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JANUARY 20, 1832.

Mr. CLAY, from the Committee on the Public Lands, to which was referred the petition of Jared E. Groce, made the following


The Committee on the Public Lands, to which was referred the case of Jared E. Groce, report:

That, under the provisions of the acts of Congress for the relief of the purchasers of the public lands, Jared E. Groce, of the State of Alabama, by his attorney in fact, William Waller, intended to have relinquished the southwest quarter of section numbered twenty-six, in township numbered seventeen, of range four east, at the Land Office at St. Stephen's, in the State aforesaid; that, by the misiake of the Register of the Land Office, or of his clerk, the said Groce is made to retain the quarter section above deribed, and for which a patent has been issued to said Groce; whereas it was bis intention to have retained the fractional section numbered ten, in townhip numbered five, of range four east. The committee entertain the belief

that the said Groce is entitled to relief, and herewith report a bill.


JANUARY 20, 1832.

Mr. BULLARD, from the Committee on Private Land Claims, made the

following REPORT:

The Committee on Private Land Claims, to whom was referred the pe tition of James L. Stokes, have had the same under considerations and report:

That the petitioner, and those from whom he derives title, had acquired a right of pre-emption in a quarter section of land in the land district north of Red river, in the State of Louisiana, by virtue of the act of Congress of the 12th April, 1814. That he, and those whose original right he holds, have been in possession and cultivation of the land claimed by him, since the year 1807. It appears, that by a survey made about eighteen months since, the quarter section on which the improvements were made, has been desig nated as part of number sixteen, which is reserved by law for the use of schools. It was obviously impossible for the settler to foresee this result, and besides, it is understood, that in surveying these fractional townships on water courses the surveying department have not pursued any general rule. The committee, under the peculiar hardship of the case, are of opinion that the claimant ought to be permitted to complete his purchase, and that other lands be selected for the use of schools,

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