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to make à paufe in the géneral fatisfaction. The butler, who was now become my friend in the family, informed me with a whisper, that the 'Squire hád already made fòme óvertures to Mifs Wilmot, and that her aunt and incle feemed highly to approve the match. Upón Mr. Thornhill's entering, he feèmed, it fèeing my fón ánd mẻ, tỏ fiirt back; bút I readily imputed that to furprize, and not difpléafure. However, upon our advancing to Talute him, he returned our greeding with the mòft apparent candour; and after a fh'rt time his prefence ferved only to encrease thẻ géneral good hùmour.

'After tea hè called mè afide, to enquire áfter my daughter; but upón my informing him that my enquiry was unfuccéfsful, hè fèemed greatly furprized; ádding, that he had been [ínce frequently át mỳ houfe, in órder to cóm fort the réft óf my family, whom he left perfectly well. He then afked if I had communicated her misiórtune to Mifs Wilmot, ór my fón; and upón mỳ replying that 'I hád nót told them ás yet, he greatly approved my prudence and precaution, defiring me by all means to keep it à fècret: „Fór át beft," cried hè, it is bút divulging one's own infamy; ánd perhaps Mífs Lívy may not be fò guilty ás we all imagine." We were hère interrupted by à férvant, who came tó áfk the 'Squire in, to ftánd úp át country dánces; fò that he left mè quite pleafed with the interest hè seemed to take in my concerns. His addréles, how. éver, to Mífs Wilmot, were too óbvious to be mistaken: ánd yet fhè feèmed nót pérfectly pleased, hút bore them rather in compliance to the will of hér áunt, thán fróm real incli

nation. I hád éven the fatisfaction to feè hér lávifh fóme kind looks upón my unfortunate fón, which the other could neither extórt by hís fórtune nór affiduity. M'r. Thornhill's feeming compòfure, however, nót à lìttle fur prifed me: wè hád nów, contínued here a week, at the preffing infrances of M'r. 'Arnold bút each day the more tenderness Mifs Wilmo fhewed my fón, Mr. Thórnhill's friendship feemed proportionably to encrease fór hím.

He had formerly made ús the mòft kín affùrances of ùfing his interest to serve the family; bút nów his generófity was not confi ned to prómifes alone: the morning I defigned fór my departure, Mr. Thórnhill came to me with looks of real pleasure to inform me of pièce óf férvice he hád done fór his friend George. This was nothing less thán hís having procured hím án enfìgn's commiffion ín óne of the régiments that was going to the West Indies, fór whích hè hád promised bút óne hundred pounds, hís íntereft having been fufficient to gét án abatement of the other two h). ,,As for this trifling pièce óf férvice," contínued the young gentleman, ,,I defìre nò óther re ward but the pleasure of having sérved mỳ friend; and as for the hundred pounds to be paid, if you áre unable to raise it yourselves, I will advánce ít, and yoù fháil repay me at your leifure." This was a favour we wanted words to express our sense óf: 'I réadily there fore gave my bónd for the money, and testified as múch grátitude ás íf 'I never intended to pay.

h) Noch jetzt werden die meisten Offizierstellen in der Englifchen Armee verkauft.

George was to depárt fór town thẻ next lay to fecure his commiffion, in pnrfùance of ís génerous patron's directions, who judged t highly expedient to ùfe difpátch left in the nean time another fhould step in with mòre dvantageous proposals. The next morning, hérefore, our young foldier was early preared fór his depárture, ánd feemed the only bérfon among us that was not affected by it. Neither the fatigues and dangers he was going ó encounter, nor the friends and mistress, fór Mifs Wilmot actually loved him, he was leaving behind, any way damped his fpirits. 'After è had taken leave of the rest of thẻ cómpany, I gave him all 'I hád, mỳ bléffing. ,,'And tów, my boy," crìed 'I,,,thóu árt going tỏ ight for thy country, remember how thy brave grandfather fought for his facred king, when oyalty aming Britons was a virtue. Gò, mỳ boy, and imitate hím ín áll bút hís misfórtunes, if it was à misfortune to die with Lord Falkland i). Go, mỳ boy, and if you fall, though diftant, expofed and unwept by thofe that love you, the mòft precious tears áre those with which heaven bedews the unbů. ried head óf à fòldier."

