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455; as President, 456; notices of, 54, 247, 281, 360, 386,

"A Countryman," De Witt Clinton's essays under the ADAMS, JOHN, SENIOR, 1. 819.
signature of, i. 565.

ADAIR, JAMES, his literary productions and character, 1.


ADAMS, ABIGAIL, mother of John Quincy Adams, il. 247.
ADAMS, CHARLES, ii. 247.

ADAMS, JOHN, birth and parentage of; graduates at Harvard
College; teaches school in Worcester, Mass.; his opinion
of school-keeping; commences the study of law; enters
on practice in Braintree; death of his father; his mar-
riage; Stamp Act; deputed to appear as the counsel of
Boston, to urge the opening of the courts, i. 232; dis-
sertations on the Canon and Feudal law; removes to
Boston; labors of his profession; defence of the sol-
diers; ill health; returns to Braintree; contributions
to the Massachusetts Gazette; arrival of General Gage;
refusal of General Gage to admit him to a seat in the
Governor's council; elected to the Congress of 1774,
chosen commissioner to France; sails for Europe;
his return; appointed Minister Plenipotentiary to ne-
gotiate a treaty of peace with Great Britain; his ser-
vices in Europe; appointed to negotiate a loan, and a
treaty with Holland; the treaty of peace; appointed
first minister to England; returns to America; elected
Vice-president of the United States; elected President;
his appearance on the day of his inauguration, 234; re-
tirement; chosen President of the Massachusetts Con-
vention for the revision of the constitution; his death,

Speech in defence of the British soldiers, 1770, 235;
the distinction between murder and manslaughter, 241;
Inaugural address, 1797; Batavian and Helvetic confed-
eracies, 248; tribute to Washington, 249; his summary
of Otis's speech on Writs of Assistance, 6; tenders the
chief-justiceship to John Jay, 158; at Amsterdam, 156;
notice of John Hancock's oration on the Boston massa-
cre; account of a conversation between, and Samuel
Adams, relative to John Hancock, 225; difference with
the Count de Vergennes, 301; anecdote of, 432; speech
to the Congress on French aggressions; answer to, 491;
notice of, 120, 296, 832, 850, 556; desirous of peace with
France, ii. 9; in England, 1785, 41; journal of, quoted,
134; John Randolph's definition of the republicanism
of, 185; William Wirt's discourse on the life and char-
acter of, 433; letter from Worcester, 1755, 446; in the
Continental Congress, 1774, 448; character of, by Wil-
liam Wirt, 450, 452; at the Hague, 454; "defence of the
American Constitutions," 455; discourses on Davila,

ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY, birth and ancestors; education; goes
to Europe, ii. 247; University of Leyden; visits Russia
and England, 247; Jefferson's opinion of; letter from
John Adams to Benjamin Waterhouse; return to Amer-
ica; enters Harvard University; studies law with The-
ophilus Parsons, 248; his practice; contributes to the
Boston Centinel; "Publicola;" "Marcellus;" appoint-
ed on a mission to the Netherlands, &c.; return to
America; elected to Congress; the mission to Russia;
treaty of Ghent, 249; appointed Secretary of State; his
career; elected President of the United States, 249; re-
election to Congress; his character; his literary produc-
tions, 250; his "Poems of Religion and Society;" his
death, 250; oration at Plymouth, 1802; character of La-
fayette, 257; tribute to the memory of James Madison,
1. 126; address before the Massachusetts Charitable Fire
Society, 552; remarks in the case of John Smith, ii.
147; notice of, 541.

