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A Roberts Cigar



You can't bend a store cigar like
can Roberts' fresh Havanas.
Store cigars are dried out. The leaf
oil has evaporated and with it the
original Havana flavor and aroma.

A Store Cigar

New Kind of Havana

What a difference between the cigars you smoke and my freshly made Havanas! Cuban cigar-makers know-for when they want a smoke they roll themselves a cigar of the moist Havana leaf. That's the kind of a smoke I want to send


ACTUAL SIZE Roberts' fresh Havana Perfectos, Havana, hand-made, 5 in. long. Smoke 10 on free trial.


a mild Havana that is shipped the day it is rolled. A cigar with all the rich-
ness of the oil still in the leaf. A full-flavored Havana that will give you a
new conception of Havana taste and aroma. Such cigars I make here in
Tampa and send out daily to my customers throughout the country.

Try Before You Buy

No retailer can give you cigars like mine. The retailer's cigars have been made
long before he puts them on his shelves to dry some more. Much of the fine
natural leaf oil has escaped from the,cigar. Humidors may moisten the dealer's
cigars-but only with water! There is no way of restoring the exquisite
Havana bouquet that has escaped with the evaporated oil. Store cigars will
taste "flat" to you compared with the fine, full Havana flavor of my freshly
made, freshly shipped Havanas. I don't ask you to accept my word for
this. I say, "Try my cigars before you buy."


Don't send me a cent. Simply mail me your name and address and I will send
you postpaid a box of fifty of my Roberts' Havana Perfectos. Smoke ten
and if you are not more than delighted, return balance at my expense and
you won't be out one cent. If you like my cigars, send me your check or
money order for $5.50. Selling as I do, direct from my factory to you,
you get a 15c cigar that is really fresh at 11c postpaid. Write to me
today and please enclose your card or your business letterhead.

226 Roberts Street



J. W. ROBERTS & SON, 226 Roberts St., Tampa, Fla.

Attached here with is my business card or letterhead. Please send me postpaid

a box of 50 fresh Roberts' Havana Perfectos. If, after smoking ten, I

find that I like your cigars, I'll send you $5.50 for the box. Otherwise I agree to return the balance of the cigars at your expense.


Tampa, Fla.





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"BOSS CLARKE" Every newspaper man has heard about "Boss Clarke," once night editor of the New York "Sun." Here are some stories about him from "The Story of the Sun," which has been appearing in "Munsey's Magazine:"

Clarke would put the obvious heading on a long, matter-of-fact yarn in two minutes, but he might spend half an hour-if he had it to spare-polishing a head for a short and sparkling piece of work. Two architects who did city work pleaded poverty, but admitted having turned over property to their wives. Clarke headed the story:

"We're Broke," Says Horgan.-"Sure," Says Slattery," But Our Wives Are Doing Fine."

A brief item about the arrest of some boys for stealing five copies of "The Simple Life" he headed "Tempted Beyond Their Strength." Over a paragraph telling of the killing of a Park Row newsboy by a truck he wrote: "A Sparrow Falls." Clarke had a besetting fear that Russell Sage I would die suddenly late at night, and that the "Sun" would not learn of it in time. Again and again false" hunches" caused him to send men to the Sage home on Fifth Avenue to discover the state of the old millionaire's health. When Mr. Sage became seriously ill, reporters were sent in relays to watch the house. One man who had such Sun" office at an assignment turned up at the " one o'clock in the morning.

"I left Mr. Sage's house," he explained to Clarke, "because Dr. Blank just came out and I had a little talk with him. He asked me if S. M. Clarke was still night city editor of the Sun;' and when I told him that you were, he said:

"Tell Selah for me that I will call him personally on the phone if there is the least change in Mr Sage's condition. Selah and I are old friends; we used to be roommates in college." "

"Blank always was a darn liar!" said Mr. Clarke. "Go back to the house and sit on the doorstep On February 28, 1917, five years after Clarke Sun" Alumni Association gave a retired, the dinner in his honor, with Mr. Lord presiding. Men came five hundred miles for the event, and the speeches were entirely about Clarke and his work. Mr. Clarke himself, who was only five miles away, sent a kindly letter to say that he was pleased, but that he could not imagine anything more absurd than a man's attending a dinner given in his own honor.

