An Act supplementary to an Act entitled "An Act to regulate fees and compensation for officials and other services in the State of Nevada," approved March ninth, eighteen hundred and sixty-five. Approved March 10, 1879, 127. 2330. SECTION 1. The several county and township Fees of officers named in this Act may demand and receive for their county and township services rendered, in discharging the duties imposed upon them officers. by law, the fees and compensation provided for by law, and in the Act of which this is amendatory; provided, that such fees and compensation shall not, in the aggregate, annually exceed the several amounts hereinafter named. Any surplus of fees or compensation over and above such amounts, received by such officers shall be paid into the county treasury as hereinafter provided; provided, the provisions of this Act shall be applicable only to counties of this state polling five thousand votes or more at any general election held in this state. tion county 2331. SEC. 2. The several County Assessors shall receive Fees and fees and compensation annually, not exceeding the sum of four of thousand ($4,000) dollars; the County Clerks, six thousand officers. ($6,000) dollars; the County Recorders, four thousand eight hundred ($4,800) dollars; the Sheriffs, five thousand eight hundred ($5,800) dollars; the District Attorneys, three thousand six hundred ($3,600) dollars; the County Treasurers, three thousand ($3,000) dollars; the Public Administrators, one thousand ($1,000) dollars; the Justices of the Peace, four thousand ($4,000) dollars; and Constables, three thousand six hundred ($3,600) dollars; provided, that if the fees not allowed by law to any officer when collected shall not amount to the several sums above mentioned, no claim shall be made by such officer against his county beyond the amount of fees collected by or due him as such officer. 2332. SEC. 3. It shall be and it is hereby made the duty Fee book. of the county and township officers herein named to keep in their several offices a book, to be called a "Register of fees," wherein shall be entered all fees and compensation received by them; also, all fees uncollected or remaining due for official services, with a memorandum of the transactions wherein such fees were collected or remain due. Such book shall be open at all times to the inspection of the public, and no compensation shall be allowed for keeping the same. 2333. SEC. 4. It shall be and is hereby made the duty collection of of said county and township officers to diligently collect and to fees. enter upon said register all the fees and compensation allowed by law to their several offices, for the services rendered by them in discharging official duties, and in case of neglect or refusal of any officer to collect such fees, or to enter the same in said register, as herein provided, he shall be liable upon his official bond. for all damages which his county may sustain by reason thereof ; Statements and filing. Excess of fees. and the Board of County Commissioners of the several counties of this state are hereby authorized, and it is hereby made their duty in the name of the county and in its behalf, to institute and maintain all necessary actions and proceedings for the recovery thereof. 2334. SEC. 5. The several officers named in this Act shall, at the expiration of every quarter year, make out and file with said Treasurer a full and accurate statement, under oath, of all fees, percentages, or compensation of whatever nature or kind, received in their said several official capacities, during the preceding quarter year, in which statement they shall set forth the causes in which, and services for which such compensations were received, or are due to them for official services during said quarter year, and at the time of filing the same, all fees or compensation for their services, received by them in excess of their compensation hereinbefore provided for, shall be paid by them into the county treasury, and the same shall become a part of the general fund thereof. 2335. SEC. 6. All excess of fees which may become due the several counties of this state, under the provisions of this Act, shall be collected by the Board of County Commissioners thereof, in the manner provided by law for the collection of fees due for official services, and in all cases where execution may be issued for the collection of the same in behalf of such officers, the like process may be issued for the collection thereof. Penalty. 2336. SEC. 7. Any county officer named in this Act, who shall neglect or refuse to pay into the county treasury the amount of moneys received as compensation by him, as provided by the fifth section thereof, shall be liable on his official bond therefor, and suit may be maintained by the county against such officers, and the sureties on such bond for the recovery thereof. Acts in conflict. Act to take effect. 2337. SEC. 8. All Acts and parts of Acts in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. 2338. SEC. 9. This Act shall take effect from and after the first Monday in January, eighteen hundred and eighty-one. Salaries regulated. An Act fixing the compensation of the various county officers (deputies) and of Jailers in the several counties of this state. Approved February 26, 1881, 86. 2339. SECTION 1. From and after the passage of this Act the Deputy County Recorder, and Deputy County Clerk, and the Jailer of the several counties (applicable to this Act as hereinafter stated) shall receive a monthly compensation in the sum of one hundred dollars each for their services so rendered, respectively; provided, the provisions of this Act shall be applicable only to counties of this state polling not less than sixteen hundred nor more than two thousand votes at any general election held in this state. 2340. SEC. 2. The several officers named in this Act shall claims to be file their respective bill for the monthly compensation with the filed. County Clerk of his county, duly authenticated, and the same shall be allowed by the Board of County Commissioners of the said counties, by virtue of this Act, and the same to be duly audited by the County Auditor, and the Auditor is hereby authorized to draw a warrant on the County Treasurer payable out of the salary fund. issued 2341. SEC. 3. In case there be no funds in the salary Certificate fund, the Auditor is hereby authorized to deliver to the person can be iss or persons a certificate of indebtedness for the amount so no funds. allowed, the same to be registered (in number and date) as allowed by the Board of County Commissioners and approved by the County Auditor. The provisions of the following Act apply to and affect such An Act to regulate fees and compensation for official and other Approved February 27, 1883, 56. 