ADAMS, SAMUEL, notices of, 1. 2, 225, 296; birth; Master
Lovell's school; Harvard College; preparation for the
ministry; college Thesis; "Englishmen's rights;" lit-
erary discipline; character; public duties, 819; enters
political life; "the Father of the Revolution;" pre-
pares instructions of the town of Boston; the opinion of
the loyalists, of the Stamp Act difficulties; chosen to
the Massachusetts legislature; his zeal for freedom;
death of Charles Townsend, and inauguration of Lord
North; election to the Continental Congress; the cir-
cular letter, 320; eloquence of; his writings; specimen
of his eloquence; anecdote of a rejoinder to Mather
Byles; popularity of; General Gage's overtures; ac-
count of his reply to General Gage, 321; his manuscripts,
821; Congress of 1774 suggested by him; chosen secre-
tary of Massachusetts; Gage's proclamation; Declara-
tion of Independence; his oration; the American army;
the overtures of the British commissioners; instructions
to the committee of Congress, appointed to confer with
the commissioners; the "smallest" but "truest" Con-
gress, 822; treaty of peace; returns to Boston; elected
governor; his old age; his religion; personal appear-
ance of; his character, and death, 823; Sullivan's sketch
of the life of, 823.

Oration on American Independence, 324; England “a
nation of shopkeepers;" debaucheries of Caligula, Nero,
and Charles; expedition against Carthagena; treaty of
Utrecht, 825; natural freedom of man, 326; the su-
premacy of Great Britain and liberty of America incom-

patible, 327; method of acquiring eminence in mon-
archies, 828; benefits of independence; natural capa-
bilities of America; productions; duty to posterity,
829, 880.

Addresses; from the colonies to Great Britain, i. 43; to the
inhabitants of Great Britain, by John Jay, 152; to the
people of Great Britain, 159.

AGAZZIS, LOUIS, ii. 130.

Albany Confederacy, i. 87.

Albany, Burgoyne approaches, i. 154.

resentatives disapproving the trial and execution of,
ii. 278.

Arkansas, the number of slaves in 1804 in, ii. 46.
Army, increase of the; John Randolph's speech on, ii. 181;
John C. Calhoun's speech on, 475.

Army and Navy, James A. Bayard's remarks on the, ii. 91.
Army Bill, the new; Henry Clay's speech on the, ii. 264.
ARMSTRONG, Mr., i. 582.

ARNOLD, BENEDICT, invasion of Virginia, ii. 8; expedition
to Quebec, 144.

Alexander, JAMES, biographical sketch of, 1. 82; origin of | Ashburton Treaty, ii. 860.
William Livingston's difficulty with, 83.

Alien Bill, Edward Livingston's speech on the, il. 220.
ALLEN, JOHN, commandant of the fort at Machias, Maine,

ii. 181.

ALLEN, MR., testimony in the trial of J. F. Knapp, ii. 406.
Alliance Medal, see Sir William Jones.

AMBLER, MISS, wife of Chief Justice Marshall, ii. 8.
AMBRISTER, ROBERT C., resolutions of the House of Repre-
sentatives disapproving the trial and execution of, ii.


America, the late regulations respecting the British colo-
nies on the continent of; considered, i. 278; rewards of
authorship in, ii. 427.

American Annual Register, i. 528; ii. 85.
American Army, rules and regulations of, adopted, i. 152.
American Bar, sketches of the, ii. 858.

American Colonies, vindication of, by James Wilson, i. 68.
American Independence, the advantages of, i. 810; Samuel
Adams' oration on, 824.

American Indians, The, ii. 488.

Athens, N. Y., death of Samuel Dexter at, ii. 239.
ATTALUS, compared with Washington, i. 554.


Augmentation of Military Force, Henry Clay's speech on,
ii. 260.

AUSTIN, CHARLES, murder of, ii. 239.
Authorship, the rewards of, in America, ii. 427.


BACON, LEONARD, D. D., his sketch of the life of James Hi-
house, ii. 145.

BALCH, MR.-See Knapp's trial.
BALDWIN, ABRAHAM, death of, i. 482.

BALL, MARY, the mother of Washington, i. 251.
BALL, MR.-See trial of R. M. Goodwin.

Baltimore, Md., General Henry Lee injured in a riot
1. 449.

BANCROFT, GEORGE, manuscripts of Samuel Adams in the
possession of; i. 321.

American Navigation Act, Rufus King's speech on the, Bank of North America, established, i. 185.
ii. 85.

