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ART. I. Military hospital ships--that is, ships constructed or fitted out by States especially and solely with a view to give assistance to the sick, wounded, and shipwrecked, the names of which shall have been communicated to the belligerent powers at the opening or during the continuance of hostilities, and in every case before being placed in service, are to be respected and may not be captured during the continuance of hostilities. These vessels are not assimilated to ships of war in matters pertaining to their sojourn in neutral ports.

ART. II. Hospital ships equipped wholly or in part at the expense of private individuals, or aid societies which have been officially recognized, are equally to be respected and exempted from capture, if the belligerent power to which they are attached has given them an official commission, and has notified their names to the adverse power at the opening of hostilities, or during their progress, but in every case before being placed in service. These ships shall carry a document from competent authority declaring that they have been subjected to its inspection during their equipment and at their final departure.

ART. III. Hospital ships equipped wholly or in part at the expense of private individuals, or societies officially recognized by neutral states, are to be respected and exempted from capture, if the neutral power to which they are subject issues commissions to them, and notities their names to the belligerent powers at the outbreak of hostilities or during their continuance, but in all cases before being placed in service.

ART. IV. Ships mentioned in Articles I, II, and III shall carry aid and assistance to the sick, wounded, and ship wrecked individuals of the belligerent armies without distinction of nationality. The governments agree not to ase these ships for any warlike purpose. These ships hall not embarrass in any manner the movements of the

combatants. During and after the combat they shall act at their own risk and hazard. Belligerents shall have the right to visit and inspect them; they may refuse assistance to them, or require them to remove to a distance, or impose upon them a fixed sailing course, and may place a commissioner on board; they may even detain them if circumstances demand it. As far as possible orders given by belligerents to hospital ships shall be entered in their g books.

ART. V. Military hospital ships shall be distinguished by an exterior coloring of white with a green horizontal band of about one meter and a half in width. Ships mettioned in Articles II and III shall be distinguished by s exterior coloring of white with a red horizontal band of about one meter and a half in width. The small boats f the ships just mentioned, as well as the small boats wh! may be employed in hospital service, shall be distinguishe by similar painting. All hospital ships shall be recognizat by hoisting with their national flags the red cross emba zoned upon the white flag, as prescribed by the Genea Convention.

ART. VI. Commercial vessels, yachts, or neutral boats conveying or receiving sick, wounded, or p wrecked persons are not liable to capture for engaging 1 such transport; but they remain liable to capture for violations of neutrality which they may have committes

ART. VII. The personnel of the medical and hop a service, including chaplains, of every captured vesse, ♪ inviolable and can not be made prisoners of war. T carry away with them, on quitting the ship, the sun a instruments and appliances which are their personal p′′ erty. These persons shall continue to perform their f tions so long as may be necessary, and they may withdrawn when the commander in chief deems such w drawal possible. Belligerents are to secure to such per who may fall into their hands the full enjoyment of salaries.

ART. VIII. Persons in the military or naval servici whatever nation they may belong, who are sick, wound or shipwrecked, shall be protected and cared for by captors.

ART. IX. Sick, wounded, and shipwrecked persers the service of a belligerent who fall into the hard、 ‹ ́ ̈ enemy become prisoners of war. It is for the ex-z. decide, according to the circumstances of the case, w2

it is expedient to hold them, to send them to a port of their own nation, or to a neutral port, or even to a port of the enemy. In the last case the prisoners so returned to their country can not serve during the continuance of the war.

ART. X. Sick, wounded, or shipwrecked persons who are sent to a neutral port, with the consent of the local authority, shall, unless a contrary arrangement be entered into between the neutral state and the belligerents, be subjected to such restraint by the neutral state that it will be impossible for them to again take part in the operations of the war. The expenses of hospital treatment and internment of the sick, wounded, and shipwrecked shall be borne by the state to which they belong.

ART. XI. The rules contained in the foregoing article are obligatory only upon the contracting powers in the event of war between two or more of them. The said rules shall cease to be obligatory from the instant when, in a war between contracting powers, a noncontracting power joins one of the belligerents.

ART. XII. The present Convention shall be ratified with the briefest possible delay. The ratifications shall be deposited at The Hague; a minute shall be prepared, on the deposit of each ratification, of which a properly authenticated copy shall be transmitted, through diplomatic channels, to each of the contracting powers.

ART. XIII. Nonsignatory powers who have accepted the Geneva Convention of August 22, 164, are permitted to adhere to this Convention. To that end they shall make known their adhesion to the contracting powers by a notification in writing, addressed to the Government of the Netherlands, and, communicated by it to all of the other contracting powers.

