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ployes in his discretion. The number of such resident officers. and employes shall be determined by the commission. The superintendent may remove any resident officer for cause stated in writing, after an opportunity to be heard, and such action of the superintendent shall be final. Upon any such removal he shall make a record thereof, with the reasons therefor, under the appropriate head in one of the books of the hospital.

The superintendent, assistant physicians, including the woman physician, steward and matron shall constantly reside in the hospital, or on the premises, and shall be designated the resident officers of the hospital. The assistant physicians, including the woman physician, shall be graduates of an incorporated medical college, and shall possess such other qualifications as may be required by law.

3. Transmit, by mail, to the commission in lunacy, within five days after any such discharge, information of such discharge, and of the cause thereof. The commission shall preserve the name of such officer, or employe, with the facts relating to his discharge, in a book provided for that purpose.

4. Appoint such number of special policemen as may be determined, whose duty it shall be, under the order of the superintendent, to arrest and return to the hospital insane persons who may escape therefrom, and to preserve peace and good order in such hospital and to fully protect the grounds, buildings and patients. Such policeman shall possess all the powers of peace officers on the grounds and premises of such hospitals and to the extent of one hundred yards beyond such grounds. The appointment of special policemen, in pursuance hereof, shall not be deemed to supersede, on the grounds and premises of such hospital, the authority of peace officers of the jurisdiction within which such hospital is located.

5. Give such orders and instructions as he may deem best calculated to insure good conduct, fidelity and economy in every department of labor and expense.

6. Maintain salutary discipline among all who are employed in the institution and enforce strict compliance with his instructions and uniform obedience to all rules and regulations of the hospital.

7. Establish and supervise a training school for attendants and nurses, under rules and regulations of the hospital.

8. Cause full and fair accounts and records of all his doings. and of the entire business and operations of the hospital, to be kept regularly, from day to day, in books provided for that purpose.

9. See that all such accounts and records are fully made up to the last day of September in each year, and that the principal facts and results, with his report thereon, be presented to the managers within thirty days thereafter, who shall incorporate it in their report to the commission.

10. Keep a book, in which he shall cause to be entered at the time of reception of any patient, his name, residence and occupation, and the date of such reception, by whom brought and by what authority and on whose petition committed, and an abstract of all orders, warrants, requests, petitions, certificates and other papers accompanying such person.

§ 36. The general and medical superintendents of the Long Island and Manhattan state hospitals.-There shall be a general superintendent of the Long Island state hospital and a general superintendent of the Manhattan state hospital, each of whom, as often as vacancies occur, shall be appointed by the board of managers of each such hospital. General superintendents shall be subject to removal by a vote of a majority of such board for cause stated in writing, after an opportunity to be heard, and such action shall be final. Such general superintendent shall possess the same qualifications as the superintendent of other state hospitals, and shall have the same general powers and duties as provided by section thirty-five of this chapter. The general superintendent of the Long Island State hospital shall appoint two medical superintendents, one for the part of the hospital located at Kings Park, and one for that at Brooklyn. The general superintendent of the Manhattan State hospital shall appoint three medical superintendents, two of whom shall reside at Ward's island, one for the men's department and one for the women's department, and one at Central Islip. Each general superintendent shall appoint a steward for each hospital and as many matrons as the necessities of the hospital may require. The medical superintendents and other resident officers may be removed by such general superintendents, for cause stated in writ ing, after an opportunity to be heard, and such action of the general superintendents shall be final. The medical superintendents

so appointed shall have the same statutory qualifications as superintendents of other state hospitals. Each shall have the powers and perform the duties prescribed by the general superintendent, and shall be subject to the direction and control of such general superintendent and the rules and regulations of the hospital.

§ 37. Meetings of superintendents.-The superintendents of the several state hospitals, or their representatives, including the general superintendents of the Long Island and Manhattan state hospitals and, in the discretion of each board of managers, one member of each board to be designated by it, shall meet at least once in every month, on a day to be appointed by the commission, at the office of the commission at Albany, or at such other place as may be designated by it, to consult with such commission with reference to matters relating to the care and maintenance of the state hospitals and particularly with reference to the purchase of supplies for their use.

