for stone and slime for mortar, they thought to build a structure that should command the earth and reach the sky, using brick

of their own synthetic making and philosophic reasoning instead of God's eternal stone of right, and slime-the slime of hatred and stealth and misrepresentation-to hold these bricks together.


They broke their pledges to the weak; they laughed at the strong; they drowned the innocent in the sea; they butchered the innocent on land; they stained the air with murderous craft; they choked men with gas; they burned them with liquid fire; they poisoned wells and devastated whole villages, and did every savage thing that science could think of; they menaced that civilization which men have been trying since Christ's time to develop. Like Cain, they killed Abel because the fruits of his culture in .the sun, beneath a sky wide enough for both, seemed more acceptable than theirs.

"But, children, despite all this, we do not send forth our soldiers to fight in hate of men, but in hate of things. It is to do for you what our fathers did for us. We are fighting under a legend to make the world safe for democracy, but down in the bottom of our hearts we are fighting to make the world safe for you and all children ever of other tongues. We have brought you into this earth and we are going to make it as happy and as bright a place for you to live in as our sacrifice and our strength can make it.

"The stench which the earth gives off is but the burnt offer ing of this sacrifice; the hell through which we pass is but the way to make a heaven here for you; the holocaust is but the leaping flame that will purge the earth of rule by materialistic and militaristic might."

Hecuba's despair as she saw the child Astyanax borne to burial on Hector's shield is not ours-Hecuba, who saw only "eternal hate," who cried, " Vain, vain is blood upon the altars," and reconciled herself to fate in thinking that had these woes not been, "we had not been this splendor and our wrong an everlasting music for the sons of earth and heaven." For our Astyanax still lives, and is our hope in all this tragedy which the world is rewriting as it wrote two thousand years and more ago in the play of Euripides.

But what are the children of Eber in this land to do now that they are here? They must have their part in the redemption too. First, they must be disciplined in the schools of democracy by a more thorough education to occupy this world of purified spirit. Second, they must not forget to play, with it all. The earth will have need of their stronger bodies as well as their keener minds and braver spirits.

Third, they must know the nobility of labor and each must be prepared to give some service useful to the Nation which makes his freedom possible.

Fourth, they must save as they can to give more of what they have to these same defenders of the land which we are to leave

all to them.

Fifth, they must learn to give of their skill and sympathy and earning to that for which the Red Cross stands as symbol, the great world organization through which we rise to universal human sympathy and find citizenship in the Democracy of Mercy.

Sixth, they must come to love what America stands for, that they may in their day realize in peace what we have had in ours to fight for.

Seventh, they should come into correspondence with children in other parts of the world of democracy.

So even the ancient confusion of tongues will be forgotten, and they who are to-day " Pelegians" will have memories only of these days when the earth is divided.

Eber had another son, Joktan, the Small, born later; but Joktan's progeny disappeared in the hills off toward the east, while that of Peleg has given us the prophet, the lawgiver, the psalmist, and the divinest of all the world's teachers—the Great


And they who are to-day as Peleg in this land of ours chil dren in a world divided-will be the mightiest generation in potency the world has ever known, for in their day must the world be reunited, rehabilitated, rebuilt, rededicated to the thing we are ready to die for, the thing we want them to live for that they may be free, fine, glorious, righteous creatures of God in the earth.

And we are Peleg's father and teacher!



RS. CHARLOTTE KELLOGG, the only woman. member of the Commission of Belgian Relief, has written a book upon the "Women of Belgium" which should command widespread interest, both for its subject-matter, which is of compelling interest in these days when the whole world's heart is throbbing with sympathy for the Belgians, and because it is well done.

When Mr. Hoover was appointed head of this Commission, he asked Professor Vernon Kellogg, of Stanford University, to assist him. Mrs. Kellogg accompanied her husband to Belgium, and was of so much assistance that she was appointed a member of the Commission. She was greatly impressed with what the Belgian women were doing, with their wonderful self-sacrifice, with their devoted patriotism, and with their resourcefulness in devising ways of relief. This was so little known by the outside world that Mrs. Kellogg, at the request of Mr. Hoover, set herself to the task of telling the world about Belgian women. This she has done in a book of intense interest in intimate vivid pictures of the women in various forms of relief which they have originated and have carried on for more than three long tragic years.

