Слике страница

or persons, or the authorized agent or agents, of any company or corporation named in the notice on file, as provided in section two of this Act.

shall require.

293. SEC. 4. The notice thus served shall require the said what notice persons to appear before the Justice or Judge issuing the same, at a time to be stated therein, not more than ten nor less than three days from the service of said notice, and show, to the satisfaction of the court, that the provisions of this Act have been complied with, or if he or they fail to appear, judgment will be entered against him or them for double the amount stated in the notice on file; and all proceedings had therein shall be as prescribed by law in civil cases; and such persons, Liable to fine in addition to any judgment that may be rendered against them, in addition to shall be liable and subject to a fine not exceeding the sum of judgment. one hundred dollars for each and every violation of the provisions of this Act, which judgments and fines shall be adjudged and collected as provided for by law.

in the name

294. SEC. 5. Suits commenced under the provisions of Suits to be this Act shall be in the name of the State of Nevada, and all of the state. judgments and fines collected shall be paid into the county

treasury for county purposes.



295. SEC. 6. If the notice filed with the Justice of the County ComPeace, or Police Judge, as aforesaid, shall state that the excava-shall fence tion, shaft, or hole, has been abandoned, and no person claims abandoned the ownership thereof, said Justice of the Peace, or Judge, shall notify the Board of County Commissioners of the county, or either of them, of the location of the same, and they shall, as soon as possible thereafter, cause the same to be so fenced, or otherwise guarded, as to prevent accidents to persons or animals; and all expenses thus incurred shall be paid, first, out of Expenses, the fines and judgments collected in accordance with the provi- how paid. sions of this Act, as other county expenses; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to compel the County Commissioners to fill up, fence, or otherwise guard, any shaft, excavation, or hole, unless in their discretion the same may be considered dangerous to persons or animals.

An Act for the greater security of life, by providing for the use of safety cages and iron bonnets in vertical shafts where iron mining cages are used, of more than four hundred and fifty feet in depth.

Approved February 28, 1879, 55.


296. SECTION 1. It shall be unlawful for any person or cages to be persons, company or companies, corporation or corporations, provided by after the first day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-companies. nine, to sink or work through any vertical shaft where iron


how made.

Failures to comply and penalties.

Damages to

mining cages are used, at a greater depth than four hundred and fifty feet, unless the said shaft shall be provided with an iron bonneted safety cage, to be used in the lowering and hoisting of the employes of such person or persons, company or companies, corporation or corporations. The safety apparatus, whether consisting of eccentrics, springs, or other device, shall be securely fastened to the cage, and shall be of sufficient strength to hold the cage loaded at any depth to which the shaft may be sunk. The iron bonnet aforesaid shall be made of boiler sheet iron of a good quality, of at least three-sixteenths of an inch in thickness, and shall cover the top of said cage in such manner as to afford the greatest protection to life and limb from any matter falling down said shaft.

297. SEC. 2. Any person or persons, company or companies, corporation or corporations, after the first day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-nine, who shall neglect, fail, or refuse to comply with the provisions of section one of this Act, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be fined not less than five hundred dollars, nor more than one thousand dollars.

298. SEC. 3. Nothing contained in this Act shall be so be recovered. construed as to prevent recovery being had in a suit for damages for injuries sustained by the party so injured, or his heir or administrator or administratrix, or any one else now competent to sue in an action of such character.

Act to take effect.

299. SEC. 4. This Act shall go into effect on and after the first day of July, A. D. eighteen hundred and seventy-nine.

County Re

An Act to provide for the better preservation of the mining records in certain mining districts in this state.

Approved March 6, 1879, 80.

300. SECTION 1. In every mining district in this state, in corders to be which the seat of government of any county is situated, the trict Mining County Recorder of said county shall be ex-officio district Mining

ex-officio Dis

Recorders, subject to rules and

Recorder, subject in the discharge of his duties to such rules, regulations, and compensations as may be now in force or regulations. hereafter prescribed by the mining laws of the mining districts respectively to which this Act is applicable. He shall, as such ex-officio Mining Recorder, be responsible on his official bond for the faithful performance of the duties of his office and the correct and safe keeping of all the records thereof, and the correct and safe keeping of the copies of all the records mentioned and referred to in section two of this Act.-As amended, Stats. 1881, 33.

An Act amendatory of and supplemental to an Act entitled "An Act to provide for the better preservation of the mining records in certain districts in this state," approved March 6, 1879.

Approved February 10, 1881, 33.

Section 1 is incorporated in the preceding Act.


