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[blocks in formation]

Lake, Lord, Mr. Paull's account of his
income, li

Law proceedings, alterations in certain

Local militia act, remarks on the, lxxxv


Maynooth college, Ixxx
Melville, Lord, his detestable, though
consistent language, respecting the
qualifications of a good soldier, li

Milton, Lord, his treatment of his con-
stituents, xv-his inconsistency con-
cerning peace, xxxix

Ministers, confess their ignorance re-
specting the treaty of Tilsit, iii.iv.xxi.

their baseness and impudence, re-
specting the Danish expedition, &c.
v-their pride shuts their ears against
all offers of peace, ix-squander the
public money in subsidies, x-contra-
dict themselves, xxi-justly charged
with injustice, cowardice, cruelty, hy-
pocrisy, and falsehood, xxiii-ought
to be publicly censured, xxv-their
hypocritical professions, xlix
Morning Post, an unprincipled and pro-

fligate print, xvii-its horrid blasphe-
my, xlix-its unqualified abuse of
the French Emperor, lix-its dis-
graceful shiftings and hypocrisy, lix.lx

[blocks in formation]

Paris, usually the place for concluding
treaties of peace, x

Peace, petitions for, xv.lii
Perceval, Mr. his objections to the Re-
version bill accounted for, I
Pitt William, constantly attacked the
rights of his countrymen, i—birth
day of, lxxxvii

Plumer, Mr. tribute of respect to him,

Ponsonby, Mr. a pertinent comparison
of his, xxx-his strange scruples
about peace, xli
Popery, fallen in Italy, lxxvii
Popham, Sir Home, charged as a
smuggler, xxxiii-his demerits re-
warded, ib.

[blocks in formation]

Reasons, sundry false ones, for having
robbed and murdered the Danes,

Redesdale, Lord, his preposterous lan-
guage respecting the influence of the
crown, li
Remarks, on the Russian, Swedish,
and Danish declarations, Ixiii.lxvi-
on the conduct of the clergy-East
India enormities-Committee of Fi-
nance- -Affairs of Spain, America,
&c. lxxxix.civ

Revenue, state of the, xii
Reversion Bill, rejection of, xlix.li-
remarks on the, Ïxviii.lxx
Revolution, the French, may ultimately
produce the most valuable blessings
to the world, lvii-in Spain, remarks
on the, Iviii-brought about by the
old hereditary nobility of Spain,
lx.lxxiv-in Portugal, remarks on the,

Roscoe, Mr. his admirable pamphlet

offends Cobbett, xxxiv-vindicated
against the unjust attacks of Cobbett,

Royal Influence, lxxxi

Russia, war with, occasioned or acce-
lerated by the Danish expedition,
xxvi.xxix-Emperor of, his strong
language respecting our attack upon
Copenhagen, xxvi


Sharpe, Mr. his motion respecting the、
Danish Expedition, xlv.xlvi
Smith, John, his eulogium on Mr.
Whitbread, xli. xlii

Smith, William, his misplaced confi-
dence, xvi-his praise-worthy deter-
mination, ib.-his inconsistency on
the subject of peace, xl-his conduct
in some instances irreconcilable, xvlii
Spain, counter revolution in, lxxiv
was compelled to war by the English,

Stanhope, Lord, his opinion respecting
the seizure of Danish merchant ships,

Thornton, Robert, his strange notion of
morality, xlviii

Tilsit, supposed secret articles of the
treaty of, French declaration respec-
ting the, iii-Mr. Canning's confes-
sion of the ignorance of ministers
respecting them,ib.-Lord Mulgrave's
confessions respecting them, zb.-
Lord Hawkesbury's shuffling concern-
ing them, ib.-Mr. Percival's quibbles
on the same subject, iv.-contradic-
tory professions of ministeas concern-
Traitors, Irish, the favourites and in-
ing them, xx
Turton, Sir Thomas, extract from his
formants of ministers, iv.xxix
speech concerning the death of an
Eastern Sovereign, lxxxvi