American Quarterly Review, quoted, 1. 83.

American Revolution, songs and ballads of the, i. 275; the

consequences of, ii. 367; Botta's history of, 452.
Americans, "the hope of human nature," i. 266.
American Ships, imprisonment of seamen on board, 11. 83.
American Statesmen, the homes of, ii. 261.
American System, ii. 260, 304.
American Whig Review, ii. 580.
Ames' Astronomical Diary, i. 91.

AMES, FISHER, birth and parentage of; early education; en-
ergy of his character; early manifestations in oratory;
graduates at Harvard University; studies law; enthu-
siastic admiration of the old poets; commences prac-
tice; enters into politics; political writings; "Lucius
Junius Brutus;" "Camillus," 1. 91; elected to the Mas-
sachusetts legislature; chosen a member of Congress;
opposes Mr. Madison's resolutions; supports Mr. Jay's
treaty; failing health; returns to his home, and resumes
the practice of law; his political writings; is called to
the presidency of Harvard College; declines on account
of ill health; his death; speech on Madison's resolu-
tions, i. 92; Dr. Charles Caldwell's estimate of the ora-
tory of, 92; speech on the British treaty, 104; notices
of, 551, 557, 558; at Philadelphia, ii. 9; in the Massachu-
setts Federal Convention, 34.

AMES, LEVI, i. 552.



Analectic, i. 400; ii. 58, 55.

"Ancient Dominion,” origin of the term of, I. 40.
Annapolis, Md., Robert Goodloe Harper's speech at, i. 490;
King William school at, ii. 98.

Apportionment Bill, John Randolph's remarks in the de-
bate on the, ii. 156.

ARBUTHNOT, ALEXANDER, resolutions of the House of Rep-

Bank of Pennsylvania, i. 185.

Bank of the United States, John Randolph opposes the
establishment of; remarks on, ii. 158; notice of, 189,
859; Clay's speech on the charter of, 261.

BAPTISTS in Virginia, persecution of, i. 125.
Barancas, San. Carlos, de, the fortress of taken, ii. 284.
Barbadoes, address to the committee of correspondence in,
by John Dickinson, i. 274.
BARBAULD, Mrs., ii. 428.

BARBER, FRANCIS, tutor of Alexander Hamilton, i. 183.
BARBOUR, P. P., John Randolph's reply to the speech of,
on the Tariff, 1824, il 170; notices of 88, 287, 296, 808,

BARLOW, JOEL, ii. 841, 350.

BARRE, COL., speech of, on the stamp act, ii. 876.
BARSTOW, Dr., see Knapp's trial.

BARTLETT, JOHN R., Reminiscences of Albert Gallatin by,
ii. 180.

BASSETT, Mr., ii. 800.

Batavian Confederacy, 1. 248.

BAYARD, Dr. JAMES A., father of James A. Bayard, ii. 52.
BAYARD, JAMES A., ancestry of; birth and education; death
of his father; joins the family of his uncle, ii. 52.; enters
the College of New Jersey; College life; studies law with
General Joseph Reed; removes to the office of Jared
Ingersoll, 52; admitted to practice; election to Congress;
his career, 52; the impeachment of William Blount; the
first election of President Jefferson, described; appointed
minister to France, declines; defence of Mr. Bayard's
political course, by William Sullivan, 58; debates on
the judiciary; chosen to the United States Senate;
appointed Peace Commissioner; the treaty of Ghent, 54;
appointed minister to Russia; declines; visits Paris; ill-
ness; death, 55.