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Believing that the advance of business is a subject of vital interest and importance, The Outlook will present under the above heading frequent discussions of subjects of industrial and commercial interest. This will include paragraphs of timely interest and articles of educational value dealing with the industrial upbuilding of the Nation. Comment and suggestions are invited.





THE first requisites of primitive man were food to sustain life and a shelter where he might lay his head and find protection from the elements. He sought refuge in a cave or a dugout, and finally learned to erect a rude shelter of grass, boughs, thatch, or other material which he found immediately at hand. The roof was the essential part of his dwelling, for it protected him from the rays of the tropical sun or the raging tempest of wind and rain. Thus the roof has always been about the most important part of the dwelling, and has received perhaps the most careful attention from builders. For a leaky or imperfect roof will ruin the entire edifice. Shakespeare must have possessed certain architectural instincts, for he says in "Pericles:" "Goodly buildings left without a roof, soon fall to ruin." And the best builders and contractors to-day give very careful attention to their roofing specifications and the actual construction of the roof.

There are to-day many varieties and styles of roofing in general use. The proper roofing material depends upon many factors and must be considered in connection with the type of building, its purpose, and all the conditions which confront the architect who draws up the plans. There are flat roofs and sloping roofs, roofs for dwellings and for factories, roofs that are best in hot climates, and those that should be used in wet or cold climates. There are roofs for architectural beauty and for practical util ity. Therefore the roofing question should be carefully studied, and the advice of a good architect and contractor be sought in

every case.

The incline of the roof deck is the most important factor in deciding the type or character of roofing to be used. There is a certain limitation in this regard to the use of all roof coverings. Slate, tile, unsoldered tin, prepared roofings, and shingles are de signed for and give their best service on steep roof decks, and should never be used on buildings of permanent character where the incline of the roof is less than two inches to the foot. The reason for this is obvious, as on a comparatively flat roof water does not run off readily, and it can gradually work down through the shingles or other covering, and thus the roof does not stand the wear and tear for any great length of time. Also the nails are frequently exposed, which greatly increases the chance of leaks.

For flat roofs gravel and tar, built-up felt or asbestos with pitch orasphalt, and con crete are most commonly used. The flatter the roof, the better the pitch, asphalt, or tar can be applied, as more of such mate rial can be used to make a thicker and more durable surface. Such roofs also possess the advantage of being highly fire

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Ready roofing..


Rise of roof

per foot.


6 inches

4 to 7"



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A brief description of the most popular types of roofing with their respective uses may be of interest to the reader.

In former days plain wooden shingles were very extensively used. Good wooden shingles will last many years and are cheaper than other materials. They are made from white pine, cedar, or cypress. Dipping in creosote stain will add to the life of shingles, but painting after they are laid will cause them to rot. Wooden shingles are losing their popularity, however, because of the danger of fire, and in many of our municipalities there are now strict laws against the use of wooden shingles in certain districts.

Many varieties of prepared shingles are now in use. These give the effect of wooden shingles at a distance, yet are fireproof and can be secured in a variety of colors. Many of these prepared shingles can be put on a roof over the old wooden shingles at slight expense. Such surfaced roofing is also made in rolls which can be readily attached to an old roof.

Clay, cement, and metal tile also give the effect of shingles and may be used to secure some very striking architectural effects. Ordinary tiles are made from burned clay with interlocking or overlapping edges. Clay shingles are also made which give about the same effect as slate. Tiles are secured with nails or wires.

