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cealed to work at all, or ceafed to work in the fame prop rtion.

If any man who went the tour of this country fhould ask what has brought these feveral houfes to rain, he would be told-the Free Trade. If any man should ask what did parliament propofe, he would be told-they meant to go on with the experiment, and try how it might foar with thele refineries not yet demolished.-You talk of thoje manufacturers as combinators and malefactors-we are too apt to indulge in a conceited ftyle towards the uferul clafs of men — The penfioner thinks he is ruined, if he lays out among his own manufacturers, the ftipend which he gets from his country-he defpifes the people on whofe contribution he feeds. But, Sir, these men have a refuge from our pride and our laws-they will leave you to your offices and compliance, and feek an opener Icene, and a better climate-they will go with their wives, and their child en, and arts, where God and natpe invite-Such are the tributes which the cries of Europe offer to the virtue of America : Let your laws, therefore be such as will not banith your inhabitants.—

Mr. Eden followed Mr. Grattan.-He said, though he was by no means unprepared to enter the detail of calculations with which the queftion was connected, he was glad to think that the whole had been already fo compleatly stated to the House, as to make it unneceffary to recur to them. He rofe, therefore, merely to remark on fome expreffions which had been incidentally dropped in the cebate. One gentleman had faid, "that a general refiftance to all commercial fubjects is adopted by the prefent adminiftration." Another gentleman faid, "that the whole bufinefs had been conducted with a fl grant iafincerity."-Mr. Eden appealed to the patient and refpectful attention with which, during four days, he had heard the prefent inveftigation, and this too notwithstanding he thought the question extremely confined in its nature and confequences; though it had been attempted to fwell it into magnitude by defcription and decla mation. As a question which concerned a mall proportion of the Irish refinery, it certainly deferved refpet, becaule the interests of manufac. turers fhould always be dear to the feelings of parliament. But he had been aftonished to hear



Ode to a fair Penitent.

HE fwallow speeds its annual fight,
The foreft fades upon the figh,
Dread winter fhews his furious form,
His reign announcing with a form.

Where now, alas! the blooming bow'r,
The fruitful field, the fragrant flow'r,
The Sylvan fong, the filver ftream?
All, all departed, like a dream!

All, all the charms that former yields,
All, all the beauties of the fields,
Are now po moie: wild winter reigns,
Triumphant on the penfive plains.
Yet will the plains again look gay,
When welcome fpring refumes her (way,

the state of the fugar bakeries ushered in by n enquiry into the state of the nation—a petition of equalization converted into a claim of mons. poly-a fyftem of prohibitions iffuing from a question of free trade-and, laft of all, in the difcuffion of the participation of the British Celonies with Ireland, to be told that Ireland bas every thing to fear from the gambling spirit, the infane fpeculations, and the twindling of her fifter kingdom.-This, he faid, had not been the linguage of the laft effion, when, in the geonize and generous fentiments of their hearts, the Iri parliament had acknowledged the wife and Iberal lentiments of the British parliament.— Thole wife and liberal fentiments, he afferted, were confp cuous, not only in the present bufnefs, but in the whole fyftem of British bounties and duties, under which system twenty millions of yards of lith linen are annually feat to Brid merchants.

He faid that the prefent queftion might be confined to three confiderations:

, Whether the duty impofed in 1780 of refined tugars imported, was a sufficient and adequate duty of protection to the frith refae ries?

2dly, Whether, in fact, the Irish refineries had not maintained fince that period, their re lative proportion of bufinels against the Engliŵa r fineries?

3dly. Whether the flight competition which fubfifted between the refineries, was not likely to prove beneficial to the regulation of the mar kets, aud to the improvement and cheapacís of the manufacture in question?

All these questions, he faid, had been fully proved in the affirmative. It had allo been de monftrated, that we had made a progress in the free trade beyond all expectation; and yet, in the infancy of our efforts, we were the wing difcontented impatience to arrive at a state of manhood.

The question being now loudly called for. Mr. Metge moved an additional duty of 25. 102 per hundred, to the duty moved by the Attorney General, The Houle divided.

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- No. Prize.