The first chapter in the book is appropriately devoted to "The Leaders," who are naturally Queen Elizabeth, "the leader typifying the highest ideal of their service and actual comrade in sorrow ;" and her friend and representative, Marie de Page, who, after working in her husband's base hospital at La Panue, came to this country to solicit aid for her countrymen, and, hastening home to see her second son, a lad of seventeen, before he joined his brother in the trenches, went down in the Lusitania on her journey.

It was no mean task which was set before the men and women of Belgium to see to the feeding of 3,000,000 destitute people. It was no ordinary demand that was laid upon the city of Brussels to keep 200,000--one-fifth of its entire population on the soupes, not for a month or two, but for more than three years. To meet this extraordinary emergency a huge kitchen was put in charge of a pre-war maître d'hotel. Ninety-five cooks and assistants from the best restaurants pride themselves on their skill and ingenuity in meeting the orders of the physicians and concocting something which shall be appetizing from the scant resources at their command. The results of their efforts are sent out in ten great trucks to the soupes all over the city, where the needy of the neighborhood are served by the women. In the long line are people from every rank and condition— the tall, distinguished-looking old man about whom little was known except that he was in want, the hunchback just out of hospital, the pretty girl from high school, railway employees, artists, men and women old and young, all bearing the mark of war. Every day they must come for the pint of soup and the piece of bread. A long, long line which permitted no delay, lest others equally suffering be kept waiting.

One day a woman offered her services to the seasoned workers. They said they would gratefully accept if after going home she would fill 1r bath-tub with water and ladle it out until it was empty-ari repeat this for three days, until finally she could endure the labor and not retard the line!

waste. 66

Another form of relief is the crèche. Mrs. Kellogg gives a touching description of one she visited in Dinant, formerly one of the gay pleasure-spots of Belgium, now scarred and laid Before the tragedy of her ruins one felt exactly as if a happy child had been crushed or mutilated." On her way to the crèche she passed a cemetery where many of the six hundred shot in August, 1914, are buried. Suddenly, while still in the devastated section, she heard the merry laughter of children, and soon came to a temporary building in front of which were a series of walled-in pens where fifty-two babies under four years of age were playing. With the true Belgian taste which must put a touch of decoration on the most humble surroundings, the builders had set up a row of poles carrying gayly painted cuckoos, cats, and lions. Inside a large airy room were long rows of cradles, where the babies take their daily naps.

Women of Belgium. By Charlotte Kellogg. The Funk & Wagnalls Company,

New York. $1.


They are children whose fathers are dead. Their mothers leave them at seven in the morning on their way to work, and call for them at seven in the evening. A physician inspects them and prescribes their food. It is a redeeming feature of the terrible condition that, at least, the care of the children is scientific and thoroughly studied, and as well carried out as the circumstances will permit. There are nineteen hundred of these shelters or crèches in Belgium.

The problem of employment for the hundreds of thousands thrown out of their usual situation is extremely difficult. For these workrooms are opened in great music halls, hippodromes, etc. In some of these work is cut out and prepared to be given out in little bundles to be sewed by mothers in their own homes; a bundle in two weeks if there is but one child, every week if there are more. In one city the very poor are invited to bring their clothing to be repaired for them by those who need work.

Employment, too, must be provided for the disabled soldiers. In two instances profitable industries have been established through the ingenuity and skill of women, one of them an artist, who were suddenly left to provide for their own children and those of relatives. Really beautiful toys have been devised, made from the cheapest and most common materials-toys which would find a ready market were the way open for them to come to America.

"The Drop of Milk" is a provision for expectant or young mothers without means, where they may receive a proper dinner each day, giving for it some light service. About seven thousand mothers are receiving such help and six thousand more come for advice.

