THE REAL GOVERNMENT CLUB. HIS Club was formed in January, 1894, by some of the leading men in the Real Estate business. The second Section of the Constitution is as follows: "The object of the Club is to concern itself in the government of the city (especially as it affects the real estate interests therein), and by determined effort of the members acting individually as well as in concert, to promote the honest, efficient and economical administration of city affairs, and the election of honest and competent public officers, without respect to party, and to co-operate in procuring such legislation as may tend to promote the good government of the city." The management of the Real Estate Exchange Honest Government Club is vested in a board of eighteen trustees, and the officers chosen at the first meeting The Club has a membership of some 1,700, and during the campaign held frequent meetings and was able to furnish watchers at the polls, and in other ways gave valuable aid in favor of good government. On Monday, October 29th, a public meeting was held in the Auction Room of the Exchange. It was largely attended by business men and was one of the most successful of the public meetings held during the campaign. The following eminent speakers were present and addressed the meeting, and all were closely listened to and applauded: Hon. SETH LOW. Hon. CHAS. S. FAIRCHILD. Gen. WAGER SWAYNE. Gen. STEWART L. WOODFORD. Gen. JAMES M. VARNUM. A large amount of labor devolved upon the executive committee, of which Mr. S. Elwood May was the efficient chairman. The other members of the committee were : JNO. C. R. ECKERSON. JNO. J. CLANCY. ANDREW POWELL. GOOD GOVERNMENT CLUBS. CLUB. A. SECRETARY. WM. M. BENNETT, Club House, 722 Lexington Avenue. Club House, 70 West 104th St. Club Rooms (The Circle) 58th St. & 8th Ave. Club Rooms, 56 West 33d St. Club House, 145 East 18th St. Club Rooms, 524 Hudson St. Club Room, 252 West 42d St. Club Room, 359 West 32d St. Club Room (temporary), 1809 Lexington Ave Address, 319 East 86th St. Address, 317 East 68th St. Club Room, 179 East 93d St. Club Room, 215 West 125th St. Address, 8 Hampden St. Address, 131 Bowery. Address, 27 Pine Street. Address, 32 Nassau St. Club Rooms, 240 Henry St. Address, 26 Delancey St. Address, 26 Clinton St. Club of the Tenth Assembly District, CHARLES H. KELBY; Club Rooms, 9 St. Mark's Place. |