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how he had been taught thé árt óf à connofcénto a) fò véry fúddenly, hè affùred mè that nothing was more èafy. The whole fècret confifted in à strict adherence to two rules: theone always to oblerve, that the picture might have been better if the painter had tà ken more pains; and the other, to praise the works of Pietro Perugino b). Bút, says hè, I once taught you how to bè án author ín Lóndon, I'll now undertake to instruct yoù ín thê árt of picture buying át Páris."

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With this propofal 'I véry readily clòfed, ás it was living, and nów áll my ambition was to live. I went therefore to his lódgings, improved my drefs by his affiftance, and after Tóme time, accómpanied him to auctions of pictures, where the English gentry c) were

a) connofcento, eigentlich wohl: conofcente (ein Italiänifches Wort) ein Kenner.

b) Pietro Perugino. Diefer berühmte Maler hiefs eigent lich Pietro Vanucci, und war zu Citta della Pieve, im Jahre 1446 geboren; er nannte fich aber Perugino, weil er zu Perugia das Bürgerrecht erhielt. Seine Gemälde haben viel Grazie, befonders gelingen ihm weibliche und jugendliche Vorftellungen; feine Wendungen find edel, fein Kolorit lieblich (f. Fiorillo's GeSchichte der zeichnenden Künfte, 1. Band, S. 81.). Man hat von ihm auch noch viele Gemälde en Fresco (auf nassem Kalk). Pietro hatte viele Schü ler, zu denen auch Raphael gehört. Er ftarb 1524. c) Gentry, ein Wort, das in einem sehr ausgedehnten Sinne gebraucht wird, und nicht blos die zwischen dem Volke und dem Adel mitten inne Stehende Klaffe von Perfonen, mithin die Ritter (Knights) und Efquires, und überhaupt das bezeichnet, was wir den niedein Adel nennen, fondern es werden gelegentlich auch unter dem Namen Gentry angefehene Geiftliche, Rechtsgelehrte, Aerzte, anfehnliche Künftler, begüterte Kauflente u. f. w. begriffen. S. Küttner's Beiträge, tes Stück. S. so,

I was not à little

expected to be purchasers. furprifed át hís íntimacy with people of the beft fáfhion, who reférred themfélves to his údgment upón évery picture ór médal, ás to in unerring ftándard of taste. He made véry ood fe of my affiftance upón thèfe occafions; or when asked his opinion, he would gravely ake me afide, and áfk mine, fhrúg, look wife, etúrn, and affùre the company: that he could íve no opinion upón án affair óf fò múch imortance. Yet there was fometimes án occafion ir à more fuppòrted affùrance. 'I remember

háve fèen hím, áfter giving his opinion that ie colouring óf à picture was not mellow nough, very deliberately take à brúfh, with równ várnifh, that was accidentally lying by, nd rúb ít over the pièce with great compofure efore all the company, ánd thén áfk íf hè ád not improved the tints."

When he hád finifhed his commiffion in áris, hè left mè strongly recommended to féeral mén óf diftinction, ás à pérfon véry próer fór à trávelling tutor d); ánd áfter fóme me I was employed ín thát capacity by à

d) A travelling tutor. Man kann (fegt Küttner in den Beiträgen, Stück 9. S. 93.) die Englifchen Hofmeifter in drei Klaffen theilen: private tutors, tutors of College und travelling tutors. Ein private tutor ift ungefahr das, was man in Deutschland geradehin Hofmeifter nennt. Feder Knabe, der keinen eigentlichen Hofmeister hat, bekommt, fo wie er in die Schule eintritt, einen tutor of College (Schulhofmeister), welches allemal einer der Unterlehrer ift, der öfters zwanzig, dreissig bis funfzig und mehr Eleven diefer Art hat. Erst dann, wenn der junge Menfch die Univerfität verlässt, giebt man ihm gewöhnlich einen Begleiter auf feinen Reifen, einen travelling tutor, der aber überaus wenig Einfluss auf ihn hat und haben kann.

