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An act to continue until the 25th An act for enabling his majesty day of March 1808, and from to grant the palace called the King's thence until the end of the then House, with the appurtenances, si. next session of parliament, an act, tuate in Greenwich Park, in the made in the 44th year of his present county of Kent, to the commissioir. majesty's reign, for appointing com- ers for the government of the royal missioners to inquire into the fees, naval asylum, and for enabling the gratuities, perquisites, and emolu. said commissioners to appoint a ments received in several public of. chaplain to officiate therein. fices in Ireland ; to examine into An act to suspend for 12 months abuses which may exist in the same; so much of an act of the 2d year and into the mode of receiving, of king James the first, intitled An collecting, issuing, and accounting act concerning tanners, curriers, for public money in Ireland. shoemakers, and other artificers

An act to declare, that the pro occupying the cutting of leather, visions of an act made in the par. as prohibits the regrating and in. liament of Ireland in the 33d year grossing of oaken bark. of king Henry the cighth, relating An act for increasing the rates to servants' wages, shall extend to of subsistence to be paid to inn. all counties of cities and counties keepers and others on quartering of towns in Ireland,

soldiers. An act for raising the sum of An act for charging the sum of 1,500,0001. by way of annuities, 12,000,0001. part of the loan of for the service of Ireland.

twelve millions two hundred thou. An act to authorize the payment sand pounds, raised for the service of prize money arising from cap. of Great Britain for the

year 1807, tures made by ships of his Sicilian upon the duties of customs and majesty in conjunction with British excise, granted to his majesty du. ships, to the Sicilian envoy, for the ring the continuance of the present use of the officers and men of such war, and for certain periods after ships ; and also the payment of the ratification of a definitive treaty money arising out of proceeds of of peace; and for providing a sinkprizes or captures made by any ing fund for the redemption of the other ships or vessels belonging to stocks or finds thereby created. foreign states, in conjunction with An act for the further regulating his majesty's ships.

the office of treasurer of his ma. An act for permitting the cx. jesty's navy. portation of fullers carth, fulling ciay, and tobacco pipe clay, to any place in possession of his majesty.

An act to repeal the severat du. Public Bills of the First Session of ties under the care of the commis.

the Fourth Parliament of the Uni. sioners for managing the stamp du.

ted Kingdom of Great Britain and

Ireland. ties in Ireland, and to grant new · and additional duties in lieu there

July 7. of; and to amend the laws relating An act to continue until the fifth to the stamp duties in Ireland, day of July, one thousand eight

hundred hundred and cight, several acts for very of penalties under certain acts, granting certain rates and duties, made in the forty-seventh year of and for allowing certain drawbacks his present majesty, for securing and bounties on goods, wares, and the rates and duties in Ireland in merchandise, imported into and ex- respect of dwelling houses, fire ported from Ireland.

hearths, windows, male servants, July 17.

horses, dogs, and carriages ; and An act to revive and continne, on licences to persons dealing in antil the expiration of six weeks exciseable commodities ; and on paafter the commencement of the per and paper hangings ; and to next session of parliament, three alter the condition of certain bands acts, passed in the thirty-seventh, to be given by brewers in Ireland. forty-fifth, and forty-sixth years of

August 1. his majesty's reign, for carrying in. Au act to suppress insurrections, to execution the treaty of amity, and prevent the disturbance of the commerce, and navigation, be public peace in Ireland, tween his majesty and the United An act to repeal certain duties of States of America ; and for em. excise, and also certain stamp-duties powering his majesty to suspend, in Ireland, and to grant certain new before the first day of March, one stamp-duties in lien thereof; and thousand eight hundred and eight, to amend the laws relating to the the provisions of the said acts, for stamp-duties in Ireland, such period as his majesty may An act to grant to his majesty, deem expedient..

until the fifth day of July, one thouAn act to indemnify persons sand eight hundred and eight, cerwho have advised or acted under tain duties on the importation, and an order of council for making re

to allow drawbacks on the expor. gulations with respect to the navi. tation, of certain goods, wares, and gation and commerce between his merchandise, into and from Ireland. majesty's subjects and the subjects An act to enable bis majesty to of the United States of America. appoint the chancellor of the ex.

An act for raising the sum of chequer for the time being in Irethree millions by loans or · exche. land, one of the commissioners for quer bills, for the service of Great executing the office of lord high Britain for the year one thousand treasurer in England, without sa. eight hundred and seven.

lary. An act for raising the sum of one An act to enable the lords com, million five hundred thousand missioners of his majesty's treasury pounds, by loans or exchequer bills, to issue exchequer bills, on the crefor the service of Great Britain for. dit of such aids or supplies as have the year, one thousand eight hun. been or shall be granted hy parlia. dred and seren.

ment for the service of Great-Bri. July 25.

tain, for the year one thousand eight An act for granting to his m3.

hundred and seven. jesty a sum of money to be raised An act to continue until the first by lotteries.

day of June, oue thousand eight An act to provide for the reco.' hundred and eight, an 'act of the


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forty-fifth year of his present ma. majesty certain possessions and jesty, for appointing commissioners rights vested in the Sierra Leone to inquire into the public expendi. company, and for shortening the ture, and the conduct of the public duration of the said company, and business in the military departments for preventing any dealing or traftherein mcntioned.

ficking in the buying or selling of August 8.

slaves withio the colony of Sierra An act to enable the trustees of Leone. the British Museum to exchange, An act to enable his majesty to sell

, or dispose of such parts of the grant to her majesty the queen a collectious, and under such restric. capital messuage, called Frogmore, tions as are therein specified. and divers lands and hereditaments

An act for permitting, until the in the parishes of New Windsor twenty-afth day of March, one and Old Windsor, in the county of thousand eight hundred and nine, Berks, and a piece of land in Wy. and from thence to the end of the rothsbury, in the county of Bucks, then next session of parliament, the for a term of ninety-nine years, if importation of certain enumerated her majesty and the princesses, her articles into the British colonies on five younger daughters, or any of the continent of North America, them, shall so long live, for and in from the United States of America, lieu of her majesty's present terms and the exportation of other enu. and interest therein ; and also to merated articles from the same co. make exchanges. lonies to the said states.

