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L Account of the Life of Edward Cave.*

THE curiosity of the public seems to demand the history of every man who has, by whatever means, risen to emi nence; and few lives would have more readers than that of the compiler of the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, if all those who received improvement or entertainment from him should retain so much kindness for their benefactor, as to inquire after his conduct and character.

Edward Cave was born at Newton in Warwickshire, on the 29th day of February, in the year 1691. His father, Joseph, was the youngest son of Mr. Edward Cave, of Cave's in the Hole, a lone house, on the Street-road in the same county, which took its name from the occupier; but having concurred with his elder brother in cutting off the entail of a small hereditary estate, by which act it was lost from the family, he was reduced to follow in Rugby the trade of a shoemaker. He was a man of good reputation in his narrow circle, and remarkable for strengh and rustic intrepidity. He lived to a great age, and was in his latter years supported by his son.

It was fortunate. for Edward Cave, that having a disposi tion to literary attainments, he was not cut off by the poverty


Written by Dr. Samuel Johnson,


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