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like columns of smoke of the two famous big copper smelters-Inspiration and Old Dominion. Yet the smoke of civilization is not what is going to interest you to-day.


In that first seventeen-mile climb you almost an even mile, a mile up into the clear, cloudless turquoise Arizona sky, a mile up into the realm of crags and turrets and breathless cliffs of red and orange and purple and green and blue-such colors of rock and sparse vegetation as perhaps you never knew existed before. You are gazing around enchanted when suddenly your car tops the summit and pauses.

In the far northeast stands out, clear as a photograph, the distant Apache Mountains. Miles below, toward the west, winds . a tiny blue thread-a thread which you will later discover to be the turbulent Salt River. Before you lies Tonto Basin, with Dutch Woman Butte, the Sierra Anchas, and the Four Peaks of the Mazatzal Range sixty miles away, but seeming little more than six! And, beneath, you catch another tiny sparkle of blue. That, says the driver, is Roosevelt Lake, the largest artificial body of water in the world. As you look at it from that height you are inclined to doubt. Then you are starting your downward swoop with the Arizona sunshine bathing you in warmth and your very spirit thrilling to the beauty and majesty of the towering crags on every hand.

Again the car stops, and the driver motions for you to look upward. You do, and there before your own eyes are the cliff dwellings about which you will by this time have heard so much. You climb up to them, a comparatively easy climb if you don't try to race it; and here if you are not impressed then nothing within the ken of man will impress you.

For these cliff dwellings, of which there are twenty apartments still in a remarkable state of preservation and some forty more not so disintegrated as to be without lively interest-these cliff dwellings date back to prehistoric times, when a different race of man, a race widely unlike our own of to-day, inhabited the earth. The Indians, seeing these ruins, called their erstwhile inhabitants the "Little People," and such they must have been, for the ceilings are but four feet, the doors but two feet, high. No wonder they lived up in the cliffs, where they could pull their ladders up after them at night; perhaps these Little

People had to cope with the dread sabertoothed tiger that once stalked the American continent, with giant carnivorous reptiles, and eventually with a new type of man, greater in stature, fiercer of temper, stronger of arm. Theirs was a tragic existence, that of these timid "Little People," and to stand there and realize that these ruins of their homes were ages old even at the time of Columbus makes one think indeed. Only in the climate of Arizona or in Egypt or the Far East could such monuments of a once living past endure through the countless centuries.

You climb down the hill and into your automobile once more. Only a few moments seem to pass before a twist of the Trail opens to you abruptly the vista of Roosevelt Lake (you realize its size now) with its great dam in the foreground, a dam higher than Niagara Falls. The contrast between this monument to science and the eternal hills which hedge it about is something more than striking.

Now you have luncheon-a comfortable, appetizing luncheon-at Apache Lodge, a cozy inn close to the sparkling, mountaincupped lake; then your waiting car starts out again, this time for the charming eightymile run to Phoenix, down the Salt River, past Fish Creek Canyon, around the heartgripping rim of beetling Cape Horn, and then at last into the inner shrine of the Apache legends.

There are the Old Woman's Shoe,

friendly Niggerhead Mountain, Old Big Chief One Eye, Hell's Canyon, Black Canyon, and many more, each one with its


The Outlook Advertising Section


legend and story-yarns told to you by the driver in a quaint commonplace of matterof-fact narrative. But when you come at last to the lowering bulk of Superstition Mountain (Mountain of Foam some call it) you are thoroughly aroused. For about this mountain, you learn, there centers an ancient Apache legend which, in the main at least, embodies much of the Biblical story of the flood. The driver will show you a horizontal line of white rock near the summit which, so the Indians say, marks the height reached by the angry waters.

Superstition Mountain is left behind, and then, with the surprising suddenness which gives the Apache Trail no little of its charm, you are whirring through the greenembowered, blossom-studded towns of Mesa and Tempe. And before you know it you are in Phoenix, pulling up at the railway station, with a glorious day ended, but with the consoling thought of a good night's rest on the through Pullman sleeper that stands there waiting to bear you to Los Angeles.

The Apache Trail trip is over, but of one thing at least you can be sure-its memories will never end. The cloudless turquoise of the sky, the inspiring heights, the dizzy depths, the glorious array of rainbow crags, ever changing, ever new-these things will be with you always. Nor will you lose your memories of what the Apache country means, the untold ages it delineates in its strata, its silent deserted cliff dwellings, its hidden caves with their bleached bones of an era of strife now past. Even the giant cacti along the Trail-crude, startling, exotic-are an integral part of the permanent picture you carry away. It has been a day crammed full of new impressions, full of new delights, full of new inspiration. The Apache Trail trip is a miracle in many, many ways.