Asphalt or asbestos shingles are now very popular for the roofing of residences or public buildings with pitched roofs. An asphalt shingle is composed of a flexible body of wool felt made of very tough and strong long fiber. Hot asphalt is forced through every fiber and into every pore of this felt. It is then coated above and below with asphalt. On the upper surface is put a layer of crushed slate or rock, forced in under enormous pressure. A lower surface of crushed mica or other substance is put on to prevent sticking during transit, and this gradually wears loose after laying, allowing the shingles to bind closely together. The combination of these materials forms an elastic shingle which has enough pliability to give slightly under strain, and which is yet stiff enough not to curl or blow It is stated that the slate or rock up. surfacing is permanent in color, and that the shingle is an enduring guard against cracks or leaks. The original cost, it is claimed, compares very favorably with that of commonly used roofings. These shingles can be bent around corners and produce beautiful roofing effects. No changes are needed in order to use asphalt shingles in place of other materials. After the old roofing has been removed they can be applied as quickly and easily as on a new house.

Asbestos shingles are a combination of asbestos rock fiber and Portland cement

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our customers in every branch of general banking. Through membership in the Federal Reserve System, we secure the most favorable terms on discounts and acceptances. We pay interest on daily balances and on certificates of deposit.

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compressed under hydraulic pressure, the
claim being made that their rocklike base
and tough, resilient strength make them
unaffected by time, fire, or weather. These
shingles can be obtained in a variety of

Corrugated asbestos roofing for large
buildings is made of a perforated metal
sheet, which acts as a reinforcing, to each
side of which are applied plies of asbestos
felts thoroughly impregnated with asphalt
and cemented together by a combination of
Trinidad Lake and other natural asphalts.
The edges of the metal core are over-
lapped with asbestos covering, and for
further security the edges are bound with
asphalt impregnated tape. This roofing is
applied in the same way as corrugated iron
and can be laid directly on the purlins. It

is said that no expensive cementing or special jointing is required.

Cement tile, as the name implies, is made from Portland cement and sand, and makes a splendid, substantial roofing for large industrial plants. It can be used on either pitched or flat roofs. It is frequently reinforced with metal, and is then capable of sustaining a very heavy load.

Metal tile is also being widely used in place of wooden shingles. It is absolutely fireproof and weather-proof, durable, economical, and can be employed to secure highly decorative effects.

Tin roofs were formerly very widely used and are found on many of our older houses. But under present conditions tin roofing is extremely expensive and almost impossible to secure. This is likewise true


Modern Roofing Methods (Continued) of the other metals. Copper roofs can be used only on the most expensive and pretentious buildings, and their cost is now prohibitive. Sheet steel is expensive and is of little value for roofing. Wrought iron requires constant repair. It must be kept thickly coated with paint, and no part can be left exposed to the action of the weather.

One of the best known of roofing materials is slate, a natural product which embodies no mixture of any kind, but is simply taken from its bed like granite, marble, or coal. In addition it has the peculiar advantage of being split into thin sheets and then with dressed edges made ready for roofing purposes. As is well known, slate is exceedingly durable, and in many instances where slate has been used upon a roof for more than one hundred years it is still in good condition. Experience has shown that slate properly applied to a roof is economical in the end and controverts the many statements which have been made relative to its excessive cost. A slate roof is fire-resisting, is attractive in appearance, and seldom calls for repairs.

Tar and gravel roofing is largely used on flat roofs and if properly made will last twenty or thirty years. Tarred felt or asbestos felt may be used. The latter will not burn, but does not last as long as the cotton felt. Authority for the lasting qualities of these roofs is found in the recent yearly reports of the American Railway Engineering Association. The following is quoted from one of these reports:

"The built-up coal-tar roofs have shown by many years' trial their value for protecting flat roofs. Instances where a life of from twenty to thirty years has been obtained are not at all rare.

"Where proper materials and the requisite skill in application are available, builtup roofs of coal-tar felt, coal-tar pitch, and gravel or slag are recommended for roofs with a pitch of two inches or less to the foot."

The roofs of mills and warehouses are generally of great area and protect valuable machinery and goods. The first feature makes considerations of cost important; the second emphasizes the need of perfect protection.

Most owners of big roofs have adopted the so-called gravel or slag roof on account of its low cost and adaptability to large flat areas, coupled with the excellent protection which roofs of this kind give when properly laid. Tar and gravel roofs call for no maintenance expense, because they are neither painted nor coated. When the roof is once laid in place, the owner has no further responsibility, and is able to leave it untouched for years.

