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mediation of A. B. C. powers,
34-36; statement of general
policy of Wilson administra-
tion, 36-40; 215-216; failure of
mediation conference, 38; sig-
nificance of downfall of
Huerta, in its bearing on Wil-
son policies, 41; vindication of
President's policy toward, 41-
42; events in, in 1915, 73;
recognition of Carranza gov-
ernment, 74; Santa Ysabel
massacre and Villa raid, 95-96;
Pershing force in, 96; Pres-
ident Wilson's statement con-
cerning "sinister and unscru-
pulous influences" at work,
96-97, 312-314; unfriendly at-
titude of Carranza, especially
concerning Pershing expedi-
tion, 105-106; Carrizal inci-
dent, 106; rebuke administered
by President to advocates of
actual conquest in, 113, 335-
336; more conciliatory attitude
adopted by Carranza, 114;
President's defence of policy
respecting, in speech accepting
nomination for second term,
120-121; revelation of German
proposals to, 141-142; condi-
tion of affairs in February,
1917, between United States
and, 142 n.; effect of Presi-
dent's fundamental belief in
democracy on policy toward,
152; text of instructions given
to John Lind by President,
191-192; relations of United
States with, as dealt with in
President's second annual mes-
sage to Congress, 204-205; text
of President's address to Con-
gress on relations with, follow-
ing Tampico affair, 209-213;
extract from President's ad-

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47; dangers of, shown by Ger-
man policy regarding mari-
time warfare, 54; fresh state-
ment by President as to (April
8, 1915), 58-59; new note
struck in interpretation of, in
statement to Associated Press,
59, 249-254; the dealing with
German demands becomes a
business of, 63; continued
change in President's attitude
toward, 77; denial of our right
to, by Germany, given as rea-
son for our sending an army
to Europe, 146; issuance of
first formal proclamation of,
225 n.; extracts from Presi-
dent's addresses on (April,
1915), 247-254; note of Secre-
tary Lansing to Great Britain,
championing cause of, 286–287.
Niagara Falls, conference of
mediation at, 38.
Nicaragua, relations between
United States and, at opening
of Wilson's first administra-
tion, 5 n.; case of non-recogni-
tion concerning, in 1855, 7 n.;
conditions of treaty ratified
with, in spring of 1916, 84.
Norway, favourable response re-
ceived from, to world peace
plan (1913), 12 n.

Omaha Commercial Club ad-
dress (October 5, 1916), 123,
126; extract from, 351-352.
Orders in Council, British, of
1914, 49; legality of changes
made by, denied by American
government, 57; exchange of
notes with Great Britain over
(1915), 75–76.

O'Shaughnessy, Nelson, Ameri-

can chargé at Mexico City, 31.

Panama Canal, policy to which
United States is forced by ob-
ligations respecting, 117-118.
Panama Canal Act of 1912,
provisions of, protested by
Great Britain, 5.

Panama Canal tolls, question of,
5; position taken by President
Wilson concerning, 28-30;
triumph of President Wilson
in fight for repeal of exemp-
tion clause, 38; motives actu-
ating President in repeal of,
153; text of address of Presi-
dent to Congress asking for
repeal of, 207-209.

conference to

consider Mexican affairs, 73-



High Commission, creation of,
83 n.

Wilson's remarks concerning,
Pan-American program of Wil-
son administration, as set
forth in President's speech of
January 6, 1916, 82-83, 300-302.
Pan-American Scientific Con-
gress, second meeting of, 82.
Papen, Franz von, recall of, 77.
Peace, President's address on
preservation of foundations of

(October 11, 1915), 283-285;
steps necessary for a world
peace, stated in President's ad-
dress to Senate (January 22,
1917), 362-370.

"Peace without victory," sug-

gested by President Wilson,
135; text of address on, 362-
Pershing, General, expedition
led by, into Mexico, 96; with-
drawal of trops of, 142 n.

Persia, sinking of the, 85-86.
Peru, favourable response re-
ceived from, to world peace
plan (1913), 12 n.; recogni-
tion accorded newly estab-
lished government in (Febru-
ary, 1914), 27 n.
Philadelphia, President Wilson's
address at, in 1913, 20; speech
at, after sinking of Lusitania
("Too proud to fight
speech), 66-67, 256-261; ad-
dress at (July 4, 1914), deal-
ing with President's ideals and
purposes in his foreign policy,

Philippine Islands, independence

of, in Democratic platform for
1912, 3 n.; references to inde-
pendence of, by President

Wilson, 3-4; first statements
of President's intended policy
toward, 19-20; ultimate inde-
pendence of, stressed in Presi-
dent's message of December,
1913, 25 n., 205-206; change in
President's policy toward, as
shown by signing of Jones
bill, 118-120; provisions of
Jones bill regarding, 119 n.;
effect of President's funda-
mental belief in democracy on
policy toward, 152; text of
President's message to citizens
of (October 6, 1913), 195-196;
text of President's message to
Congress (December 8, 1914),
dealing with increased self-
government in, 232.
Pope, President Wilson's reply
to the, 148, 408-411.
Porto Rico, greater powers in
self-government asked for, in
President's message of De-
cember, 1913, 25 n.
Preparedness, program of, pro-

posed in President's third an-
nual message, 80-82, 293-300;
outline of plan for, in Man-
hattan Club address (Novem-
ber 4, 1915), 77-78, 287-293;
program of, dwelt on by
President in addresses in Feb-
ruary, 1916, 91-92; purchase
of Danish West Indies a part
of program of, 117–118; prep-
araton of American people
to accept new attitude toward
relations to rest of world a
part of program of, 129; ex-
tract from President's address
on spirit of a program of,
282-283; text of typical speech
by President, delivered in ten
days' tour (January, 1916),

Press Club, New York, address

(June 30, 1916), 114, 336–338.
Public opinion, as an element
conditioning direction of for-
eign affairs by President Wil-
son, 150-151; submission by
President of his foreign policy
to test of, 152; text of address
by President on importance
of, 336-338.