ART. XIV. If it should happen that one of the high contracting parties should disavow the present Convention, Such disavowal shall not become operative until one year after it shall have been notified, in writing, to the Government of the Netherlands and immediately communicated by the latter to all of the other high contracting powers. This disavowal shall be operative only in respect to the power which shall have given notice of it.

Done at The Hague this 29th day of July, 1899.

the sea.

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Proposed exThe governments of North Gertension of provisions of conven- many, Austria, Baden, Bavaria. tion to armies on Belgium, Denmark, France, Great Britain, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden and Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, and Würtemburg, desiring to extend to armies on the sea the advantages of the Convention concluded at Geneva the 22d of August, 1864, for the amelioration of the condition of wounded soldiers in armies in the field, and to further particularize some of the stipulations of the said Convention, have named for their com missioners:

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Les Gouvernements de magne du Nord, de l'Aut y Bade, la Bavière, la Be Danemark, la France, la Bretagne, l'Italie, les Pays a Suède et Norvége, la Turquie, le Wurtemberg, étendre aux armées de pe p avantages de la Convent. clue à Genève, le 22 août 1 l'amélioration du sort - £ taires blessés dans les ar: *** campagne, et preciser daa quelques-unes des stipat la dite Convention, on pour leurs Commissures

ARTICLE I. Le persot të dans l'article deux de las tion continuera, après l'os par l'ennemi, à donner sa mesure des besoins, ses malades et aux blesse de lance on de l'hôspital qu Lorsqu'il demandera à le commandant des tre pantes fixera le momer part, qu'il ne pours

1On the 20th of October, 1868, the above additional articles were je to signed at Geneva on behalf of Great Britain, Austria, Baden, Bavaria, Émark, France, Italy, Netherlands, North Germany, Sweden and Nors land, Turkey, and Würtemberg.

be allowed to delay for a short time in case of military necessity. ART 11 Arrangements will have to be made by the belligerent powers to ensure to the neutralized person, fallen into the hands of the army of the enemy, the entire enjoyment of his salary

ART III Under the conditions provided for in Articles L. and IV. of the Convention, the name "ambalance" applies to field hospitals and other temporary establishments, which follow the troopson the field of battle to receive the sick and wounded

ART IV Inconformity with the spirit of Article V of the Convention, and to the reservations contained in the protocol of 1864, it is explained that for the appointment of the charges relative to the quar. tering of troops, and of the contributions of war, account only shall be taken in an equitable manner of the charitable zeal dis. played by the inhabitants

ART V In addition to Article VI. of the Convention, it is stipulated that, with the reservation of officers whose detention might be important to the fate of arms and within the limits fixed by the sec. ond paragraph of that article, the wounded fallen into the hands of the enemy shall be sent back to their country, after they are cured, or sooner if posable, on condition, nevertheless, of not again bearing arms during the continuance of the war

[ Articles concerning the Mirine } ART VI The boats which, at their own risk and peril during and after an engagement pick up the shipwrecked or wounded, or which having picked them up.

différer que pour une courte durée en cas de nécessités militaires.

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the term "AID

ART. II. Des dispositions de Salary of nen vront être prises par les Puissances in enemy's belligérantes pour assurer au personnel neutralisé, tombé entre les mains de l'armée ennemie, la jouissance intégrale de son traitement. ART. III Dans les conditions Definition of prévues par les articles un et qua- bulance." tre de la Convention, la denomination d'ambulance s'applique aux hôpitaux de campagne et autres établissements temporaires qui suivent les troupes sur les champs de bataille pour y recevoir des malades et des blessés,

Arr. IV. Conformément à l'es prit de l'article cinq de la Convention et aux réserves mentionnées au Protocole de 1964, il est expliqué que pour la répartition des charges relatives au logement de troupes et aux contributions de guerre, il ne sera tenu compte que dans la mesure de l'équité du zele charitable deployé par les habi


Charges for quartering of troops, and con

tributions, etc

returned to their

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ART V Par extension de l'arti. Wounded to be cle six de la Convention, il est retry on con stipulé que sous la réserve des off again bear' ciers dont la possession importerait arms in the war au sort des armes, et dans les li mites fixées par le deuxième para graphe de cet article, les beses tombe sentre les mains de l'ennemi, lors même qu'ils ne seraient pas reconnus incapables de srvir, devront être renvoyes dans leur pays après leur guérison où plus tôt si faire se peut, a la condition toute fots de ne pas reprendre les armes pendant la durée de la guerre

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This interpretation is of espec al importat e ar the Fural stats where the ter "ambeatior” is generally appiest to a vehicle for the transportation of the suck and Woztatzdeni.

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