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Secretary of the Interior Lane has officially announced through the press that the National Parks will be open this year as usual. Travelers will be carried on the regular trains and will be cared for at the hotels as formerly.

Let us send you information about the National Parks. Specify, if possible, which Parks you are planning to visit, the length of time you can give to your trip and the approximate amount you wish to spend for it, and we will be glad to send you itineraries, literature, and information. There is no charge to Outlook readers for this service.


The Outlook Company, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York

The ex-Empress of Russia (Continued)

he could walk. Before that, when he went out it was in the arms of a soldier, who loved him better than his own life, and would have gladly given his life if that could have brought health to his prince. The man's joy when the child really began to walk, began to play with his dog and his pony, was equaled only by that of the Empress. For the first time in her life in Russia she was happy. Do you blame her, do you blame me, for being grateful to Rasputin? Whether he cured him or God cured him I know no more than you do. But Rasputin told us what was going to happen, and when it was going to happen. Make of it what you will."

Rasputin told the Empress of Russia that her son would begin to improve when he was twelve years old. Almost any doctor might have told her that it was not unlikely that he would begin to improve as soon as adolescence began. Many childish weaknesses, and even some very grave constitutional weaknesses, have been known to disappear gradually from that period. Empresses and ladies-inwaiting are not usually medical experts, but they might have learned that much from ordinary reading, if the doctors failed to enlighten them. But neither Alexandra nor Virubova knew it, and when Rasputin threw that gigantic bluff at them they grabbed it. As a guesser Rasputin was a wonder, for the almost impossible happened and the sick little Czarevitch lived up to his prediction. That's what I make of it.

The second extract throws a curious light on the Czarina's literary taste. Madame Virubova said:

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In an account of the punching, sorting, and tabulating machines used by the Census Bureau, The Outlook, last October, said that these machines had been invented and designed by employees of the Census Bureau. A correspondent has written us asserting that the fundamental idea of such machines was contributed by Dr. Herman Hollerith, and our correspondent incloses a pamphlet by H. T. Newcomb, who was formerly Expert Chief of the Division of Agriculture in the office of the Twelfth Census. In that pamphlet reference is made to Dr. Hollerith's originating of this electrical method of tabulation. Dr. Hollerith,


may be said, had been in the service of the Federal Government, and was a special agent of the Tenth Census. It remains true, however, that the automatic tabulating machine was designed and constructed by the employees of the Census Bureau and made in the Bureau's laboratory, that the punching machine was invented and designed by an employee of the Census Bureau, and that the sorting machines were rebuilt, necessitating redesigning and a general new construction by the employees of the Census Bureau, and this work was done in the Bureau's laboratory. We are very glad to make this reference to Dr. Hollerith. THE EDITORS.




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The demand for White Fabrics indicates their popularity for the coming season. We have on hand every conceivable weave and weight for Blouses, Dresses, and Separate Skirts, as follows:

Imported Dimities, 28 and 30 in. wide, 25c to 75 yd.

Imported Dotted Swiss, 30 and 40 in. wide, 75c to $1.50 yd.
Imported Batiste, 40 in. wide, $1.25 to 2.00 yd.
Imported Voiles, 40 to 45 in. wide, 50c to $1.50 yd.
Imported Piques, 36 in. wide, 50c to $1.25 yd.

Imported Madras, 32 in. wide, 35c to 75 yd.

Imported Eponge, 54 in. wide, $1.00 to 1.25 yd.

Novelty Skirtings, 36 in. wide, 75c, 85, $1.00 to 1.75 yd.
Novelty Voiles and Crepes, 36 to 45 in. wide, 50c to $2.50 yd.
Poplin and Repp, 36 in. wide, 50c, 75 to $1.00 yd.
Japanese Crepes, 30 in. wide, 40c to 75 yd.

