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weak and futile attempts to answer Mr. Roscoe's reasonings, they may safely be left to that contempt which they are sure to meet with from men of common sense, virtue, and integrity. If, however, there is any part of Mr. COBBETT's writings more disgraceful than those we have had occasion to allude to, it is that in which he has delivered his sentiments on the subject of WAR,and which we present to our readers as a specimen of what human nature in its most depraved state is capable of producing. He addresses Mr. Roscoe as follows:

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"I think it necessary to state to you my reasons for differing very wide, "ly indeed from you, as to the tendency of war in general, which I per"ceive you to consider as a pure, unmixed evil; and which I consider as being, not only necessary, as it notoriously is, in many cases, in the present state of the world, but also as conducive to the elevation of human nature, to the general happiness of mankind, and, of course, as being a GOOD, though, like the greater part of other good things, not unmixed with evil. I am aware of the force of habit, and men are in the habit "of talking, as you do, of the "horrors of war;" but I can safely defy you, "and all the "philanthropists" now in existence, to prove, that there is, "as the consequence of war, any thing a millionth part so horrid as a "sight of the interior of those receptacles of disease and of infamy, which are tenanted through the influence of that luxury, which it is the natural "tendency of war to abridge, and which can be completely destroyed only "by war. That war makes a part of the great scheme of the creator is abundantly obvious from the universal propensity of his creatures; who, from man himself down to the lowest reptile, discover, the moment they have "the powers of motion and perception, that to war makes a part of their "nature as much as to love. Look, Sir, at all the natural sports of children, and of young animals of every kind; you will find, that they are only so many sorts of sham fights. And, if you see that all God's creatures, "in the moments of their greatest enjoyment of life; in those moments "when they are free from all pain of mind and of body; when they are "full of health and of spirits; when they are perfectly unrestrained, and "bidden, as it were, to be as happy as their natures will permit: if you "perceive, that, in such a state, they all, without a single exception, discover a propensity for war, will you still say, that war is, in itself, "and for its own sake, a thing horrid to contemplate? But, not only "is to war, to fight (which is the same thing) a passion natural to all the creation; but, it appears to me to be necessary to the elevation of human nature, und to the happiness of mankind; for, if we suppose a state "of the world, from which war is completely and for ever banished, not only is there no longer any use for courage, fortitude, emulation, magna"nimity, and many other ennobling qualities, but the very words describing "those qualities have no longer any meaning; and, if you strip man of thɔse qualities, what is he, as to this world at least, better than a brute ?* In giving to the different classes of men, which compose the different na"tions of the earth, languages so different, that, the sounds used by the one are utterly unintelligible to any of the other, the Creator seems to


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* Did Mr. C. never read ISAIAH, Chap. XI.

Remarks on Cobbett's Weekly Register.

"have said, "be you for ever separate; and, herein is implied the nc "cessity of war; for, without war it is, I think, evident, that to preserve "that separation would, unless the nature of man were previously changed, "be quite impossible. As to wisdom and science, too, where would be the "use of them, if war were banished from the earth? The object of the "learned as well as the brave is distinction. The source of distinction is public utility, Public utility, after a very little tracing, is found to "rest at the point of public safety; and were it not for the occasional "existence of wars, and for the continual possibility of their recurrence, "public safety would be a mere sound without sense. In like manner "patriotism, loyalty, fidelity under all its different appearances and in "all its different degrees would be obliterated from the catalogue of virtues; "and, in short, man would, and must, become a stupid, unimpassioned "animal, baving no care but that of obtaining his food, and no enjoyment "but that of devouring it. I am not, observe, contending that war, may "not, as well as love, be, in some cases, and even in many cases, produc ❝tive of mischievous effects; but, if I look back into history, or, if I look "around me at the present moment, I am compelled to conclude, that "its effects are, in general the reverse !

So infamous a libel on human nature, so blasphemous a libel on the God of nature, as the above, we believe never was before uttered by either infidel or atheist, or by the most unprincipled profli gate. We now cease to wonder at that inveteracy which the writer has at various times discovered against the christian scriptures, which represent war as one of the greatest of crimes, arising not from the nature with which God has created us, but from wilful, acquired depravity; and that he should dread those scriptures being read by the common people. We should deem it an insult to our readers were we to take up a moment of their time in attempting to refute assertions as stupid as they are abominable; and at which not only christian, and civilized, but even heathen and savage nations in all ages of the world would blush.

It has been a controversy amongst divines, whether the demoniacal possessions mentioned in the gospels were real possessions, or only bodily disorders. Were we inclined to enter on this controversy, and were we partial to the popular opinion, we should instance Mr. COBBETT as affording some evidence in its favour; for were a demon to come forth from the infernal regions, and to be embodied in flesh and blood; were he, under the immediate and plenary inspiration of the prince of darkness, to utter his sentiments on WAR, SLAVERY, the SLAVE TRADE, DESPOTISM, &c.-Were he to advocate the BLESSINGS OF IGNORANCE,-Were he to commend those vile systems of brutality, BOXING and BULL-BAITING, Were he to vent the most malignant falsehoods on the character of the AMERICANS,we firmly believe he would express himself in terms precisely similar to those which abound in the writings of that disgrace to his country and his species-WILLIAM COBBETT!


Harlow, Feb. 27.