U. V.

Vital Christians, two political ones, at
variance about the right of keeping
the property stolen from the Danes,

Vote of Thanks concerning the Danish
Expedition, a prostitution of national
gratitude, xvii
Usurpation, spiritual, can exist only by
the sword, Ixiii


Waithman, Mr. bis exposure of the city
of London address, lxxi

War, nature of the present, xi
Ward, Mr. his remark respecting the
secretary for foreign affairs, xl-
extract from his speech on the rever-
sion bill, Ixix
Wellesley, Marquis of, debates on his
conduct, lxxxvI
Whig Club, viii

Whitbread, Mr. his opinion respecting
the Danish expedition, vi-a remark
of, concerning the bark prohibition
bill, xxxii- his motion respecting
negociation, xxxvii-his upright and
Consistent conduct, ib.-his laudable

[blocks in formation]

Bakewell, Mr. his speech at the York-
shire meeting, 59

Bank, loan of the, to government, 62
Bark prohibition bill, debates concern-
ing it, 214.215

Bible Society, interesting proceedings
of the, 33.34.358.360
Bonaparte, his imperial decree concern-
ing our orders in council, 7.8-his
speech to the citizens of Italy, 10-
accused of hypocrisy by Mr. Burdon,

43-the Editor accused of being too
mild concerning him, 44-said to be
bent upon the destruction of this
country, 114-his character drawn
by Mr. Burdon, 224-his interview
with the merchants at Bourdeaux, 299

Britain, the character of defen
Brutality, boxing, an instan
Budget, 265

Burdon, Mr. palliates a depar
the laws of justice and
45.164-defends the war,
his advice to the editor, 165-
on,222-his reflections on th
-thinks christianity too pur
to do much good! 224-his
on the Political Review f
295 290-his illiberal refle
the editor, 295.296.297-
to a correspondent signing
W. 297-his glaring incons
355.356-why he is angry
editor, 356

Berkely, Admiral, voted a
plate by the legislature
Scotia, 374-vote disapprov
the Governor, ib.

Barracks, extravagant salaries
veyor of, 379


Cabinet, the British, possesses
memory, 19.20-accused of b
oligarchy, 22
Catholic Question, resolutions a
rary concerning it, 62-im
debate concerning it, 336.33
Character, national, lamentable
in the, 222

Circular letter concerning Frenc
merce, 8.9

Clergy, the reproved by Clericu
Cobbett, Mr. condemned and

gerized by Mr. Burdon, 165.2
Cold-bath fields prison, petition r

ing, 155-important debates r
to, 216.218

Conscription, French, for 1809

address on the, 125

Convention, between his Majes
the King of Sweden, 170
Copenhagen, Danish account

[blocks in formation]

Danish fleet, debate concerning the

restoration of the, 144.146
Danish Gun Boats, destruction of, 368
Declaration of Prussia against England,
140-of the Emperor of Russia a-
gainst Sweden, 177—of Sweden, 189
-Danish, 192.194
Decree, Bonaparte's relative to, Portu-
gal, 179

Denmark, Prince Royal of, his reply
to the Copenhagen merchants, 53-
estimate of the loss to, by the English
expedition, 120

Dialogue, between a clergyman, and
a quaker, 108.113

Distilleries, debates concerning, 268–
substance of the report of a com-
mittee of the house of Commons con-
cerning, 300

Droits of Admiralty, debate concerning,

Duigenan, Dr. a furious bigot, 341


Earthquake, at the St. Michaels and
George's Islands, 375
East India company, 269.274
Editor, reprimanded for having noticed
a boxing-match, 37-his reply to
Mr. Burdon, 167--abused by Mr.
Burdon, 275.297-replies to Mr. B's
charges, 298