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géntleman who brought his ward to Páris, ín order to let hím fórward ón hís tour through Europe. I was to be the young gentleman's góvernor, bút with à provìlo that he should always be permitted to govern himfélf. My pupil ín fáct understood thẻ árt of guìding, ín móney concerns, múch better thán I. He was heir to à fortune of about two hundred thou fand pounds, léft hím bỳ án úncle ín the West 'Indies; and his guardians, to qualify hím fór the management óf ít, hád bound hím appren tice to an attorney. Thús ávarice was his prevailing paffion: all his questions on the road were: how money mìght bè fàved; which was the least expensive course of trável; whether ány thing could be bought that would turn to ac count, when difpofed of agáin in London. Súch curiófities on the way as could be fèen for nothing he was ready enough to look át; bút if the fight of them was to be paid for, hé úfually afférted that he had been told they were not worth seeing. He never paid à bill that he would not obférve, hów amazingly expénfive trávelling wás, ánd all this though he was not yet twenty-one. When arrived át Léghorn e), ás we took a walk tỏ lỏok át the port and fhipping, he enquired the expence of the paffage by fea home to 'England. he was informed was bút à trifle, compared to his returning by land, he was therefore unable to withstand the temptation; fò paying me the smál párt of my fálary that was due, he took leave, and embarked with only one attendant fór London."


e) Leghorn, Livorno, Stadt und Hafen im ehemaligen Grossherzogthum Toskana (dem gegenwärtigen neuen Königreiche Hetrurien.)

,,'I nów therefore was left ónce more upón the world at large; bút thén ít was a thing I was ùfed to. However my fkill ín mùfic could avail me nothing in à country where every xéafant was a better mulician thán 'I; bút bỳ by his time I hád 'I had acquired another talent, which answered my púrpofe ás well, ánd this vás à fkill ín difputation. 'In all the foreign inivérsities and convents, there are upón cérain days philofophical theses maintained against very adventitious difputant; fór which, if the hámpion oppòfes with ány dexterity, hè cán laim à gratuity in money, à dínner, ánd à éd for one night. 'In this mánner therefore I fought f) my way towards 'England, walked long from city to city, exámined mankind nore nearly, ánd, íf 'I mày là expréfs ít, Cát oth fides of the picture. My remárks, howérer, áre bút few: 'I found thát mónarchy was he belt government for the poor to live in, ind cúmmonwealths for the rích. 'I found thát ríches ín géneral wére ín évery country another name for freedom; and thát nò mán is fò fond of liberty himfélf ás nót tó bè defirous of fubjecting the will of fóme indivíduals ín fociety to his own."

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Upón my arrival ín 'England 'I refolved to pay my refpects first to you, and then tỏ enlift ás à volunteer in the firft expedition that was going forward; bút on my journey dówn my refolutions were changed, by meeting án old acquaintance, who I found belónged to à cómpany óf comèdians, that were

f) to fight, hier vermuthlich fo viel, als unfer deutsches: fich durchfechten, in Bezug auf die Difputationen, durch welche fich der junge Primrose Lebensunterhalt erwarb.

going to make a fummer campaign in the counti y. The company feemed nót much to dif approve of me fór án afficiate. They all, however, apprized me of the importance of the talk at which I áimed; that the públi was à mány- héaded mónfter, and that ònk fúch ás hád very good heads could please it that acting was not to be leárnt ín à dày; and that without fome traditional fhrúgs, which had been on the stage, and only on thẻ stage, thefe hundred years, I could never preténd to please. The next difficulty was in fitting me with párts, ás almost every character was in keeping. I was driven fór fóme tìme from óne character to another, tíll át láft Horatio was fixed upón, which the presence of the préfent cómpany hás háppily hindered me from ácting 8)."


The Short continuance of friendship amongst the vicious, which is coeval only with mutual fa tisfaction.

My fon's account was too long to be delivered át ónce, the first párt óf ít was begun that nìght, and he was concluding the rest after dinner the next day, when the appearance of M'r. Thornhills équipage át the door feemed

g) Der Lefer wird vielleicht ohne unfere Erinnerung die Bemerkung gemacht haben, dafs Goldfmith viele feiner eignen beftandenen Abentheuer in die Erzählung ver webt hat, die er dem jungen Primrofe in den Mund legt. Man vergleiche darüber die oben mitgetheilte Biographie des Verfaffers.

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