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The PRESIDENT meant You

when he said:

"The position of America in the war is so clearly
avowed that no man can be excused for mistaking it.”

THE OUTLOOK is prepared to place in the
hands of every loyal American a beautifully
printed collection of the President's most strik-
ing utterances. An example
An example of typographical
elegance, this handsome brochure, size 9x124,
is printed on heavy Alexandra Japan paper
deckle edges. Its headings and decorations are
little masterpieces, and it contains a strikingly
life-like portrait of the Chief Executive, repro-
duced from an etching by Frederick Reynolds,
suitable for framing. It comprises the finest por-
tions of Mr. Wilson's addresses and is entitled-

"The President to the People"

ΤΗ HE work is not only of vital, timely interest, but well worthy of being preserved for your grandchildren. It contains extracts from the most important public utterances of President Wilson from the momentous day when he addressed a joint session of Congress on April 2, 1917, and urged American acceptance of the challenge of Imperialism, down to and including his address to Congress on January 8, 1918, in which he defined the terms which this Government would be willing to consider as a basis for peace. Among these extracts are—

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Apropos of the recent observance of Washington's Birthday, a subscriber writes: "My grandmother, Margaret Hill Hilles. retained her keen memory of early events for practically all of her ninety-six years, and she could clearly tell her great-grandchildren of her meeting President Washington in Philadelphia. She was then a lass but six years old. She was sitting on the front steps of her grandmother Morris's house (on the south side of Walnut, just above Fourth Street) with her little cousin Martha Morris, two years younger. Washington, then President, came down the street with his staff and stopped in front of the two children. Addressing the older, he said, "Well, my little lassie, how is your grandmother to-day? And what makes your cheeks so red?" Answering the last question first, the little girl smiled and said, brightly, "Mush and milk, sir." The President shook hands with her and took her cousin in his arms and kissed her; then said to Margaret, "Give my love to your grandmother." Mrs. Hilles was a member of the Society of Friends. She survived until the year 1882.

The buffalo bull that tried to stop the first transcontinental train might turn in his grave and laugh at this item from the "Railway Age:""At a highway crossing in West Peabody, Massachusetts, a local passenger train was thrown off the track by an automobile freight truck, the locomotive being overturned." Thus the industrial "tank" proved its superiority in bucking power to the locomotive. The railway and the automobile owners in this case brought suits against each other for damages. The railway won; it has just secured a verdict against the truck owners.

A photographic invention developed since the war may possibly prove of use in sending photographs by carrier pigeon or for other purposes where extreme lightness is desired. It consists of a Japan tissue paper coated with a rapid emulsion for making enlargements. Heretofore, as explained in an article in the "Scientific American," the use of such paper has not been practicable owing to the durability of the fiber being affected by the chemicals used. In the new process, however, the paper remains so tough that the photograph "may be wet and crumpled like a wash-rag and yet restored to perfect condition." For storing the enormous number of photographic war records which are being made the new process may prove valuable.

The hobo wood-chopper or wood-sawyer has disappeared, according to the Brooklyn "Eagle," with the advent of good times and work for all. "He has been pronounced as extinct," says the "Eagle," as the oog bird, the dinosaur, and the Irish elk. Even the hybrid species that deserted his job, leaving on the wood-pile the legend,

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By the Way (Continued)


the veritable lodgings army to occupy of St. Peter would seem to bring it as near to early Christianity as we in America are brought to our Revolution by the houses "where Washington slept." Unfortunately, the authorities that Simon the Tanner's say house long ago disappeared, and that even its site is in dispute.

The new 66 conductorettes" of the New York City street cars have their troubles. For one thing, ungallant boys try to "steal rices." In one such case, while the car was passing through a section not far from "Hell's Kitchen," several good-sized hoodlums treated the woman conductor's efforts to push them off the car merely as a joke. Not till an elderly gentleman armed with a cane went to the conductorette's assistance did the young ruffians retreat. The Boy Scout movement might help, if it could get a lodgment in that region.

