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Adjournment, joint committee appointed to wait upon the
President, and notifiy him that Congress were
about to adjourn, 457. Committee reported, and
the Senate adjourned, 457.
Appropriation bill, taken up, 245.
Appropriations for light-houses, beacons, and buoys, bill
making, taken up, 432; amended, and ordered to
a third reading, 433.

bill detained by President United States for further
consideration, 457.

Georgia, motion to print the remonstrance of the State of,
against treaties formed by the United States with
the Indians in that State, and against the inter-
course law of 1796, 245; proposition to amend
so as to include the laws of Georgia extending
jurisdiction over the Cherokees, 245; further
amendment proposed, to include the laws of all
the States concerning Indian relations, 245;
amendments adopted, and resolution agreed to,

Army of the United States, bill authorizing the President Hunt,
to mount and equip ten companies of the, taken
up, and ordered to a third reading, 272, 274.
Attorney General, bill to reorganize the establishment of
the, taken up, and postponed, 276, 277; again
taken up, debated, and laid on the table, 322,
323, 324; again taken up, amended, and laid on
the table, 404.

Baltimore and Ohio railroad, bill authorizing a subscription
of stock in, taken up, 453; proposition to amend,
and debates thereon, 453, 454, 455; bill laid on
the table, 455.

Canals. (See Louisville and Portland.)
Carson, James, register of the land office at Palmyra, in
Missouri, resolution calling for the reasons of his
removal, taken up, 384; laid on the table, 385.
Coins, resolution adopted to consider the state of the cur
rent, 1.

Congressional documents, resolution authorizing a sub-
scription to a compilation of, taken up, 84.
Controversies between States, bill to prescribe the mode
of commencing, prosecuting, and deciding, taken
up, 409; motion to postpone, 409.

Currency, resolution submitted to inquire into the expe-
diency of establishing a uniform national, 3;
adopted, and sundry papers on the subject refer-
red to the committee, 3.

Deaf and Dumb, bill making donation for the New York
institution for the education of the, taken up,
302; various amendments proposed to include
similar institutions in other States, 302; amend-
ments adopted, 304; further amendments pro-
posed, ordered to be printed, and the bill to lie
on the table, 305.

Duties, taxes, &c., bill for the abolition of, notice given of
its introduction, 172; leave given, and bill read
the first time, 179; further considered, and bill
withdrawn, 245.

Duties, bill to reduce the, on coffee, tea, and cocoa, from
the House of Representatives, with amendments
proposed by Committee on Finance, taken up,
428; amendments agreed to in part, and bill or-
dered to a third reading, 428, 432.

Duties on imports, bill to exempt certain merchandise from
the operation of the act of 1828, imposing, taken
up, debated, and rejected, 452, 453.

Executive powers, notice given of a proposed motion to
transfer the discussion on the subject of, from the
executive to the legislative journal, 11; decided
to be out of order, 11.

Fulton, Robert, resolution submitted and adopted, to in-
quire into the expediency of granting a portion
of the public lands to the heirs of, 21.

bill to recompense the heirs of, rejected on the
third reading, 247.


Theodore, resolution calling for the reasons for the
removal of, from the office of recorder of land
titles in Missouri, taken up, 367; debate thereon;
367 to 374; laid upon the table, 374.
Impeachments. (See Peck, James H.)
Indian tribes, bill for the relief of persons who have lost
property by the depredations of, taken up, 11.
Indian agencies, bill authorizing the President to divide,
in certain cases, taken up, 128; ordered to a third
reading, 129.
Indiana, bill to enable the President to extinguish the In-
dian title within the State of, taken up, 16; de-
bate thereon, and amendments proposed and
adopted, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21; bill laid on the table,
21; again taken up, 284.






resolution calling for information respecting the
progress of civilization among the, taken up, 42;
amended and adopted, 43.

bill to provide for an exchange of lands with,
and for their removal west of the Mississippi,
taken up, and amendment proposed, 305; again
taken up, and amendment withdrawn, 307; bill
resumed, various amendments proposed, and
debate thereon, 309 to 320, 324 to 339, 343 to
357, 359 to 367, 374 to 377, 380, 381, 382, 383;
bill ordered to a third reading, 383; returned
from the House of Representatives with amend-
ments, 456; further amendments proposed and
negatived, and the amendments of the House of
Representatives concurred in, 456.