Space will not permit telling of the many intimate little incidents which lend charm to the book and bring us close to the heart of the Belgians, nor quoting the sometimes amusing illustrations of the resourcefulness and popularity of the Americans who went in to help; but I cannot pass unnoticed the story of Cardinal Mercier's Mass on the Belgian Independence Day, July 24, 1916. It is a pity to abbreviate it by a word:


"All Brussels knew that the Cardinal was coming to celebrate High Mass in St. Gudule's at eleven o'clock. At 9:30 practically every foot of standing room in the vast Cathedral was taken. In the dimness a great sea of people waited patiently, silently. "Finally-I could watch the face of the Cardinal-a face at once keen and tender, strong, fearless, and devout, one could read it all there. He was tall, thin, dominating, a heroic figure in his gorgeous scarlet vestments, officiating at the altar of this beautiful Gothic cathedral.

"The Cardinal mounted the pulpit at the farther end of the nave to deliver his message, the same message he has been preaching for two years they must hold themselves courageous, unconquered, with steadfast faith in God and in their final liberation. Tears were in the eyes of many, but there was no crying out.

"From the pulpit he came back to the catafalque erected for the Belgian soldiers dead in battle. The dim light of the Cathedral, the sea of silent people, the memorial coffin under the flag and lighted by tall candles, the circle of those chosen to represent the city, the sad-faced Cardinal-was it strange that as his voice ceased and he moved slowly toward the sacristy door by which he was to depart, the overwhelming tide of emotion swept away barriers, and Vive le Roi! Vive Monseigneur! echoed once more from these ancient walls? We held our breath. Men were pressing by me whispering, What shall we do? We have necessity to cry out-after two years we must cry out!'"

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The people had seen the Cardinal, they had received their spiritual secours he had brought heavenly comforts to their hearts, put new iron in their blood. They had dared to cry just once their loyalty to him and to their King, and they laughed at the one million marks which was their fine.

It is a book which the women of America should know from cover to cover, and for which they should show appreciation to the American woman who represented them as long as the Commission was allowed to remain in "brave little Belgium."





Based on The Outlook of January 23, 1918

Each week an Outline Study of Current History based on the preceding number of The Outlook will be printed for the benefit of current events classes, debating clubs, teachers of history and of English, and the like, and for use in the home and by such individual readers as may desire suggestions in the serious study of current history.-THE EDITORS.

[Those who are using the weekly outline should not attempt to cover the whole of an outline in any one lesson or study. Assign for one lesson selected questions, one or two propositions for discussion, and only such words as are found in the material assigned. Or distribute selected questions among different members of the class or group and have them report their findings to all when assembled. Then have all discuss the questions together.]


A. Topic: Peace Parleys; German-Russian Peace; The President and Peace. Reference: Pages 128; 133, 134; 136, 137. Questions:

1. What has The Outlook said about the

German-Bolshevik peace parleys (page 128)? 2. What do you gather the attitude of The Outlook toward the Bolsheviki is? What is your opinion of them? President Wilson's? 3. For what reasons are Trotsky and von Kühlmann not willing to break off peace negotiations? 4. Characterize the Government, the army, the nation, and the people for which each of these men is speaking. Characterize also Trotsky and von Kühlmann. 5. Do you think the Bolsheviki are doing as much on the eastern front to overcome Germany as the Allies on the western front? Can the German morale survive this double attack, the one being political, the other military? Discuss this question at length. 6. What grave dangers does Mr. Colcord see in a GermanRussian peace (pages 133, 134)? 7. What is Mr. Colcord's "suggested propaganda"? How does he think it could be carried out? What do you think of his suggestions? 8. What different purposes have various critics seen in President Wilson's Peace Message of January 8, 1918 (pages 136, 137)? 9. Select and discuss ten or twelve of the opinions on this Message as found in "A Poll of Opinions." 10. Some of the very best books to read on this topic are: "The Bolsheviki and World Peace," by Leon Trotzky (Boni & Liveright); "The United States and Pan-Germania," by André Cheradame (Scribners); "The Crime," by the author of "I Accuse" (Doran). B. Topic: Our Part in a New World. Reference: Editorial, pages 129, 130. Questions:

among the nations if the world is to be made safe for democracy? 9. What will be the status of individual liberty and national sovereignty if there is to be a United States of the World? 10. For your study of this topic read: "American World Politics," by W. E. Weyl (Macmillan); "PanAmericanism," by R. G. Usher (Century); "The North American Ideal," by J. A. Macdonald (Revell); "America Among the Nations," by H. H. Powers (Macmil lan); "America and the New Epoch," by C. P. Steinmetz (Harpers); "The Foreign and West (Macmillan); " Political Ideals," Policy of Woodrow Wilson," by Robinson by B. Russell (Century).