The New York "Evening Post" has an enviable reputation for correct typography. Its huge Saturday edition, however, necessitates "rush" work, which probably accounts for two peculiarities in a recent issue. A headline reads:



The final L "wouldn't come in," and the compositor calmly left it out rather than get the word changed. On page 13 a headfine reads "More New Colonels," etc., with the explanation, "Continued from Last Page" (page 14). To have to turn to a preceding page for the continuation of an article is certainly confusing.

Answering the question, "What do you know about Marseilles?" an English schoolboy wrote, as reported in the London "Morning Post:" "It is the place where pianos stop." The instructor had informed the class that Marseilles was the stopping-place of the Peninsular and Oriental Steamship Line, commonly known as the " P. and O."

The price of a loaf of bread has so greatly increased that in some places in. New York City the loaf is cut into pieces and sold by the pound. A huge loaf of solid rye bread, displayed in an East Side shop, was made the subject of inquiry by a prospective purchaser. "How much is that loaf?" was asked. "The whole loaf?" "Yes." "Vell, it is eight cents a pound. I weigh him. So! it weigh seven pounds. Just fifty-six cent. You don't want the whole loaf? Vell, I cut him and gif you one pound or two pound."

The Red Cross wishes to make it known, as widely as possible, that the report that used postage stamps have any value through the extraction of the dyes contained in them is absolutely false. This false report has already resulted in the receipt by the PostOffice Department of many stamps collected by misguided patriots who sought thus to do something to help win the war. Electra, the unhappy daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, was the sub


ject of tragedies by Eschylus, Euripides, IS IT FOR SALE OR TO RENT?

and Sophocles. In Miss Anglin's recent performance of the play at Carnegie Hall in New York City she elected to present the version by Sophocles, without realizing that The Outlook, in its review of the performance in its issue of February 20, would speak of her as presenting Euripides' play. We cannot even plead ignorance. Our apologies for the slip are due both to Miss Anglin and to Sophocles-though possibly the magnanimous shade of that playwright might not be displeased at having his work attributed to his great contemporary.

If so, use the next two Special Real Estate Issues of The Outlook, which will appear on March 20 and April 17. An advertisement in these issues will cost but a few dollars and will reach the class of people who will be interested in your property. Write us about your property and we will help you prepare a suitable advertisement. THE OUTLOOK, Department of Classified Advertising



Tours and Travel



Direct, without change, on new American steamships. NEW YORK-VALPARAISO Stopping at principal ports of Peru and Chile. Illustrated folder and information on request.



U. S. & PACIFIC LINE Passenger Department

104 PEARL ST., NEW YORK Telephone Broad 5570.


Evergreen and evercool! Snow-capped mountains, virgin pine forests, national parks, seas, lakes, waterfalls, roads into the heart of it all! And Alaska, the wonderland at our door!This book,beauti

TOURIST BOOK fully illustrated, tells you. FREE Write: 1. M. Howell, Sec. of State, Depf. 0, Olympia, Wash,

Delightful Summer Outing through

the Great West for young people. Conducted by well-known artist and his wife. Reservations made now. Start June 15. For particulars address 7,573, Outlook. Refs. exchanged.

Hotels and Resorts


If You Are Tired or Not Feeling Well you cannot find a more comfortable place in New England than



It affords all the comforts of home without extravagance. Outdoor sports if desired. Good sleighing and skating is now being enjoyed.



ton Square adjoining Judson Memorial Church. Rooms with and without bath. Rates $2.50 per day, including meals. Special rates for two weeks or more. Location very central. Convenient to all elevated and street car lines.

Hotel Le Marquis

31st Street & Fifth Avenue
New York

Combines every convenience and home comfort, and commends itself to people of refinement wishing to live on American Plan and be within easy reach of social and dramatic centers.

Room and bath $3.50 per day with meals, or $2.00 per day without meals. Illustrated request.

Booklet gladly sent upon

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ADIRONDACKS THE CRATER CLUB Of the Burnham Cottage Settlement, Essexon-Lake-Champlain, offers to families of refinement at very moderate rates the attractions of a beautiful lake shore in a locality with a remarkable record for healthfulness. The club affords an excellent plain table and accommodation. The boating is safe, there are attractive walks and drives, and the points of interest in the Adirondacks are easily accessible. Ref. required. For information relative to board and lodging address Miss MARGARET FULLER, Club Mgr., 115 E. 71st St., New York. Furnished cottages without housekeeption. John B. Burnham, 233 B'way, New York.