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A correct Lift (in numerical Order) of all the 50l. Prizes and upwards, in the
English State Lottery, for the Year 1782. Taken from Walker's Numerical Book.
Prize. No. Prize. No. Prize.



£. 50


£. 50 20651 £. 50 | 28024 £. 50

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A Dialogue between the Author* and Time.

HO art thou? and to what mif

fortunes are the palenefs and
deep furrows in thy forehead owing?
"I am old Time-I have feen thou-
fands and thousands of generations; and
it is for that reafon I am pale.

"And why doft thou carry this crook ed fcythe in thy hands?

"It is the feythe with which I lay the houfes of the mighty low, by mowing down the very foundations of them.

"What are the drawings upon the tablet thou hast in thy hand? and what do

the characters written on it mean?

"The drawings upon the tablet are drawings of thirty thousand cities, not a veftige of which any one of you can find of Troy, of Babylon, of Perfepolis, and Memphis. The characters declare the number of men who have died: this is fo large, that all thofe now living could not Ipeak it with all their tongues-Why dott thou weep, thou fool?

"Wert thou then born pitylefs? "Born! I was not born, but am from everlasting. As to pity, my pity is for the living (not the dead) and it is for that reafon I go about with thefe monuments of things that have been, faying to all I meet, Ye are men, be moderate.I fay the fame to thee-thou art to re

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cafh, &c. to a very great amount, the lofs of which would have been his atter ruin. He had not a minute to refled, and yet, with aftonishing compofure and prefence of mind, he inftantly hit upor his danger: he told the robbers that his an expedient, which extricated him from might take it themselves, or deliver him life was doubly in their hands, as they could not be released but by death, as he into the hands of juftice, out of which he was the unfortunate General Macartney, for the apprehending of whom, on account of the death of the Duke of Hamil ton, the queen had, by proclamation, of therefore, their compaffion, and entreated fered fo great a reward: be implared, ing deprived of the means of efcape, he them not to take his money, as, by bemuft unavoidably be apprehended. The robbers confulted for a few minutes, and then informed him, that they had agreed to grant part of his request, namely, not to take his money from him; but on the other hand, as money was abfolutely ne ceffary to them, and as they could get him, they faid he muft fubmit to be carmore by apprehending than by robbing red before fome magiftrate, as they were determined to deferve and claim the regentleman rejoiced at hearing the intelliward offered for his apprehenfion. The gence, and having been carried before a juice of the peace, who happened tu know the perfon of General Macartney, but the two highwaymen were, on his he was discharged, not being the perfonftory, committed.

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Peterburgh, Aug. 27.

EING appointed for the folemn inauguration of the monument to the memory of Peter the Great, her Imperial Majesty of Ruffia refolved to commemorate that day by fome diftinguishing mark of her grace and clemency, and accordingly iffued a preclamation in which the grants pardon to all criminals under fentence of death; fufpends all fuits for monies due to the crown; gives general releases to the heirs of those who died indebted to the crown; parEdon to all deferters who thall return to their E refpective corps within a limited time; the fame to those under profecution for carrying on any illicit trade; criminals condemned to the gallies have liberty to return to their respective places of refidence, provided they have not been guilty of murder; and finally, a general pardon to all delinquents, who being employed by government, had abused their trust. The proclamation concludes with an exhortation to repentance and amendment: enjoining them at the fame time to put up their prayers to the Almighty for the repole of the foul of the great monach to whole memory these marks of clemency are. dedicated.

08. 9. On the 3d inftant, being the anniver fary of her Imperial majelly's coronation, there was a very brilliant court, both in the morning and evening. Immediately after divine fervice, Monfieur Befberudke, her Imperial Majefty's fecretary, read the flatutes of a new order, called St. Woledimir, and her Imperial majefty invefted herself with them. This new inftitution is created in favour of those who ferve in civil employments; and it is nearly on the fame footing as that of St. George, with respect to the falaries annexed to the different claffes. The e are to be ten great croffes, twenty of the fecond clafs, thirty of the third, and fixty of the fourth, be fides a fifth for thole who have ferved thirty five years, which gives them a right to wear


10. As our cabinet is made acquainted by the 1aft letters from Conftantinople, that the bulk of the people, fupported by the juris-confults, express their wishes for a war, on account of what has lately happened in the Crimea; preparations are carried on here in cafe of a rupture. Amongst the rest of the supplies, 66,000 roubles have been iffued out for dray-horles, to antwer the purpose of the corps of artillery. It has alio been ordered to enrol every hundredth man throughout the empire, by which means about 90,000 men will be procured. The filing off of feveral regiments has been fufpended on account only of the latter lealan of the year, but a great number are now affembled at Mahilow, from whence they are in rotation to march towards the frontiers of Turkey.

