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Game: time prescribed

789. SEC. 2. It shall be unlawful for any person or perduring which sons, at any time between the first day of April of any year, same is pro- and before the first day of September following, to catch, kill,


April 1 and
August 1.

Trapping and netting quail prohibited. Nests and


Prairie chickens and sage hens.


antelope, etc.

Possession of

birds and game urlawful.


Scientific purposes.

Fines and penalties.

or destroy, or to pursue with such intent, any partridge, pheasant, woodcock, quail, or any wild goose, wood-duck, teal, mallard, or other ducks, sand-hill crane, brant, swan, plover, curlew, snipe, grouse, robin, meadow lark, yellow-hammer, or bittern; and after the first day of April, and before the first day of August, in each year, except in the counties of Humboldt, Elko, Eureka, and Lander, hereinafter provided for, any sage cock, hen, or chicken. As amended, Stats. 1881, 145.

790. SEC. 3. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons within this state, at any time, to trap or net quail, or to destroy, injure, or disturb the nest or eggs of any of the birds protected by this Act.


791. SEC. 4. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to catch, kill, or destroy, or pursue with such intent, within the counties of Esmeralda, Douglas, Ormsby, Lyon, Storey, Churchill, and Washoe, any sharp-tailed grouse, called prairie-chicken, before the first day of September, eighteen hundred and eighty-three; nor within the counties of Humboldt, Elko, Eureka, and Lander, after the fifteenth day of March, and before the first day of September, in each year, or in said counties of Humboldt, Elko, Eureka, and Lander, any sage cock, hen, or chicken, after the fifteenth day of March, and before the tenth day of August, in each year.-As amended, Stats. 1881, 145.

792. SEC. 5. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons at any time after the first day of December, and before the first day of August, in each year, to catch, kill, or destroy, or to pursue with such intent, any deer, antelope, elk, mountain sheep, or goat, or to have in his or their possession, or to expose for sale, or to purchase any of the animals mentioned in this section, during the season when the killing, injuring, or pursuing is herein prohibited. As amended, Stats. 1881, 145.

793. SEC. 6. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons within this state to have in his or their possession, or to expose for sale, or to purchase from any person whomsoever, either Indians or any other person, any of the birds, wild game, or animals mentioned in this Act during the season wherein the killing, injuring, or pursuing is herein prohibited; provided, that nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to prohibit any person or persons in taking any bird, fowl, fish, or animal at any time for scientific purposes.

794. SEC. 7. Every person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof, shall be fined in any sum not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, or imprisoned in the county jail of the county in which said conviction is had, for any term not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment, and the prosecuting witness shall be entitled to receive a fee equal to one-Fee of withalf of the amount of any such fine imposed on each conviction. ness.

An Act to promote the propagation of bob white quail.

Approved February 27, 1885, 44.

destroying of

793. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person for Prohibits the the period of five years from the passage of this Act, to trap, bob white shoot, kill, destroy, or to pursue with such intent, any bob quail. white quail in the State of Nevada.

796. SEC. 2. Any person violating the provisions of this Misdemeanor Act shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be fined not exceeding one hundred dollars, or im- Punishment. prisoned in the county jail not exceeding fifty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, for each such offense.

An Act to provide for the destruction of noxious animals within

this state.

Approved February 3, 1885, 14.

ious animals.

797. SECTION 1. If any person shall take and kill, within Bounty for this state, any of the following noxious animals, he shall be killing nois entitled to receive, out of the treasury of the county within which such noxious animal or animals shall have been taken, the following bounties, to-wit: For every coyote or prairie wolf, fifty cents; for every lynx or wild cat, one dollar; for every California lion, one dollar; all of which bounties shall be subject to the provisions of this Act.

shall be

798. SEC. 2. Every person intending to apply for such How claim bounty shall take the scalp, with the ears connected thereto, or for bounty the skin entire, of the noxious animal or animals killed by him, made. to some Justice of the Peace of the county within which such noxious animal or animals shall have been taken.

be sworn.

799. SEC. 3. The person claiming such bounty shall then Claimant to be sworn by such Justice, and state on oath the time and place, when and where, every noxious animal for which a bounty is claimed by him, was taken and killed, and shall also submit to such further examination, on oath, concerning the killing and taking of such noxious animal or animals, as the Justice may require.

800. SEC. 4. If it shall appear to the Justice that the noxious animal or animals have been taken and killed within

The ears of the county, he shall cut off the ears from the scalp and de mals to be de. the said ears, and give to the person so sworn a certificate st

noxious ani


Bounty to be


the number of scalps deposited with and destroyed by The said Justice shall receive for each oath administere him twenty-five cents, and for each certificate twenty-five c the same to be allowed out of the general fund of the coun

801. SEC. 5. Upon the presentation to the Board of missioners of the proper county, of any such certificate, are hereby authorized and directed to allow the amount under the provisions of this Act, to the person therein na out of the general fund of such county.




