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'It's a darned shame, stranger," she said, at parting. "I like your looks, and


spot on his head, the puff-sacks under his eyes, the sagging cheeks, the heavy dewlap, the general tiredness and staleness and fatness, all the collapse and ruin of a man who had once been strong but who had fived too easily and too well.

'It's not too late, old man,' Bardwell said, almost in a whisper.

'By God! I wish I were n't a coward!'

I like you. If you ever change your mind, 1o was Trefethan's answering cry. I could come back."

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go back to her. She's there, now. I could shape up and live many a long year . . . with her . . . up there. To remain here is to commit suicide. But I am an old man at forty-seven-look The trouble is,' he lifted his glass and glanced at it, 'the trouble is that suicide of this sort is so easy. I am soft and tender. The thought of the long day's travel with the dogs appals me; the thought of the keen frost in the morning and of the frozen sled-lashings frightens me-'

Automatically the glass was creeping toward his lips. With a swift surge of anger he made as if to crash it down upon the floor. Next came hesitancy and second thought. The glass moved upward to his lips and paused. He laughed harshly and bitterly, but his words were solemn: Well, here's to the NightBorn. She was a wonder.'

Everybody's Magazine, July, 1911.


A few men, mostly humorists like Mark Twain and Artemus Ward, are better known by the pen name they assumed than by the patronymic which was their birthright. Among these is William Sydney Porter, a native of Greensboro, North Carolina, who is known to the majority of readers only by the name of O. Henry. Like Jack London and many others among the later producers of fiction, he was unschooled. As a boy he was a clerk in his uncle's drug store; at twenty he went to Texas where he saw considerable of ranch life and where at length he found employment in a bank. An unfortunate combination of circumstances for which his biographer, C. Alphonso Smith, declares that he was not wholly responsible, sent him fleeing to South America. After some months of residence there, he returned, surrendered himself to the authorities, was tried for embezzlement and served a term in the Ohio Federal prison. He arrived in New York in 1902 and during the eight years that followed poured out a profusion of short stories that were eagerly accepted by the magazines and Sunday papers. He had served his literary apprenticeship as a humorist. As early as 1887 he was in charge of the humorous column of the Detroit Free Press. Later he published a humorous journal of his own, and still later he was in charge of the Tales of the Town' column of the Houston, Texas, Daily Post. It was while in prison that he turned to fiction, and it was from this unusual literary sanctum that he sent forth his first twelve short stories. The first of these, 'Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking,' was published in McClure's Magazine in December, 1899.

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His stories, so far as materials are concerned, fall into four groups: stories of the SouthWest, stories of his native Southland, stories of South America, and stories of New York City. It was in the last that he did his most distinctive work. First of all he was a humorist, and secondly he was an artisan who had carefully learned all the technique of his profession as story-teller. But these two facts by no means explain his success: whatever one may think about his work and his influence, one is forced to admit that he was a genius, original, and startling, the creator of a new genre. His devices for mystifying his reader, for entertaining him are all his own. His success was phenomenal. Since the appearance of his first volume Cabbages and Kings in 1904 over two million copies of his books have been sold in America alone.


Fancy a novel about Chicago or Buffalo, let us say, or Nashville, Tennessee! There are just three big cities in the United States that are 'story cities '-New York, of course, New Orleans, and, best of the lot, San Francisco.- Frank Norris.

East is East, and West is San Fran- 10 cisco, according to Californians. Californians are a race of people; they are not merely inhabitants of a State. They are the Southerners of the West. Now, Chicagoans are no less loyal to their city; 15 but when you ask them why, they stammer and speak of lake fish and the new Odd Fellows Building. But Californians go into detail.

1 Copyright by Doubleday, Page & Co.

Of course they have, in the climate, an argument that is good for half an hour while you are thinking of your coal bills and heavy underwear. But as soon as 5 they come to mistake your silence for conviction, madness comes upon them, and they picture the city of the Golden Gate as the Bagdad of the New World. So far, as a matter of opinion, no refutation is necessary. But, dear cousins all (from Adam and Eve descended), it is a rash one who will lay his finger on the map and say: In this town there can be no romance - what could happen here?' Yes, it is a bold and a rash deed to challenge in one sentence history, romance, and Rand and McNally.

NASHVILLE.-A city, port of delivery, and 20 the capital of the State of Tennessee, is on the Cumberland River and on the N. C. &

St. L. and the L. & N. railroads. This city is regarded as the most important educational center in the South.

I stepped off the train at 8 P. M. Having searched the thesaurus in vain for adjectives, I must, as a substitution, hie me to comparison in the form of a recipe.

Take of London fog 30 parts; malaria 10 parts; gas leaks 20 parts; dewdrops gathered in a brick yard at sunrise, 25 parts; odor of honeysuckle 15 parts. Mix.

The mixture will give you an approximate conception of a Nashville drizzle.