to certain States, bill for allowing, for advances
during the war, taken up, amended, and post-
poned, 1, 2.

improvement, bill making appropriations for ex-
aminations and surveys, and for certain works of,
taken up, 340; amendments proposed and adopt-
ed, 340; further amendments proposed, and de-
bate thereon, 340 to 343; bill ordered to a third
reading, 343.

resolution proposing to limit the sales of the public,
and of abolishing the office of surveyor general,
taken up, 3; debate thereon, 4 to 7; postponed,
7; again taken up, 11; debate thereon, 11 to 16,
22 to 30; motion to amend, so as to hasten the
sales, and extend more rapidly the surveys, 30;
modifications of the amendment proposed, and
debate thereon, 31 to 41; motion to postpone in-
definitely, 41; debate thereon, 43 to 172; 179 to
220; 223 to 244; 247 to 272; 277 to 302; 435 to

bill for the relief of the purchasers of the public,
from the House of Representatives, with amend-
ments, taken up, 274; further proposition to
amend negatived, and the amendments of House
of Representatives concurred in, 276.

[ocr errors]

the bill in relation to light-houses and harbors, for
further consideration, 457.
President of the Senate, casting vote of, 43.

pro tempore, elected, 456.

Public documents. (See Congressional Documents.)
Pursers in the navy, bill regulating the duties of, and pro-
viding for their compensation, taken up, 305;
amended, and ordered to a third reading, 306,
307; passed, 309.

Land claims in the district of Jackson court-house, bill
for confirming certain, taken up, 320; amendment
proposed and negatived, and the bill ordered to
a third reading, 321.
Lands, bill to graduate the price of the public, taken up,
and debate thereon, 405 to 409; laid on the table,
409; again taken up, 413; amendments proposed
and adopted, 413, 414; motion to postpone inde-
finitely, 417; debate thereon, 418 to 421; post-
ponement negatived, and the bill ordered to a Reed, Mr., of Mississippi, his death announced, and pro-
third reading, 421; motion to refer the bill to the
Commissioner of the Land Office, with instruc-
tions, 423; proposition negatived, 427; ordered to
third reading, and title amended, 427.

Louisville and Portland canal, bill to authorize a subscrip-
tion of stock to, taken up, and ordered to a third
reading, 247; bill detained by President of the
United States for further consideration, 457.
Mails, resolution to prohibit the transportation of the, on
the sabbath, taken up, debated, and laid on the
table, 427.
Marine service, resolutions calling for information in rela-
tion to, taken up, 220; debate thereon, and reso-
lutions agreed to, 221, 222, 223.
Massachusetts, bill to authorize the payment of the claim
of, for militia services, introduced, 9; taken up,
357; ordered to a third reading, 359.
Meredith, Mr. appears as counsel for Judge Peck, 456.
Mileage to members of Congress, bill to establish an uni-
form rule for the computation of, taken up, 10;
referred to select committee, 11.
Military peace establishment, bill to reduce and fix the,
taken up, 2; motion to strike out the preamble,
and debate thereon, 2, 3; motion negatived, and
bill laid on the table, 3.

Mounted infantry. (See Army.)
New York, memorial from citizens of, asking protection
for the Indians, presented, 7; debate on the print-
ing and reference, 7; laid on the table, 8.

Order, points of, decided, 11, 31, 169, 245.
Patent Office, bill for the further regulation of, taken up,
377; debate on proposed amendments, 377 to
380; bill laid on the table, 380.

Peck, James H., impeachment of, by a committee of the

House of Representatives, 383; proceedings
thereon, 383, 384; committee appointed to con-
sider and report upon the matter, 384; report of
committee, 385; message from the House notify-
ing the appointment of managers to conduct the
impeachment, 405; order of arrangement adopt-
ed, 405; articles of impeachment read, 411; sum-
mons issued for the appearance of, to answer,
413; summons returned, appearance of, and an-
swer, 432; trial postponed, 432; trial resumed,
455; postponed till next session of Congress,

Pension laws, bill explanatory of the acts in relation to,
taken up, 396; debate thereon, 396 to 404; again
taken up, and indefinitely postponed, 405.
Pre-emption rights, bill to grant, taken up, 8; postponed,
9; taken up, and motion to recommit negatived,
11; bill passed, 11.