Topic: Speed Up the War; Not for Ed-
itors Only; Two Letters.
Reference: Pages 126; editorial, 130, 131;
editorial, 134, 135.

(Why not make this topic the basis of a study in the formation of public opinion and of the function of criticism?) 1. Discuss the civic duty of pointing out the shortcomings of our Government and of our democracy. 2. Do you think that what Mr. Roosevelt is doing is or is not a public service? Be definite, giving several reasons. 3. The Outlook says: "In peace times there are three separate types of journals which fill three separate and legitimate wants." What are they? How characterized by The Outlook? 4. Of which type is The Outlook in peace times? In war times? Is it a pioneer? Prove your answer. 5. Should all journals be independent in time of war? Reasons. 6. Mr. Kinnick seems to think that a journal ought never to change its opinion on a public question (pages 134, 135). Do or do you not agree with him? Reasons. 7. How does Dr. Abbott answer Mr. Kinnick's questions? Do you think the answer a good one? Why or why not? 8. What is the function of criticism? Upon what should it be founded? 9. What is public opinion? How formed? How known? Discuss personal responsibility for it.

III-PROPOSITIONS FOR DISCUSSION (These propositions are suggested directly or indirectly by the subject-matter of The Outlook, but not discussed in it.)

1. America has just started upon its career. 2. Great Britain is better administered than the United States. 3. Public discussion is a civic duty.


(All of the following words and expressions are found in The Outlook for January 23, 1918. Both before and after looking them up in the dictionary or elsewhere, give their meaning in your own words. The figures in parentheses refer to pages on which the words may be found.)

1. Make this editorial the basis of a very serious and prolonged study of "the Parliament of Man, the Federation of the World," and America's relation to and place in it. 2. According to this editorial, what is the present war doing for America? 3. For what reasons does The Outlook characterize the report given at the meeting of the New York Bar Association as one of "National significance"? 4. Discuss the advantages of a league of nations after this war. What nations, in your opinion, ought to be members of such a league? 5. What are the obstacles in the way of the federation of the world? Can they be overcome so as to permit of a permanent international union? 6. The Outlook believes this war has done much to create a will for such a union. Why? Can you add other reasons? 7. What, in your opinion, should America's future foreign policy be? 8. What part ought and must she play A booklet suggesting methods of using the Weekly Outline of Current History will be sent on application

Self-determination of peoples, uncivilized peoples (128), werwolf (133), pourparlers, insidious, propaganda (134), pronouncement, Yiddish, bourse, reactionary papers, fanfare (136); transmute, citizenry, portend, international law (130); criticism, immunity (126), perorations, lesion (131), actuate, editorial, conservatism, severally, political corruption (135).

[blocks in formation]

year the Financial Editor of The Outlook has helped hundreds

of Outlook read.

ers to solve intelligently their particular investment problems. Perhaps you are contemplating a shifting of your present holdings or have

fresh funds to in

vest. In either

case we shall be
glad to give you
specific informa-
tion on any se-
curities in which

you may be inter-
ested. This serv-
ice is entirely
free to Outlook

The Outlook Financial Department

Why Franklin Cars Are Selling And Why They Will Continue To Sell

[blocks in formation]

The service car-the car of practical utility-has nothing to fear from these exacting times. The nature of demand has changed but demand goes on.

Buyers want economy. The car that meets conditions is not suffering for buyers.

The economical utility car will "carry on as long as the country carries on-men must get about.

Unthinking people who refer to every passenger automobile as a pleasure car do not speak of the "pleasure elevator or the "pleasure trolley.”

When the utility car stops, the country will stop. We cannot go back to old methods. Feed is high and there are not enough horses.

efficient as the Franklin, a gallon of gasoline would deliver more than the typical average of six to eleven miles. It would go twenty or more miles, as Franklin owners daily make a gallon go.