The Trail is reached by the Southern Pacific Lines, operating Pullman sleepers to Globe in connection with the Sunset Limited, America's foremost transcontinental train running from New Orleans to San Francisco over the Sunset Route of the Southern Pacific Lines. Through tickets. to California are honored for the Apache Trail trip upon payment of $15 additional, and this charge includes railway and automobile transportation. A booklet, handsomely illustrated, giving complete information, may be obtained free, from any agent of the Southern Pacific Lines.






Based on The Outlook of March 20, 1918

Each week an Outline Study of Current History based on the preceding number of The Outlook will be printed for the benefit of current events classes, debating clubs, teachers of history and of English, and the like, and for use in the home and by such individual readers as may desire suggestions in the serious study of current history.-THE EDITORS.

[Those who are using the weekly outline should not attempt to cover the whole of an outline in any one lesson or study. Assign for one lesson selected questions, one or two propositions for discussion, and only such words as are found in the material assigned. Or distribute selected questions among different members of the class or group and have them report their findings to all when assembled. Then have all discuss the questions together.]


A. Topic: Russia's Fate; Rumania Sub-
mits; Japan and Russia.
Reference: Page 436; editorial, pages
440, 441.


1. Describe the present condition of Russia. Is it fair to hold Lenine and Trotsky responsible for this condition? Give several reasons. 2. Tell what you think of President Wilson's message to the Congress of the Soviets. Would you have said more had you written it? 3. Compare the conditions in Rumania with those in Russia. Do you think it wise and necessary for Rumania to submit to Germany? 4. Explain the following: "1917 proved at once the greatest and the most humiliating year in Russian history." Do you know of other "humiliating years" in Russian history? 5. Do you think Russia made a mistake in ridding herself of the Czar? What are your reasons? 6. Do you think it is impossible for both Germany and Austria to conduct themselves decently in international affairs? Submit evidence. 7. The Outlook believes (pages 440, 441) that the Entente Allies (America included) should allow Japan to intervene in Siberia and aid her in so doing. What is its line of argument? 8. If such action should hurt the feelings of the Russian people, would it be wise, nevertheless, to allow and encourage it? Think hard and carefully, and study The Outlook's map on page 440, before answering this question. 9. What harm would there be in waiting until the Allies received a "call from within Russia " before taking any military action in this matter? 10. Do think Japan can be trusted in this question of intervention in the Far East? Discuss. 11. Excellent background material will be found in



Japan in World Politics," by K. K. Kawakami (Macmillan); "Japan to America," by N. Masaoka (Putnams); "Our Revolution," by Léon Trotsky (Holt); "In the Heart of German Intrigue," by D. Vaka (Houghton Mifflin); "The President to the People "-The Outlook's brochure of extracts from President Wilson's Messages, which should be read and re-read by all Americans.

B. Topic: Canada and the Food Problem.
Reference: Pages 443, 444.

Note-Make this topic the basis of a study of Canadian history and ideals. 1. Mr. Pangborn thinks Canada in a better position than the United States to meet the food crisis. What are his reasons? 2. Tell what the Government of Canada is doing to solve the food problem. How is it doing


this? 3. Would it be well for the United
States to do the same or very similar things?
Who would object? Why? 4. What is Mr.
Langley's proposal? Tell what you think
of it. 5. When did Canada become a self-
governing colony? Tell how its scattered
colonies come into a united Dominion.
6. Describe Canada's frame of government.
To whom is the Government responsibie?
7. What political relations has the Dominion
with Great Britain? What powers has the
Governor-General in theory? In practice?
8. Make a number of comparisons between
the Government of Canada and that of the
United States. Which people has more
self-government? 9. How can even more
intimate relations between Canada and
America be effected? 10. Name and discuss
several problems of self-government. 11.
Two of the best books on Canada for Amer-
icans are "The Constitution of Canada,"
by W. R. Riddell (Yale University Press),
and "The North American Idea," by J. A.
Macdonald (Revell).


A. Topic: The Naval Reserve.
Reference: Pages 444-447.

1. What is the Naval Reserve? Briefly
sketch its history. 2. What reasons for en-
listing in the N. R. do you find in this
article? 3. In what ways do those belong-
ing to the N. R. show patriotism and devo-
tion? 4. Describe the course of training in
the N. R. What does Mr. Potter say of the
officers of the N. R.? 5. What is the N. R.
doing for democracy?