President of the United States, annual message of, com-
municated, 1.

message from, returning, with his objections, the
bill authorizing a subscription to the stock of the
Washington turnpike road company, 456.
detains the Louisville and Portland canal bill, and

ceedings thereon, 1.

Removals from office.



(See Carson, James, and Hunt,

resolutions submitted, calling for the number of,
the names of officers, and the reasons for their
removal, 385; postponed indefinitely, 396.

Mr., of Maryland, elected President pro tempore of
the Senate, 456.

Solicitor of the Treasury, bill to establish the office of, no-
tice given of its introduction, 404; bill introduced,
and read the first time, 405.

South Carolina railroad company, petition of, asking a
subscription to the stock, presented and referred,
21, 22.

Mr. Alexander, of Virginia, his death announced,
and proceedings thereon, 357.

Surgeon General of the navy, bill creating the office of,
taken up, amended, and ordered to a third read-
ing, 321, 322.

Tea, coffee, &c. (See Duties.)
Virginia State line in the war of the revolution, bill for the
relief of the officers and soldiers of the, takenup,
421; amended, and ordered to a third reading, 423.
Washington turnpike road company, bill authorizing a sub-
scription of stock in, taken up and postponed, 7;
again taken up, and ordered to a third reading,
427; returned by the President of the United
States, with his objections, 456; reconsidered and
rejected, 456.

Wirt, Mr. appears as counsel for Judge Peck, 432.
Yeas and nays, on third reading bill to compensate the
heirs of Robert Fulton, 247.

on third reading Louisville and Portland canal bill,

on amending survey and internal improvement bill,
340, 343.

on third reading bill to remove Indians west of the
Mississippi, 383.

on postponing bill explanatory of the pension laws,

on postponing bill to graduate the price of the pub-
lic lands, 421.

on third reading same, 421.

on third reading bill for the relief of officers and
soldiers of the Virginia State line in the revolu-
tionary war, 423.

on referring bill to graduate the price of public
lands to Commissioner of the Land Office, 427.
on ordering same to third reading, 427.
on third reading Washington and Rockville turnpike
road bill, 427.

on third reading bill to exempt certain merchandise
from the operation of the tariff act of 1828, 453.
on laying on table bill authorizing a subscription to
the stock of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad
company, 455.

on passing same, after being returned by the Presi-
dent, with his objections, 456.


Adams, Mr. on confirming land claims in the district of Clayton, Mr., on internal improvement, 340, 342.

Jackson court-house, 321.

on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 359.
Barnard, Mr. on marine service, 221, 222.

on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302.
on the light-house bill, 433.

Barton, Mr. on national currency, 3.

on limiting sales of public lands, 7, 14, 30, 146.
on bill granting pre-emption rights, 8.

on executive powers, 11.

on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 21.
on granting land to heirs of Robert Fulton, 21.
on Indian agencies, 128.

on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302, 303,
304, 305.

on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson
court house, 321.

on reorganizing the department of the Attorney
General, 322.

on the President's power of removal, 367, 457.
on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 381.
on graduating the price of public lands, 408, 421,

Bell, Mr. on disposing of New York memorial, asking pro-
tection for the Indians, 7.

on bill granting pre-emption rights to settlers on the
public lands, 8.

regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy,


on reorganizing the department of the Attorney Ge-
neral, 404.

on graduating the price of public lands, 416.
Benton, Mr. on the bill allowing interest to certain States, 1.
on fixing the military peace establishment, 2, 3.
on national currency, 3.

on limiting sales of public lands, 4, 6, 16, 22, 42,
94, 95, 231, 447.

on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 20, 21.

on Indian agencies, 129.

on abolition of taxes, duties, &c. 172, 245.

on mounted infantry, 272.

regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy,

on Massachusetts militia claims, 357.

on graduating the price of public lands, 405, 413,
414, 416, 418, 419, 425.

on relief of officers and soldiers in the Virginia line,


on reducing the duties on tea and coffee, 428.
on the light-house bill, 432.

Bibb, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 3.
on the mileage bill, 10.

on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson
court-house, 321.

