Chap. 949. AN ACT making appropriations for certain expenses of govern ment and supplying deficiencies in former appropriations. BECAME a law May 28, 1896, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three-fifths being present. The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows: by treas acounts. statements sented. Section 1. The treasurer shall pay, on the warrant of the comp- Payments troller, from the several funds specified, to the persons and for urer. the objects indicated in this act, the amounts named or such parts of those amounts as shall be sufficient to accomplish, in full, the purposes designated by the appropriations; but no warrants shall Audit of be issued, except in cases of salaries, until the amounts claimed shall have been audited and allowed by the comptroller, who is liereby authorized to determine the same. The persons demanding payment shall present to him a detailed statement, in items, Verified verified by affidavit; and if the account shall be for services it must to be preshow when, where and under what authority they were rendered; if for expenditures, when, where and under what authority they were made; if for articles furnished, when and where they were furnished, to whom they were delivered, and under what authority. On all accounts for transportation, furniture, blank and Certified other books furnished for the use of the officers, binding, blanks, presented. printing, stationery and postage, a bill duly certified must be furnished; but whenever an appropriation shall have been provided otherwise, the sum herein directed to be paid shall not be considered as an addition to such other appropriations, unless it shall be expressly so declared in this act. bills to be of prosecu superin prisons. For the governor, for the payment of the expenses of the prose Expenses cution of the charges against the superintendent of state prisons, tion against including services of expert, of attendant and server of subpoenas, tendent of and of associate counsel of the attorney-general, stenographers' fees and fees and expenses of commissioner, twelve thousand nine hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. *Items of appropriation contained in this act, as passed by the legislature, and objected to by the governor, with the statement of his objections thereto, are not included in this publication, which contains only so much of the act as actually became a law, under section nine of article four of the constitution. reformation delingents. Society for The appropriation of five hundred dollars, made by chapter nine of juvenile hundred thirty-two of the laws of eighteen hundred ninety-five, for the society for the reformation of juvenile delinquents in the city of New York, for a fire engine, is hereby reappropriated for shop machinery. Van Renthuysen For Messrs. C. Van Benthuysen and Sons, for completing nine and sons. hundred copies of volume eight, part two, Palaeontology of the state of New York, printing of text, index and explanations, plates, binding and paper, the sum of one thousand four hundred sixty-two dollars and forty-seven cents, to be paid upon the certificate of the state geologist and the audit of the comptroller; the copies to be delivered when completed to the state library to be distributed in accordance with law. H. T. Trap per. Robert O. Chapin. Secretary of state. Armory at To Herman F. Trapper, for the legal costs and expenses incurred by him in the matter of the contest for his seat in the constitutional convention of eighteen hundred and ninety-four, as member from the thirtieth senatorial district of New York, and for other expenses in such contest, the sum of one thousand seven hundred five dollars and four cents. To Robert C. Chapin, three thousand one hundred sixty-nine dollars and seventy cents, being the amount which has been audited and allowed by the comptroller, for his services in reporting the investigation of the department of charities and corrections of Kings county by the assembly committee on affairs of cities. For the secretary of state for deficiency in the appropriation to enable him to carry into effect the provisions of sections nineteen and forty of the election law, the sum of one thousand one hundred forty-five dollars and thirty cents. The sum of two thousand five hundred dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses, repairs and betterments of the state armory at Middletown, said amount to be paid by the treasurer, upon the warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, on bills for said repairs and betterments approved by the adjutant-general. Arm ry at The sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be Newburgh. necessary, is hereby appropriated to defray the expenses, repairs and betterments of the state armory at Newburgh, said amount to be paid by the treasurer, upon the warrant of the comptroller, out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, on bills for said repairs and betterments approved by the adjutantgeneral. of revised tion of To the secretary of state to be expended by him in purchasing Purchase at such prices as may deem reasonable, not exceeding eighteen statutes. dollars per set, a sufficient number of sets of the ninth edition of the revised statutes of the state of New York, prepared by Charles A. Collin, as will enable the secretary of state to furnish one set thereof to the governor, one to the lieutenant-governor, one to Distribu. each senator, member of assembly, judge of the court of appeals, same. justice of the supreme court and county court, and to each other officer, board or department, except town clerks, now entitled by law to receive printed copies of the session laws, the sum of five thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to be paid upon the audit of the comptroller. house, For painting, coal, repairs of house and senate, and for supplies senate for the old senate house in the city of Kingston, two hundred Kingston. seventy-five dollars. tendent o1 buildings. For the superintendent of public buildings, for carpets for the supe. Inlabor and for improving the ventilating and lighting