Rome, O. 16 His holiness will perform the benediction of the coftly child-bed linen deftined for the dauphin and infant D. Carlo Dominico, fog to the Prince of Afturias, in the first week of November; after which it will be delivered to the respective Nuatios, whole business it is

to prefent them to the French and Spanish courts.
Warfaw, Oct. 19. The marshal of the diets
count Krafinki, having opened the feflion the
12th inft, expreffed, in the name of the public,
the general fatisfaction of the nation at the choice
of the members of the new permanent council,
and alfo of that of the two respectable charac-
ters chofen to fill the offices of marshal and fee
cretary of the council; and as the judges of the
different tribunals of the grand diet had bees
already elected in the provincial affemblies, he
defired that their names should be read in full
diet, and that they should immediately take the
utual oaths of their office: this was accordingly
done, and then were read alfo the names of the
different perfons of both nations (Poletid and
Lithuania) who had offered themselves candi-
dates for the places of commiffioners of the
treasury. This ceremony having been finished,
the ecclefiaftic fecretary of the crown read to
the diet the Palla Conventa; as foon as he had
done, the high chancellor of the crown read
the following propofitions, by way of address
or fpeech from his majelty:

it. His majefly infifts, in the most preffing manner, that the limits between Poland and New Servia be finally and speedily determined; as for want of that, and the ratification on the part of the diet, the empress of all the Ruffiag will annul all that has been done on that head.

2d. His majefty prefents to the states affem. bled in grand diet, a plan for working the falt mines; in which it is demonftrated, that without any new tax, the prefent public revenues. under proper and economical regulations, will be fufficient to defray the expence of this great work.

3d. His majefty having been' for these 18 years paft, entrusted with the management of the mint, defires now to be relieved from the care attending it; and propo'es to the states that in future the mint fhall be under the direc tion of the commiflioners of the treasury.

4th. As to what concerns the army of the Republic, his majesty refers to the papers that he will take care fhall be laid before the diet, from the war office.

5th. His majesty recommends to the most fe rious confideration of the diet, a plan which their maithal will lay before them, relative to the actual fituation of many districts and jurif dictions of Lithuania, where the number of fenators is too small.

6th. As his majefty confiders the plan adopted by the permanent council under the head of Decreta Executionis, for the fupport of public juftice and good order, as indipenfably neceffary, he earnestly defires that it may be thoroughly inveftigated by the states.

7th His majetly repeats his former propofition en the neceffity of making a handsome provifion to defray the expences of the deputies returned to the diets; of annexing proper fa'arics to the offices of marshals of the diets; and alio of affigning the neceffry fums for the fupport of the guards of the tarolts, &c.


8th. As among those who folicit to be naturalized, fome are defcended from fovereign houfes, others are already connected with the nation by the ties of marriage; fome will add to the Iplendour and advantage of Poland; while fome others have rendered very effential fervices to the republic, his majefty wishes that their folicitation may be favourably received by the states of the nation affembled in diet.

Paris, Oct. 25. Laft Sunday a deputation from the clergy, with the cardinal de Rochefoucault at their head, who acted as fpeaker, prelented


to the king a free gift of 15 millions, payable in three years, to repair the lols which the nation fuftained on the 12th of April, and one million more towards the fupport of the widows and or phans of the killed. The king feems highly pleased with this inftance of the patrioti'm of the clergy.

Copenhagen, O. 29. The Princefs Charlott Amelia, great aunt of the king, died yesterday morning, after a lingering illness, aged 76 year and 21 days.


From the London Gazette of Saturday Nov. 30. Whitehall, New 30.