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It is not so fragrant as a moth-ball noring uphill. I wondered how those streets as thick as pea-soup; but 't is enough't will serve.

I went to a hotel in a tumbril. It required strong self-suppression for me to keep from climbing to the top of it and 20 giving an imitation of Sidney Carton. The vehicle was drawn by beasts of a bygone era and driven by something dark and emancipated.

I was sleepy and tired, so when I got 25 to the hotel I hurriedly paid it the fifty cents it demanded (with approximate lagniappe, I assure you). I knew its habits; and I did not want to hear it prate about its old marster' or anything that 30 happened befo' de wah.'

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ever came down again. Perhaps they did n't until they were graded.' On a few of the main streets' I saw lights in stores here and there; saw street cars go by conveying worthy burghers hither and yon; saw people pass engaged in the art of conversation, and heard a burst of semi-lively laughter issuing from a sodawater and ice-cream parlor. The streets other than 'main' seemed to have enticed upon their borders houses consecrated to peace and domesticity. In many of them lights shone behind discreetly drawn window shades; in a few pianos tinkled orderly and irreproachable music. There was, indeed, little 'doing.' I wished I had come before sundown. So I returned to my hotel.

In November, 1864, the Confederate General Hood advanced against Nashville, where he shut up a National force under General Thomas. The latter then sallied forth and defeated the Confederates in a terrible conflict.

The hotel was one of the kind described as renovated.' That means $20,000 worth of new marble pillars, tiling, electric lights and brass cuspidors in the 35 lobby, and a new L. & N. time table and a lithograph of Lookout Mountain in each one of the great rooms above. The management was without reproach, the attention full of exquisite Southern courtesy, 40 the service as slow as the progress of a snail and as good-humored as Rip Van All my life I have heard of, admired, Winkle. The food was worth traveling a and witnessed the fine marksmanship of thousand miles for. There is no other the South in its peaceful conflicts in the hotel in the world where you can get such 45 tobacco-chewing regions. But in my hochicken livers en brochette.

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tel a surprise awaited me. There were twelve bright, new, imposing, capacious brass cuspidors in the great lobby, tall enough to be called urns and so widemouthed that the crack pitcher of a lady baseball team should have been able to throw a ball into one of them at five paces distant. But, although a terrible battle had raged and was still raging, the enemy had not suffered. Bright, new, imposing, capacious, untouched, they stood. But, shades of Jefferson Brick! the tile floor - the beautiful tile floor! I could not avoid thinking of the battle of Nash


ville, and trying to draw, as is my foolish
habit, some deductions about hereditary

Here I first saw Major (by misplaced
Courtesy) Wentworth Caswell. I knew
him for a type the moment my eyes suf-
fered from the sight of him. A rat has
no geographical habitat. My old friend,
A. Tennyson, said, as he so well said al-
most everything:

Prophet, curse me the blabbing lip,

And curse me the British vermin, the rat.

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ily. of a collateral branch of the Caswell famGenealogy disposed of, he took up, 5 back to Eve, and profanely denied any to my distaste, his private family matters. He spoke of his wife, traced her descent possible rumor that she may have had relations in the land of Nod.

By this time I began to suspect that he was trying to obscure by noise the fact To that he had ordered the drinks, on the chance that I would be bewildered into paying for them. But when they were down he crashed a silver dollar loudly upon the bar. Then, of course, another as 15 serving was obligatory. And when I had paid for that I took leave of him brusquely; for I wanted no more of him. But before I had obtained my release he wife received, and showed a handful of had prated loudly of an income that his silver money.

Let us regard the word 'British interchangeable ad lib. This man was hunting about the hotel A rat is a rat. lobby like a starved dog that had forgotten. where he had buried a bone. He had a face of great acreage, red, pulpy, and with 20 a kind of sleepy massiveness like that of Buddha. He possessed one single virtue - he was very smoothly shaven. The mark of the beast is not indelible upon a man until he goes about with a stubble. 25 I think that if he had not used his razor that day I would have repulsed his advances, and the criminal calendar of the world would have been spared the addition of one murder.


I happened to be standing within five feet of a cuspidor when Major Caswell opened fire upon it. I had been observant enough to perceive that the attacking force was using Gatlings instead of squir-35 rel rifles; so I side-stepped so promptly that the major seized the opportunity to apologize to a noncombatant. He had the blabbing lip. In four minutes he had become my friend and had dragged me to the 40 bar.

When I got my key at the desk the clerk like to make a complaint, we will have said to me courteously: If that man Caswell has annoyed you, and if you would him ejected. He is a nuisance, a loafer, and without any known means of support, although he seems to have some money most the time. But we don't seem to be able to hit upon any means of throwing him out legally.'

complaint. But I would like to place my-
'Why, no,' said I, after some reflection;
self on record as asserting that I do not
'I don't see my way clear to making a
care for his company. Your town,' I con-
tinued, 'seems to be a quiet one.
stranger within your gates?'
manner of entertainment, adventure, or
excitement have you to offer to the

'Well, sir,' said the clerk, there will
be a show here next Thursday. It is —
Good night.'
I'll look it up and have the announcement
sent up to your room with the ice water.

