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order the proportionate amount to be paid to the person erecting the fence; and if such amount is not paid within thirty (30) days after such report, the Justice, on request of the person erecting such fence, must issue execution for such amount, with costs, as provided in the following section, to be collected and returned as other executions. If the fence viewers report that the party making the application is not entitled to any amount to be paid him, then the cost of the application shall be taxed against him, and execution shall be issued therefor.

373. SEC. 3. The Justice is entitled to one dollar for issu-Fees. ing the order, and the fence viewers to two dollars and fifty cents each, one-half of which is to be paid by each party; and not being paid within thirty days after the report, execution must issue therefor, with costs for issuing and serving such execution.

374. SEC. 4. The fence viewers, before proceeding to act, Oath of fence must take an oath, which may be administered by one to the viewers. other, to discharge their duties fairly and impartially.

fences de

375. SEC. 5. Partition fences, within the meaning of this Partition Act, are fences erected on the line between lands owned ord occupied by different persons; and improved lands, within the Improved meaning of this Act, are lands cultivated in grain or vegetables, lands defined. or set in grass, clover, or alfalfa, from which hay is cut, and town lots.

An Act to incorporate a state agricultural society, and provide for the management thereof.

Approved March 7, 1873, 138,


376. SECTION 1. There is hereby established and incorpo-Nevada State rated a society to be known and designated by the name and Agricultural style of the "Nevada State Agricultural Society," and by that name and style shall have perpetual succession, and shall have power to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, and shall have authority to have and use a common seal, to make, ordain, and establish, and put in execution, such by-Corporate laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations as shall be necessary powers. for the good government of said society, and the prudent and efficient management of its affairs; provided, that said by-laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations shall not be contrary to any provision of this charter, or the laws and constitution of this state or the United States.

377. SEC. 2. In addition to the powers above enumerated, Further the society shall, by its name, have power to purchase, hold, powers. and lease any quantity of land, not exceeding in the aggregate six hundred and forty acres, with such buildings and improvements as may be erected thereon, and may sell, lease, and dis

pose of the same at pleasure. The said real estate shall be held by such society for the purpose of erecting buildings, and other improvements designed for the meeting of said society, and calculated to promote and encourage the interest of agriculture, horticulture, mechanics, manufactures, stock raising, and general domestic industry.

Officers of society.

378. SEC. 3. The officers of such society shall consist of a President, three Vice-Presidents, five Directors, a Secretary, and a Treasurer, all of whom shall be members of such society, and shall have the management of the fiscal, prudential, and other concerns of such society, and shall be styled the Board of

How elected. Managers. The said officers, with the exception of two of said Directors, who shall be annually appointed by the Governor of this state, shall be elected annually by the members of the society, at such time and in such manner as in the by-laws of said society may be prescribed, and shall hold their offices for the term of one year, and until their successors enter upon their duties. And said Board of Managers shall have power to fill vacancies in said board that may happen during their continuance in office, except a vacancy caused by the death, resignation, or removal from the state of either of the said Directors appointed by the Governor, in which event such vacancy shall be filled by appointment of such Governor.


Membership of society.

Debt of society.

Present officers.

appoint two directors.

379. SEC. 4. Such society may provide by its by-laws for membership of such society, and fix the prices of such membership, and the terms of duration thereof; and the members of such society shall determine by vote the place where the annual meeting and exhibition of such society shall be held, which vote shall be taken annually, and the members shall vote either in person or by proxy.

380. SEC. 5. Such society, by the unanimous vote of the Board of Managers, for the purpose of purchasing or leasing property, as provided for by section two of this Act, or for the purpose of paying for property, may create debts or liabilities not exceeding twenty-five thousand dollars, which they may secure by mortgage upon the property of said society.

381. SEC. 6. For the purpose of carrying into effect this Act, Isaac L. Requa, of Storey county, is hereby appointed President of said society; W. W. McCoy, of Lander county, P. H. Clayton, of Douglas county, R. N. Graves, of Storey county, Vice-Presidents; C'. W. Pegg, of Washoe, J. Winnie, of Ormsby, William Kennedy, of Elko county, Directors; T. D. Parkinson, of Storey county, Secretary; H. W. Putnam, of Storey county, Treasurer; and the Governor of this state shall

Governor to appoint two other persons to act as Directors. And said Governor is hereby authorized to fill any vacancies occasioned by the failure or inability of any of the above mentioned persons to serve; and the aforesaid persons shall constitute the first Board of Managers of said society, and shall hold their offices until the first annual election thereof.

382. SEC. 7. The first annual meeting of the society shall be held at the city of Virginia, in the county of Storey, on the First annual first Monday of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-three. meeting.

An Act to provide for the management and control of the state agricultural society by the state.

Approved March 7, 1885, 77.

383. SECTION 1. The state agricultural society is hereby Declaration. declared to be a state institution.


to constitute

384. SEC. 2. Within ten days after the passage of this Governor to Act the Governor shall appoint twelve resident citizens of the twelve resistate, who shall, when organized, constitute a State Board of dent citizens Agriculture, who shall, except as hereinafter provided, hold State Board of office for the term of four years, and until their successors are Agriculture. appointed and qualified. Vacancies occurring from any cause in the board shall be filled by appointment of the Governor for the unexpired term of the office vacated.