systems public of the assembly chamber and the court of appeals chamber and the consultation room, and for re-wiring the fixtures in the rooms of the court of appeals, five thousand dollars. For the superintendent of public buildings, for repairs for 1a. executive chamber, the adjutant-general, the public works department, the attorney-general's department, and for the various rooms and offices wherein necessary, and for labor, and for the cleansing and renovating of carpets now in use, four thousand dollars. For the superintendent of public buildings, to introduce a ra close tank system for the senate, state library and in the west end elevator, and for labor, and for continuing elevator shafts to the fifth story, for duplicate pump system, and for laying floor and draining engine room, and for an enlarged steam and water main, and for pipe machine, and for removing pumps and piping under the rooms of the state board of charities and lunacy commission, and for plumbing and water closets in state-house, twenty thousand dollars. For the superintendent of public buildings, for new stairways id. to basement of capitol, for rebuilding passageway through court, Id. Survey of Newtown creek. Embankments in and for erecting stoop and storm doors, and for labor and repairs to court yard, two thousand dollars. For the superintendent of public buildings, for additional furniture and furnishings, for labor, and for constructing cases, racks and shelving, and for repairing roofs and skylights, for extraordinary repairs to steam-heating apparatus and for new radiators, for repairing and reupholstering furniture, and for constructing partitions and bulkheads, eleven thousand dollars. For the superintendent of public works, to make proper survey and change the course of Newtown creek, in the town of Horseheads, Chemung county, New York, the sum of five thou sand dollars. For the superintendent of public works, to construct embankChemung ments to prevent the overflow of lands by water from the Chemung river, in the town of Chemung, the sum of five thousand dollars. Jacob Rifle range, George Peter H. Theodore Пидо Hirsch. To Jacob Stahl, for the legal costs and expenses incurred by him in the matter for the contest for his seat as member of the assembly from the first assembly district of Queens county, in the state of New York, and for other expenses in the conduct of such contest, the sum of two thousand dollars. For the adjutant-general, for the building of an indoor rifle range in or adjoining the state armory in the city of Rochester, three thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. For George Raines, for services and expenses as counsel in the matter of investigation directed by senate resolution adopted April eighteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, the sum of seventeen hundred and sixty-five dollars. To Peter H. McNulty, for the legal costs and expenses incurred by him in the matter of the contest for his seat as senator from the sixth district, and for other expenses in the conduct of such contest, seven thousand dollars. To Theodore Koehler, for the legal costs and expenses incurred by him in the matter of the contest for his seat as senator from the second district, and for other expenses in the conduct of such contest, the sum of seven thousand dollars. To Hugo Hirsch, for services as counsel for the committee on affairs of cities of the assembly, in the conduct of the investigation into the affairs of the department of charities and corrections of the city of Brooklyn, directed by a resolution of the assembly, dated on the sixteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and ninetyfive, and for his disbursements and other expenses, the sum of eight thousand dollars. Mayer. To Julius H. Mayer, in full for services as counsel to the special JH. investigating committee appointed by resolution of the assembly, adopted on the sixth day of March, eighteen hundred and ninetyfive, and for his expenses and disbursements, the sum of four thousand five hundred dollars, and the comptroller is hereby directed to apply to the payment of this sum the balance remaining in his hands from the amount appropriated by resolution of the assembly for the purposes of this committee, which said balance, to wit, the sum of twelve hundred and fifty-one dollars and sixtyfive cents, is hereby appropriated for this purpose. To Arthur C. Wade, for services as counsel to the special committee appointed by resolution of the assembly adopted on the fourth day of April, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and for his expenses and disbursements, the sum of six thousand dollars, and the comptroller is hereby directed to apply to the payment of this sum the balance remaining in his hands from the amount appropriated by resolution of the assembly for the purposes of this committee, which said balance, to wit, the sum of five hundred and seventy-one dollars and ninety-five cents is hereby appropri ated for this purpose. Arthur C. Wade. Zaring. To Charles W. Zaring, for services as counsel to the committee Charles W. on affairs of cities of the assembly in the conduct of the investigation into the affairs of the trustees of the New York and Brooklyn bridge, directed by resolution of the assembly, adopted on the sixteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and for his disbursements and other expenses, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars. Duffy. To James King Duffy, for services as counsel to the committed James King on affairs of cities of the assembly in the conduct of the investigation into the affairs of the trustees of the New York and Brooklyn bridge, directed by resolution of the assembly, adopted on the sixteenth day of May, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and for his disbursements and other expenses, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars. troller, for For the comptroller, twenty-five hundred dollars, for salary of Compexperts to be appointed by him to examine the books of the salaries of incorporated racing associations of the state, and to make such expenses. experts and |