After I went up to my room I looked
out the window. It was only about ten
o'clock, but I looked upon a silent town.
The drizzle continued, spangled with dim

I desire to interpolate here that I am a Southerner. But I am not one by profession or trade. I eschew the string tie, the slouch hat, the Prince Albert, the num- 45 ber of bales of cotton destroyed by Sherman, and plug chewing. When the orchestra plays Dixie I do not cheer. I slide a little lower on the leather-cornered seat and, well, order another Würzburger 50 lights, as far apart as currants in a cake and wish what's the use? Major Caswell banged the bar with his fist, and the first gun at Fort Sumter reechoed. When he fired the last one at Appomattox I began to hope. But then he began on family trees, and demonstrated that Adam was only a third cousin

that Longstreet had

- but


sold at the Ladies' Exchange.

'A quiet place,' I said to myself, as my ing of the life here that gives color and first shoe struck the ceiling of the occupant of the room beneath mine. 'NothJust a good, ordinary, humdrum, business variety to the cities in the East and West.



Nashville occupies a foremost place among the manufacturing centers of the country. It is the fifth boot and shoe market in the United States, the largest candy and cracker manufacturing city in the South, and does an enormous wholesale drygoods, grocery, and drug business.

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ished splendors, with tasteless but painstaking devotion, for it followed faithfully the curves of the long-missing frogs. And, to complete the comedy and pathos 5 of the garment, all its buttons were gone save one. The second button from the top alone remained. The coat was fastened by other twine strings tied through the buttonholes and other holes rudely pierced in the opposite side. There was never such a weird garment so fantastically bedecked and of so many mottled hues. The lone button was the size of a half-dollar, made of yellow horn and sewed on with

I must tell you how I came to be in Nashville, and I assure you the digression brings as much tedium to me as it does to you. I was traveling elsewhere on my own business, but I had a commission from a Northern literary magazine to stop over there and establish a personal connection 15 coarse twine. between the publication and one of its contributors, Azalea Adair.

This Negro stood by a carriage so old that Ham himself might have started a hack line with it after he left the ark with the two animals hitched to it. As I approached he threw open the door, drew out a feather duster, waved it without using it, and said in deep, rumbling tones: Step right in, suh; ain't a speck of dust in it jus' got back from a funeral,

Adair (there was no clue to the personality except the handwriting) had sent in some essays (lost art!) and poems that 20 had made the editors swear approvingly over their one o'clock luncheon. So they had commissioned me to round up said Adair and corner by contract his or her output at two cents a word before some 25 suh.' other publisher offered her ten or twenty.

At nine o'clock the next morning, after my chicken livers en brochette (try them if you can find that hotel), I strayed out into the drizzle, which was still on for an 30 unlimited run. At the first corner I came upon Uncle Cæsar. He was a stalwart Negro, older than the pyramids, with gray wool and a face that reminded me of Brutus, and a second afterwards of the 35 late King Cettiwayo. He wore the most remarkable coat that I ever had seen or expect to see. It reached to his ankles and had once been a Confederate gray in colors. But rain and sun and age had so variegated it that Joseph's coat, beside it, would have faded to a pale monochrome. I must linger with that coat, for it has to do with the story - the story that is so long in coming, because you can 45 hardly expect anything to happen in Nashville.

Once it must have been the military coat of an officer. The cape of it had vanished, but all adown its front it had been frogged so and tasseled magnificently. But now the frogs and tassels were gone. In their stead had been patiently stitched (I surmised by some surviving black mammy') new frogs made of cunningly twisted com-55 mon hempen twine. This twine was frayed and disheveled. It must have been added to the coat as a substitute for van

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I inferred that on such gala occasions carriages were given an extra cleaning. I looked up and down the street and perceived that there was little choice among the vehicles for hire that lined the curb. I looked in my memorandum book for the address of Azalea Adair.

I want to go to 861 Jessamine Street,' I said, and was about to step into the hack. But for an instant the thick, long, gorilla-like arm of the old Negro barred me. On his massive and saturnine face a look of sudden suspicion and enmity flashed for a moment. Then, with quickly returning conviction, he asked blandishingly. What are you gwine there for, boss?'

'What is that to you?' I asked, a little sharply.

Nothin', suh, jus' nothin'. Only it's a lonesome kind of part of town and few folks ever has business out there. Step right in. The seats is clean - jes' got back from a funeral, suh.'

A mile and a half it must have been to our journey's end. I could hear nothing but the fearful rattle of the ancient hack over the uneven brick paving: I could smell nothing but the drizzle, now further flavored with coal smoke and something like a mixture of tar and oleander blossoms. All I could see through the streaming windows were two rows of dim houses.

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