301. SECTION 2. It shall be the duty of each and every Duties of Mining Recorder of the several mining districts in the state, on Recorders. or before the first Monday in January, April, July, and October in each year, to transcribe into a suitable book or books, to be provided for that purpose, and to deposit and file with the County Recorders of the respective counties in which said mining districts may be located, a full, true, and correct copy of the mining records of the respective mining districts for the three months next preceding said first Mondays in January, April, July, and October, duly certified under oath; provided, this section shall not apply to the Mining Recorder created by section one of this Act.


302. SEC. 3. There shall be provided by the County County ComCommissioners of the several counties in this state, and furnished missioners to to each Mining Recorder, on his application, suitable books, into books. which the mining records mentioned in section two of this Act shall be transcribed.


303. SEC. 4. The several Mining Recorders shall receive Fees to for services herein required by section two of this Act, one dollar for the transcript of each claim, including the oath, which shall be paid at the time of recording by the parties making the locations.

records intro

304. SEC. 5. The certified copies of the mining records Copies of certified to be deposited and filed as herein provided, shall be duced in received in evidence, and have the same force and effect in all court in courts as the original.



303. SEC. 6. Any person neglecting or refusing to comply penalty for with the provisions of section two of this Act shall be deemed not complyguilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by both such fine and imprisonment.

306. SEC. 7. This Act shall take effect and be in force from and after the first day of April, A. D. 1881.

An Act to provide for the better preservation of the mining records of this state, and to repeal all other Acts in conflict with this


Approved February 14, 1885, 27.

307. SECTION 1. It shall be the duty of each and every

Duties of

Duplicate notices.

Fees to be collected.

Duplicates to be filed.

County Recorder to геceive fees.

Mining Recorder of the several mining districts of the state to require all persons locating and recording a mining claim to make a duplicate copy of each and every mining notice, which copy the said Mining Recorder shall carefully compare with the original, and mark "duplicate" on its face or margin, and he shall immediately deposit with or transmit the same to the County Recorders of the respective counties in which said mining district may be located.

308. SEC. 2. The said district Mining Recorders, at the time of comparing said duplicate notices with the original, shall collect from the locators of said mining claims the sum of one dollar for each and every notice compared, which sum he shall transmit, together with the said duplicate notices, to the County Recorders of the respective counties in which said mining claims shall be located.

309. SEC. 3. Whenever, owing to the distance of the mining district from the county seat, it becomes inconvenient for the district Mining Recorder to personally deposit the duplicate copy with the County Recorder, then in that case he may forward the same by mail or express, or such other manner as will insure safe transit and delivery to the County Recorder.

310. SEC. 4. The County Recorders of the several counties shall receive for their services for recording each of said duplicate notices, the said sum of one dollar, mentioned in section two of this Act.

311. SEC. 5. The record of the duplicate copies in the office of the County Recorder, as herein provided, shall be received in evidence, and have the same force and effect in all courts of the state as the original mining district records.


312. SEC. 6. Any person neglecting or refusing to comply with the provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding six months, or by such fine and imprisonment.




313. Accepting lands from the United States.

316. Accepting lieu lands from the United States.

318. Fixing price of lands within Pacific Railroad grant.

324. Providing for the selection and sale of lands from the United States.

346. Location of lands containing salt.

350. Ceding jurisdiction over certain lands to the United States.

352. Providing for the recording of patents to lands.

353. Protection of agricultural lands.

356. Protection of timbered lands.

360. Protection of agricultural lands and preservation of water.

362. Providing for the diversion of water.

366. Encouragement of growth of forest trees.

371. Erection and maintenance of partition fences.

376. Incorporation of state agricultural society.

383. Providing for management and control of state agricultural society.

304. Providing for agricultural districts and associations.

402. Relative to town sites on public lands.

411. Same.

420. Same.

423. Same.

An Act in relation to and accepting the lands granted to the State of
Nevada by the government of the United States.

Approved February 13, 1867, 57.

United States

313. SECTION 1. The State of Nevada hereby accepts the Lands grantgrants of lands made by the government of the United States ed by the to this state, in the following Acts of Congress, to-wit: "An accepted. Act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and the mechanic arts," approved July second, eighteen hundred and sixty-two, as amended and approved April fourteenth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, and as extended July fourth, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, by an Act entitled "An Act concerning certain lands granted to the State of Nevada," upon the terms and conditions in said Act expressed, and agrees to comply therewith.

314. SEC. 2. The State of Nevada hereby accepts the same. grants of lands made by the government of the United States to this state, in the Act of Congress entitled "An Act concerning certain lands, granted to the State of Nevada," approved

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