COPY of a letter from A chibald Campbell,

NOPY of a letter from A chibald Campbell,

10, 1782, received at the office of the right honourable Thomas Townshend, his majesty's principal fecretary of state for the home de partment, November 29.

My Lord,

Jamaica, 08. 10 1782.

I HAVE the pleasure to inform your lordship, that the plan which I projected for defeating the Spaniards in their attack upon the British lettlers, and Musquito Indians at Cape Gracias a Dios, has fucceeded equal to my moft languine expectations.

Captain John Campbell, of the Wanks River diftria, who had collected 150 able negroes for the purpose of hair ffing the Spanish garrison ftationed at Black River, continued with unremitting affiduity, from the 14th of July, to annoy the enemy, and narrow the limits of their polls to the eastward, 'till by a judicious movement of his whole corps to the westward, he paffed their fentine's unnoticed, got clofe on the night of the 23d of Auguft, to Cape River Fort (lately Fort Dalling) and, by a gallant affault, carried it with the lofs of two men only. Sxty-five Spaniards were killed on the fpot, nine taken prifones, mostly wounded, and about forty escaped by flight. Three field-piece brats, three field pieces iron, one cohorn, and one gaurifon-piece, with a quantity of ammunition, and one fland of colours, fell into the hands of the affailants, who deftroyed the works, and retreated to their former gound.

The faccels, together with repeated skirmishes, in which the enemy met with confiderable los, contributed to render the Spaniards at Black River, an easy conquest to the force then in motion against them.

On the 28th of Auruft the little army formed at Cape Gracias a Dios, confifting of eighty American rangers under major Campbell, five hundred fhoremen, free people of colour, and negroes, and fix hundred Mulquito Indians, under their respective chiefs, who had elected for their cader lieutenant colonel Delpard (captain in the 79th regiment) reached the mouth of Plantain-river, about feven leagues to the eat ward of the enemy.

On the 30th the troops arrived at Black River Bluff. opposite to the castern block-house, when the enemy difpatched a flag to enquire

who they were, and what they wanted. A fummons to furrender the Spanish pofts, troops, and artillery to his Britannick majesty's forces, was fent to the commandant in reply; and al ter fome altercation, the garrifon, confitling of twenty-feven officers, and 715 rank and Ble, chiefly of the regiment of Guatimala, thought fit to lay down their arms as prisoners of war, ftipulating to be conducted to Omoa in the m convenient and expeditious manner. With this detachment were taken one stand of colours, two twelve-pounders, seven fix-pounders, 21 fourpounders, iron, four four-pounders brais, one eight-inch howitzer, and 1000 firelocks, which, together with the artillery in Fort Dalling, amounts to 31 pieces of cannon, one cobors, one howitzer, 1000 firelocks, a quantity of ammanition, and two ftands of colours.

I have likewife the pleasure to inform your lordship, that the day after the Spanish troops laid down their arms at Black River, a palace of 16 guns, laden with provifoas for the Spansh garrifon at that poll, was taken by one of ca tain Parry's fquadron. This polacre had slo feme money on board, and 100 foldiers, as a re inforcement for Truxilla..

I think it my duty to inform your lordship, that col. Despard has expreffed to me bis obligations to captain Parry, commanding his m jefty's ships of war on that expedition, for his ready co-operation and affiflance; and I think it allo a justice due to lieutenant-colonel Despard, to express my acknowledgments to him, for hav ing cheerfully, at the request of the Shoremen and Indians, taken the command of the land forces, when he was merely on that coal with a view to recover part of his baggage, which had escaped the enemy's hands at Rattan.

The zeal of the gentlemen and lettlers on the fhore, and the forward fpirit of the rangers, and the cheerful alacrity of the Mu'quito chiers and Indians, merit every commendation.

The business of the shore being over, I have directed Odell's rangers to return immediately to Jamaica; and I can affore your lordship, that the British fettlers and friendly Indians on that coaft, have for this feafon a fair prospect of en- ! joying their plantations in tranquillity; white! the Spaniards, who have been at an immente expence and fatigue, bave left the fruits of their coftly and laborious exertions.

Captain Thornas, of his majesty's ship Refource, who can inform your lordship of the i fate of matters in this quarter, will have the

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