Speech on the Judiciary; reference to the remarks of

Mr. Giles, 56; State debts; internal taxes, 57; X. Y. Z.
Talleyrand, Mr. Gerry, Washington; the constitution,
59; the responsibility of judges; impeachment of justice
in England, 60; sedition act; the ecclesiastical establish-
ment, 61; Mr. Giles explains; the pulpit charged with
federalism; the expediency of the judiciary law consid-
ered, 62; Supreme Court; district courts; circuit courts,
68; the effect of placing judges of the Supreme Court in
circuit courts, 64; circuit court described; character of
the judges; inconvenience felt from division in opinion;
defects of the former judicial system, 65; the new sys-
tem an improvement; jurisdiction; compensation;
Judges of the Supreme Court, 66; state of the circuit
courts considered; jurisdiction of the district courts;
objections to the late establishment, answered, 67; ex-
pense of the federal judiciary; paucity of causes in fede-
ral courts, 68; changes in the nation of France; Brissot,
Robespierre, Tallien and Barras; Bonaparte, 69; "Has
the legislature a right by law to remove a judge?" 69;
judges to hold their offices through good behavior;
further remarks, 70; tenure of office, 70; ordinance of
1787; answer to Mr. Thompson; statute of William III.,
72; court of "piepoudre;" the constitution predicated
upon the integrity of man, 78; parties in the House at
the time of the passage of the judiciary act, 78; Mr.
Read of S. C., Mr. Green of R. I., 74; election of Mr.
Jefferson, his conduct reviewed, 75; power of Congress
to establish courts; judges have their offices for one
term, 76; district judges of Kentucky and Tennessee;
power of the government limited, 77; the judicial act
of 1789, 79; judges should be independent of political
changes, 80.

Speech on the repeal of the embargo, 1809; the reso-
lution of Mr. Giles; motion to amend Mr. Giles" plan
considered, 80; orders in council and imperial decrees;
England and France; war with England, the object of
the resolution, 81; means to secure peace neglected,
81; differences between the nations considered; the rule
of 1756; constructive blockade, 82; impressment of sea-
men on board American ships, 83; Mr. Fox, 85; attack
of the Leopard upon the Chesapeake, 86; further remarks;
the purpose of the embargo, 87; opposition in the East-
ern States, 88; correspondence between Mr. Canning
and Mr. Pinkney; considered, 89: benefits not to be gain-
ed by non-intercourse and embargo, 90; further remarks
upon the speech of Mr. Giles, 91; the army and navy;
extract from Mr. Bayard's speech of 12th of February,
1810, 91; notices of, i. 120; ii. 22, 261.

BAYARD, JOHN, notice of, ii. 52.

BAYARD PIERRE DU TERRAIL, Chevalier sans peur et sans
reproche, il. 52.

BECK, PAUL, see "Fort Wilson."

BECKFORD, Mrs., in the trial of J. F. Knapp, ii. 404.

Beef and Pork, sent from the United States to the British
West Indies, 1773; and from England, 1780; exported
from Ireland seven years prior to 1777, i. 101.
Beith in Ayrshire, i. 290.
Belgic Confederacy, i. 366.

BELL, WILLIAM, letter to the commandant of Fort Hawkins,
September 1817, il. 276.

Belsham's Memoirs of the reign of George III. i. 275.
Bennington, battle of, ii. 357, 864.

BENTON, THOMAS H., estimate of the character and services
of William B. Giles, by, il. 190; sketch of the character
of Robert T. Hayne, ii, 556, 557; notice of, 371.



Berlin, ministers to, i. 511, 518.

| Berlin and Milan Decrees, ii. 84, 267, 859.
BERNARD, FRANCIS, Governor of Massachusetts, i. 8, 160.
BINNEY, HORACE, ii. 506.

BLACK, PROFESSOR, in the Edinburgh Medical University;
i. 346.

Blackwood's Magazine, i. 290.
Bladensburg, Md. ii. 439.

BLAND, FRANCES, wife of John Randolph, ii. 155.
BLAND, THEODORIC, notice of, ii. 155.
BLANDY, MARY, trial of, i. 589.
BLANNERHASSETT, Wirt's description of, ii. 467.
BLEECKER, MR., of New York, ii. 267, 276.
BLOUNT, WILLIAM, the case of, ii. 53, 147; expulsion of, 148;
Kentucky memorial, 148.

BLOUNT, MR, resolutions of concerning the British treaty, i.

104, 111.