B. Topic: Wanted-A Budget.
Reference: Page 434.

1. For what reasons does The Outlook
advocate a budget system for America?
2. Discuss the advantages of a National
budget. 3. We are told that no intelligent
man would "defend the haphazard way in
which the Government is provided with
funds for its running expenses." Criticise
our present system. 4. Why have we not a
National budget system? When will we
have it? Don't fail to read "The National
Budget System and American Finance," by
C. W. Collins (Macmillan).

(These propositions are suggested directly or indi-
rectly by the subject-matter of The Outlook, but
not discussed in it.)

1. Germany's booty has impoverished
her. 2. It requires an entirely different set
of virtues to be a subject of an autocracy
than it does to be a citizen in a democracy.


(All of the following words and expressions are found in The Outlook for March 20, 1918. Both before and after looking them up in the dictionary or elsewhere, give their meaning in your own words. The figures in parentheses refer to pages on which the words may be found.)

Soviets, repudiate (436); Canada, homogeneous (443); categories, prevaricate, compeers, irate, bona-fide (444).

A booklet suggesting methods of using the Weekly Outline of Current History will be sent on application


Eleven years ago the
was organized to:

Bring together the
thinkers and doers of the
United States and Japan-

To educate and inform
the people of this country
and establish a better and
more intelligent mutual
understanding between
the people of both coun-

To encourage economic
and intellectual inter-
course and to promote
good will.

SOCIETY numbers over
1200 representative
Americans in its mem-

And through its Trade
and News Bulletins, its
Information Bureau and
other departments it is
accomplishing this im-
portant international

The America Japan
Society, Tokyo, is a
reciprocal organization.

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Which Do You Get From Your Food?


DON'T have to take arsenic or "carbolic" in order to

Y poison yourself. You can do it with perfectly good food,


simply by not knowing what-when-and how to eat.

OOD'S purpose is to feed you, but it can kill you as well. The best of foods, when improperly combined and eaten, produce disease and invite death.

The day's menu given below is a truly "horrible example" of how not to eat, if your object in eating is nourishment and health. If you do not care to preserve your health, this menu will do as well as any.


Grapefruit with Sugar Oatmeal with Sugar and Cream Bacon and Eggs

Rolls or Toast with Butter



HESE are good foods, but the day's menu is so unbalanced that it is practically certain to induce disease of some kind, especially when each day's menu is similarly unbalanced. And therein lies almost the sole reason for nearly all sickness.

Half of the people are more or less sick all the time, and all the people are sick half the time, because they live on just such meals. It is the stern old law of cause and effect at work. You can't dodge it. Those who violate nature's laws must payyoung or old, rich or poor.

There are lots of things the matter with this menu; too many to be discussed within the limited space of this article. One of them is that it does not contain foods which are absolutely essential to pure blood, and therefore to health. Their absence means that the blood is being loaded with poisonous acids that quickly undermine the health. Another fault is that it contains too much fuel-food-especially starches.

This menu contains enough starches and sugars to meet the normal requirements of an adult human being for two or three days, and its inevitable result is to clog and clutter up the whole machinery of the body with poisonous waste matter which breeds all manner of disease.

The digestive organs, unable to dispose of this waste, manufacture it into alcohol, gases, acids and ptomaines and turn them loose in your system to commit murder! Adenoids, enlarged tonsils, catarrh, headaches, diabetes, Bright's disease, constipation, tuberculosis, arteriosclerosis, rheumatism, indigestionare but a few of the disorders that owe their origin to this cause.

We eat ourselves into disease and failure. The bread-meat-potato diet has produced more human wrecks and filled more graves than all the wars of history combined. Our most dangerous enemy is food, carelessly prepared in our own kitchens! Good foodand ignorance in its use-There is the common enemy of health.

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If you get up in the morning with a "dark brown taste" in your mouth and a feeling at the back of your head as if it had been stepped on by a mastodon, don't" take something for it "get after the enemy in the kitchen. Correct your eating habits. Then instead of getting up "all worn out" and feverish, and with "that tired feeling "pulling and nagging at you all over, you will get up "fresh as a daisy," alert and vigorous, and ready for the day's work. Correct eating will make a man of you. Incorrect eating may make a corpse of you.

Disease is an abnormal condition; health is the natural state. Acute disease is unnecessary. Chronic disease is always preventable and nearly always curable. Permanent, dependable health is the result of correct knowledge of living put into practice. People spend several years and hundreds of dollars to acquire a trade or profession. Health knowledge is worth more than any trade or profession, for everything worth while is based on health. To go through life full of fear of disease or suffering from various ills is not living. That is merely existing.