Hotels and Resorts



Pocono Manor
Winter Inn

Skijoring, tobogganing, skating, etc.
Pocono Summit station Lackawanna R. R.
J. W. HURLEY, Mgr.
(Reference required.)
Make early reservation for week-end parties.

Health Resorts

Dr. Reeves' Sanitarium

A Private Home for chronic, nervous, and mental patients. Also elderly people requiring care. Harriet E. Reeves, M.D., Melrose, Mass.

LINDEN The Ideal Place for Sick People to Get Well Doylestown, Pa. An institution devoted to the personal study and specialized treatment of the invalid. Massage, Electricity, Hydrotherapy. Apply for circular to ROBERT LIPPINCOTT WALTER, M.D. (late of The Walter Sanitarium)


Young woman will share four

room apartment. Modern, attractive, accessible, reasonable. Downtown Brooklyn near Broadway subway. 7,635, Outlook.

Country Board

BOARD and CARE Wanted for Old Lady with cancer and feeble-minded daughter. State price and particulars. 7,631, Outlook.

Real Estate


High class cottages for rent, fully furnished. Best elections now. J. R. Prescott, Newton ville, Mass.


Seashore Cottage Rent for season

6 rooms and bath, fully furnished; hot and cold water. S. W. LITTELL, 138 S. Main St., Rockland, Maine. MASSACHUSETTS

ing cares. Circular and particulars on applica- CAPE Ballston Beach Bungalows


ALL SEASON CAMP Wyoming sunshine for young men, with trapping and horseback riding on a real ranch. Address TRAPPER LODGE Shell, Big Horn County, Wyoming

COD on

by the ocean surf. Choice locaModerate rents season. S. W. BALL, 198 Broadway, N. Y.


For SALE White Mountains. The picturesque Satchell Cottage, Sugar or RENT Hill, N. H. Wm. E. Satchell, OwnFurnished er, 162 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.

[blocks in formation]

RIDGEWOOD, N. J. Harvester Co., B. & O. Ry., business and pro

Price $25,000. Address Owner, 7,615, Outlook.



Herrnhut House


Small summer hotel on a spur of the Shawangunk Mountains. Extended view overlooking Ellenville and Rondout Valley. Twelve acres of land with furnished house accommodating about 40 guests, 7-room cottage and laundry. Episcopal chapel with daily service within five minutes' walk. Moderate price. Address A. KITE, Frankford, Philadelphia, Penna.

FOR SALE Country residence.

Also furnished bungalow. Farm land and orchards with each. Owner, Box 126, Esopus, N. Y.


Why not buy a comfortable and artistic little house in suburb 20 minutes' train ride from New York these days of high rents in the city? 8 Good Sized Rooms and bath, laundry, garret space. Choice location: no trouble with heating and pipes, even this winter. 7,639, Outlook.



One of the best established and most prosperous privately owned military academies in the country is for sale for about the actual value of the real estate it occupies. It had a record attendance in 1916-17 and made a net profit in excess of 25,000 that year. The new year has opened with the largest attendance in its history, at a higher rate than ever before received. Will be sold as a going concern, purchaser assuming contracts with teaching staff, etc.

The School has made its owner independent, and after many years of service he desires to retire. The fullest investigation permitted by any intending purchaser who furnishes satisfactory reference as to financial and executive ability. To the right party a very moderate cash investment is possible with privilege of paying balance from the profits. Principals only. Address

Academy, P. O. Box 1592, Philadelphia, Pa.

A camp in the Pocono Mountains to be SOLD because of death. at FERN RIDGE

Halcyon Camp Monroe Co., Pa.

Conducted successfully by the MISSES MET-
CALF for 14 years. For terms address

fessional men everywhere. Handsome desk stand free. Send no money, but write for 20 day free trial. The Ray Company, 2145 Candler Bldg., New York.


PRIVATE school. A small, well-established girls' boarding and day school. Convenient to New York and Philadelphia. Capacity enrollment this year. Principal desires to retire. Correspondence confidential. T. H. G., P. 0. Box 1,592, Philadelphia, Pa.

