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The titles of certain statutes of more or less interest, with references to where they may be found, but not of sufficient general importance to be included in the foregoing work.


RAILROAD--An Act granting to certain persons the right to construct a railroad from the western to the eastern boundary of the territory of Nevada, Stats. 1861, 43. Amended, Stats, 1862, 46; 1864, 124.

RAILROAD-An Act granting to certain parties the right to construct a railroad from Aurora to certain points on the East Walker river, in the territory of Nevada. Stats. 1861,


RAILROAD--An Act to incorporate the Virginia City and Washoe Railroad Company. Stats. 1861, 135. Amended, Stats. 1862, 20.

RAILROAD-An Act to incorporate the Virginia, Carson and Truckee Railroad Company. Stats, 1861, 181.

RAILROAD-An Act to authorize certain parties to construct a railroad. Stats. 1862, 66. RAILROAD- An Act to incorporate the Virginia City and Silver City Railroad Company.

Stats, 1862, 77.

RAILROAD-An Act to incorporate the Virginia and Truckee Railroad Company. Stats. 1862, 168,

RAILROAD-An Act authorizing the construction of a railroad from Virginia City to the Truckee river. Stats, 1865, 180. Amended, Stats, 1866, 190.

RAILROAD-An Act authorizing the construction of a railroad from Virginia City to Carson river. Stats. 1865, 329.

RAILROAD-An Act to submit to the people of the counties of Elko, White Pine, Nye and Lander a proposition to give county aid to a railroad from Elko to the Colorado river. Stats. 1869, 160.

RAILROAD-An Act to encourage the construction of a railroad in the eastern portion of the State of Nevada. Stats. 1871, 67. Amended, Stats, 1873, 219.

RAILROAD-An Act to grant the right of way to Hill Beachey, O. R. Johnson, B. A. Townsend, and their associates, to build and maintain a narrow gauge railroad from Reno, Washoe county, to Virginia City, Storey county. Stats. 1871, 78.

Sec. 5013.

RAILROAD-An Act to grant the right of way to A. L. Page, I. C. Bateman, George S. Dodge, and their associates, to build and maintain a narrow gauge railroad through the counties of Elko, Lander, Nye, White Pine and Lincoln. Stats. 1871, 152.

RAILROAD-An Act to grant the right of way and authorizing certain persons herein named to construct a railroad from the line of the Central Pacific Railroad to the Colorado river. Stats. 1873, 172.

RAILROAD-An Act to encourage the construction of a railroad from Reno to Susanville. Stats. 1873, 215.

RAILROAD-An Act to encourage the construction of a railroad from Battle Mountain, on the Central Pacific Railroad, in Lander county, State of Nevada, to the city of Austin, in said county, and to authorize said county to issue its bonds for ten hundred thousand dollars to aid the same. Stats. 1875, 54. Amended, Stats. 1877, 53.

RAILROAD-An Act granting the right of way for a railroad from the mines of the Virginia City Coal Company, Lyon county, to Virginia City, Nevada, and intermediate points. Stats. 1875, 77. Amended, Stats. 1877, 93.

RAILROAD-An Act to encourage the construction of a railroad from the town of Eureka, State of Nevada, to the Colorado river. Stats. 1881, 94.

RAILROAD-An Act to grant the right of way and provide for the construction of the

Nevada and Northern Railroad. Stats. 1883, 12.

RAILROAD-An Act to grant the right of way and to provide for the construction of the

Nevada Southern Railroad. Stats. 1883, 124.

COUNTY BOUNDARIES-An Act to create counties and establish the boundaries thereof. Stats, 1861, 50. Amended, Stats. 1869, 88; 1871, 57.

COLLECTION OF TOLL-An Act authorizing the collection of toll on roads already con

structed within the territory of Nevada. Stats. 1861, 309.

COURTS-An Act defining the judicial districts, fixing the terms of the supreme and district courts of the territory, locating the county seats of the several counties of the territory, and providing for the transfer and trial of actions. Stats. 1861, 289.

