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sidering; but if the reverse is true, then is the whole objection removed.

Let this general subject be tried by reducing it to a practical question, in a small circle. Let the parent of a family of children, father or mother, become fully persuaded that God does, in deed and in truth, love this whole family; that Jesus Christ is in fact the Saviour of this family; and that they are all the blessed heirs of everlasting life; will this belief render this parent unjust, unkind, and even unmerciful to this family? We know that nothing can be more repug. nant to reason than such a conclusion.

Though it seems impossible to see this subject in a clearer light, we may look at it in the following shape. Let an affectionate mother be persuaded to believe that the infant in her arms is the object of divine indignation, and this mother's heart must either transform into the image of this indignation, or revolt from the being who is supposed to exercise it. And this evident fact leads us to reflect on what all history confirms; that the belief of eternal enmity in God has produced perpetual enmity in man.

It is a fact which no one will deny, who is acquainted with the history of the church, that its darkest ages have been the most free from the doctrine of Universal Salvation, and the most remarkable for impiety and immorality. And it is in sober faithfulness that we now assert, that the very image of hell has most manifestly appeared, in the unmerciful persecutions practised by those who believed in its strict eternity!

Those who urge the objection under consideration, are requested to name some sort of immorality, which has been unknown to the world, only when and where the doctrine of Universal Salvation has been believed. They are called on to hold up those impious frauds, which were never practised by a hierarchy who believed in the endless misery of millions of human beings, but which have been invented and practised by those few, who have believed and preached the doctrine of universal holiness and happiness.

While the writer of this regrets, with deep humility, the too visible want of conformity, in professed Universalists, to the pure maxims of our divine religion; he most sincerely thanks the Director of hearts, that there are so many, who profess a contrary faith, whose lives are infinitely better than the doctrine which they believe.— Universalist Magazine, vol. vii. p. 206.

H. B.


me, to

Supreme Majesty of Heaven! wilt thou permit those sensitive powers, and faculties of mind, which thou hast combined in speak in thine ear? Yes, I am assured, though thou art infinite in thy glorious perfections, it is not inconsistent with thy greatness to indulge the aspirations which it is thy pleasure to awaken in the most humble being which is the production of thy hand.

When I behold thee in those twinkling stars, which attract my wondering eyes, and contemplate thy wisdom, thy power and thy goodness, which are displayed, in all their perfections, in those unnumbered worlds, my heart and all my affections are kindled into devotion, and my whole soul becomes one flame of grateful incense on thine altar. O Lord, thou wilt accept it, for that flame is thine own breath.

And when the curtains of the night are withdrawn, and the glory and beauty of the morning call me from sweet and refreshing slumbers, and mine eyes are opened to behold the welcome ruler of the day, who advances, at thy command, to scatter unnumbered blessings through earth and sea, the outgoings of the morning rejoice my heart, and inspire devotions, which are as fervent and as acceptable to thee, as those of the evening.

When, directed by a portion of thy wisdom, I contemplate thy varied goodness, the productions of the several seasons of the year, which are abundantly ample to supply the wants of creation, and so perfectly adapted to the constitutions and appetites of those beings who wait to receive their food from thee, my heart becomes extended in gratitude, and seeks the fellowship of every living thing to assist in rendering to the giver of every good and perfect gift, the grateful homage due for such mercies.

But as it has suited the counsels of thine unerring wisdom, that man shall be raised to a scale of being, which shall be free from the imperfections of his earthly nature and constitution, thou hast, in goodness, appointed, that the imperfections of the present state shall serve to bring to dissolution our present mode of existence, that the more glorious may succeed. This, thy divine favour, thou hast brought to light through the brightness of thy glory, whom thou hast appointed Lord of the dead and of the living. When enlightened by thy word, and quickened by thy grace, I am enabled to realise these gospel truths, and connect with them thy gracious favour in the for giveness of my transgressions, repentance, humility, gratitude, and joy unspeakable, seem to vie with each other, in a heart which now loves thee to the fulness of all its powers.

Wilt thou, O my God, preserve in me these hopes and joys, and keep alive this celestial fire of sweet devotion, that by their influence the powers of temptation may be resisted, and the soul that loves thee preserved from evil.-Univ. Mag. vol. vii. p. 102.

H. B.


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