England and France contrasted as to
morals, 41.42

English, the, their usual method, ac-
cording to the Moniteur, of justifying
acts of injustice, by falsehood, 17-
they are challenged to publish any
secret article in the treaty of Tilsit
contrary to their interest, ib.-they
neglected the cause of Russia in not
sending succours to Dantzick, 21-
what reparation they ought to make
to the Danes, 28-why they ought
to be no longer at war with France,ib,
Eugene, Prince, his adoption by the
Emperor of the French, 9.10
Etruria, fate of the Queen of, 372


[blocks in formation]

Lake, Lord, debates in parliament con-
cerning his pension, 205
Liverpool meetings, 185-defence of the
merchants at, 352

Local militia act, 267.271.342.343.349.

Locke, Mr. monument to, 358
London, common council of, 229-de-
bates in, on the reversionary grants
bill, 231-234


Mana de Melo, Don Joseph, his ad-
dress to the faithful, concerning obe-
dience to Napoleon, 139
Manufacturers, Lancashire,disturbances
amongst, 375
Maynooth college, 272

Mercator's defence of the Liverpool
merchants, 352.354-reply to, by the
editor, 354

Merryman, Mr. and Lord Castlereagh,
compared, 210.211
Message, the King's relative to the
Duchess of Brunswick, 339
Military enquiry, fifth report of the
commissioners of, 184
Monthly Magazine, remarks on a paper
in the, 220
Morality, the new,
ed, 36.37

ironically commend-


National Intelligencer, (American) ex-
tract from the, 221
Navy list, 125

Necessity the only plea for robbing and
murdering the innocent Danes, 163


Orders in council, debates concerning.
O'Shaugnessy, Dr. his dispute with the
Irish catholics, 185


Paradoxes, the employment of them in
writing calculated to excite atten-
tion, 172
Parliaments, proceedings in, by the
the Commons,

Paulists, a curious account of them, 12
Paull, Mr. extract from his letter rela-
tive to Lord Lake's pension, 184-
death of, 255

Paupers, number of, in England, 174
Peace, terms of, proposed by the En-
glish to the Danes, 27-meetings for,
in Yorkshire, 58-resolutions con-
cerning, 60,61

Petitions, several, for peace, &c. 185
-remarks on them by a manufactu-
rer, 227.229—from the corporation
of London, to both houses of parlia-
ment, 235.236

Picton, Governor, his trial, 377
Pitt, the late Mr. his administration de-
scribed, 366

Poetry. Ode, by the late Sir W. Jones,
50-Holy Anticipation, 119 - Ad-
dress to an Early Violet, 176—The
Victory off Copenhagen, ib.-On Fan-
cy, 247-Retort Courteous, ib.-Ad-
dress to the Sun, 304-Description
of a Fine Night, ib.-Song on Sir. F.
Burdett's Election, 305-A Tale of
the Times of Old, 367

Political Publications, list of, new, 118.

Poor's Rates, 174

Pope, Pius VII. his protests against the
demands of the French, 181—his cir-
cular letter, 332

Popham, Sir H. his honourable conduct
at Dungeness,
Portugal, Prince Regent of, his second
proclamation, 10- reports of the
French minister of foreign affairs re-
lative to, 136.140


Prayer, extract from one, offered by an
honest and pious minister, on the
state of public affairs, 46

Prayers, on the custom of hawking
them, 292 294

Privateering company, 121
Proclamation, of the King of England,
for a Fast, 156-of the governor of
Cuba, 239.240-of the King of Swe-
den, 290-of Gen. Armfeldt, ib.—of
Protest, against the attack on Copenha-
Russia, 291.292
gen, 86.88-against the rejection of
Lord Darnley's address, &c. 195—
against the resolution approving of
the conduct of ministers on the attack
of Copenhagen, ib.-against the re-
jection of the reversionary grants bill,


Prussian Declaration, 194


Quakers, dialogue between one and a

address to T. Jefferson, President of

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