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Bibliography and Check List

AUGUST 15, 1946


This is a bibliography of articles and abstracts of scientific interest in the fields of atomic energy and nuclear physics in general. Only material published in the United States since August 1945 has been included. The list of items is meant to be comprehensive but not exhaustive.

The preparation and transmission of this bibliography is in no way intended as an endorsement or substantiation of the articles and abstracts listed. In every case, the responsibility for accuracy rests with the authors themselves.

Included in the list are a number of abstracts of papers and titles of invited papers given at meetings of the American Physical Society. These are identified by the following references:

"St. Louis Meeting," at Washington University, November 30December 1, 1945.

"New York Meeting," at Columbia University, January 24-26, 1946. "Chicago Meeting," at University of Chicago, June 20-22, 1946. "Berkeley Meeting," at University of California, July 12-13, 1946. The abstracts are first published in the Bulletin of the American Physical Society and then in the Physical Review. The abstracts for the St. Louis, New York and Chicago Meetings have already appeared in the Physical Review for January, March and July 1946, respectively.

The bibliography is arranged alphabetically by authors, according to the name of the first author listed for each item.

After the bibliography there is a Check List of reports which have been transmitted to the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission by the United States Representative.


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