BOERHAAVE H. DR., his opinion of the poor, i. 347.
BOLLMAN AND SWARTWOUT, case of, ii. 463.
Bolton's History of Westchester County, New York, 1. 453.
BONAPARTE, JOSEPH, his claim to the crown of Spain, ii. 341.
BONAPARTE, the jailer of, i. 526; "the nation of France,"
ii. 69, 356; his opinions of protection, 314.
BOND, DR., of Philadelphia, i. 308, 346.

-, see "Fort Wilson."
Boston evacuated by the British, i. 557; banks of, ii. 570.
Boston Centinel, ii. 249.

Boston Chronicle, quotation from, i. 60.
Boston Gazette, i. 274.

Boston Massacre, account of, i. 60; Joseph Warren's oration
on, 60; John Hancock's oration on, 227; John Adams'
defence of the soldiers of the, 235; Robert Treat Paine's
argument in the case of the, 247; notice of, ii. 448;
Minot's oration on the, i. 551; Josiah Quincy, Jr., de-
fence of the soldiers of the, i. 836.

Boston Port Bill, James Wilson's resolution against the;

offered in Convention of Pennsylvania, January, 1775,
1. 71; meeting in New York relative to the, 152; the
"meeting in the fields" at New York, in reference to
the; Alexander Hamilton's speech on, 184; notice of, 283.
Boston Transcript, Sigma's sketches in the, ii. 288.
BOTTA, CHARLES, his history of the American Revolution,
ii. 452; his reports of the speeches of R. H. Lee and John
Dickinson, 452.

BOUDINOT, ELIAS, parentage and education of; studies law
with Richard Stockton; marries; death of his wife; his
political course; appointed commissary-general of prison-
ers; delegate to the Continental Congress; elected pres-
ident of Congress; Federal Constitution; re-elected to
Congress, i. 262; appointed director of the Mint; retire-
ment; New Jersey College; Board of Foreign Missions;
American Bible Society; elected president of; donation
to the Society; his death; literary tastes and produc-
tions, 263; his life of William Tennent, 263.

Oration before the Cincinnati; great men raised up
for great events; obligations of mankind to patriots;
Warren and Montgomery, 264; equality and rights of
men; universal brotherhood; self-government, 265;
Americans, "the hope of human nature;" the "highest
officers the first servants of the people;" origin of the
Society of the Cincinnati, 266, 267; equality; capability;
rights of women; Columbus and Isabella, 268; dedica-
tion to General Washington, 269; speech on Non-Inter-
course with Great Britain; reasons for his vote; Mr.
Clark's motion; Mr. Smith, of Maryland; his services;
prisoners at Algiers; constitutionality of Mr. Clark's
motion, 270; America in 1776; non-importation agree-
ment; Mississippi and the Lakes, 271; patron of Alex-
ander Hamilton, i. 183.

Bowdoin College, ii. 579.
BOWDOIN, JAMES, elected Governor of Massachusetts, 1. 226.
BRACKENRIDGE, H. H., ancestry and birth of; early educa-

tion; teaches school; an incident, i. 356; enters college;
college life, 356; poem on the "Rising Glory of Amer-
ica;" writes the drama entitled "Bunker's Hill;" edits
the United States Magazine; anecdote of his editorship;
strictures on General Charles Lee; serves as a chaplain
in the American army, 856; his rhetorical productions;
commences the study of law; settles at Pittsburg;
commences political life, 356; the "Whiskey Insurrec-
tion;" publishes "Modern Chivalry;" appointed Judge
of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania; his wit and elo-
quence; Jeffrey's opinion of his conversational powers;
estimate of his character, 857; biographical notice of, by
his son, 357.

Eulogium on "the brave men who have fallen in the
contest with Great Britain," 1779, 358; patriots, their
reward, 358; the cause of liberty; state of the country
during the revolution, 359.

BRACKENRIDGE, H. M., recollections of places and persons in
the west, i. 356.

BRADDOCK, GENERAL, defeat of, i. 40, 251.

Braintree, Mass., Congregational Church in, ii., 247.
Brandywine, battle of, ii. 8.

