Слике страница

Lombardo-Venetian Kingdom, 5
London Naval Conference. See Dec-
laration of London

Louis, Le (cited), 231

Louis Napoleon, 5

Louis Phillippe, King of France, 2
Louis XIV, King of France, xxx
Ludwig, The (cited), 237, 238
Lushington, Dr. (cited), 245
Lusitania, The, Sinking of, 149-168,

172, 184, 253, 254, 256, 301,
308; use of American flag by,
201, 202

Luxembourg, Duchy of, 184, 188
Lyons, Lord (cited), 116

Madison, James, Secretary of State,

Mahoney, The, chartered to carry arms
to India, 306
Mails, Censorship of, 57-65; American
protest against removal of from
ships, 60-61; diplomatic pouches,
61; French memorandum, 62;
American statement, March 24,
1916, 62, 63; Hague Conven-
tions regarding, 65
Mallina, The, Status of, 128
Malloy, Wm. (cited), 286, 287, 289,


Manchester Engineer, The, Sinking of,

Manning, J. F. (cited), 339-342
Mansfield, Lord (cited), 162
Manual les lois de la guerre sur terre,
xlvii, xlix

Marguerite, The, Sinking of, 377
Maria, The (cited), 232

Marianna Flora, The (cited), 231,



Maritime warfare, Rules of, 265-289;
immunity of private property
withdrawn by Prussia (1870),
224; German authorities
265-279; German prize ordi-
nance, 280-285; Prussian-Ameri-
can treaties, 285-289. See also
Submarine Warfare.
Marshall, John, Chief Justice (cited),

Martens, Fedor Fedorovich (cited), 50
Mason and Slidell. See Trent.
Matamoras cases (cited), 79-95
Matinees royales ou l'art de régner,
Les (cited), xxiii

Maverick, The, chartered to carry arms
to India, 308

Mazatlan, The, 306

Mediation proposals, 39, 40, 41
Mediterranean, The, 344

[blocks in formation]

Metapan, The, German passengers re-
moved from, 67, 70
Metapan Steamship Company, 70
Mexico, 11, 290, 309, 310
Mines, correspondence with Germany
and Great Britain, 205-215; at-
titude of Germany and Great
Britain at Hague Conference,
209; British Orders in Council,
211-212; German memorandum,
Feb. 4, 1915, 213
Mirabeau (cited), 146
Mississippi, The, 23
Mohl, Robert von, 266
Moltke, Helmuth, Count von, Prussian
chief of staff (cited), xliv,
xlvii-xlix, 9, 13, 335

Mommsen, Theodor (cited), xlii-xliii
Monroe Doctrine, 23, 316

Monroe, James, American Minister to
England, 111

Montenegro, 19-21

Moore, John Bassett (cited), 116, 198,
Morocco, 24

[blocks in formation]

tween Secretary of State to the
Senate Committee on Foreign
Relations, 54-135; proclamation
of, relative to Panama Canal
Zone, 128, 129; agreement be-
tween United States and Pana-
ma, 129

Neutrality of the United States, 43-

New Amsterdam, The, Removal of
mails from, 61

Nicosian, The, Attack on, 302
Niemeyer, Th. (cited), 278
Noncombatants, confinement in deten-
tion camps of, 119-121

Noordam, The, Removal of mails from,

Noorder Dyke, The, Removal of mails

from, 61

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Patria, The, Attack on, 302
Patrick Henry, The, 343
Peace, American answer to Peace ap-
peal of Benedictus XV, 361-363
Pearson vs. Parsons (cited), 105-106
Pégou, The (cited), 229

Penal Code of the United States, 43-45
Perels, Ferdinand (cited), 178-180,

198, 199, 272
Permanent Court of Arbitration, 320-

Persia, The, Attack on, 302, 374-376
Persian Gulf, 22

Peterhoff, The (cited), 79-91, 229
Petrolite, The, Attack on, 302
Phillimore, William (cited), 241
Piepenbrink, August, Arrest of, 66-69
Pigou, The (cited), 229

Pinkney, William, Secretary of United
States Treasury, 111

Pistoye et Duverdy (cited), 229
Pitt, William, 311

Podewils, Minister of Frederick the
Great (1741), xxii

Poland, xxiv, 1, 5, 13; insurrection, 5
Polly, The, 86

Pope Leo IX, 317

Pomerania, Swedish, xxiv

Portalis (cited), 20, 228-229, 348
Portugal, 23

Posen, 13

Postal union, 322

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Rights and duties of neutral powers,
58, 120, 122, 125

Rintelin, Franz, Captain, 307, 309
Ritter, Paul, Swiss Minister to the
United States, 327

Rockhill, William W., 78
Rode Captain, 307
Roeder, Gustav C., 306

Roon, Count Albrecht Theodor von,
Prussian Minister of War, xliv,
xlvi, 9-12

Root, Elihu, Secretary of State, 322, 323
Rose, J. Holland (cited), 311, 312
Rotterdam, The, Removal of mails
from, 61

Roumania, 19, 20, 22, 315
Rousseau, J. J., 347

Rovigo, Duke of, xxiii

Rules of maritime warfare. See
Maritime warfare

Rümelin, Gustav (cited), lxx, lxiii
Ruroede, Carl, 306

Rush-Bagot agreement, 313
Russell, Lord Odo, 21, 69, 71

Russell, Lord John, 197

Russia, xxi, 5, 11, 17-19, 21-28, 307,

315, 316, 324

[blocks in formation]