Also French Lawns, Batiste, Transparent Organdies, French Nainsook, Ecru Batiste, India and Persian Lawns, Sylva Lawns, English Nainsook, Long Cloths, French Percales, Handkerchief Linens, Linen Cambrics, and the heavier Linens in all the various weaves, widths, and qualities to meet all requirements.

Samples of any of the above materials, not
bordered materials, will be sent on request.
Please state name and price of materials
desired and purpose for which intended.

James McCutcheon & Co.

Fifth Ave., 34th & 33d Sts., N. Y.

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Biography of a Million Dollars (The). By George Kibbe Turner. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. $1.50.

This story, while it has no literary grace, has energy and movement. Bill Morgan, a machinist, combines with a brilliant but impractical inventor in the manufacture of a new motor cycle. They make an enormous success and Bill becomes a millionaire. Then he enters the slippery field of corporation finance and comes up against what he calls the cold, smiling boys of Wall Street. In the end he gets out intact, for he has intuition and is a hard fighter. As the publishers truly say, "This is a story

of speed, of greed, of love and hate, of ambition and distrust."

Gossip Shop (The). By J. E. Buckrose. The

George H. Doran Company, New York. $1.35. This is one of those agreeable and entertaining stories of life in an English country town which in flavor remind one of Mrs. Gaskell's "Cranford." Mrs. Buckrose is an adept at this kind of fiction, and her sense of humor plays with effect around the curious little mysteries of the novel. The anti-gossip moral is all the stronger because it is never obtruded. Impossible People. By Mary C. E Wemyss.

Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston. $1.50. A quietly pleasing story of an English curate and his wife who are unconventional but kindly and true-hearted.


From Dream to Dream. Poems. By Edith Willis Linn. James T. White & Co., New York.

Gardens Overseas, and Other Poems. By
Thomas Walsh. The John Lane Company,
New York. $1.25.

Hill-Tracks. By Wilfrid Wilson Gibson. The
Macmillan Company, New York. $1.75.
In Praise of War. Military and Sea Verse. By
Don C. Seitz. Harper & Brothers, New York.
Nocturne of Remembered Spring, and
Other Poems. By Conrad Aiken. The Four
Seas Company, Boston. $1.25.

One Who Dreamed. Songs and Lyrics. By Arthur Crew Inman. The Four Seas Company, Boston. $1.25.

Poems. By Carroll Aikins. Sherman, French & Co., Boston. 75c.


Latest Light on Abraham Lincoln and War-Time Memories. By Ervin Chap man, D.D., LL.D. Introduction by Bishop John W. Hamilton. Illustrated. 2 vols. The Fleming H. Revell Company, New York. $5. The title-page is sufficiently descriptive. The book contains a good deal that is new. We had never seen before the matter here collected showing Lincoln's early de votion to the temperance cause appropri ate just at this juncture. The author makes more of the Jacquess-Gilmore mission to Jefferson Davis than do Nicolay and Hay in their biography, but, if he overestimates, the biographers have somewhat underestimated its importance. Dr. Chapman's style is somewhat discursive; his volumes would have gained by condensation; but they are not only interesting, they are a valuable addition to our acquaintance with one of the world's greatest and best of men. Mad Monk of Russia, Iliodor (The). Life, Memoirs, and Confessions of Sergei Michailo vich Trufanoff. Illustrated. The Century Company, New York. $2.

Even the French Revolution furnishes no parallel to the story unfolded in this volume bearing on the Russian Revolution.



The New Books (Continued)
The history of this so-called "Mad Monk
and of his one-time friend, the infamous
Rasputin, and of their relations with the
deposed Czar and his family, forms one of
the most remarkable narratives produced
by the present world-convulsion. The pub-
lication of the book, after careful investiga-
tion, by a firm of the highest reputation
takes it out of the category of unbalanced
vaporings and gives it a serious value to the
student of Russian conditions. The narra-
tive, while often dealing with scandal, is
dignified and serious and makes no appeal
to salacity.

God the Known and God the Unknown.
By Samuel Butler. Yale University Press,
New Haven. $1.