BRAY, CAPTAIN, testimony in Knapp's trial, ii. 416.
BRECKENRIDGE, Mr., i. 477.

BRISSOT, "the nation of France," il. 69.

British evacuate Boston, i. 557.

British America, a summary view of the rights of, by

Thomas Jefferson, ii. 450.

British Government a mixed one, compared with the

United States, i. 112.

British Parliament pass an act to raise a revenue on glass,
paper, &c., i. 3.

British Spy, see William Wirt.

British Treaty, speech of Fisher Ames on the, i. 104;
Blount's resolution on, 106; James Madison's speech on
the, 144; opposed by De Witt Clinton, 565; discussion
in the Virginia legislature relative to, ii. 9; remarks of
James Hillhouse on the, 140; Gallatin's speech on the,
133; Mr. Nicholas' remarks on the, 140; Wm. B. Giles'
speech on the, 190; Edward Livingston opposes it; his
reasons, 218; essays under the signature of Camillus,
il. 34; meeting at New York relative to the, 84.
BURKE, ROBERT, attorney-general of Virginia, ii. 259.
BROOKS, JOHN, GENERAL, in the Massachusetts Insurrection,
i. 557; notice of, ii. 864.

Brown University, Tristam Burgess at, ii. 319, 320; notice
of, 335.

Brownstown, battle of, ii. 271.


Bunker Hill, Webster's Address at, 1825, ii. 862, 369; battle
of, il. 365.

BUCHANAN, MR., see Knapp's Trial.

BURGOYNE, JOHN, GENERAL, approaching Albany, i. 154;

convention with; Witherspoon's speech on the, 296;
letter from, to General Gates, 299; resolutions of Con-
gress relative to, 801.

BURGESS, TRISTAM, ancestry and birth; early education;

whaling voyage; studies medicine; enters Brown Uni-
versity; studies law; his practice, ii. 819; his eloquence;
elected to the Congress, 319; appointed chief justice of
Rhode Island; occupies chair of oratory and belles-lettres,
Brown University; re-election to Congress; argument
on claim of Marigny D'Auterive; reply to John Ran-
dolph, ii. 320; contributions to periodical publications;
occasional orations; return to private life; his death,
822; speech on removal of Washington's remains, 332, 334.

Speech on the judiciary bill, 1825, il. 822; provisions
of the bill; objections to be removed, 323; present system
considered, 824; number of the judges; further remarks,
825; equalization of judicial representation, 826; politi-
cal representation to be secured by the system, $26;
equalization of a knowledge of State laws, 827; judges
are to learn by travel, 828; increase of the Supreme
Court, 829; the system of 1801, 330; the future of the
judiciary, 831.

BURGOYNE, JOHN, John Witherspoon's speech on the con-
vention with, i. 298.

Bunker Hill Monument, address of Daniel Webster at the
laying of the corner stone of, ii. 362.
BURKE, EDMUND, in Parliament, ii. 247, 431.
BURNS, THOMAS, ii. 227.

BURE, AARON, candidate for President of the United States,
ii. 75; as Vice President; confidence in, 150; his career,
151; deposition of Commodore Truxton and Mr. McRae,
in the trial of, 152; speech of Edmund Randolph in the
trial of, i. 174; the conspiracy of; participation of John
Smith is considered, ii. 147; Wirt's speech in the trial of,
461, 469.

BURRIL, JAMES, of Rhode Island, ii. 129.
Byfield Academy, ii. 33.

BYLES, MATHER, i. 821.


CABOT, GEORGE, sketch of the life of, i. 558; st Philadelphia, 9.
CESAR compared with Washington, i. 554.

CALDWELL, DR. CHARLES, estimate of the oratory of Fisher
Ames, i. 92.

CALDWELL, JAMES, i. 60; ii. 471.
CALDWELL, JOHN, ii. 471.
CALDWELL, Martha, ii. 471.
CALHOUN, JAMES, ii. 471.

