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General Meeting—April 23-25, 1925

The Annual General Meeting of The American Philosophical Society will be held on April 23d, 24th, and 25th, 1925, beginning at 2 P. M. on Thursday, April 23d.

Members are requested to send to the Secretaries, at as early a date as practicable and before March 18, 1925, the titles of papers which they intend to present so that they may be announced in the preliminary programme which will be issued immediately after that date and which will give in detail the arrangements for the Meeting. It is understood that papers offered are original contributions which have not been theretofore presented.

All papers presented which are favorably acted on by the Publication Committee will, in accordance with the rules of the Society, be published as soon as practicable in either the Proceedings or the Transactions as may seem best.



Members who have not as yet sent their photographs to the Society

will confer a favor by so doing; cabinet size preferred.

It is requested that all correspondence be addressed







Stated Meeting, January 2, 1925.

Present: Secretary Goodspeed and Professor Ives.
There not being a quorum, no business was transacted.

Stated Meeting, February 6, 1925.

WILLIAM B. Scort, Sc.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair.

The decease was announced of the following members:

Thomas Corwin Mendenhall, Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D., at Ravenna,
O., on March 23, 1924, æt. 83.

Christopher Stuart Patterson, A.M., at Chestnut Hill, Phila-
delphia, on November 8, 1924, æt. 82.

Sir Archibald Geikie, O.M., K.C.B., Sc.D., LL.D., at Hash-
mere, England, on November 11, 1924, æt. 89.

Alden Sampson, A.M., at New York, on January 5, 1925, æt. 71.
John Marshall, M.D., Nat.Sc.D., LL.D., at Philadelphia, on
January 21, 1925.

Dr. Charles B. Bazzoni, read a paper on "This Year's Atom," illustrated by lantern slides and discussed by the President.

Stated Meeting, March 6, 1925.

WILLIAM B. SCOTT, Sc.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair.

The decease was announced of the following members:

William Francis Hillebrand, Ph.D., at Washington, on February 7, 1925, æt. 72.

Preston Albert Lambert, B.A., at Bethlehem, Pa., on February 15, 1925.

Charles B. Penrose, A.M., Ph.D., M.D., LL.D., at Philadelphia, on February 27, 1925, æt. 63.

Dr. Herbert E. Ives of the Research Laboratories of the Western Electric Company, read a paper on "The Transmission of Photographs by Telephone," which was illustrated by lantern slides and discussed by the President and Dr. Goodspeed.

The Committee on Nominations made its report.

The following resolution offered by Mr. Price on behalf of the Committee on Site, was seconded and adopted by unanimous vote:

Resolved: That the Committee on Site be authorized to employ an Architect to prepare preliminary plans for the proposed new Hall for the Society, the cost to be charged to the Building Fund.

Referring to the recent death of Dr. Penrose, the following resolution presented by Dr. Hays was unanimously adopted:

This Society has heard with deep regret the announcement of the death of Dr. Charles Bingham Penrose and records its high appreciation of his interest in the Society's work, manifested in various ways and finally in the generous contingent bequest to it, contained in his will.

Stated General Meeting, April 23, 24, 25, 1925.

WILLIAM B. SCOTT, Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D., President, in the Chair.

Professors Albert F. Blakeslee and Charles McL. Andrews, newly elected members, subscribed the Laws and were admitted into the Society.

The decease was announced of the following members:

John F. Hayford, C.E., March 10, 1925, at Chicago, æt. 57.
John Cadwalader, A.B., A.M., LL.D., March 11, 1925, at
Philadelphia, æt. 82.

George S. Fullerton, M.A., B.D., LL.D., March 23, 1925, at
Poughkeepsie, æt. 65.

James M. Baldwin, M.A., Ph.D., Sc.D., LL.D., æt. 64.

The following papers were read:

"Some Changes in the Composition of the Blood after Hemorrhage," by D. Wright Wilson, Ph.D., Professor of Physiological Chemistry, University of Pennsylvania. (Introduced by Dr. Alexander C. Abbott.)

"The Colloidal Nature of Protoplasm," by William Seifriz, Ph.D., Research Council Fellow. (Introduced by Dr. Henry H. Donaldson.)

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