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to your many distinguished guests. My illness has robbed me of much of your companionship during the past year, but I am hoping for brighter days now, which seem to be promised from my improved condition. Will you please convey my most cordial and fraternal greetings to all of our colleagues of the Grand Lodge.


Deputy Grand Master.

M.. W.. TOWNSEND SCUDDER: Brother Grand Master, when the roll was called a moment ago--and it seems but a moment ago, so fully have all minds 'been filled with the great sentiments that here have been expressed-we did not hear the name of a beloved brother. Doubtless we one and all regret with the deepest sorrow the absence of the response of one of our dearly beloved brethren, one standing in a position of great responsibility in the craft, earned by his loyal service to Masonry and to humanity. I think it will be a consolation for us all to know that while he is absent from us in the flesh his heart is here with us, and to us he has sent glad tidings that his health is soon to be restored, and back to us he will come with all his old-time vigor and energy, ready to perform his work, to serve the fraternity. And because all this is so, Most Worshipful Grand Master, in response to that telegram of love and affection which he has sent to us, may I not ask that the following be adopted:

WHEREAS, with hearts responding with gratitude, glad tidings have come assuring us of the early restoration to health of our beloved brother, Right Worshipful George J. Jackson, Deputy Grand Master, together with his personal messages of love for us and his regret that for a little time still he must forbear being with us, now, therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that this Grand Lodge do instruct the Grand Secretary to forward to Right Worshipful Brother Jackson our congratulations and our best wishes and assure him that we would not jeopardize his health in any whit to satisfy his longing to be here and to do his part, and that we send him our love and our affection and that we will abide the time until he can come to take his part among us, his health restored.

The Grand Lodge was then called from labor to refreshment until tomorrow morning at nine o'clock.

Grand Lodge.

The Grand Lodge resumed its session on Wednesday morning, May 2, A. D. 1917; A. L. 5917, at nine o'clock.

Present M.. W.. THOMAS PENNEY, Grand Master.

Officers and Representatives as before.

Prayer by R.. W.. WILLIAM R. WATSON, Grand Chaplain. The minutes of yesterday's session were read and approved. The following telegram was received:


Grand Master.

NEW YORK, May 2, 1917.

Regret illness prevents my attending to duties as Grand Director of Ceremonies.



M.. W.. EDWARD M. L. EHLERS, Grand Secretary, presented the following report, which was received and ordered printed in the Proceedings:

To the Grand Lodge:

There has been received by the Grand Secretary for the year ending December 31, 1916:

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A printed statement of Receipts and Expenditures, prepared for your scrutiny, was mailed to all Masters of Lodges and Grand Lodge Officers, April 16, 1917.

Number of Lodges in this Jurisdiction...


Number of Lodges that have made returns..


Number of Lodges that have paid dues to date.... 861

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Ancient Craft Lodge at Rochester, University Lodge at Alfred, Irondequoit Temple Lodge at Irondequoit, Forest Hills Lodge at Forest Hills, Newfane Lodge at Newfane, and Abraham Lincoln Lodge at Buffalo, have returned their dispensations for the erection of said Lodges with the other papers required by the Constitution.

Fraternally submitted,


Grand Secretary.


R.. W.. WILLIAM H. MILLER, Grand Treasurer, presented the following report, which was received and ordered printed in the Proceedings:

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M.. W.. THOMAS PENNEY, Grand Master, announced that the Trustees of the Masonic Hall and Asylum Fund have subscribed for one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000.00) of the Government War Bonds.


R.. W.. HORACE W. SMITH, Grand Lecturer, presented the following report, which was received and ordered printed in the Proceedings:

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