CALHOUN, JOHN CALDWELL, birth; ancestry; character of
his parents; early instruction at home; ii. 472; enter
Yale College; his brilliant success; commences the study
of law; his practice; election to Congress; result of his
first speech; appointed Secretary of War by President
Monroe; his able administration, 472; elected Vice
President; resignation; election to United States Senate;
appointed Secretary of State, by President Tyler; death;
tributes to his character, 478; notices of, 882, 883.

Speech on the increase of the army, 1811; report of
the Committee of Foreign Relations; means nothing but
war or empty menace, ii. 475; war never should be re-
sorted to, but when justifiable and necessary; justifiable
if it should ensue, 475; further remarks in reply to John
Randolph; defenceless state of the country, 476; expen-
ses of the war considered, 476; constitution not calcula
ted for a war, 477; non-importation act; the love of
France, and hatred of England; balance of power, 479.

Speech on a bill proposing to set apart and pledge, as
a permanent fund for the construction of roads and
canals, the bonus of the National Bank, and the United
States' share of its dividends; the importance of roads
and canals, ii. 479; higher considerations why Congress
should take charge of the subject, 480; power of raising
revenue depends on them, 450; extent of country; the
constitutional question, 481; communication from Maine
to Louisiana, the first great object; further remarks,

Speech on the revenue collection bill; the conduct of
South Carolina; imports for protection unconstitutional;
statement of Luther Martin, ii. 488; power of the Su-

preme Court to judge between the States and the
general government, ii. 484; reply to Mr. Clayton; South
Carolina in the tariff of 1816, 485; speech on the tariff of
1816, considered, 487; course of South Carolina, 489;
election of General Jackson, 490; test oath, 491; the
public debt; enforcing acts, 492; nullification, 492; has
Congress the right to pass the bill? 493; answers Mr.
Grundy and Mr. Clayton, 494; sovereignty of the States,
495; power and liberty; the question at issue, 496; fur-
ther remarks to Mr. Clayton; replies to Mr. Rives, 498;
remedy for the evils of the bill proposed, 501; the ascend-
ency of the constitution over the law-making majori-
ty; the great and essential point, 508; the right of inter-
position on the part of a State considered; powers of
the general government, 504.


Calhoun Settlement, ii. 471.

CALLENDER, William Wirt counsel for, ii. 441.
CAMBRELENG, MR., see trial of R. M. Goodwin.

66 Camillus," see Fisher Ames.

CAMPBELL, GEORGE, see "Fort Wilson.


CAMPBELL, MR., tutor of Chief Justice Marshall, ii. 7.

Canada, the conquest of, i. 2; letter to the oppressed in-
habitants of, 153.

CLAIBORNE, THOMAS, of Tenn., see Bayard's speech on the
Judiciary, ii. 75.


CLARK, MR., see trial of R. M. Goodwin.

CLAY, ELIZABETH, the mother of Henry Clay, ii. 259.
CLAY, HENRY, birth and parentage; the slashes; death of
his father, ii. 259; clerk in a drug store; origin of the
sobriquet, "the mill boy of the slashes"; Virginia Court
of Chancery; Chancellor Wythe. 259; commences the
study of law; removes to Lexington, Ky., 259 early
practice, an incident of, 260; elected to the Senate; his
influence; the American system, 260; speech on the
Bank charter; elected to the House of Representatives;
chosen speaker; treaty of peace, 1814; visits Paris; in-
terview with Madame de Stael, 261; battle of Waterloo;
anecdote of Lord Liverpool; return to America; appoint-
ed Secretary of State; address before the Colonization
Society of Kentucky; re-elected to the Senate; farewell
speech; nominated for the Presidency; his death; sketch
of his character and services, 263; his duel with John
Randolph, 159.

Speech on the New Army bill, 1813, 264; speech on
the Seminole War, 278; speech on Internal Improve-
ment, 286; speech on the Tariff, 1824, 296; address to
Lafayette, 817; reply to John Randolph, 318.

Canon and Feudal law, John Adams' dissertation on, ii. CLAY, JOHN, REV., ii. 259.
CLAYTON, J. M., ii. 485, 498.
Capital Punishment, Edward Livingston's argument Clermont, New York, ii. 218.
against, ii. 225.