No, as Doctor Alsaker says: Disease is not a necessity, but a fearfully expensive luxury. Can you afford it? Aside from its cost in money-in loss of time-in increased efficiency and earning-power, can you afford its cost in suffering, and in the humiliating knowledge that you are no longer a man, but that most tragic of all living beings, an invalid? Can you afford it?

If not, then it is time you armed yourself against the common enemy of perfect health -incorrect eating. For this purpose Dr. R. L. Alsaker's new book, "Eating for Health and Efficiency" is the weapon that will give you victory over the enemy in the kitchen, and make good food your servant, instead of a cruel and malevolent foe.

This book of scientific instructions on healthful living shows you in a plain, nontechnical, perfectly simple manner, how to


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If you want to live, work, play, love and be loved to a ripe old age, it is within your power to do so. Get correct health knowledge and live it. In "Eating for Health and Efficiency Dr. Alsaker has produced the equivalent of a college-course on foods and their uses in health and disease. You are not asked to discontinue any good food. You are told how to combine and eat all good foods so as to produce health. Those who adopt Dr. Alsaker's plan of living, not only learn how to prevent sickness and save doctor bills, but how to live better for less money. With this knowledge at hand any one can save the cost of this book every month.

It is impossible to do this really remarkable book even approximate justice in the limited space of a magazine article. The work must be seen and read and its teachings given a thorough test in your own home. hotel or club, to be fully appreciated. And so I will send you this book, all charges prepaid, for thirty days' examination on receipt of price. As to my responsibility, I refer to the publishers of The Outlook and to the Commercial Agencies. My bankers are The Corn Exchange Bank, The Garfield National Bank, and The People's Trust Co., of New York City.

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If you really want to know how to have health every day and all day send only three dollars for "Eating for Health and Efficiency at once. Follow its teachings for thirty days; compare the advice, instruction, and general health information with the best you have ever received from any physician, at any price, then, if you are perfectly satisfied with your investment, keep the book; otherwise return it and your money will be refunded immediately, and without question.

Frank E. Morrison (Established 1889), Publisher of Educational Health Books, Dept. 138— 1133 Broadway, New York.

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Universal Service

ALL PERSONS CARRYING LIFE INSURANCE are invited to write the Southern Cypress Mfrs.' Assn., 1266 Hibernia Bank Building, New Orleans, La., or 1266 Heard National Bank Building, Jacksonville, Fla. Do so now, even though you have written us in the past. We desire no information, merely your name and address, please. This is the only way you can procure the entirely NEW and very appealing Volume FORTY-THREE of the Cypress Pocket Library, "that international classic on wood" (and sometimes other subjects little suspected yet of high significance).



The refrigerating qualities of the "WHITE MOUNTAIN" cannot be surpassed. The famous MAINE Duplex Ice Grate insures a continuous circulation of Pure, Cold, Dry Air. The greatest Ice Saver known. The greatest Food Preserver made. 200 Styles and Sizes for your selection.




Send for beautiful 1918 Catalogues and booklets.






During the school year 1868-69, while I was in the Washington School, Chicago, an old gentleman visited the school one day who was introduced as Father Brewster. In the little talk which he gave to us he told us that he was born during Washington's second Administration (I do not remember the year), and said, "You will be able to say when you are grown up that you have heard the voice of a man who has lived during the Administration of every President down to the present time." Father Brewster had been acquainted with a number of the Presidents, intimately so with Mr. Lincoln. He told us that during the Lincoln-Douglas debates he attended one of those occasions, and as he stood in the crowd near the platform Mr. Lincoln beckoned him up to a vacant seat beside himself. Douglas was the first speaker. When Lincoln's turn came, as he arose from his seat he threw off a shawl which he wore and handed it to the old gentleman, saying: "Here, Father Brewster, hold my cloak while I get up and stone Stephen." F. J. GURNEY. The University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois. THE EX-EMPRESS OF RUSSIA

One of the most interesting recent books about Russia is Mrs. Rheta Childe Dorr's "Inside the Russian Revolution" (Macmillan). And not the least interesting feature of the book is the personal view of the Czarina given to Mrs. Dorr by an intimate personal friend of the Czarina, Anna Virubova, an admirer if not an accomplice of the infamous Rasputin. We select two extracts. The first relates to Rasputin's mysterious influence over the Czarina through the alleged cure of the Czarevitch:

"Did Rasputin really heal the Czarevitch, and restore him to health ?" I asked.