It is also certain that if all cars were as efficient as the Franklin, a set of tires would do considerably better than 6,000 or 7,000 miles. The national mileage of Franklin owners, over a five year period and compiled from owners' own reports, shows 10,203 miles to the set.

For every fine motor car to be as efficient as the Franklin, every fine motor car would have to be scientifically constructeda scientific light weight car.

Trend Toward Franklin Cars Since Increased Costs of Gasoline and Tires

To get Franklin efficiency, means doing away with the gasoline-consuming Water Cooling In Every Thrift and Efficiency System and adopting DIRECT

Test Held the Franklin

Established a Record Perhaps because the automobile is a comparatively new invention, is the reason why no universal standard of mileage for either gasoline or tires has been adopted by all cars. Or perhaps it is figured that motorists are not interested in low operating

and maintenance costs.

It remains a fact, however, that if all fine cars

were as


This means the elimination of the 177 complicated parts parts of plumbing that hold waterthen as in the Franklin, there would be nothing to freeze in Winter; and in Summer there

would be nothing to overheat. And the expense that follows these annoyances, these annoyances, of course, would be avoided.

Το get Franklin tire mileage and Franklin long-life, every

fine motor car would have to adopt Franklin flexible construction; its light unsprung weight; its full elliptic springs-the basic Franklin principles that mimimize friction and drag, and do away with excessive and unthe necessary hammering on tires.

The used car problem too would be solved. All a motorist has to do to ascertain the relative long life of fine motor cars is to study used car advertising and the prices quoted. It tells the motorist, if he is alert, what to avoid when considering the purchase of a new car.

Construction of Motor Cars Shows Motorists Whether Economy Is Possible

Whenever a motorist wonders why he is unable to join in the conservation of the nation's gasoline and rubber

Whenever he feels that his operating and maintenance costs are double those of his friend, the Franklin owner

He need only to examine the construction of his car.

Then know the facts about the Franklin Basic Principles of Scientific-Light-Weight Con


These principles and the 1,000 pounds difference in weight in favor of the Light Weight Franklin are very likely to make him a Franklin Ownerimmediately.




This Department will include descriptive notes, with or without brief comments, about books received by The Outlook. Many of the important books will have more extended and critical treatment later


Letters of John Holmes to James Russell Lowell and Others. Edited by William Roscoe Thayer. Introduction by Alice M. Longfellow. Illustrated. Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. $2.50.

John Holmes was the brother of Oliver Wendell Holmes. His letters are entertaining, and they give the atmosphere of Cambridge during the half-century between 1846 and 1897. They are published under the auspices of the Cambridge Historical Society, which has rendered a good service to local history in collecting and preserving them.

Life and Art of William Merritt Chase

(The). By Katherine Metcalf Roof. With Letters, Personal Reminiscences, and Illustrative Material. Introduction by Alice Gerson Chase. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. $4. As they take up this volume the friends of Chase will be glad to find the text simple and straightforward. Though clogged with unimportant and unnecessary detail, the text will be read with interest for the sake of the pictures of the painter's early struggles and later achievements. Some of the anecdotes relative to Chase's experiences with Whistler are delicious. On the professional side, we are doubtless still too near Chase the man to judge accurately of his definite place in art, no matter how high we may rank him. It is a reassurance, nevertheless, to have so early and so intelligent an appreciation of what his art really means.

HISTORY, POLITICAL ECONOMY, AND POLITICS Americanization. Compiled and Edited by Winthrop Talbot, A.B., M.D. (The Handbook Series.) The H. W. Wilson Company, New York. $1.50.

Contains brief articles on the principles of Americanism and of Americanization by the statesmen of our early days and by well-known authorities of the present time. A useful book for any one interested in the problem of making a good, clean amalgam out of the heterogeneous contents of our racial melting-pot.

Irish Issue in Its American Aspect (The). By Shane Leslie. Charles Scribner's Sons, New York. $1.25.

A series of not very clearly connected essays on the perplexed and complicated Irish question.


has the Croup!

That's a cough with a croupy rattle, so hurry for the Musterole and rub it in right over the chest and neck. How it will tingle at first and then grow ever so cool. And how it will reach in and penetrate right to the spot! It will dissipate all that stuffy congestion that causes that hacking cough.

