OR OUR LORD'S CONDUCT WITH REFERENCE TO HIS CRUCIFIXION, BY THE REV. ARTHUR JOHNSON, M. A. JOHN XVIII, 37. "TO THIS END WAS I BORN, AND FOR THIS TO THE VENERABLE ARCHDEACON CORBETT, M. A. OF LONGNOR HALL, SALOP, THE FOLLOWING ESSAY IS INSCRIBED, AS A TOKEN OF THE SINCERE RESPECT AND REGARD OF HIS OBLIGED KINSMAN AND FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. TO THE READER. I HAVE endeavoured in the following pages to be as brief as I could, that the argument, simple in itself, might be as little as possible encumbered with any thing extraneous, and address itself to the plain understanding of any man who can read his New Testament in the English. On this account I have, for the present, forborne many observations which seemed almost to grow out of the subject, that the reader might preserve his attention entire for the consideration of the main question : whether our Lord has not left us, in His own recorded conduct, sufficient testimony to His exalted nature and mission. The whole of the argument lies within the compass of the four Gospels; and is dependent on no foreign testimony whatsoever; the single fact which is necessary to be believed, as its foundation, being that which the very enemies of Christianity, at its outset, took pleasure in proclaiming the crucifixion of its founder. Most thankful shall I be if the pains I have bestowed on this little treatise, may be the means of B |