An interesting theological speculation. The author's conclusion differs in form of expression rather than in essentials of thought from the doctrine of the Divine Immanence, as held by a modern school of theologians the doctrine that the relation of the Divine Spirit to the world of matter more nearly resembles the relation of the human spirit to the human body than the relation of the mechanic to the machine which he makes and controls; and the relation of the Divine Spirit to the world of men more nearly resembles the relation of a father to his children than the relation of a king to his subjects; that is, God governs men by an influence molding their characters from within more than by laws and penalties controlling their conduct from without.

Last Days of Jesus Christ (The). By Lyman Abbott. E. P. Dutton & Co., New York. 60c. This is a republication of the Lenten papers published last year in The Outlook, revised and partly rewritten by the author, each paper preceded by a selected poem and followed by a prayer.

Religions of the Past and Present. A Series of Lectures Delivered by Members of the Faculty of the University of Pennsylvania. Edited by James A. Montgomery, Ph.D., S.T.D. The J. B. Lippincott Company, Philadelphia. $2.50. Only the religions which have influenced the world's history are given place in this volume. Fourteen in number, each is treated by a scholar who has made its study a specialty. This gives the series an unprecedented value. Its range and the multitude of its details permit little but general statements. The religion of the Teutons becomes of surprising interest to Americans, British, and Scandinavians. Early Christianity receives fresh illumina



American Women and the World War. By Ida Clyde Clarke. D. Appleton & Co., New York. $2.

A useful record of the work that American women are doing to help win the war. Contains comprehensive information about women's patriotic organizations that is not readily accessible elsewhere.

Crime (The). By a German, the Author of "J'Accuse." Translated by Alexander Gray. Vol. I. The George H. Doran Company, New York. $2.50.

Democracy After the War. By J. A. Hobson. The Macmillan Company, New York. $1.25.

Note-Book of an Intelligence Officer
(The). By Eric Fisher Wood. Illustrated.
The Century Company, New York. $1.75.
Old Front Line (The). By John Masefield.
Illustrated. The Macmillan Company, New
York. $1.

Willy-Nicky Correspondence (The). Being
the Secret and Intimate Telegrams Exchanged
Between the Kaiser and the Tsar. By Herman
Bernstein. Foreword by Theodore Roosevelt.
Alfred A. Knopf, New York. $1.

Which Do Boys
Like Better?

Puffed Rice or Flour Foods ?-Ask them

You know the need for whole-grain foods, with their minerals and vitamines. But do you daily practice the ideal way to serve them? Graham muffins and rice croquettes are nearly whole-grain foods. But note how they differ from Puffed Grains.

In Puffed Rice and Wheat every food cell is exploded. Every granule is fitted to digest. So the body gets from Puffed Grains all that Nature stored there.

Puffed Grains are like bubbles-airy, thin and flaky. Their flimsy crispness makes them most enticing. They taste like nut confections. You can serve them morning, noon and night. Children never get enough. And they never tax the stomach.

Puffed Grains supply whole-grain food all day long, and in many forms. At breakfast one eats them with sugar and cream, or mixed with any fruit. For luncheon or supper they are floated in bowls of milk. Between meals children eat them dry like peanuts. They are used in candy making, as wafers in soups, as garnish for ice cream.

So users of Puffed Grains may get whole-grain food in plenty. And in a form where every atom feeds.

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All legitimate questions from Outlook readers about investment securities will be answered either by personal letter or in these pages. The Outlook cannot, of course, undertake to guarantee against loss resulting from any specific invest ment. Therefore it will not advise the purchase of any specific security. But it will give to inquirers facts of record or information resulting from expert investigation, leaving the responsibility for final decision to the investor. And it will admit to its pages only those financial advertisements which after thorough expert scrutiny are believed to be worthy of confidence. All letters of inquiry regarding investment securities should be addressed to


100% Safety and 6% Interest
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AFETY first and foremost! Buy only the soundest securities
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