Why shouldn't grandmother swear by Musterole for colds and coughs? It is better than a mustard plaster -good as that was in the old days. And the explanation is this:

Musterole is made of oil of mustard and other home simples. It penetrates under the skin, down to the part. Here it generates its own heat, and this heat disperses the congestion. Yet Musterole will not blister. Musterole, on the contrary, feels delightfully cool a few seconds after you apply it.

Try Musterole for Bobby and Helen and Dorothy's croup-and for your own cough, too. Try it for rheumatism-it's a regular router out of all congestions. Always keep a jar handy.

[blocks in formation]


One of the great fortunes made during the war is being used generously for public purposes. "Starting with a small capital in 1915," says "Shipping," "Mr. Christoffer Hannevig has amassed a fortune which makes him one of Norway's richest men." He has placed one million kroner (about $250,000) at the disposal of one of Norway's sculptors, Gustav Vigeland, to enable him to complete a great fountain which is to be presented to the city of Christiania, and is also to build an opera-house for the city at a cost of nearly two million dollars.

A popular opera singer in these days can afford to give largess like a prince. Caruso, according to the "Dramatic Mirror," distributed two hundred five-dollar bills to the chorus and orchestra of the Metropolitan Opera-House in New York City at Christmas.

Each year of the war, the New York "Tribune" points out, has produced some new instrument of destruction. For example, in 1914 came the 42-centimeter gun which pulverized fortifications that were supposed to be impregnable; in 1915, the use of poison gas as a weapon of attack in 1916, the " tank;" in 1917, the depth bomb which has limited the menace of the submarine. In 1918-what?

It costs an average of $1.50 a minute for the one hundred or two hundred hours of flying which an aviator must have before he can be regarded as a crack military pilot. So states an article in "Flying." Thus the training of each of the thousands of American soldiers now being taught to fly, at $90 an hour, will cost from $9,000 to $18,000.

"Qui, madame is ill," said the French maid, as reported by the Boston "Transcript," "but ze doctaire haf pronounce it something very trifling, very small." Friend-"Oh, I am so relieved, for I was really anxious about her. What does the doctor say the trouble is?" "Let me think. It was something leetle. Ah, I haf it now. Ze doctaire say madame has ze smallpox."

Chauncey M. Depew is reported to be still actively employed at the offices of the New York Central Railway, notwithstanding his eighty-three years. Here are a few of his rules for health: "Get up early; no matter how late you go to bed, arise at a set time. Keep a serene mind, especially at meal-time. Shun tobacco and liquors. Find some interest outside of your business and

of essays or editorials previously published Important to Subscribers thus cultivate happiness and ease of mind:"

and will be instructive and interesting only to those who have some detailed knowledge concerning the various tendencies of the Irish issue:


Inspirations and Ideals. Thoughts for Every Day. By Grenville Kleiser. The Funk & Wagnalls Company, New York. $1.

A of counsel for every day in the page year. They are not selections; all are the contributions of the author. They are compact, practical, and cover a wide range, from the wisdom of drinking plenty of water to the inspiration of having a definite aim in life and adhering to it.


Crusader of France (A). The Letters of Captain Ferdinand Belmont, of the Chasseurs Alpins. Translated from the French by G. Frederic Lees. Foreword by Henry Bordeaux. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. $1.50. Captain Belmont's letters combine vivid description with a quality of philosophic reflection altogether rare in a soldier's records of his daily life.

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"The Office Worker," Vol. I, No. 1, has been published. It is the organ of the Bookkeepers, Stenographers, and Accountants' Union of New York City. These office workers are learning the necessity of organization to improve standards and conditions in their occupations. The "Office Worker" states that the union has been successful in many instances in reducing hours of labor and improving working conditions, as well as in acting as an employment bureau for its members.

A picture of William H. Hardy was published in The Outlook of January with the statement," Mr. Hardy is believed to be the only living member of Commodore Perry's expedition to Japan in 1853." Rear-Admiral Oscar F. Stanton (Retired). we learn, is another surviving member of that famous expedition. "From time to time," writes Admiral Stanton, "we read of the death of a member of that expedition as the last survivor; I personally know at present only one other-Mr. William

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