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Chap. 368.

AN ACT to amend chapter four hundred and eighty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, entitled "An act for the protection, preservation and propagation of birds, fish and wild animals in the state of New York and the different counties thereof," in relation to stocking streams with trout, et cetera.

BECAME a law April 22, 1896, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, a majority being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:


Section 1. Section one hundred and three of chapter four bun- Game law dred and eighty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninetytwo, entitled "An act for the protection, preservation and propaga tion of birds, fish and wild animals in the state of New York and the different counties thereof," as amended by chapter nine hundred and seventy-four of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninetyfive, is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

Sir ams

with trout

§ 103. No trout of any kind, salmon trout or land-locked salmon, Stocking shall be taken from any of the waters of this state for the purpose or salmon. of stocking a private pond or stream, except that the owner of such private pond may, upon the written consent of the fisheries, game, and forest commission, take any such fish from any stream of water running through premises owned by him, solely for the purpose of being placed in such private pond. Whoever shall Violation of violate, or attempt to violate the provisions of this section shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and, in addition thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each violation thereof, and ten dollars for each fish so taken.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.



Business corpora


Chap. 369

'AN ACT to amend the business corporations law, relating to


BECAME a law April 22, 1896, with the approval of the Governor.

a majority being present.


The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Subdivision nine of section two of chapter five huntions law dred and sixty-seven of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled "An act in relation to business corporations, constituting chapter forty-one of the general laws," as amended by chapter six hundred and ninety-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-two, as amended by chapter six hundred and seventy-one of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, is hereby amended to read as follows:

Certificate of incor

9. The names and post-office addresses of the subscribers of poration. the certificate and a statement of the number of shares of stock which each agrees to take in the corporation. The certificate may contain any other provision for the regulation of the business and the conduct of the affairs of the corporation and any limitation upon its powers and upon the powers of its directors and stockholders, which does not exempt them from any obligation or from the performance of any duty imposed by law.

Certificates heretofor

§ 2. Any certificate of incorporation heretofore filed under said filled business corporations law, which shall contain the names and postcompliance. office addresses, either of the subscribers to the stock or of the

deemed in


subscribers of the certificate, and a statement of the number of shares of stock which each agrees to take in the corporation, shall be deemed to have complied with the requirements of said subdivision as heretofore existing.

§ 3. This act shall not prejudice any pending action or proceeding or any rights previously accrued.

§ 4. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 370.

AN ACT to amend chapter ten hundred and thirty-eight of the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An act to revise and amend the articles of incorporation of the Union Veteran Protective association," in relation to the holdings of annual meetings.

BECAME a law April 22, 1896, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, a majority being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

ment of,

Section 1. Section five of chapter ten hundred and thirty-eight Amendof the laws of eighteen hundred and ninety-five, entitled "An act charter. to revise and amend the articles of incorporation of the Union Veteran Protective association," is hereby amended to read as follows:

§ 5. After two branches have been organized under the Name of pro- corpora visions of this act, the said Union Veteran Protective association tion. shall be known as the Grand Council of the Union Protective association. The Grand Council of the Union Protective association may hold its annual meetings in any state in which a sub- Annual meetings. ordinate council has been established pursuant to law and its acts at such a meeting shall have the same force and effect as if such meeting were held within the state of New York. § 2. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 371.

AN ACT to authorize the issuing of licenses to honorably discharged soldiers, sailors and marines for hawking, peddling and vending of merchandise within this state.

BECAME a law April 22, 1896, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, three fifths being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

peddling of goods

Section 1. Every honorably discharged soldier, sailor or marine Hawk'ng, of the military or naval service of the United States who is a and vending resident of this state shall have the right to hawk, peddle and vend authorized,



Code amended.

Imprison. ment of women.

any goods, wares or merchandise or solicit trade within this state by procuring a license for that purpose to be issued as herein provided.

§ 2. On the presentation to the clerk of any county in which any soldier, sailor or marine may reside, of a certificate of discharge from the army or navy of the United States, such county clerk shall issue without cost to such soldier, sailor or marine license certifying him to be entitled to the benefits of this act. §3. This act shall take effect immediately.

Chap. 374.

AN ACT to amend section six hundred and ninety-eight of the penal code, relating to imprisonment of female convicts. BECAME a law April 22, 1896, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, a majority being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

Section 1. Section six hundred and ninety-eight of the penal code is hereby amended so as to read as follows:

§ 698. Any woman over the age of sixteen years, who shall be convicted of a felony in any of the courts of this state, shall, when the sentence imposed is one year or more, be sentenced to imprisonment in the state prison for women at Auburn. When the sentence imposed is less than one year, she shall be committed to the county jail of the county where convicted, or to a penitentiary, or to a house of refuge for women.

§ 2. This act shall take effect immediately.


Chap. 376.

AN ACT relating to domestic commerce law, constituting chap ter thirty-four of the general laws.

BECAME a law April 23, 1896, with the approval of the Governor. Passed, a majority being present.

The People of the State of New York, represented in Senate and Assembly, do enact as follows:

The Domestic Commerce Law.

Article I. Weights and measures. (§§ 1-17.) ▼

II. Regulations of trade and business. (§§ 20-40.)
III. Auctions and auctioneers. (S$ 50-54.)

IV. Peddlers. (§§ 60-65.)

V. Flour and meal. ($$ 70-79.)

VI. Beef and pork. (§§ 90-92.)

VII. Hops and hay. (S$ 100-105.)

VIII. Laws repealed; when to take effect. (S$ 110-111.)


Weights and Measures.

Section 1. Short title.

2. Description of weights and measures.

3. The unit of length and surface.

4. Units of weights.

5. Units of capacity.

6. Heap measure.

7. Measure for bran.

8. Number of pounds to the bushel.

9. Barrels of apples, quinces, pears and potatoes.

10. Construction of contracts.

11. Duties of state superintendent of weights and meas


12. Copies of standard weights and measures.

13. County sealer; duty of supervisors.

14. Town sealer.

15. City sealer.

16. Weights and measures to be sealed; fees.
17. Delivery of standards to successor in office.

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