Buchanan, Mr. on impeachment of Judge Peck, 383.
Burnet, Mr. on disposing of New York memorial asking
protection for the Indians, 7.

on limiting the sales of public lands, 119.

on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302.

Chambers, Mr. on internal improvement, 343.

on further regulating the Patent Office, 379.
on bill declaratory of the pension laws, 403.
on reorganizing the department of the Attorney
General, 404.

on the light-house bill, 433.

on Baltimore and Ohio railroad bill, 454.
Chase, Mr. on bill declaratory of the pension laws, 404.
Clayton, Mr. on the public life of Mr. Bayard, 93, 94, 95.
on limiting sales of the public lands, 224.

on graduating the price of public lands, 417.
on the light-house bill, 433.

on amendments of the House of Representatives to
bill for removal of the Indians, 456.

Dickerson, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment,


on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302.
regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy,
306, 308.

on creating the office of Surgeon General of the
navy, 322.

on internal improvement, 340, 341.

on further regulating the Patent Office, 378, 379,

on Fredericktown turnpike, 427.

on bill to exempt certain merchandise from the ope-
ration of the tariff, 452, 453.

Ellis, Mr. announces the death of his colleague, 1.

on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson
court-house, 320, 321.

Foot, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 2.
on limiting sales of public lands, 4, 7, 16, 30, 31,

[ocr errors]

on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 20.
on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 304.
regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy,
305, 306, 307, 308, 309.

on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson
court-house, 320, 321.

on internal improvement, 342.

on bill declaratory of the pension laws, 396.
on reorganizing the department of the Attorney
General, 404.

on graduating the price of the public lands, 423.
on the light-house bill, 433.

Forsyth, Mr. on disposing of New York memorial asking
protection for the Indians, 7.

on the mileage bill, 10.

on civilization of the Indians, 42.

on remonstrance of Georgia against Indian treaties,

on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson
court-house, 320, 321.

on reorganizing the department of the Attorney Ge-
neral, 323, 404.

on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 324,
325, 377.

on internal improvement, 341, 342.

on further regulating the Patent Office, 379, 380.
Frelinghuysen, Mr. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana,
18, 19.

on civilization of the Indians, 42, 43.

on remonstrance of Georgia against Indian treaties,
245, 246.

on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 305,
307, 309, 380, 381.

on reorganizing the department of the Attorney Ge-
neral, 323, 404.

on prohibiting the transportation of the mail on the
sabbath, 427.

on amendments of House of Representatives to bill
for the removal of Indians, 456.

Grundy, Mr. on limiting the sales of public lands, 210.
on reducing the duties on tea and coffee, 428.
on the light-house bill, 432.

on Baltimore and Ohio railroad bill, 453, 455.
Hayne, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 2.
on the mileage bill, 10.

Hayne, Mr. on executive powers, 11.

on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 20.

on limiting sales of public lands, 31, 41, 42, 43, 73,
82, 210.

on the public life of Mr. Bayard, 95.

on marine service, 222.

on taking Louisville and Portland canal stock, 247.
on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 304.
regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy,
305, 306, 307, 308.

on creating the office of Surgeon General of the
navy, 321, 322.

on further regulating the Patent Office, 377, 378,
379, 380.

on bill declaratory of the pension laws, 396.
on reorganizing the department of the Attorney
General, 404.

on graduating the price of public lands, 413.
on reduction of duties on tea and coffee, 428.
on the light-house bill, 432, 433.

on bill to exempt certain merchandise from the ope-
ration of the tariff, 453.

Hendricks, Mr. on taking stock in the Washington turn-
pike, 7, 427.

on granting pre-emption rights, 11.

on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 16, 19, 20.
on taking Louisville and Portland canal stock, 247.
on relief to purchasers of public lands, 274, 275.
on internal improvement, 341, 344.

on relief to officers and soldiers in Virginia line,423.
on graduating the price of public lands, 424.
Holmes, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 2.
on limiting the sales of public lands, 4, 5, 6, 15, 27,


on the bill granting pre-emption rights, 9.

on regulating the duties, &c of pursers in the navy,
305, 308.

on creating the office of Surgeon General of the
navy, 321, 322.

on reorganizing the department of the Attorney
General, 323, 324.

on internal improvement, 340.

on the Massachusetts militia claims, 359.
on further regulating the Patent Office, 378.

on the President's power of removal from office, 385.
on the bill declaratory of the pension laws, 403.
on reducing the duties on tea and coffee, 428.
on the light-house bill, 433.