VACCINATION-An Act to provide for the obtainment, preservation and distribution of
vaccine matter. Stats. 1862, 14.

TERRITORIAL BONDS-An Act to issue bonds and coupons. Stats. 1862, 118. Amended,
Stats. 1864, 136.

INSURANCE-An Act to incorporate the Bullion Insurance Company. Stats. 1864, 72.
ENLISTMENTS-An Act to encourage enlistments and give bounties and extra pay to our

volunteer soldiers. Stats. 1864, 81.

TERRITORIAL BONDS-An Act to issue bonds and coupons. Stats. 1864, 90.
STATE BONDS-An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of certain state bonds, and levying

a tax to provide means for the payment thereof.
SUTRO TUNNEL-An Act granting the right of way and

Stats. 1865, 82. authorizing A. Sutro and his asso

ciates to construct a mining and draining tunnel. Stats. 1865, 128.

STATE BOUNDARY-An Act to authorize the survey and to establish the western boundary line of the State of Nevada. Stats. 1865, 133. Amended, Stats. 1865, 379.

STATE BONDS-An Act to provide for carrying out in part the provisions of section seven, article seventeen, of the constitution of the State of Nevada. Stats. 1865, 155. Act supplemental, Stats, 1865, 185. Act supplemental and amendatory, Stats. 1865, 367.

SECRET FUND-An Act to create a secret service fund. Stats. 1865, 167.

CORPORATIONS-An Act to provide for the removal of certain incorporated companies to

this state by their own election. Stats, 1865, 186.

COUNTY BUILDINGS-An Act to authorize the County Commissioners of the several counties of this state to build or purchase buildings suitable for county purposes. Stats, 1865, 377. Amended, Stats. 1871, 132.

ENLISTMENTS-An Act to encourage enlistments and provide bounties and extra pay for our volunteer soldiers called into the service of the United States. Stats, 1865, 389. STATE BONDS-An Act authorizing issuance of certain state bonds, and levying a tax to provide means for the payment thereof. Stats. 1866, 47.

JUDGES SALARIES-An Act to provide for the payment of the salaries of the Judges of the Supreme Court of the State of Nevada. Stats. 1866, 74.

COUNTY BOUNDARIES-An Act authorizing the survey and establishment of boundaries

between the several counties of this state. Stats. 1866, 130.

COUNTY BUILDINGS-An Act to legalize the levy and collection of taxes for the purchase or erection of county buildings in the several counties of this state, and to provide for the disposition thereof. Stats. 1866, 64.

STATE LOAN-An Act authorizing a loan on the faith and credit of the state, to pay the indebtedness of the state, and of the territory of Nevada, assumed by the state, and not already fully provided for. Stats, 1866, 127.

MINING LOCATIONS-An Act concerning the location and possession of mining claims. Stats. 1866, 141. See also Stats. 1867, 55.

STATE BONDS-An Act authorizing the issuance and sale of certain state bonds, and levying a tax to provide means for the payment thereof. Stats. 1867, 45.

STATE LOAN-An Act authorizing a state loan and levying a tax to provide means for the payment thereof. Stats. 1867, 50. Amended, Stats. 1867, 65.

ORPHANS' HOME-An Act for the erection of a state orphans' home, and to provide for the same. Stats. 1869, 111.

STATE BOUNDARY-An Act to provide for the survey of the eastern boundary line of the State of Nevada. Stats. 1869, 136.

SWAMP LANDS-An Act to provide for the selection, sale and reclamation of the swamp and overflowed lands belonging to this state. Stats. 1869, 190.

COIN BASIS-An Act to establish the financial transactions of the state upon a coin basis.

Stats, 1869, 51. Act supplementary to above, Stats. 1869, 85.

CLAIMS-An Act to provide for the appointment of a commissioner to prosecute to final settlement all claims of the State of Nevada against the government of the United States, and to provide for his compensation therefor. Stats. 1871, 130.

CAPITOL-An Act to provide for the payment of outstanding and unsatisfied claims for labor performed, money or material furnished, services rendered, and necessary expenses incurred in and about the construction and completion of the state capitol at Carson City. Stats. 1871, 154.