B. F.

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ONE of the most important debates which has recently taken

place in the house of Commons is that on the subject of PEACE: and here we cannot but acknowledge the obligation which every sincere friend to his country is under to that upright, independent, and patriotic senator, Mr. WHITBREAD; who amidst the various changes of administration, and the fluctuations of parties; when not only those to whom he is considered as hostile, but even his valued friends and relatives occupied the highest departments of the state, never lost sight of those objects, which although they have been most unhappily neglected, in a greater or less degree, by every administration, are of the most essential importance to the national welfare. When his friends were in power, he stood almost singly in expressing his disapprobation of their conduct for not concluding a peace, the terms of which, as offered by the enemy, he justly considered both honourable and advantageous. He then declared that he had no doubt of the sincerity of France in all "her professions for peace with this country; and that he did not give any credit to the duplicity charged against the chenny on the subject." He then professed himself "one of those who sup"ported the treaty of Amiens, which had been broken to preserve "and secure the possession of Malta.”” These declarations could not proceed from party motives, as the men with whom Mr. WHITBREAD was in the habit of supporting were at the time in power. Although the hon. gentleman met with very trifling support on the occasion alluded to, his arguments were unanswerable; and the silence of ministers was remarked even by Mr. CANNING; who although hostile to peace, expressed his surprize that a speech of *such distinguished ability as the house had just heard, should have "been passed unnoticed by his Majesty's ministers." Mr. WHITBREAD, true to his professions, has taken the earliest opportunity.

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Pol, Rev. Vol. I. P. 112.


Xxxviii Mr. Whitbread's Motion respecting Negociation.

of renewing this important subject. On the 29th, ult, after addressing the house of Commons with his usual ability, respecting the conduct of administration on the subject of negociation, he moved the following resolutions.

"Resolved, That it is the opinion of this house, that the conditions stipulated by his Majesty's ministers, for the acceptance of the mediation offered by the Emperor of Russia, were inexpedient and impolitic.

"Resolved, That it is the opinion of this house, that the conduct of his Majesty's ministers on the subject of the mediation offered by the Emperor of Austria, was unwise and impolitic, and not calculated to ascertain how far the restoration of the blessings of peace might, or might not have been attainable through the means of such mediation.

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"Resolved, That this house feels it incumbent upon itself to declare, that there is nothing in the present circumstances of the war, which ought to preclude his Majesty from embracing any fair opportunity of acceding to, or commencing a negociation with the enemy on a footing of equality, for the termination of hostilities on terms of justice and honour."

A long debate ensued. The division on each resolution was, as follows:

1st. Division-Ayes 70. Noes 210.-2d.. Ayes 67, Noes 211;
3d. Ayes 58, Noes 21.

When we compare the divisions on this important occasion with those which have taken place on other occasions during the present session, we cannot but lament that the minority should have so diminished, and that there should be found in the house of Commons, so few friends to peace. What must excite a peculiar degree of chagrin and indignation in the mind of every one who understands, and enters into the spirit of genuine christianity, is the conduct of those persons who wish to be thought its champions; who are called by way of distinction evangelical; at the head of whom we find Mr. WILBERFORCE, who opposed all Mr. WHITREAD's resolutions; "deeming it impolitic to enter into any resolutions which might have "the effect of exciting a clamour for peace amongst the people." After what Mr. WILBERFORCE must have observed in the conduct of the present ministers, and which too evidently proves their determination, neither to attend to the offers of the enemy to negociate, nor to the offers of different European states to mediate, he still expresses his full confidence, that "ministers are perfectly "sincere in the professions they have made, and that they will not neglect any means which may enable them to make peace on fair " and honourable terms." And yet Mr. WILBERFORCE has read the state papers relating to this subject. He must have been perfectly convinced that ministers had refused to accept of the mediation of both Austria and Russia, except on such conditions as it was impossible for those powers to comply with; that ministers had refused to enter on the important work of negociation, unless they were previously acquainted with a basis to be proposed by France;

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that they will not send plenipotentiaries to Paris for the pur " of negociation." With all this glaring evidence before his e Mr. WILBERFORCE places implicit confidence in the pacific di sition of ministers! But surely this declaration might have been ficient; and he needed not to have insulted the many thousands o constituents whose distresses, owing to the war, compel them petition for peace. In representing petitions which he dare deny are couched in language the most respectful to the legislat and loyal to the sovereign, as clamours," he affords melanc evidence of his own inconsistency, and more especially as a fessor of the Gospel of peace. The Angels at the birth of CHF sung glory to GOD in the highest, PEACE on earth, good towards men. Our Saviour just previous to his quitting the w bequeathed as a rich legacy to his disciples, the blessing of pe the injunctions of the inspired writers to the primitive christians a Follow peace. If it be possible live peaceably with all men. gospel in proportion as it is understood and practised, causes "

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to cease," and subdues the savage, warlike passions of which are not formed in them by the great parent of mankind has been blasphemously insinuated by COBBETT and others, are instilled by bad education, and nurtured by evil example. "clamours for peace," raised by our Saviour and the prim christians, caused as great offence to the high professors in Jewish church and state, as do similar" clamours" to the gelical professsors in the British senate. Mr. WILBERFORCE, his religious party, can enter into all the paltry pleas, urged modern statesmen in defence of wars equally unjust and unneces wars expressly undertaken in violation of the most solemn trea it seems to have constituted the main businses of their lives to tion and encourage all the foolish, profligate and corrupt mea those statesmen have made use of, and which have proved too cesful in spreading misery over their own country, in ruining most powers of Europe, and in reducing the rest to their present sta humiliation, Such men therefore as Mr. WILBERFORCE, and of his opinions, the tools of the ministers of the day, too evid prove, that however pompous their professions of christianity, are as ignorant of its real nature and design, as the poor uninfo savage who never heard any thing of the system, or even the of its author.

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