Purposes of United States, ex-
tracts from President's ad-
dresses setting forth (May-
June, 1916), 329-334.

Reinsch, P. S., article by, cited,
Republican foreign policy, sup-
posed opposition of Demo-
cratic party's foreign policy
to, 4; increasing tendency of
Wilson administration's policy
to approach, 116–119.
Roosevelt, President, "Big Po-
liceman" course of action
pursued by, 16 n.; adverse


comment by, on 'peace with-
out victory" address, 137 n.
Root, Elihu, arbitration treaties
negotiated during secretary-
ship of, 13 n.; heads commis-
sion to Russia, 398 n.
Russia, threatened interruption
of trade relations with, at
opening of Wilson's first ad-
ministration, 6; favourable re-
sponse received from, to world
peace plan (1913), 12 n.;
revolution in, and abdication
of Czar, 142; recognition of
new government by United
States, 142; effect of over-
throw of autocracy on Ameri-
can feeling, 143; communica-
tion by President Wilson to
new government of, 145-146;
reference to, in President's
address asking for declaration
of war on Germany, 389; ex-
tract from communication of
President to provisional gov-
ernment, stating war aims of
United States, 398-400.

Salesmanship Congress, address
before (July 10, 1916), 115,

Santa Ysabel, Chihuahua, mas-
sacre at, 95.

Scott, J. B., articles by, cited,

88, 96, 125 n., 143.
Shadow Lawn addresses (Oc-
tober-November, 1916), 123,
124, 126, 127, 128, 129, 352–358.
Shuster, W. M., "The Mexican
Menace" by, cited, 27 n.
Six Power loan to China, Presi-
dent Wilson's attitude toward,
9-10; text of President's
statement declining to request
American bankers to partici-
pate in, 181-182.

Smith, M., article on "Ameri-

can Diplomacy in European
War," cited, 62 n., 75.
South America, President Wil-
son on dangers involved in
concessions obtained by for-
eign companies in, 8, 20-21,
199-200; arbitration treaties
with countries of, 41; text of
statement by President Wil-
son of administration's atti-
tude toward republics of, 179-

Southern Commercial Congress,

President Wilson's speech be-
fore (1913), 20-21, 199-202.
Spain, arbitration treaty signed
with (September, 1914), 48.
"Speak, act, and serve together "
message of President's, 393-

Stanwood, E., History of the
Presidency, cited, 19 n.

Stone, Senator, letter of Secre-
tary Bryan to, answering
charges of discrimination
against Germany, 53-54;
President Wilson's letter to
(February 24, 1916), 94; ex-
tract from Secretary Bryan's
letter to, denying charges of
discrimination against Ger-
many and Austria, 240-241;
extract from letter by Presi-
dent to, 309–310.
Submarine issue, appearance of,

54-55; exchange of notes be-
tween Germany and America
concerning, 56-58; increasingly
pressing nature of, in spring
of 1915, 65; Lansing proposals
of January 18, 1916, relative
to, 89-90; crisis in relations
with Germany over, 99 ff.; list
of sinkings which involved
Americans, 100 n.; growing

difficulties over, in fall of 1916,
124-126; list of sinkings in-
volving Americans after May
8, 1916, 125 n.; list of sinkings
involving Americans in Feb-
ruary, 1917, 140 n.; extracts
from Secretary Bryan's com-
munications to Germany con-
cerning, 243-247; text of first
Lusitania note, 261-266; sec-
ond Lusitania note, 270-276;
third Lusitania note, 276-280;
extract from Secretary Lan-
sing's confidential note to En-
tente allies concerning (Janu-
ary 18, 1916), 302–306; extract
from Sussex ultimatum to
Germany, 316-321; President's
address to Congress concern-
ing (April 19, 1916), 321-322.
Sussex, sinking of, 99; note
concerning case of, laid be-
fore joint session of Congress,
101-102; special significance of
case of, 102-103; outcome of
case, 103-105; extract from
ultimatum sent Germany con-
cerning, 316-321.
Swarthmore College address of
President Wilson, 19-20, 196-

Sweden, favourable response re-
ceived from, to world peace
plan (1913), 12 n.

Taft, W. H., Knox's "dollar
diplomacy" defended by, 4 n.;
favourable comment by, on
President's 'Peace without
victory" address, 137 n.
Taft administration, attempts of,

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to settle Panama Canal ques-
tions with Colombia and
Great Britain, 5 n.; notifica-
tion given Russia by, of ter-
mination of treaty of com-

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