§ 38. Salaries of officers and wages of employes.-The commission, from time to time, with the approval in writing of the gov ernor, secretary of state and comptroller, shall fix the annual salaries of the resident officers and treasurers of the state hospitals, which shall be uniform for like services. They shall classify the other officers and employes into grades, and determine the salaries and wages to be paid in each grade, which shall be uniform in all the hospitals. The salaries and wages shall be included in the monthly estimates and paid in the same manner as other expenses of the state hospitals. Food supplies shall be allowed to officers and employes and the families of the superin. tendents, general superintendents, medical superintendents, first assistant physicians and stewards. Food supplies shall continue to be allowed the families of the assistant physicians, residing at the hospitals on January first, eighteen hundred and ninety-six. Such families shall consist only of the wives and minor children of such officers; no other persons, except those regularly employed, shall be allowed rooms and maintenance, except at a rate to be fixed by the commission; such supplies shall be drawn from the supplies provided for general hospital use.

§ 39. Monthly estimate of expenses; contingent fund.-The superintendent of each of the state hospitals shall, on or before the fifteenth day of each month, cause to be prepared triplicate estimates in minute detail, of the expenses required for the hos

pital of which he is superintendent, for the ensuing month. He shall submit two of such triplicates to the commission and file the third copy in the office of the superintendent. The commission may revise estimates for supplies or other expenditures either as to quantity, quality, or the estimated cost thereof, and shall certify that it has carefully examined the same and that the articles contained in such estimate, as approved or revised by it, are actually required for the use of the hospital, and shall thereupon present such estimate and certificate to the comptroller. Upon the revision and approval of such estimate by the commission, the comptroller shall authorize the boards of managers to make drafts on the comptroller, as the money may be required for the purposes mentioned in such estimates, which drafts shall be paid on the warrant of the comptroller, out of the funds in the treasury of the state held for the care of the insane and the maintenance of state hospitals. In every such estimate, there shall be a sum named, not to exceed one thousand dollars, as a contingent fund for which no minute detailed statement need be made. No expenditure shall be made from such contingent fund, except in case of actual emergency, requiring immediate action and which can not be deferred without incurring loss or danger to the hospi tal or the inmates thereof. No money shall be exepnded for the use of any of the state hospitals, except as provided in this section. Libraries may be furnished to any state hospital by the regents of the university of the state of New York, subject to regulations adopted by them and the commission, the expense of which shall be included in the monthly estimates of the hospital.

§ 40. Powers and duties of treasurer. The treasurer of each hospital shall:

1. Have the custody of all moneys. received from the comptroller on account of estimates made by the superintendent and revised and approved by the commission, and keep an accurate account thereof.

2. Have the custody of all bonds, notes, mortgages and other securities and obligations belonging to the hospital.

3. Receive all money for the care and treatment of private patients and other sources of revenue of the hospital.

4. Deposit all such money in a bank designated by the comptroller conveniently near the hospital, in his name as treasurer, and send each month to the comptroller, to the commission and

to the board of managers a statement, showing the amount so received and deposited, and from whom and for what received, and when such deposits were made. Such statement of deposit shall be certified by the proper officer of the bank receiving such deposit. The treasurer shall make an affidavit to the effect that the sum so deposited is all the money received by him, from any source of hospital income, up to the time of the last deposit appearing on such statement. A bank designated by the comptroller to receive such deposits shall, before any deposit is made, execute a bond to the people of the state, in a sum approved by the comptroller for the safe keeping of the funds deposited.

5. Pay out the money deposited for the uses of the state hospital, upon the voucher of the steward, approved by the superintendent in accordance with the estimates made by the superintendent and revised and approved by the commission.

6. Keep full and accurate accounts of all receipts and payments, in the manner directed in the by-laws and according to books and forms prescribed and furnished by the commission.

7. Balance all accounts on his books, annually, on the last day of September, and make a statement thereof and an abstract of the receipts and payments of the past year and deliver the same, within ten days, to the executive committee of the managers, who shall compare the same with the books and vouchers and verify the results by further comparison with the books of the steward, and certify in regard to the correctness thereof to the managers at their next meeting.

8. Render an account of the state of the books and the funds and other property in his custody, whenever required by the managers, or the commission.

9. Execute a release and satisfaction of a mortgage, judgment or other lien or debt in favor of the hospital, when paid.

§ 41. Monthly statements of the receipts and expenditures; vouchers. The treasurer of each state hospital shall, on or before the fifteenth day of each month, make to the comptroller and to the commission a full and perfect statement of all the receipts and expenditures, specifying the several items, for the last preceding calendar month. Such statement shall be verified by the affidavit of the treasurer attached thereto, in the following form.

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state hospital, do solemnly swear that I have deposited in the

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