It is thus seen that the prospective builder has many varieties of roofing materials to choose from, but he must always bear in mind the adaptability of the material to the particular style of roof and building which is to be constructed. In all cases the advice of a competent architect and contractor is essential in order to secure the most satisfactory and lasting results. Our leading roofing manufacturers are issuing much instructive material on the subject of proper roofing, and are always glad to aid the man who is planning to build a home or a factory to decide aright on this all-important point.

We are indebted for much of the material in this article to a number of the leading roofing manufacturers, who have sent us valuable material, and to articles in several recent issues of the "" Building Age" and the National Builder."

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Mellin's Food, prepared with milk, provides proper nourishment

to make firm flesh, strong limbs and a rugged constitution.

Send today for a Free Trial Bottle of Mellin's Food and our book, "The Care and Feeding of Infants."

Mellin's Food Company Boston, Mass.

You Can Be So Well

Do you know, ill health or chronic ailments, in nine out of ten cases, are due to improper food, poor circulation, insufficient exercise, incorrect breathing and incorrect poise?

Remove those unnatural conditions and your ailments vanish.

This may surprise you, but I am doing it daily; I have done it for eighty thousand women.

Without Drugs

I will send you letters of endorsement from eminent physicians and tell you how I would treat you. Physicians endorse my worktheir wives and daughters are my pupils.

Don't let writing a letter stand between you and good health, animation, correct weight and a

perfect figure. Write me now-today-while this subject is uppermost. If you will tell me in confidence your height, weight, and your ailments. I will tell you if I can help you. Susanna Cocroft Dept. 8, 624 Michigan Blvd.

Chicago, Ill.


The near approach of the Germans to Amiens, with the consequent possibility of the destruction of its fine Cathedral, makes the following allusion to that Cathedral interesting. It seems that many windows in the Amiens Cathedral are without stained glass, in that respect differing notably from those of the wonderful Cathedral of Chartres. Contrasting the effect of this difference, the "History of Architecture "by Professors Kimball and Edgell



Some of the most masterly of the world's designs in color may still be seen in the interior of Chartres. The color, sometimes flaming, sometimes hushed, played vividly upon the religious imagination. How much is lost with the destruction of stained glass may be gauged by comparing the interior of Chartres, where the glass is largely preserved, with that of Amiens. Although the latter is probably the more perfect building architecturally, its effect as the cold light streams in from the white glass of the windows is vastly less impressive than that of Chartres.

Curiously enough, the Cathedral at Amiens lost its stained glass, not through an invasion of barbarians, but through the foolishness of (literally) short-sighted ecclesiastics. Another authority says:

In order to see more clearly... the near-sighted canons deliberately removed the long, decorative panels of the windows and replaced them with clear white panes.

General Baden-Powell, says the "Christian Science Monitor," at a Boy Scout meeting told of a boy who one night went to bed without having done his "kind act." Just as he was beginning to feel rather miserable about it, he heard a mouse in a trap in the room. "What do you think he did?" asked the General. The boys promptly replied: "Let it out." "Not at all," replied the General; "he hadn't done his kind act: he thought of the cat."



Four years of war have apparently casehardened French nerves. While the greatest battle of the war was being fought only seventy miles from Paris, and while the mystery gun" was actually bombarding the French capital, art lovers gathered at the sale of the collection of Edouard Degas and made it one of the most successful of such sales since the war began. "It is war." say the French, and go about their occupations and amusements as usual unless duty calls them to the front. A self-contained, imperturbable, phlegmatic race, one might think-yet these are the excitable Gauls! The world has learned much about the French in four years.

Contrasting the stupendously great with the infinitely little, "Shipping" remarks that the Emergency Fleet Corporation is spending from $3,000,000 to $5,000,000 day on its ship-building programme, the lower floors of the building in which it is housed are occupied by a 5-and-10-cent




If phonetic spelling ever comes into vogue, it will spoil not a few orthographical jokes, of which the following are recent samples. From the New Haven "Regis ter:""Have you any wax? Sealing? Ceiling? No; floor."" From "Judge:" "Mother,' said Edith, when the first man started to spell "psalm" with a "p." why didn't he scratch it out and start over?""