OPPORTUNITY to secure directorship of girls' camp in White Mountain foothills. Cli matic, housing equipment, and other conditions exclusively superior. Big opening for right person. Address Dr. J. M. W. Kitchen. East Orange, N. J.

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Business Situations WANTED-Two active, educated men between 30 and 60 years of age for special work. Address Dodd, Mead & Co., Inc., 449 Fourth Ave., New York City.

Companions and Domestic Helpers WANTED-Refined Protestant woman, about 40, good practical cook, to teach cook. ing and have charge of kitchen department in children's home. Must be good disciplinarian. References required. 5,683, Outlook.

TRAINED institution managers, matrons. dietitians supplied. American School of Home Economics, Chicago, Ill.

WANTED-Boys' caretaker, also assistant matron, for children's institution. 5,662 Outlook.

MATRONS, governesses, mothers' helpers, cafeteria managers, dietitians. Miss Richards, 537 Howard Building, Providence. Boston. 16 Jackson Hall, Trinity Court, Thursdays, 11 to 1.

Teachers and Governesses TEACHERS desiring school or college positions apply International Musical and Educational Agency, Carnegie Hall, N. Y.

GOVERNESSES, nurses, housekeepers, dietitians; primary teacher. $100 a month. Other openings. Hopkins' Educational Agency, 507 Fifth Avenue.

WANTED-Competent teachers for public and private schools and colleges. Send for bul letin. Albany Teachers' Agency, Albany, N.Y. CALIFORNIA needs teachers with graduate study. Consult Boynton-Esterly Teachers' Agency, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Cal.


COLLEGE man, experienced chauffeurmechanic, capable child's tutor, summer position. References. 5,681, Outlook. Companions and Domestic Helpers GENTLEWOMAN with well-trained baby girl, 3 years, desires position as housekeeper, mother's helper, office assistant in doctor's home, private sanatorium, or housekeeper in nurses' home. Good home rather than remuneration. 5,682, Outlook.

EXPERIENCED, educated woman, prac tical nurse, desires position as nurse-compan ion after April 30. References. 5,684, Outlook. CAPABLE and educated gentlewoman of unusual executive ability, traveled in Europe, desires management of private home or to travel. Good reader. Highest credentials. 5,686, Outlook.

COMPANION-Refined widow, 43, unencumbered; willing to travel. Salary $35. 5,689, Outlook.

REFINED American nurse-companionhousekeeper, unusually capable, long engagement. 5,691, Outlook.

LADY recommends highly her very com petent companion-housekeeper-nurse. New York or elsewhere. 5,692, Outlook. NURSE, five years on last case. Highest references. 5,693, Outlook.

Teachers and Governesses COLLEGE English position, college graduate, woman, traveled, cultured, experienced, who can make two authors grow in minds where one or none has grown. 5,685, Outlook. HEADMASTER, successful with boys, particularly strong in religious education, desires position of responsibility where personality will count. 5,660, Outlook.


UNITED Hospital Training School for Nurses, registered by the State Board of Re gents, offers a two and one-half years' course to students. Affiliation with Mount Sinai Hospital, New York City. New hospital, well equipped, beautifully located; delightful nurses' residence. Further information upon request to Superintendent of Training School, Port Chester, New York.

Religion in harmony with reason and emotion.
ASSOCIATE DEPARTMENT E, 25 Beacon St., Boston, Mass.

WANTED-Defective persons to board.
Address W., Pawling, N. Y.


DOMESTIC SCIENCE, home study, good position. American School Home Economics, Chicago.

M. W. Wightman & Co. Shopping Agency West 22d St., New York. established 1895. No charge; prompt delivery.

GIRL of seventeen, junior in academy, de sires expenses in return for services in girls camp. 5,680, Outlook.

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Talk It
Over With
Your Men

The Outcome of the War Depends on Ships!

When we can build ships faster than the U-boats can sink them, the submarine peril will vanish-and America's might will win the war. This is why the Government's call to enroll 250,000 skilled workers for the shipyards is so urgent; so vital.

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U. S. Shipyard Volunteers

FOR THE WINNING OF THE WAR This space contributed by the Publisher through the Division of Advertising of the U. S. Committee on Public Information

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