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of territory.

ment, and which shall not be prosecuted before such change, may be prosecuted in the name and by the authority of the criminal State of Nevada with like effect as though such change had not prosecutions. taken place, and all penalties incurred shall remain the same as if this constitution had not been adopted. All actions at law and suits in equity, and other legal proceedings which may be cominitted pending in any of the courts of the territory of Nevada at the against laws time of the change from a territorial to a state government, may be continued and transferred to, and determined by any court of the state which shall have jurisdiction of the subject matter thereof. All actions at law and suits in equity, and all Actions, etc., other legal proceedings, which may be pending in any of the tinued. courts of the territory of Nevada at the time of a change from a territorial to a state government, shall be continued and transferred to, and may be prosecuted to judgment and execution in any court of the state which shall have jurisdiction of the subject matter thereof; and all books, papers, and records relating to the same shall be transferred in like manner to such court.

State v. Tilford, 1 Nev. 240.

to be con

203. SEC. 5. For the first term of office succeeding the Salaries of formation of a state government the salary of the Governor officers. shall be four thousand dollars per annum; the salary of the Secretary of State shall be three thousand six hundred dollars per annum; the salary of the State Controller shall be three thousand six hundred dollars per annum; the salary of the State Treasurer shall be three thousand six hundred dollars per annum; the salary of the Surveyor-General shall be one thousand dollars per annum; the salary of the Attorney-General shall be two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; the salary of the Superintendent of Public Instruction shall be two thousand dollars per annum; the salary of each Judge of the Supreme Court shall be seven thousand dollars per annum; the salaries of the foregoing officers shall be paid quarterly out of the state treasury. The pay of State Senators and members Pay of Senaof assembly shall be eight dollars per day for each day of actual Assemblyservice, and forty cents per mile for mileage going to and men. returning from the place of meeting. No officer mentioned in this section shall receive any fee or perquisites to his own use Officers not to for the performance of any duty connected with his office, or perquisites. for the performance of any additional duty imposed upon him by law.

Crossman v. Nightingill, 1 Nev. 323; State ex rel. Beatty v. Rhoades,
3 Nev. 210; Denver v. Hobart, 10 Nev. 28.

tors and


ators and As

206. SEC. 6. Until otherwise provided by law, the appor-Apportiontionment of Senators and Assemblymen in the different counties ment of Senshall be as follows, to-wit: Storey county, four Senators and semblymen, twelve Assemblymen; Douglas county, one Senator and two Assemblymen; Esmeralda county, two Senators and four Assemblymen; Humboldt county, two Senators and three Assemblymen; Lander county, two Senators and four Assemblymen; Lyon


county, one Senator and three Assemblymen; Lyon and Churchill counties, one Senator, jointly; Churchill county, one Assemblyman; Nye county, one Senator and one Assemblyman, Ormsby county, two Senators and three Assemblymen; Washoe and Roop counties, two Senators and three Assemblymen.

207. SEC. 7. All debts and liabilities of the territory of indebtedness Nevada, lawfully incurred, and which remain unpaid at the


Term of

time of the admission of this state into the Union, shall be assumed by and become the debt of the State of Nevada; provided, that the assumption of such indebtedness shall not prevent the state from contracting the additional indebtedness, as provided in section three of article nine of this constitution.

208. SEC. 8. The term of state officers (except judicial) state officers. elected at the first election under this constitution, shall con

Term of


Term of Senators fixed.

Term of As

tinue until the Tuesday after the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and until the election and qualification of their successors.

209. SEC. 9. The Senators to be elected at the first election under this constitution shall draw lots, so that the term of onehalf of the number, as nearly as may be, shall expire on the day succeeding the general election in A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the term of the other half shall expire on the day succeeding the general election in A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-eight; provided, that in drawing lots for all senatorial terms, the senatorial representation shall be allotted so that in the counties having two or more Senators, the terms thereof shall be divided as nearly as may be, between the long and short terms.

210. SEC. 10. At the general election in A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and thereafter, the term of Senators shall be for four years from the day succeeding such general election, and members of assembly for two years from the day succeeding such general election, and the terms of Senators shall be allotted by the legislature in long and short terms, as hereinbefore provided, so that one-half the number, as nearly as may be, shall be elected every two years.

211. SEC. 11. The term of the members of the assembly semblymen. elected at the first general election under this constitution, shall

Sessions of legislature.

expire on the day succeeding the general election in A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-five; and the terms of those elected at the general election in A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-five shall expire on the day succeeding the general election in A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-six.

212. SEC. 12. The first regular session of the legislature shall commence on the second Monday of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and the second regular session of the same shall commence on the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the third regular session of the legislature shall be the first of the biennial sessions, and shall commence on the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and the regular sessions of the legis

lature shall be held thereafter biennially, commencing on the first Monday of January.

cers contin

213. SEC. 13. All county officers under the laws of the County offiterritory of Nevada, at the time when the constitution shall ued in office. take effect, whose offices are not inconsistent with the provisions of this constitution, shall continue in office until the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and until their successors are elected and qualified; and all town-Township ship officers shall continue in office until the expiration of their officers. terms of office, and until their successors are elected and qualified; provided, that the Probate Judges of the several counties Proviso. respectively shall continue in office until the election and qualification of the District Judges of the several counties or judicial districts; and, provided further, that the terms of office of the County offipresent county officers of Lander county shall expire on the der county. first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-five, except the Probate Judge of said county, whose term of office shall expire upon the first Monday of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and there shall be an election for county officers of Lander county at the general election in November, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and the officers then elected shall hold office from the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-five, until the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and until their successors are elected and qualified.

State v. Tilford, 1 Nev. 241; Cordiell v. Frizell, 1 Nev. 130.