STATE LOAN-An Act authorizing a state loan and levying a tax to provide means for the payment thereof. Stats. 1871, 80.

STATE LOAN-An Act to authorize a state loan for the purpose of paying the state proportion of the bonds issued under the Act approved February sixth, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-seven, and to fund the floating debt, and to place the state upon a permanent cash basis. Stats. 1871, 84.

INSANE-An Act to provide for properly taking care of the indigent insane of the State of Nevada. Stats. 1871, 111.

ABOLISHING STAMP-An Act to abolish the use of state revenue stamps, and to provide for the settlement of outstanding stamps. Stats. 1873, 64.

ABOLISHING STAMP-An Act supplementary to an Act entitled "An Act to abolish the use of

Sec. 5014.

state stamps, and to provide for the settlement of outstanding stamps," approved
February twenty-first, eighteen hundred and seventy-three. Stats, 1873, 173.

OFFICIAL BOND--An Act in relation to the sureties on the official Lond of Eben Rhoades,
late State Treasurer of the State of Nevada. Stats. 1873, 99.

TERRITORIAL BONDS-An Act to provide for the purchase, for the benefit of the state school
fund, of the bonds of this state known as the territorial bonds, Stars, 1877, 191.
Amended, Stats, 1879, 15.

STATE DIBT-An Act to provide for the payment of the state debt proper. Stats. 1875. 48
Amended and supplemental, Stats, 1879, 17,

CHINTSE-An Act to ascertain and express the will of the people of the State of Nevada
upon the subject of Chinese immigration. Stats, 1879, 27.

TOWN GOVERNMENT-An Act to provide for the government of unincorporated towns in this state. Stats, 1879, 103,

TRUCKEE RIVER-An Act relating to the flow of water in the Truckee river. Stats, 1879,


SALARY ACT-An Act fixing the salaries of the various county officers in the several counties of this state, and other matters relating thereto. Stats. 1879, 133. Amended, Stats, 1881, 19, 105, 150; 1883, 33. Repealed, Stats. 1883, 78.

INSANE-An Act concerning the insane of the state. Stats. 1879, 140. Selecting state grounds at Reno. LITIGATION-An Act to discontinue litigation touching inequitable claims for taxes and penalties, Stats. 1879, 143,

STATE LOAN-An Act authorizing a state loan. Stats, 1881, 87.

STATE PRISON-An Act in relation to the manufacturing industries carried on at the state

prison. Stats, 1881, 111.

Stats, 1883, 85.
METEOROLOGICAL --An Act to procure meteorological reports for the State of Nevada, and to
provide for the payment of the same.

SALARIES-An Act relating to the unpaid salaries of county officers. Stats, 1885, 33.
CLAIMS-An Act relative to the proving of Indian war claims. Stats, 1885, 47.
STOVES-An Act in relation to heating the Senate and Assembly chambers, Stats. 1885, 63.
NOTARIES- An Act to refund to Notaries Public who were legislated out of office the fees

they have paid for their commissions, Stats. 1885, 65.

PRINTING OFFICE-An Act to provide for the purchase of grounds at Carson City, Nevada, and the erection thereon of a state building, to be used for a state printing other, committee rooms and storage purposes. Stats. 1885, 116.

VAULT-An Act to provide for the preservation of the records of the Secretary of State atd state land offices of the State of Nevada. Stats, 1885, 131.


CREATED-Churchill county created by an Act to create counties and establish the bound-
aries thereof, Stats, 1861, 50, Amended, Stats, 1869, 88; 1871, 57,
WARRANTS-An Act to provide for the payment of outstanding warrants against the

transcript fund of Churchill county. Stats. 1867, 48.

BOUNDARY-An Act to establish and define the dividing line between the counties of

Churchill and Lander. Stats. 1869, 128,

BULKHEAD- An Act authorizing the citizens of Churchill county to construct a brilled in what is known as Old river, at or near its junction with the main Carson rive" Stats, 1866, 66,

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