i) Lucius Cary Vicomte von Falkland, geboren 1610 xu Burford in Oxfordshire, Staatsfekretair von England, wurde in den bürgerlichen Unruhen im Treffen bei Newbury am 24ften September 1643 im 33ften Jahre feines Alters erfchoffen, indem er fich freiwillig in's erfte Glied des Byronischen Regiments gestellt, um die Sache feines Königs (Karls I.) zu verfechten. Er starb, fagt der Gefchichtfchreiber Clarendon von ihm, mit der Unfchuld der Sitten, welche den frühern Fahren unfers Lebens eigen ist, so wie mit den Einsichten und Erfahrungen, welche gewöhnlich nur die Frucht des reifern Alters find.

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The next morning, I took leave of the good fáinily, thát hád been kind enough to enter tàin mè fò lóng, nót without feveral expref fions of grátitude to Mr. Thornhill for his late bounty. 'I left them in the enjoyment of all that happiness which affluence and good bree ding procure, and returned towards home, defpairing of ever finding my daughter more, bút fénding à fìgh to heaven to fpare and to forgive her. I was now come within about twenty miles of home, having hìred án hórfe tó cárry mè, ás 'I was yet but weak, and cóm forted myself with the hopes of foon feeing all I held dèareft upón éarth. But the night cóming on, I put úp át à little públic-hou by the road fide, ánd áfked for the landlord's cómpany òver à pint of wine. Wè fate befide his kitchen fire, which was the best room in the houfe, and chatted ón pólitics and the ánd news of the country. We happened, among other topics, to talk of young 'Squire Thom hill, whỏ thẻ hòft affùred me was hated as múch ás hís úncle Sir William, whỏ fóme. times came down to the country, was loved. He went on to obférve, that he made it his whole ftúdy to betray the daughters of fuch as received him to their houfes, ánd áfter à fórt night or three weeks poffeffion, túrned them óut unrewarded and abandoned to the world. 'As we continued óur difcourfe in this manner, his wife, who had been out to get change, retúrned, and perceiving thát hér húfband was enjoying à pleasure in which she was not à fharer, fhé áfked hín, ín án ángry tone, what he did there, to which he only replied ín án irónical way, bỳ drinking her health. ,,M'r. Sýmmonds," cried fhè, you ùfe mè

véry ill, and I'll bear it no longer. Hère three parts of the business is left fór mè tỏ do, and the fourth left unfinished; while you do nothing but foak with the guéfts all day long, whereas if à fpoonful of liquor were to cùre nè óf à fèver, I never touch a drop." I nów found what he would be át, ánd immédiately poured her out à gláfs, which he received with à courtesy, and drinking towards my good éalth, Sir," refined fhè, it is not Lò núch for the value of the liquor I ám ángry, út éne cannot help it, when the houfe is going out of the windows k). 'If the customers or guests are to be dúnned, all the burthen les upón my back, he'd ás lief eat that gláfs is búdge after them himself. There now above tairs, we have à young woman who hás cóme o take up her lodgings hère, and I don't believe the hás gót ány money bỳ her over ivílity. I am certain fhe is véry flow of payment, and I wifh fhe were put in mind of it." 66 --- What fignifies minding hér, cried thẻ hòft,,,íf fhè bè flòw, she is fùre." - „'I don't know that," replied the wife; but I know that I ám fùre fhè hás been hère à fórtnight, and we have not yet feen the crófs 1) óf her money." ,,I fuppòfe, my dear," crìed hè, „wè fháll have it all ín à lúmp."

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k) the houfe is going out of the windows, es geht drunter und drüber.

1) the cross of her money. Ob fich vielleicht auf einigen Englifchen Münzen die Geftalt eines Kreuzes befin det oder fonft befunden haben mag? Dann liefse fich daraus auch die im zehnten Kapitel S. 75. vorkome mende Redensart: to cross the hand with filver, besser erklären. Man könnte the crofs of her money allenfalis überfetzen: das Gepräge ihres Geldes.

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