"Judge for yourself," she replied. "Perhaps you know how ardently the birth of a son was desired by both the Emperor and the Empress. They had four girls, but a woman may not inherit the Russian throne. A boy was wanted, and when at last he came, a poor little sickly baby, the Empress was nearly in despair. The child had a rare disease, one which the doctors have never been able to cure. The blood-vessels were affected, so that the patient bled at the slightest touch. Even a small wound would endanger his life. He might bleed to death of a cut finger. In addition to this the boy developed tuberculosis of the hip. It seemed impossible that he could ever live to grow up. The poor Empress was torn this way and that by the grand dukes and all the members of the Court circle. Each one had a remedy or a treatment he wanted applied to the child. There were always new doctors, new treatments, new operations in the air. The Empress was criticised bitterly because she wouldn't try them all.



"Then came Rasputin," continued Madame Virubova. And he said to the Empress: 'Don't worry about the child. He is going to live, and he is going to get well. He doesn't need medicine; he needs as much of a healthy, outdoor life as his condition can stand. He needs to play with a dog and a pony. He needs a sled. Don't let the doctors give him any except the mildest medicines. Don't on any account allow them to operate. The boy will soon show improvement, and then he will get well.""

"Did Rasputin say that he was going to heal him?" I asked.

"Rasputin simply said that the boy was going to get well, and he told us almost the day and the hour when the boy would begin to get well. 'When the child is twelve years old,' Rasputin told us, 'he will begin to improve. He will improve steadily after that, and by the time he is a man he will be in ordinary health like other men.' And very shortly after he turned twelve years old he did begin to improve. He improved rapidly, just as Rasputin said he would, and within a few months

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The wheels of war look keenly to lubrication. Correct lubrication makes for fighting trim, whether of tank, airplane, destroyer, dreadnought, or machine gun.

Incorrect lubrication makes for destruction from within as unerringly as accurate hostile shell-fire makes for destruction from without. Turn to any fighting front for the vivid lesson of lubrication. This war is a ceaseless struggle between thrift and waste. The motor assets of the nation, whether under actual fire at the front, or in city streets at home, must survive as long as proper care can make them survive. Your motor cars and trucks will stand up longer under the grind of hard service if you lubricate with Havoline Oil. The preference of a vast majority of America's better-class motorists for Havoline Oil is the one greatest argument for Havoline Oil.

This correctly graded lubricant, represented by Havoline Light, Havoline Medium, and Havoline Heavy, lubricates any car to the limit of scientific possibility from a brand new racer to a ten-ton truck that has recorded years of heavy-duty service.


The lubrication of your truck is as
important as the make of your truck.
The finest make of truck is a failure
in service unless its multitude of en-
gaging parts is absolutely protected
by correct lubrication against destruc-
tive friction.

Havoline Oil cuts down upkeep, fuel-
cost, replacements, and delayed de-
liveries by oiling every bearing with a
long-lived, almost invulnerable film of
oil that keeps metal from rubbing
against metal. Whether in combustion
chambers where heat soars as high as
3,000 degrees, or in the final stage of
transmission where stress and strain
become tremendous.

The cutting down of upkeep and pro-
longation of the life of trucks loom
important in the conservation of the
mobile assets of a nation at war.
Havoline Oil substitutes complete lu-
brication for partial lubrication. And
remember that an inferior lubricant
which breaks down under heat and
gear-pressure gives you only partial
lubrication. And partial lubrication
means an imperfect gas seal, hence
loss of mileage on gas. It means
scarred cylinder-walls, broken piston-
rings, broken bearings, shorter life of
your truck, and lower re-sale value.

Ask for Havoline in the sealed container.

Havoline greases are compounded of Havoline Oil and pure, sweet tallow.

Indian Refining Company



Is your passenger car a pleasure car? Or is your car a hidden sea of internal troubles?

The best passenger car on earth ceases to give pleasure if lubrication fails to perform the exacting services required of it.

It is unfair to your car to use an inferior lubricating oil even occasionally. That occasional, careless use of an oil that breaks down under heat and pressure, exposes dry metal to dry metal. Result― destructive friction, grind, wear, tear, breakage, the expense of replacements, loss of mileage on gas, and less money for your car when trading-in time comes.

Havoline Oil does everything that a first-class lubricating oil should do or can do. It insures a smooth, economical, and efficient development and transmission of power. It maintains a perfect, protecting film of oil between. all engaging surfaces. Its proper use absolutely prevents that destructive internal "rough-house" of metal rubbing against metal.

The use of Havoline at all times gives you all the assurance that is scientifically possible that you are so lubricating your car that it will wear as long, run as smoothly, and command as high a re-sale price as entirely correct lubrication can guarantee.

Clean to handle and correct in body. Producers and Refiners New York

of Petroleum

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