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unless comparison with other documents showed the suggested reading to have been obviously either correct or incorrect. In the latter case the text within parentheses has sometimes been replaced by an editorial insertion within brackets.

Translations as found in the files have been revised and corrected if found faulty by comparison with texts in the original language or other versions available, but care has been taken to avoid altering in any significant respect important texts that were acted upon or used as sources of information in their existing form.

The general principles governing the compilation and editing of these papers are stated in the preface to Foreign Relations, 1914, Supplement, pp. iii-iv.



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Neutral rights as affected by the submarine, etc.-Continued.

Bulgaria-Refusal of the European neutral governments to follow

the example of the United States in severing relations with Ger-

many; their protests to the Central powers-Submarine attacks

on American ships and ships with Americans aboard-Receipt,

February 24, of the Zimmermann telegram conveying Germany's

overtures to Mexico-----.

The armament of American merchant ships-The sinking of the

Laconia, February 26, of other ships with Americans aboard, and

of American ships-Austro-Hungarian aide-mémoire on submarine

policy, March 2-Refusal of the American Government to receive

the Austro-Hungarian Ambassador designate-Declaration of a

state of war with Germany, April 6--‒‒‒‒‒‒

The status of neutral seamen on armed merchant ships of belligerent

nationality-Treatment of captured American seamen brought to

Germany by the Yarrowdale and the Moewe-----

Relations of Latin-American countries with the United States and with

European belligerent countries as affected by the war in general

and by the German submarine warfare____

Expressions of approval of the President's suggestions of December

18, 1916, to belligerent governments-Responses to the notifica-

tion of the severance by the United States of relations with Ger-

many-Replies to the German notification of resumption of unre-

stricted submarine warfare_____

Suggestions by Paraguay, Ecuador, and Argentina for a conference

of American states-Attitude of the de facto Mexican Government

regarding the German proposal for an alliance-Offer of Mexico's

good offices to restore relations between the United States and


Responses to the notification of a state of war between the United

States and Germany-Severance of relations with Germany, in

terms amounting to a declaration of war, by Panama, April 7—

Declaration of war with Germany by Cuba, April 7-Severance of

relations with Germany by Brazil, April 11, in consequence of the

sinking of the Paraná-Severance of relations with Germany by

Bolivia, April 13-The sinking of the Argentine ship Monte


Argentina's initiative toward calling a conference of American states;

attitude of the United States-Offer of support in the war by

Guatemala in exchange for assurances against possible conse-

quences; acceptance by the United States-Similar assurances to


Severance of relations with Germany by Guatemala, April 27-Settle-

ment of the Monte Protegido case between Argentina and Ger-

many-Argentine invitation, May 9, to the Latin-American states

for a conference; attitude of the United States-Severance of

relations with Germany by Honduras May 17; by Nicaragua,

May 19‒‒‒

Revocation by Brazil, June 2, of the decree of neutrality as between

the United States and Germany; seizure of German ships in Brazil-

ian ports-Severance of relations with Germany by Haiti, June 17—

Opening of the ports and waters of Uruguay to American naval


Relations of Latin-American countries with the United States, etc.-Con.

The sinking of the Argentine ship Toro; adjustment of the case-

Visit of the American Fleet to Rio de Janeiro, Montevideo, and

Buenos Aires-Arrangements for cooperation with Brazil in patrol-

ling the South Atlantic-Revocation of Brazil's neutrality with

respect to the Allied powers, June 28; discussion as to the export

of Brazilian coffee and the disposition of German ships taken over

by Brazil-Transfer to the United States of the German ships

seized by Cuba-Negotiations between Peru and Germany concern-

ing the sinking of the Lorton‒‒‒‒‒

Publication, September 8, of the recommendation by Luxburg, Ger-

man Chargé in Argentina, that ships be spurlos versenkt; handing

of passports to Luxburg-Severance of relations with Germany by

the Tinoco government in Costa Rica, September 22—Negotiations

relating to the revocation of Uruguay's neutrality, the conclusion

of arbitration treaties between Uruguay and the Allied powers,

and the disposition of German ships in Uruguayan ports‒‒‒‒‒‒

Severance of relations with Germany by Peru, October 6; by Uruguay,

October 7-Revocation by Uruguay of decrees of neutrality; second

visit of the American squadron to Montevideo-Assurances of

Salvador as to the use of its ports and waters by the United


Declaration of a state of war between Brazil and Germany, October

26-Renewed initiative of Argentina for a Latin-American con-

gress, October 29-Peruvian plan, approved by the United States,

to have the congress consider severance of relations with Ger-

many-Assurances given by the United States to the Guatemalan

Special Mission, November 6-Charter to France of German ships

seized by Brazil__

Severance of relations with Germany by Ecuador, December 7—

Declaration of war on Austria-Hungary by Panama, December 10;

by Cuba, December 16-Further correspondence regarding the dis-

position of German ships seized by Brazil, Cuba, and Uruguay-

Further correspondence regarding the proposed congress of Ameri-

can states-Convention for the purchase of Argentine wheat by

Great Britain and France, signed January 14, 1918.

Relations of Asiatic countries with the United States and with Euro-

pean belligerent countries as affected by the German submarine


China's approval of the President's suggestions of December 18, 1916,

to belligerent governments-Requests for assurances by China in

the event of severance of relations with Germany; attitude of the

United States----.

Severance of relations with Germany by China, March 14-Desires

expressed by the Chinese Government; attitude of the United

States Declaration of war against Germany by Siam, July 22;

discussion as to the disposition of German ships in Siamese ports-

Declaration of war by China, August 14‒‒‒‒‒‒‒

Relations of Liberia with the United States and with European bellig-

erents as affected by the German submarine warfare and by British

and French commercial restrictions_-‒‒

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