CARBY, MATTHEW, the relative importance to the Union of
the Southern and Eastern States, ii. 563; further quota-
tion, 570.

CARLETON, GUY, i. 288.

Carlisle, Pa., i. 308.

CARPENTER, T., report of the trial of Aaron Burr, i. 174; ii.

CARROLL, CHARLES, of Carrollton, i. 489; tribute to, il. 458.

Carthagena, expedition against, i. 325.

Castine, Maine, attack on, i. 421.

CASTLEREAGH, LORD, ii. 263, 270.


Catholics in Ireland, extension of the right of suffrage
among the, attempted, i. 526.

CAULKINS, F. M., her history of New London, ii. 144.
CEVALLOS, COUNT, Spanish minister, ii. 344.
CHARLES, II., Navigation Act of, i. 7.

Charleston, South Carolina, Judge Drayton's charge to the

Grand Jury of, i. 50.

Charleston, Louisville, and Cincinnati Railroad, ii. 556.
Charlestown, Mass. i. 45; burning of, 288.

CHASE, SAMUEL, impeachment of, John Randolph's resolution
on, ii. 156; notices of, i. 174, 356, 872, 490; ii. 93.
Cherokee Indians, the case of, ii. 448; Wirt's argument in
relation to, 469.

Cherokee and Creek Indians, Hawkins and Pickens' treaty
with, i. 120.

Chesapeake, attack of the Leopard on the, ii. 86; defenceless
state of in 1811, 185.
CHEVES, LANGDON, ii. 382, 555.


CHOATE, RUFUS, discourse before the faculty, students and
alumni of Dartmouth College, commemorative of
Daniel Webster, ii. 362.


CICERO, on the death penalty, ii. 236.

Cincinnati, New Jersey State Society of, 1. 264; Elias Boudi-
not's oration before the, 264; New York Society of, R. R.
Livingston's oration before the, 352.

VOL. II.-38

CLINTON, DE WITT, birth and education of; studies law;
appointed private secretary to Governor George Clinton,
i. 565; politics; opposes the adoption of the Federal
Constitution; essays under the signature of "A Country-
man; " his opinions in after life, 565; letter to the Mayor
of Philadelphia, 565; opposes the British treaty; mili-
tary tastes; elected lieutenant; appointed secretary of
the Regents of the University, 565; election of John
Jay; returns to the practice of law; elected to the legis
lature; chosen to the United States Senate; his career,
565; an opponent of Gouverneur Morris, 565; elected
mayor of New York; duties of the mayor, 566; his
course in the State Senate; elected lieutenant-governor;
retirement; the Erie Canal, 566; elected governor, 566;
mission to England; Tuckerman's sketch of his life and
services, 566; tour of New England; his last days and
death, 567; candidate for the presidency, 558; notices of,
i. 851, 477, ii. 346.

Speech on the navigation of the Mississippi; Mr. Ross's
resolutions; the injuries alleged to have been committed
by Spain considered; the importance of free navigation,
568; the nature, character and tendency of the remedy
proposed, 569; the justice and policy of the measure,
569; navigation always first to be tried; demand of sat-
isfaction ought to precede an appeal to arms; Vattel, on
the law of nations, 569; Burlamaqui, Martens, and
Paley; the reign of George III. a "war reign," 570;
the case of the Falkland Islands; the English settlements
on the Mosquito shore and Honduras; controversy
about Nootka Sound considered, 571; the practice of the
United States government, 571; the policy of Washing-
ton considered; the western posts; Indian difficulties;
defeated by General Wayne, 572; review of the country;
past history, 572; effect of British rapacity, 573; Novem-
ber Orders of 1793, 573; future policy of the United
States considered, 574.

CLINTON, GEORGE, governor of New York, i. 429, 527, 565.

CLYMER, DANIEL, see "Fort Wilson."

CLYMER, GEORGE, sketch of the life of, i. 120: see "Fort


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