383. SEC. 3. Within ten days after their appointment, the Persons appersons so appointed shall qualify as required by the constitu-qualify and tion, and shall meet at the office of the state agricultural organize. society, and organize by the election of one of their number as President of the board and said society, who shall hold said office of President for the term of one year, and until his successor is elected and qualified. The board shall also elect a Secretary and Treasurer, not of their number, who shall each hold office at the discretion of the board.

386. SEC. 4. At the same meeting the members of the shall classify board shall, by lot or otherwise, classify themselves into four themselves. classes of three members each. The terms of office of the first class shall expire at the end of the first fiscal year; of the second class, of the second year; of the third class, of the third year; of the fourth class, at the end of the full term of four years. The fiscal year shall be from the first of February to the first of Fiscal year. February.

management cultural So

387. SEC. 5. The State Board of Agriculture shall be Board to have charged with the exclusive management and control of the exclusive state agricultural society as a state institution; shall have pos- of State Agrisession and care of its property, and be intrusted with the ciety. direction of its entire business and financial affairs. They shall define the duties of the Secretary and Treasurer, fix their bonds and compensation, and shall have power to make all necessary changes in the constitution and rules of the society to adapt the same to the provisions of this Act, and to the management of the society, its meetings, and exhibitions. They shall provide for an annual fair or exhibition by the society of all the industries and industrial products of the state at the city of Reno; provided, that in no event shall the state be liable for


Power to appoint marshals and


Shall collect

any premium awarded or debt created by said Board of Agriculture.

388. SEC. 6. The board shall have power to appoint all necessary marshals and police to keep order and preserve peace at the annual fairs of the society, and the officers so appointed shall be vested with the same authority for the preservation of order and peace, on the grounds and in the buildings of the society, that executive peace officers are vested with by law.

389. SEC. 7. Said board shall use all suitable means to and dissemi- collect and disseminate all kinds of information calculated to

nate information.

Reports to be priated and distributed.

Shall receive reports of county and district

educate and benefit the industrial classes, develop the resources, and advance the material interests of the state, and shall, on or before the first day of February of each year, report to the Governor a full and detailed account of their transactions, statistics, and information gained, and also a full financial statement of all funds received and disbursed. They shall also make such suggestions and recommendations as experience and good policy may dictate for the improvement and advancement of the agricultural and kindred industries.

390. SEC. 8. The Superintendent of State Printing shall, each year, print and bind four hundred volumes of said transactions, and deliver the same to said Board of Agriculture for distribution and exchange. He shall also do such job printing as said board may require to carry out the provisions of this Act.

391. SEC. 9. The Directors or Board of Managers of each county and district agricultural society or association, and of county, district, or state horticultural and stock-breeding assoassociations. ciation or society, organized and acting under the laws of this state, shall report annually, on or before the first day of April, to the State Board of Agriculture, the name and postoffice address of each officer of such society or association; and, on or before the first day of December, shall report to the Board of Agriculture the transactions of said society, including the premiums offered, the list of stock and articles exhibited, and the premiums paid, the amount of receipts and expenditures for the year, the new industries inaugurated, and any and all facts and statistics showing the development and extent of the industries, products, and resources of the county or district embraced within the management of such society or association; provided, that the provisions of this Act shall not apply to any Board of Commissioners or other body organized under the laws of this state, the object of which is to promote vinicultural industries, unless such board or body shall voluntarily request the privilege of making such reports as are called for by this Act, in which case this board or body shall enjoy equal privileges as are accorded to other institutions devoted to agriculture.


Blanks to be furnished.

392. SEC. 10. To facilitate such reports, the State Board of Agriculture shall have prepared and shall furnish such societies with necessary schedules and blanks for such reports; and such state board shall include such reports from societies and associations, or so much thereof as they may deem advisable, in their report to the Governor.


393. SEC. 11. When said State Board of Agriculture shall Secretary to have been organized and classified as provided herein, the report. Secretary of the board shall report such organization and classification to the Governor. He shall also report any vacancy that may occur in said board at any time.

An Act to form agricultural districts, to provide for the organization of agricultural associations therein, and for the management and control of the same by the state.

Approved March 7, 1885, 79.

394. SECTION 1. The county of Ormsby shall constitute Agricultural agricultural district number one; the county of Esmeralda districts shall constitute agricultural district number two; the county of established. Humboldt shall constitute agricultural district number three; the county of Elko shall constitute agricultural district number four; the county of Lyon shall constitute agricultural district number five.


393. SEC. 2. Any fifty or more persons representing a Associations majority of the counties within any one of the districts above may be constituted, may form an association for the improvement of the material industries within such district, and when so formed the association shall be known and designated by the name of

Agricultural Association, and by such name and style shall have perpetual succession, and shall have power and authority to contract and be contracted with, to sue and be sued, to have and use a common seal, to purchase and hold and lease real estate, with such buildings and improvements as may be erected thereon, and may sell and lease and dispose of the same at pleasure. The said real estate shall be used by such association for the purposes of holding exhibitions of horses, cattle, and other stock, of the agricultural, horticultural, viticultural, mechanical, manufacturing, and domestic products of such district, with a view to the improvement of all the industries in the same.

396. SEC. 3. The officers of such association shall consist officers. of eight Directors, who shall constitute a district board of agriculture for district number, a President, who shall be one of their number, and a Secretary and Treasurer, not of their number.

397. SEC. 4. Within ten days after the formation of an Governor to appoint agricultural association within any of the districts above consti- Directors, tuted, in accordance with the provisions of this Act, and notice

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