Johnston, Mr., of Louisiana, on marine service, 322.

on taking Louisiana and Portland canal stock, 247.
on limiting the sales of public lands, 277.

on reorganizing the department of the Attorney
General, 324, 404.

on internal improvement, 340, 341, 342.

on graduating the price of public lands, 409, 419.
on reducing the duties on tea and coffee, 428.
on bill to exempt certain merchandise from the
operation of the tariff, 453.

Kane, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 3.
on limiting the sales of public lands, 11.

on confirming land claims in the district of Jackson
court-house, 321.

on the President's power of removal from office, 384.
on graduating the price of public lands, 418, 424.
on relief to officers and soldiers of the Virginia line,


King, Mr. on executive powers, 11,

on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 17, 19.
on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302.
on internal improvement, 342.

Knight, Mr. on limiting the sales of public lands, 323.

on the President's power of removal from office, 384.
on relief to officers and soldiers of the Virginia line,


Livingston, Mr. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 18.

Livingston, Mr. on limiting sales of public lands, 30, 247.
on the public life of Mr. Bayard, 94.

on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302, 303.
on internal improvement, 341, 342, 343.

on prohibiting the transportation of the mail on the
sabbath, 427.

on the bill to exempt certain merchandise from the
operation of the tariff, 453.

on Baltimore and Ohio railroad bill, 453, 455.
Marks, Mr. on allowing interest to certain States, 2.

on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302, 304.
on reduction of duties on tea and coffee, 428.
on the light-house bill, 433.

on the President's power of removal from office, 467.
McKinley, Mr. on granting pre-emption rights, 11.
on limiting the sales of public lands, 15.

on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 19, 21.
on relief to purchasers of public lands, 274, 275.
on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302, 303,

on removal of Indians west of the Mississippi, 305,
324, 381.

on reorganizing the department of the Attorney
General, 323.

on internal improvement, 340.

on further regulating the Patent Office, 378.
on the President's power of removal from office, 384.
on graduating the price of public lands, 415.

McLane, Mr. on relief to purchasers of public lands, 276.
on internal improvement, 340.

Noble, Mr. on limiting the sales of public lands, 5, 168.
on bill granting pre-emption rights, 9.
on the mileage bill, 10.

on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 19.

on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 305.
on further regulating the Patent Office, 380.

on relief to officers and soldiers of the Virginia line,

on Fredericktown turnpike road bill, 427.
Robbins, Mr. on removal of Indians west of the Mississip-
pi, 374.

on mode of deciding controversies between States,

on limiting the sales of public lands, 435.

Rowan, Mr. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 20, 21.
on limiting the sales of public lands, 129.

on taking Louisville and Portland canal stock, 247.
on reorganizing the establishment of the Attorney
General, 276, 323, 404.

on further regulating the Patent Office, 378, 379.
Sandford, Mr. on fixing the military peace establishment, 2.
on disposing of memorial of citizens of New York
asking protection for the Indians, 7.

on donations to deaf and dumb institutions, 302.
on reorganizing the department of the Attorney
General, 324, 404.

on the light-house bill, 433.

on the bill to exempt certain merchandise from the
operation of the tariff, 453.

Silsbee, Mr. on the Massachusetts claim, 9.

regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy, 306.
on Massachusetts militia claims, 358.

on reducing the duties on tea and coffee, 428.
on the light-house bill, 433.

Smith, Mr., of Maryland, on allowing interest to certain

[blocks in formation]

Smith, Mr., of Maryland, on the Fredericktown turnpike | Tyler, Mr. on the bill declaratory of the pension laws, 403.
road bill, 427.

[blocks in formation]

Sprague, Mr. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 16, 17.
on limiting sales of public lands, 31, 95, 119, 451.
on creating the office of Surgeon General of the
navy, 322.

on removal of the Indians west of the Mississippi,
343, 381.

on the bill to exempt certain merchandise from the
operation of the tariff, 453.

on amendments of the House of Representatives to
bill for removal of the Indians, 456.
Tazewell, Mr. on taking Louisville and Portland canal
stock, 247.

regulating the duties, &c. of pursers in the navy, 308.
on impeachment of Judge Peck, 383, 384, 385, 405.
on graduating the price of public lands, 499.
Troup, Mr. on disposing of New York memorial asking
protection for the Indians, 7.