Stallforth, violation of American neu-
trality by, 309

Stert, The (cited), 83
Stieber, Chief of Prussian Spy Sys-
tem, 12-16

Stockholm, The, Removal of mails
from, 60

Stone, William, Senator, Letter to
Secretary of State from, 54-135
Storstad, The, Sinking of, 304
Story, Justice, 231, 344

Stowell, Lord (cited), 78, 86, 232-
236, 245

Streit, Georges (cited), 209
Submarine warfare, Germany, 136,
177-180, 197; renewal of, 290-
294; Austria, 374-377
Sumter, The (cited), 241
Sussex, The, Sinking of, 150, 169-176,
263, 303

Switzerland, Minister from, presented
memorandum from Germany

offering to discuss submarine
policy, 327

Syria, xxxiv

[blocks in formation]

Trade with Germany, 91-96
Trade with neutrals, 79-91
Trans-shipment of troops, 120-121
Treaties (cited), Treaty of the Pyre-

nees (1659), 267; United States-
Great Britain (1794), 78, 313;
Prussia-United States (1799,
1828), 153, 285-289; Treaty of
London (1839), 188; Treaty of
London (1852), 3, 4; Treaty of
Paris (1856), 11, 17, 21;
Treaty of Vienna (1864), 3, 4,
6; Treaty of Gastein (1865), 4;
Treaty of Prague (1866), 5;
Treaty of Nikolsburg (1866),
5; Bancroft Treaty (1868), 67;
Treaty of Frankfort (1871), 18;
Treaty of London (1871), 190-
191; Treaty of Washington
(1871), 337; Treaty between
Austria and Germany (1878), 6;
Treaty of San Stefano (1878),
19; Treaty of Vienna (1879),
25; Great Britain-Russia (1899),

26; Great Britain-France (two
in 1904), 26; Great Britain-
Russia (1907), 26; Great Brit-
ain-France (1907), 26; Treaty
of Lausanne (1912), 24; Treaty
of Bucharest (1913), 22; Treaty
of London (1913), 22; Great
Britain-France, Russia (1914),
26; Panama-United States
(1914), 129

Treaties are scraps of paper, xlvii
Trietschke, Heinrich (cited), lxxiii-

Tremeadow, The, Status of, 128
Trent, The (cited), 67-71, 114
Triepel, Heinrich (cited), 278-279
Triple Alliance, xlvii, 22, 24-26, 29, 42;
documents relating to, 26; text,
25, 26; Italy joined (1882), 24
Triple Entente, 25, 26
Troops, transshipment of British, 120,
121; Hague Convention concern-
ing, 120

Tubantia, The, Sinking of, 302
Tuckerton, New Jersey (wireless sta-
tion), 57

Tunis, 18, 24

Tunisie, The, Attack on, 304
Turkey, 19, 20, 22, 315, 369-370
Turner, Judge (cited), 106
Tuscaloosa, The (cited), 127

Ullmann Emanuel von (cited), 272
Ulrica, Princess, xxviii

Unfriendly acts of United States to-
ward Central Powers, 132-134
Union Metallic Cartridge Company,

United States Navy, Order of August
18, 1862, destruction of prizes,

United States vs. Rodgers (cited), 343
United States, naval war code, 180,

198; penal code, 43-45; procla-
mations, 77-78, 111, 228;
public resolution declaring a
state of war to exist with Ger-
many, xxi-xxii; report of House
Committee on foregoing, 301-
310; public resolution declaring
a state of war to exist with Aus-
tria, 379; report of House Com-
mittee on foregoing, 372-379;
circular of Treasury Department
on contraband (1862), 77;
Treaty with Great Britain
(1794), 78, 313; Treaty with
Panama (1914), 129; treaties
with Prussia (1799, 1828),
285-289, 328, 332

Vanceboro, Maine, Attempt to blow up
international bridge at, 307

Van del Elst, 192

Vattel, Emmerich de (cited), 233
Vergennes, Count de, 312

Versailles, King of Prussia crowned
Emperor of Germany at, 11

Vessels, Attacks on, and sinking of,
301-304, 374-377

Victoria, Queen of England, 11, 25
Vienna, Congress of, 1-2, lxviii
Villa, Francisco, 309

Vinland, The, Stopping of, by British
cruiser within three-mile limit,

Visit and Search, 230-234

Volunteer Fleet, Prussian, 223
Vorwärts, Der (cited), 238

[blocks in formation]

Wheaton, Henry (cited), 88, 228, 266,

(Lawrence's and Dana's editions)
Whewell, W. (cited), 22

Whittall, C., xxiii

Whittall, Sir James William, xxiii
Wico, The, Seizure of, 52
Wilhemina, The, Seizure of, 92-96
Wilkes, Charles, Captain, 114
William P. Frye, The, Sinking of, 288,
326-335; application of Prus-
sian-American treaties, 285-289;
judgment of prize court, 328;
question of indemnity, 329;
agreement to arbitrate, 330
William I, King of Prussia and Em-
peror of Germany, 8, 12, 13, 334
William II, Emperor of Germany, cxiv
William, The (cited), 86
Wilson, Woodrow, xiii-xxi; address of
April 2, 1917, xiii-xxi; appeal
to people to observe neutrality,
48, 49; address of December 5,
1917, 364-372

Winchester Repeating Arms Company,


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