Of United States exempted from taxation, 44. No person to be deprived, except by due process of law, 53. Private, not to be taken for public use, without just compensation made or secured, exception, 53. Reasonable exemption of, from execution, to be provided for, 59. Of foreigners, to be protected, 61. Separate, of wife, may be held by her, 105. Of corporations, subject to taxation, 155. Assessment and taxation of, to be equal and uniform, 168. Of territory, to vest in state, 204. PROSECUTIONS- Name and authority of, 144. Existing, not affected, 201. PUNISHMENT- Of judicial officers not to be increased or diminished, 146. Certain may be increased or diminished by legislature, 193. Pay of Senators and Assemblymen, 205. Of Judges of District Courts, 216. Of county officers, etc., paid by counties, 221. SCHOOLS- System of common, to be provided for, 170. SCHOOLS-Continued. Normal and other, may be established, 173. State lands, proceeds of, devoted to, 171. Special tax for support of, 174. Sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 177, 178. SCIENTIFIC IMPROVEMENT- To be encouraged, 169. SEARCHES- Security against unreasonable, provided for, 63. Warrant for, when to issue, 63. SEAT OF GOVERNMENT- Located at Carson City, 185. No appropriation to be made for capitol buildings for three years, 185 SECRETARY OF STATE- Who eligible to the office of, 128. When elected, and term of office of, 128. Powers and duties of, 129. To be member of Board of Examiners, 130. To be member of Board of Prison Commissioners, 130. Liable to impeachment, 151. To be member of Board of Regents, 175. Required to keep office at seat of government, 196. Salary of, first term under constitution, 205. SENATE- To try all impeachments, 150. SENATORS, STATE- When elected, and term of office, 78. Who eligible to office of, 79. Number of, 79. Pay of, 205. First apportionment of, 206. To be divided into two classes, 209. Two classes of, to be kept equal, 209. One-half to be chosen biennially, 210. SENATORS, UNITED STATES- How and when elected, 108. SHERIFFS- Election of, to be provided for, 106. SLAVERYー Fobidden, with exception of involuntary servitude for punishment of crime, 62. SPEECH- Liberty of, secured, 54. STATE PRISON- Board of Commissioners of, who to constitute, 130. To be established, 182. SUFFRAGE- Right of, who entitled to, 66, 227. Persons convicted of certain crimes, disqualified from right of, 66. SUIT AGAINST STATE- Provision to be made by law for bringing, 96. SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION- Liable to impeachment, 151. Election, term of office and duties of, 169. To be member of Board of Regents, 175. Salary for first term under the constitution, 205. SUPREME COURT- Clerk to be elected, 106. Justices of, members of Board of Pardons, 123. How composed, and quorum of, 133. Chief Justice of, who, 134. Election, term of office, and classification of Justices, 134. Terms of, when and where to be held, 138. Jurisdiction and powers of, 139. Justices of, not to receive fees, 141. Justices of, ineligible to office during term, 142. Justices of, liable to impeachment, 151. Chief Justice of, to preside over senate on trial of impeachment of Governor or Lieutenant-Governor, 150. Decisions of, to be published, 192. Vacancies in office of Justices of, how filled, 222. TAXATION- Special legislation concerning, forbidden, 94. Annual tax, sufficient to pay expenses of state, to be levied, 165. To be equal and uniform, 168. Property liable to, 155, 168. Property which may be exempted from, 168. Special tax for support of common schools and state university to be levied, 174. TERRITORY OF NEVADA- Judicial officers of, when superseded, 149. Laws of, to remain in force, 202. Fines accruing to, to inure to state, 203. Recognizances and bonds to, to remain valid, 204. Actions commenced in courts of, to continue, 204. Property of, to vest in state, 204. Indebtedness of, assumed by state, 207. Certain officers of, to continue in office, 213. TREASON- Of what to consist, 64. Conviction of, how only obtained, 64. TREASURER OF STATE- How chosen, term of, eligibility, 128. Liable to impeachment, 151. Office at seat of government, to keep, 196. Salary of, for first term under constitution, 205. Not to receive to his own use, 205. Bonds, to give, 220. TREASURY- No money to be drawn from, but on appropriation, 93, 102. Statements of the receipts and expenditures of, to be published with laws, 93. Money, how drawn from, 102. Members of legislature to be paid out of, 107. TRIAL- By jury, secured, 48. Rights of accused on, 53. In criminal, no person compelled to be a witness against himself, 53. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT- Powers of, declared, 47. Paramount allegiance due to, 47. UNIVERSITY- To be established, 172. Departments of learning in, 172. Fund created for support of, 174. Board of Regents of, 175. Sectarian instruction in, prohibited, 177. VETO- Of Governor, how exercised, 109. How law passed over, by legislature, 109. VOTER- Qualifications of, 66. Who not entitled to be, 66. Persons convicted of certain crimes disqualified as, 66. Residence of, what not to affect, 67. In military or naval service of United States, 68. Registration of, to be provided for, 71. Poll tax may be required of, 72. WIFE- May hold certain property as separate property, 105. Laws to be passed defining property rights, 105. Laws to be passed providing for registration of separate property of, 105. YEAS AND NAYS- When to be entered on journals of the legislature, 88. |