Tyler, Mr. on internal improvement, 343.

announces the death of General Alexander Smyth,

on relief to officers and soldiers of the Virginia line,

on the light-house bill, 432.

on the Maysville road bill, 433.
Webster, Mr. on the mileage bill, 10.

on presenting petition of South Carolina railroad
company, 21.

on limiting the sales of public lands, 35, 58, 92.
on the abolition of taxes, duties, &c. 245.

on re-organizing the establishment of the Attorney
General, 276, 324, 404.

on graduating the price of public lands, 424.
on the light-house bill, 433.

on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad bill, 454.
White, Mr. on extinguishing Indian title in Indiana, 16,

[blocks in formation]


Acts of the First Session of the Twenty-First Congress. | Bank of the United States, resolutions proposed in relation
(See Appendix.)

Address of the Speaker on his election, 470.
Adjournment of the House sine die, 1148.
Appropriation for fitting out the frigate Brandywine, bill
making an, taken up, and ordered to a third read-
ing, 481.

Appropriations for the civil list, bill making, taken up, 556;
debate thereon, and ordered to a third reading,
556 to 559.

Appropriations for examinations and surveys, bill making,
taken up, and reported to the House, 682; pro-
positions to amend, and debate thereon, 721, 722;
ordered to third reading, 722.
Appropriations for the improvement of certain harbors, bill
making, taken up, and reported to the House, 682.
Appropriations for fortifications, barracks, &c. bill making,
taken up, amended, and reported to the House,

Appropriations for light-houses, &c. bill making, with
amendments from the Senate, taken up, and
amendments concurred in, 1148.
Armory, resolution introduced in relation to the establish-
ment of an, upon the western waters, 474; taken
up and adopted, 479, 480.

Army, bill to amend the rules and articles for the govern-
ment of the, introduced, and ordered to a third
reading, 575.

resolution calling upon the Secretary of War to
report such an organization of the, as will reduce
the number of its officers, taken up, 756; amend-
ments proposed, and debate thercon, 756, 757;
774 to 776; 788, 789; 791 to 795; 807, 808 to
818; motion to lay on the table negatived, 819;
resolution amended, and agreed to, 819.
Baltimore and Ohio railroad, motion to take up the bill au-
thorizing a subscription to the stock of, and debate
thereon, 1136; motion laid on the table, 1137.

to the constitutionality of, 921; laid on the table,


report on the, (Appendix) 104.

Buffalo and New Orleans road, bill to lay out and establish,

taken up, and debate thereon, 637 to 655, 656 to
665, 668 to 682, 688 to 700, 705 to 718, 723 to
734, 739 to 745, 760 to 774, 766 to 788; motion
to strike out enacting clause negatived, and bill
reported to the House, 788; various propositions
to amend, 789, 790; bill rejected, 790; motion to
reconsider, 803; agreed to, 806; bill laid on the
table, 807.

Burch, Benjamin, appointed Doorkeeper to the House, 472.
Call of the House, moved on considering the resolution to
repeal the duty on salt, 994, 1037.

on bill to reduce and modify the tariff of duties on
imports, 556.

on bill reducing the duties on molasses and rum,


on bill for removal of the Indians, 1123, 1135.
Carr, Overton, appointed Assistant Doorkeeper to the
House, 472.

Chief engineer, report of, accompanying the President's
annual message, (Appendix) 42.
Clarke, Matthew St. C. elected Clerk of the House, 472.
Coins, report on the current, (Appendix) 78.
Colonial trade, message from the President of the United
States in relation to, communicated, and debate
on its commitment, 1137, 1138.

bill in relation to, introduced, twice read, and com-
mitted, 1138; passed, 1139.
resolution asking information of the President of the
United States in relation to the negotiations with
Great Britain respecting, introduced, and agreed
to, 1138.
Committee appointed to notify the President of the or-
ganization of the two Houses, 472; report of, 472.

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