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time for


214. SEC. 14. The Governor, Secretary, Treasurer, and Territorial Superintendent of Public Instruction of the territory of officers conNevada, shall each continue to discharge the duties of their office until respective offices after the admission of this state into the Union, qualification and until the time designated for the qualification of the above of state named officers to be elected under the state government; and the Territorial Auditor shall continue to discharge the duties of his said office until the time appointed for the qualification of the State Controller; provided, that the said officers shall each receive the salaries and be subject to the restrictions and conditions provided in this constitution; and, provided further, that none of them shall receive to his own use any fees or perquisites for the performance of any duty connected with his office.

court deter

213. SEC. 15. The terms of the supreme court shall, until Terms of provision be made by law, be held at such times as the judges mined. of the said court, or a majority of them, may appoint. The first terms of the several district courts, (except as hereinafter mentioned), shall commence on the first Monday of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four. The first term of the district court in the fifth judicial district shall commence on the first Monday of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixtyfour, in the county of Nye, and shall commence on the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-five, in the county of Churchill. The terms of the fourth judicial district court shall, until otherwise provided by law, be held at

Salaries of

Salary of

Judge may be changed.

State officers, when to qualify.

Expiration of


Judges, when to qualify.

Officers to be commis

the county seat of Washoe county, and the first term thereof commence on the first Monday of December, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-four.

216. SEC. 16. The Judges of the several district courts of this state shall be paid as hereinbefore provided, salaries at the following rates per annum: First judicial district, (each Judge) six thousand dollars; second judicial district, four thousand dollars; third judicial district, five thousand dollars; fourth judicial district, five thousand dollars; fifth judicial district, thirty-six hundred dollars; sixth judicial district, four thousand dollars; seventh judicial district, six thousand dollars; eighth judicial district, thirty-six hundred dollars; ninth judicial district, five thousand dollars.

217. SEC. 17. The salary of any Judge in said judicial districts may, by law, be altered or changed, subject to the provisions contained in this constitution.

218. SEC. 18. The Governor, Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, State Controller, AttorneyGeneral, Surveyor-General, Clerk of the Supreme Court, and Superintendent of Public Instruction, to be elected at the first election under this constitution, shall each qualify and enter upon the duties of their respective offices on the first Monday of December succeding their election, and shall continue in office until the first Tuesday after the first Monday of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, and until the election and qualification of their successors respectively.

219. SEC. 19. The Judges of the Supreme Court and District Judges to be elected at the first election under this constitution shall qualify and enter upon the duties of their respective offices on the first Monday of December succeeding their election.

220. SEC. 20. Allofficers of state, and District Judges first sioned by the elected under this constitution, shall be commissioned by the



Governor of this territory, which commission shall be countersigned by the Secretary of the same, and shall qualify, before entering upon the discharge of their duties, before any officer authorized to administer oaths under the laws of this territory; and also the State Controller and State Treasurer shall each

tod Treasurer respectively, before they qualify and enter upon the discharge



Support of

of their duties, execute and deliver to the Secretary of the territory of Nevada an official bond, made payable to the people of the State of Nevada, in the sum of thirty thousand dollars, to be approved by the Governor of the territory of Nevada; and shall also execute and deliver to the Secretary of State such other or further official bond or bonds as may be required by law.

221. SEC. 21. Each county, town, city, and incorporated countdown, village shall make provision for the support of its own officers, lage officers. subject to such regulations as may be prescribed by law.

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222. SEC. 22. In case the office of any Justice of the Supreme Court, District Judge, or other state officer shall

office of Jus

become vacant before the expiration of the regular term for Vacancy in which he was elected, the vacancy may be filled by appointment tice of by the Governor, until it shall be supplied at the next general Supreme election, when it shall be filled by election for the residue of trict Judge, the unexpired term.


or other state officer, how

Cases in pro

223. SEC. 23. All cases both civil and criminal, which filled. may be pending and undetermined in the probate courts of hate courts to the several counties at the time when, under the provisions of be transfer- red to district this constitution, said probate courts are to be abolished, shall courts. be transferred to and determined by the district courts of such

counties respectively.

224. SEC. 24. For the first three years after the adoption Taxation of this constitution the legislature shall not levy a tax for state restricted. purposes exceeding one per cent. per annum on the taxable property of the state; provided, the legislature may levy a special tax, not exceeding one-fourth of one per cent. per annum, which shall be appropriated to the payment of the indebtedness of the territory of Nevada assumed by the State of Nevada, and for that purpose only, until all of said indebtedness is paid.

State ex rel. Nightingill v. Com. Storey Co., 1 Nev. 264.

225. SEC. 25. The county of Roop shall be attached to Roop and the county of Washoe for judicial, legislative, revenue and shoes county purposes, until otherwise provided by law.


of debates,

226. SEC. 26. At the first regular session of the legisla-Provision for ture to convene under the requirements of this constitution publication provision shall be made by law for paying for the publication etc. of six hundred copies of the debates and proceedings of this convention, in book form, to be disposed of as the legislature may direct; and the Hon. J. Neely Johnson, President of this convention, shall contract for, and A. J. Marsh, official reporter of this convention, under the direction of the President, shall supervise the publication of such debates and proceedings. Provision shall be made by law at such first session of the legislature for the compensation of the official reporter of this Payment convention, and he shall be paid in coin or its equivalent. He of official shall receive, for his services in reporting the debates and proceedings, fifteen dollars per day during the session of the convention, and seven and one-half dollars additional for each evening session, and thirty cents per folio of one hundred compensawords for preparing the same for publication; and for super-tion. vising and indexing such publication, the sum of fifteen dollars per day during the time actually engaged in such service.




227. SECTION 1. The rights of suffrage and office-holding Right of shall not be withheld from any male citizen of the United suffrage.

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