802. General incorporation Act.

830. Extending provisions and supplemental to above Act.

832. Curing defective proceedings of incorporations.

834. Incorporation of railroad companies.

894. To prevent discrimination in fares and freights by railroad c


904. Legalizing certain signatures, as to railroad companies.

906. Encouraging construction of cheap transportation lines.

911. Petitions of taxpayers for construction of railroads.

912. Live stock, care of by transportation companies.

914. Concerning Pacific Railroad and Telegraph Act of Congress.

915. Constructing and maintaining telegraph lines.

922. Relative to telegraph messages.

946. Banking associations.

948. Savings bank associations.

975. Relative to insurance.

995. Protestant Episcopal Church, incorporation.

1004. Free Masons and Odd Fellows, incorporation.

1010. Extending provisions of preceding Act.

1011. Good Templars, incorporation of.

1012. Hibernians, Ancient Order of, incorporation.

1018. Knights of Pythias, incorporation.

1020. Historic, scientific and other literary societies.

1028. Religious, charitable, literary, scientific, and other associations.

1037. Hospitals and asylums, incorporation of.

1045. Rural cemetery associations.

1057. Use of steam power on common roads.

1061. Wire suspension tramway companies.

1064. Rafting and running timber and wood.

1072. Granting certain privileges to gas companies.

1073. Foreign corporations to furnish evidence of incorporation.

1075. Consolidation of incorporations.

[blocks in formation]

An Act to provide for the formation of corporations for certain


Approved March 10, 1865, 359.


802. SECTION 1. Corporations for manufacturing, mining, Purposes fo
milling, ditching, mechanical, chemical, building, navigation, ations may
transportation, farming, banking, hotel and inn-keeping, and formed.
ore reduction purposes, or for the purpose of engaging in any
other species of trade, business or commerce, foreign or do-
mestic, may be formed according to the provisions of this Act,
such corporations, and the members thereof, being subject to
all the conditions and liabilities herein imposed, and to none
others; provided, that nothing in this section shall be so con-Proviso.
strued as to authorize the formation of banking corporations for
the purpose of issuing or circulating money or currency within
this state, except the federal currency and the notes of banks
authorized under the laws of the Congress of the United States;
nor shall bank notes or paper of any kind be permitted to cir-
culate as money in this state, other than the federal currency
and the notes of banks authorized by the laws of the Congress
of the United States. -As amended, Stats. 1869, 95.

Section 1 of the original Act was amended, Stats. 1866, 165, so as to
embrace corporations for banking and ore reduction purposes.
The Act of 1866 was amended as above.

803. SEC. 2. Any three or more persons, who may desire Formation.
to form a company for any one or more of the purposes specified
in the preceding section, may make, sign, and acknowledge,
before some person competent to take the acknowledgment of
deeds, and file and have recorded in a book provided for that
purpose, in the office of the Clerk of the county in which the
principal place of business of the company is intended to be
located, and a certified copy, under the hand of the Clerk and
the seal of the court of said county, in the office of the Secretary
of State, a certificate, in which shall be stated the corporate
name of the company, the object for which the same shall be
formed, the amount of its capital stock, the time of its
existence-not to exceed fifty years-the number of shares of
which the capital stock shall consist, the number of Trustees
and their names, who shall manage the concerns of the com-
pany for the first six months, and the name of the city, town,
or locality, and county, in which the principal place of business
of the company is to be located.

804. SEC. 3. A copy of any certificate of incorporation, Evidence o filed in pursuance of this Act, and certified by the County incorporat Clerk of the county in which it is filed, or his deputy, or by the Secretary of State, shall be received in all the courts and places as prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated.

803. SEC. 4. When the certificate shall have been filed, Powers and the persons who shall have signed and acknowledged the same, privileges.


and their successors, shall be a body corporate and politic, in fact and in name, by the name stated in their certificate, and by their corporate name have succession for the period limited, and power: First-To sue and be sued in any court having competent jurisdiction. Second-To make and use a common seal, and to alter the same at pleasure. Third-To appoint such officers, agents, and servants as the business of the corporation shall require, to define their powers, prescribe their duties, and fix their compensation. Fourth-To require of them such security as may be thought proper for the fulfillment of their duties, and to remove them at will, except that no Trustee shall be removed from office unless by a vote of a majority of the stockholders, as hereinafter provided. Fifth--To purchase, hold, sell, and convey such real and personal estate as the pur-. poses of the corporation shall require. Sixth-To make bylaws not inconsistent with the constitution of this state, or constitution of the United States. Seventh-The management of its property, the regulation of its affairs, the transfer of its stock, and for carrying on all kinds of business within the objects and purposes of the company, as expressed in its articles of incorporation. Every corporation in this state shall have the power, whenever at any assessment sale of the stock of said corporation no person will take the stock and pay the assessment thereon, to purchase such stock and hold the same for the benefit of the corporation. All purchases of its own stock by any corporation in this state which have been previously made at assessment sales whereat outside parties have failed to bid, and which purchases were for the amount of assessments due, and costs or otherwise, shall be held valid, and as vesting the legal title to the same in said corporation." The stock so purchased shall be held subject to the control of the remaining stockholders, who may make such disposition of the same as they may deem fit. Whenever any portion of the capital stock of any corporation is held by the said incorporation by purchase, a majority of the remaining shares of stock in said incorporation shall be held to be a majority of the shares of the stock in said incorporated company, for all purposes of election or voting on any question before a stockholders' meeting.

Corporate 806. SEC. 5. The corporate powers of the corporation powers to be shall be exercised by a board of not less than three Trusteesexercised by Trustees.

Oath of Trustees, time of election and manner of

who shall be stockholders in the company-who shall, before entering upon the duties of their office respectively, take and subscribe to an oath, as prescribed by the laws of this state, and who shall, after the expiration of the term of the Trustees first elected, be annually elected by the stockholders, at such times

conducting and place within the state, and upon such notice, and in such


manner as shall be directed by the by-laws of the company; but all elections shall be by ballot, and every stockholder shall have the right to vote in person or by proxy, the number of shares owned by him for as many persons as there are Trustees to be elected, or to cumulate said shares and give one candidate

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