An act to grant certain duties on An act for more effectually calicoes, nuslins, cotton yarn, and charging public accountants with cotton twist, of the manufacture of interest upon balances; and for Grea-Britain or Ireland respective. other purposes relating to the pas. ly, on their importation into either sing of public accounts.

country from the other, according An act to enable the East-India to the regulations contained in the company to raise money upon acts for the union of Great-Britain bond, instead of increasing their and Ireland. capital stock.

An act to explain an act, of the An act 'to continue, until the forty-seventh year of his present first day of Juno, one thousand eight majesty, for enabliog the Albion hundred and ten, and from thence fire and life insurance company to to the end of the then next session sue in the name of their secretary, of parliament, and amend an act of and to inrol annuities. the forty-second year of his pre- An act to explain an act, of the sent majesty, for the more effectual forty-seventh year of his present administration of the office of a jus., majesty, for enabling the Globe in. tice of the peace in such parts of surance company to sue in the name the counties of Middlesex and Sur. of their treasurer, and to iirrol anrey as lie in and near the metropo. nuities. lis; and for the more effectual pro- An act to explain an act, of the vention of felonies.

forty-seventh year of his present An act for transferring to his majosty, for enabling the Pelican

life-insurance company to sue in hundred thousand pounds by trea. the name of their secretary, and to sury bills for the service of Ireland inrol annuities.

for the year one thousand eight hunAugust 13.

dred and seven. An act to prevent improper An act for enabling his majesty persons from having arms in Ire. to raise the sum of four millions land.

five hundred thousand pounds for An act for allowing a certain the service of Great Britain. proportion of the militia in Ireland, An act for more effectually sevoluntarily to enlist into his ma curing the payment of the debts of jesty's regular forces.

traders. An act for increasing the militia An act for suspending the opera. of Ireland, under certain limitations tion of an act of the thirty-sixth and restrictions.

year of his present majesty, for the An act for allowing a certain further support and maintenance proportion of the militia in Greate of curates within the church of EngBritain voluntarily to enlist into his land, and for other purposes in majesty's regular forces.

the said act mentioned, so far as reAn act for encouraging the ex- lates to the avoidance of benefices Portation of salt from Ireland. by the incumbents thereof, having

An act to amend an act, of the accepted augmented curacies. forty-sixth year of his majesty, for An act for granting to his mathe better regulation of the office of jesty a certain sum of money out of receiver-general of the post-office in the consolidated fund of Great BriEngland.

tain, and for applying certain August 14.

moneys there mentioned for the An act for the speedy comple, service of the year one thousand ting the militia of Great-Britain, and eight hundred and seven, and for increasing the same under certain further appropriating the supplies limitations and restrictions.

granted in this session of parliaAn act for raising the sum of five ment.




[The following Paper was, by accident, omitted in our Volume for 1806.

Its proper place, in that volume, would have been immediately preceding The Swedish Declaration, in p. 686.]


proper to


The King of Prussia's Proclamation, entrust the administration of the said

respecting the occupation, by his countries in such manner that, through Troops, of the Electorate of Ha- him, and the commission of govern

ment which he



appoint, all affairs relating to the TE, Frederic William, by the government of the country may be

Grace of God, king of Prus- transacted, and the necessary orders sia, &c. &c. hereby moke known, &c. thereto communicated to the interior After the events which have termi- of magistracy and magistrates. nated in peace between Austria and « We therefore charge, as well France, all our endeavours have been those, as the prelates, nobles, citidirected to ward off from these dis- zens, and all subjects and inbabitants tricts the flames of war, and its dis- of the said country, without excepastrous consequences, which monen- tion, to conform themselves duly to tarily threatened the north of Ger- these dispositions made for their welmany, and particularly the countries fare; and also to the commands of of the electorate of Brunswick. With our before-mentioned commissaries this view, and as the only possible of administration, and the commisa means to attain it, a convention hassion by them to be appointed, as been made and concluded between well with regard to civil as military us and the emperor of the French, affairs; not only not throwing any in pursuance of which, the states of impediment in the way of our troops bis Britannic Majesty in Germany which are to march in, but to assist will not be again occupied by Prench and afford them all the information or other troops combined with them; in their power; and in the high or and, till the conclusion of a general more general affairs of the country, peace, will be wholly occupied and and also in propositions and petitions governed by us: in pursuance of thereto relating, alone and only to which, we have caused the Brunswick address themselves to the beforeelectoral countries, to be occupied by mentioned commissaries of adminis

under the command of our tration, as standing highest under our general of cavalry, Count Von Der immediate orders. Schulenburg Kennert, to whom, in " As by this measure we have in our name, and till the peace, we view the repose and tranquillity of VOL. XLIX.



the corps

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