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of postage are under the new law, - and these, with the inland and foreign mail service, are believed to be complete and correct. The Titles and Abstracts of the Public Laws and Joint Resolutions have been carefully prepared, and are sufficiently full, except for professional use. Among those this year of special interest are the acts relative to additional Bounty Lands and Proof of Service; the Grants of Land to several States to aid in the construction of Railroads therein; the Court of Claims; the Compensation of Members of Congress; Fees, Costs, and Judicial Expenses; the Diplomatic and Consular Systems of the United States, with the list of Legations and Consulates and salaries; and the protection of citizens discovering Deposits of Guano. The tables of the votes for President and Vice-President since 1789, and of the popular vote for President since 1824, and of the various apportionments of Representatives and ratios of representation, are of interest to all. Tables of Railroads in this country and in Canada, and of the surveyed routes to the Pacific; of Colleges and Professional Schools in the United States; of the Population of the several States at the decennial periods; and of the times of the State elections and the meetings of the State Legislatures, are given. The information concerning the Individual States is as full as in former years. It is believed that nowhere else can be found such full details respecting the Executive and Judiciary, the finances, schools, charitable institutions, and pauperism and crime, of the several States. Should any one note inaccuracies or deficiencies therein, he is urgently requested to correct them. The European part of the work, revised from the best authority to late dates, gives the several States of Europe, with their form of government, the name, title, and date of accession of the reigning sovereigns, the area and population of the several countries. It also gives the Royal Family, the Ministry, and the Judiciary of England, and the Ministry of France. A Foreign Obituary for 1855 and 1856 is given. The Obituary Notices and Chronicle of Events have been prepared with care. The space is so limited, that many names and events which otherwise would be given are necessarily omitted.

The thanks of the Editor are particularly due to the Heads of Departments at Washington, and to his many contributors and correspondents, to whom the work is indebted for a great part of its value. A continuance of their favors is respectfully solicited. A work embracing such a multitude of facts must necessarily contain errors; persons who may detect any are earnestly requested to communicate them to the Editor. It is particularly desirable that these communications should not be anonymous. It is frequently a source of regret to the Editor, that he cannot suitably acknowledge the valuable hints and assistance of anonymous correspondents. It is a matter of some public interest, that a periodical which circulates so widely, both in Europe and America, and which is so universally trusted as a manual for reference, should be rendered as accurate as possible; and this end can be obtained only by the co-operation of many individuals. Communications should be addressed to the "Editor of the American Almanac," Boston.

Boston, Mass., December, 1856.

[blocks in formation]

Bank-Notes, Circulation
Banks in the United States..
Banks. See the several States.
Barometrical Observations

Breadstuffs, Exports of, since 1820
British North America

Bullion, Imports & Exports of, since
Cabinet, Officers in the
Calendar: January, &c........

[blocks in formation]

173 Exports, Value of, in 1852-55 226 Exports to Foreign Countries Exports for 65 Years. .85-94 Federal Representative Popula 172 Festivals of the Church 340, 374 Finances of the States. 1821 173 Fixed Stars, Apparent Places

99 Florida.

8-31 Flour, Export and Aver. Price 336 Flowering of Fruit-trees in 182 217 Foreign Goods imported in 185 102 Foreign Mail Service 374 Foreign Ministers, &c. in U. S 212 Foreign Nations, Intercourse 214 Foreign Obituary

3 Foreign Trade, Countries of..

364 France, Ministry of
4 Franking Privilege

5 General Events in 1855

.. 122, 123

[ocr errors][merged small]

216 Georgia

Clerks of Circuit & District Courts of Clouds and Winds in 1855



145, 229 Government, Seats of, in differ 125 Governments, Annual Expens 85-94 Governors of States, &c.Terms 173 Great Britain.

Coin, Imports & Exports of, since 1821...
Coinage of Mint since 1792.
Collectors of Customs..

Colleges in United States.
Colleges, Annual Expenses in

Commerce of U. S.

Commercial Agents in Foreign Countries
Commercial Marine of the U. S.

218 Guano, Act to protect Discove 105 Illinois

206 Imports, Value of, in 1854-55 209 Imports for 65 Years......... 164 Imports free of Duty.. 129 Imports from German Zoll Ver 175 Imports of each State for 1854

Commissioners, U.S., in Foreign Countries 128 Imports paying ad valorem Du

Congress, Thirty-Fourth, 2d Session Congress 35th, Representatives elect Congress, Pay of Members of


Consular System, U.S., Act to regulate

Consuls, Foreign, in U. S.
Consuls in Foreign Countries

Corrections and Additions

Cotton, exports of, since 1820

193-199 Indian Superintendents and A 375 Indiana

146 Indians, number in the U Sta 254 Indirect Trade with the Ger. 147-152 Inspectors, Supervising, of St 133 Intercourse with Foreign Nati 129 Interior, Department of the.. 375 Iowa.

Countries whence Goods are brought....

Courts, U.S.

Courts of States. See States.

Court of Claims...

Debt of the United States

Debts of the States


Department of State

172 Jewish Calendar

170 Judges of U. S. Circ. and Dist.

122-127 Judiciary, U. S.

Jupiter's Satellites, Eclipses o

224, 225 Land-Office, Registers, Receiv

145, 229 Kansas Territory 160 Kentucky

276 Lands, Bounty, Act concernin 100 Lands, Public

[blocks in formation]

Departments, Officers in the........100-102 Latitude and Longitude of Ol Diplomatic System, Act to regulate..147-152 Latitude and Longitude of Pla

[blocks in formation]

Minnesota Territory

338 Revenue, U. S., for 67 Years.....


Ministers of U. S. in Foreign Countries.. 128 Rhode Island...


Ministers, Foreign, in U. S..

133 Rice, Exports of, since 1820



216 Saturn's Rings


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Obituary, Foreign, in 1855 and 1856

171-176 Senators, State, No. of, and Terms..

101 Slaves in the U. S.

118 Smithsonian Institution...

119 South American Governments

120 South Carolina

111 Sovereigns of Europe

118 Specie, Amount in Country,

339 State Department.....

375 State Elections, &c....

233 State Finances, Debts, &c.

267 Steamboat Inspectors

.183-191 Sun's Parallax in Altitude.....

Observatories, Latitude and Longitude of 43 Texas, Act to pay Creditors' Claims...... 154



Oregon Territory

217 School Fund of States.


[blocks in formation]










224, 225


339 Sun, Ephemeris of the



[blocks in formation]

Pamphlets and Magazines, Postage on

184-191 Tobacco, Exports of, since 1820

Parallax in Altitude of the Sun....

66 Tonnage of the U. S.......

..... 172

[blocks in formation]

270 Tonnage, Comp. View of, for 41 Years.. 175
111 Trade, Foreign, Countries of ....... 170, 171

3 Treasurers, Assistant


Pole Star, Apparent Places of the.....

55-57 Treasury Department


Population of the Globe

341 United States, Seventh Census.


Population of the U. S.

214, 215 Utah Territory


Population of Chief Cities in U. S....... 216 Venus and Mars, Discs of ..........

[blocks in formation]

Postmasters. Compensation of ...... 179, 183 Vote, Electoral, of each State

[blocks in formation]

Post-Office Rec's and Expend's in 1854, '55 182 West Indian Governments.

[blocks in formation]

President, Popular Vote for, since 1824 203, 376, Zodiac, Signs of the.

[blocks in formation]
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