"In what way does Germany resemble Holland?" asks a contemporary wit, and answers his question thus: "It is a low. lying country, and damned all around.” A correspondent chides The Outlook for saying differ from" in a matter of

By the Way (Continued) opinion, instead of "differ with." "You disagree with a man," he says; "why can't you just differ with him, too?" Possibly there is something in the psychology back of the phrase that makes many people prefer to say, "I differ from you." "With" seems here to imply consonance of feeling when divergence is the sentiment in the mind. Without questioning the grammatical acuteness of our critic, we may quote, as showing respectable authority for differ from," Cardinal Newman, one of the acknowledged masters of English, "She may differ from me in opinion," and Edmund Burke, "I can never for a moment differ from and you brother your in sentiment."

The spoils that await a possible German raid on Vladivostok by way of the Siberian Railway are indicated in the final chapter of Donald Thompson's new book on Russia. Mr. Thompson returned to America last fall via Vladivostok. He says: "The amount of supplies tied up in Vladivostok is incredible. All the hills as far as you can see are covered with them; some have been there for two years." There ought to be some way of securing these supplies for the Allies' use.


"A story is told of a woman who wrote to her decorator in a large city," says "ToDay's Housewife," "as follows: The library is now finished. The rug and hangings are green. Please send me at once five hundred books to harmonize with the green inclosed sample.' "" The comment is made that this is an easy way to solve a difficult problem, but that a better way is to use your own good books of various colors in such a way as not to produce a hodgepodge color effect. "Several green books, then a red, two or three more green or blue ones creating a group larger or smaller than the first, but not the same number as of red, should result agreeably," is the magazine's suggestion.

The moving-picture presentation of Maeterlinck's "Blue Bird" is said to have encountered and solved mechanical difficulties that taxed the movie men's ingenuity to the utmost. Among these problems were the transformation of a stone into a flower; the changing of the grass of a cemetery into blooming lilies; the sending of Father Time through space on a ship laden with the souls of unborn children; etc., etc. These feats for the camera are said to have been accomplished with even greater success than in the presentation of the play on the stage.

Are we making a mistake in preferring white sugar to brown? Henry T. Finck, in the "Century," says: "What the refiners remove from the cane sugar is its very soul; that is, its aroma and fragrance." He quotes Dr. Wiley as saying that cane sugar is "aromatic, fragrant, and delicious to a far greater degree in the raw state than when it is refined."

The crews of vessels that sail from port in these times and are not heard from are not given up as lost for a long time. The schooner Bessie A. Crooks left Pernambuco the middle of last January and was reported missing. Now her crew of seven men are, it is announced, prisoners in Germany, the vessel having been sunk by some German rover. This has revived hopes in shipping circles that the same thing may have befallen the sailors of the ship Timandra, which has never been heard from since she sailed a year ago for Buenos Aires from Norfolk.

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Hindrances of old systems eliminated; no shading, no worry about positions over, on or under lines-and you can read your own notes readily after months or years. Hence K. I. Shorthand is valuable for private notes, diary, messages, etc. Used in rapid secret service work.

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Here's and, this is o a Write the two together, and you have pa Here's th To me ke path you simply write


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King Institute

8 South Wabash Ave Chicago, Ills.


154 East 32d Street New York, N.Y.

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Thousands ask themselves this question. As never before in our generation men and women seek light and guidance. Those who stay at home to watch, and ponder, and perhaps weep, long for an insight into the meaning of God's will. We have need of all the comfort and help we can get.

Endowed for that purpose, this Society offers to send you, without cost or obligation other than 5 cents for mailing, Emanuel Swedenborg's "Divine Providence", a book that shows the way to a clearer understanding of God's purposes. American Swedenborg Printing and Publishing Society, Room 11, 3 W. 29th St., New York

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