2342. SECTION 1. The several officers and persons named in this Act may demand and receive for their services rendered in discharging the duties imposed upon them by law, the fees and compensation hereafter specified. CLERK OF THE SUPREME COURT. 2343. SEC. 2. The fees of the Clerk of the Supreme Court Clerk of Sushall be as follows: For entering any motion, rule, or order, preme Court. one dollar and twenty-five cents; for filing each transcript of a record from an inferior court, three dollars; for entering judgment, for the first folio, one dollar and fifty cents, for each subsequent folio, seventy-five cents; for each certificate given at request and under seal, one dollar and fifty cents; for copy of recorded opinion of court, or other papers, for each folio, twenty cents; for entering each cause on calendar and making copy for the bar, seventy-five cents; for every remittitur or mandate, for each folio, twenty cents; for searching records or files in his office, seventy-five cents for each term's proceedings, but no charge shall be made to suitors or their attorneys; for filing each paper, thirty cents; for certificate of admission as attorney or counsellor, and sealing the same, ten dollars; for administering each oath or affirmation, thirty cents; for taking Sec. 2344. and writing any acknowledgment, seventy-five cents (including COUNTY CLERK. County Clerk. 2344. SEC. 3. The County Clerks of the several counties in this state shall be entitled to fees as follows: For entering each suit on the Clerk's register of actions, and making the necessary entry therein during trial, seventy-five cents; for filing each paper, fifteen cents; for issuing summons, seventyfive cents; for entering every appearance, fifty cents; for enter ! ing return of every writ or process, fifty cents; for issuing subpœna, for first witness, fifty cents, and for each additional witness, ten cents; for entering each cause on the calendar and making a copy thereof, for each term of the district court, seventy-five cents; for entering every motion, exception, rule, order or default, thirty cents; for entering every discontinuance, dismissal or non-suit, thirty cents; for calling and swearing every jury, fifty cents; for administering every oath or affirmation, fifteen cents; for receiving and entering each verdict of a jury, fifty cents; for entering every final judgment, for the first folio, seventy-five cents, and for each subsequent folio, twenty cents; for filing judgment roll, thirty cents; for docketing judgment, against each judgment debtor, thirty cents; for issuing execution, seventy-five cents; for entering satisfaction of judgment, for each debtor, thirty cents; for entering every notice of appeal, thirty cents; for copying any proceeding, record or paper, for each folio, twenty cents; for receiving and entering every remittitur from the supreme court, and accompanying papers, thirty cents; for every certificate, fifty cents; for issuing every commission to take testimony, seventy-five cents; for issuing every process under seal, other than subpœnas, seventy-five cents; for every certificate under seal, fifty cents; for issuing letters testamentary, seventy-five cents; for writing and posting notices when required, for each copy, thirty cents; for recording all instruments, for each folio, twenty cents; for searching the file of each year in his office (but not to charge suitors or attorneys), thirty cents; for taking each bond and justification thereof required by law, fifty cents; for taking justification to bond, for each name, thirty cents; for taking acknowledgments of deeds or other instruments, including certificate and seal, for the first name, seventy-five cents, and for each subsequent name, twenty-five cents; for issuing every decree or order of sale of mortgaged property, or writ of injunction, for the first folio, seventy-five cents, and for each subsequent folio, twenty cents; for entering each suit in the plaintiff's and defendant's index, twenty-five cents; for making out naturalization papers, including all necessary oaths, affirmations and certificates, for the first papers, two dollars and fifty cents; for making out naturalization papers, including all necessary oaths, affirmations and certificates, for the final papers, five dollars; for each day's attendance on the Board of County Commissioners, four dollars; provided, the sum shall in no case exceed one hundred dollars per annum in the aggregate. State v. Rover, 13 Nev. 17. RECORDER. 2345. SEC. 4. The following fees to the several County Recorder. Recorders are hereby established: For receiving, filing, and entering documents required to be recorded, fifteen cents; for filing and entering any paper not to be recorded, thirty cents; for making all necessary indexes to each paper filed or recorded, for each name to be indexed, thirty cents; for recording any instrument, paper, or document, for each folio, twenty cents; for every certificate under seal, seventy-five cents; for every entry of discharge or assignment of mortgage on the margin of the records, twenty-five conts; for abstract of title, for each document embraced thereby, seventy-five cents; for searching records and files, for each document necessarily examined, twenty-five cents; for recording any survey or map other than town plat, for each corner, thirty cents; for recording town plat, for each lot or separate subdivision exhibited thereby, twenty cents; for each folio of lettering or figuring thereon, or in the certificate and description of the same, fifty cents; for recording certificates of marriage, death, divorce, or birth, fifty cents; for copying of any document or record in his office, for each folio, twenty cents; for taking acknowledgment, including certificate and seal, for the first signature, seventy-five cents; for each additional signature, twenty-five cents; for recording or copying any paper in a foreign language, double the fees as when in English; no map or plat shall be recorded exceeding in size two folios of the usual sized records; for preparing the abstract of unsatisfied mortgages, when requested by the Board of Equalization, for each, twenty-five cents. SHERIFFS. 2346. SEC. 5. The fees allowed to Sheriffs in the several Sheriffs' fees. counties of this state shall be as follows: For serving a summons and complaint or any other process by which an action or proceeding is commenced, on every defendant, one dollar and fifty cents; for traveling in making such services, per mile, in going only, to be computed in all cases from the court house of the county, forty cents per mile; provided, that if any two or more papers are required to be served in the same suit, at the |