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proved, they pour it upon whiting, which is a 1. To cut with a knife. white chalk or clay, finely powdered, cleansed,

2. To edge; to sharpen. Not in use. and made up into balls.

Boyle. When they are come to that once, and are When you clean your plate, leave the white

thoroughly wbittlid, then skill you have then ing plainly to be seen in all the chinks. Swift.

cast their wanton eyes upon men's wwes. Whi'tish. adj. [from white.) Somew hit

Heteilt. white.

To Whız. v. n. (from the sound that it The same aqua-fortis, that will quickly change the redness of red lead into a darker colour,

expresses.) To make a loud humming

noise. will, being put upon crude lead, produce a white isb substance, as with copper it did a bluish. Boyle.

The exhalations, vbizzing in the air,

Give so much lighe that I may read by them. WHI'TISHNESS. n. s. (from whitish.] The

Sbakspeare. quality of being somewhat white.

Turn him about; Take good venereal vitriol of a deep blue, and I know him, he'll but wbiz, and straight go out. compare with some of the entire crystals, purposely reserved, some of the subtle powder of Soon all with vigo: bend their trusiy the same salt, which will exhibit a very consi- And from the quiver each his arrow chose: derable degree of wbitishness.


Hippocoon's was the first; wish forceful su:27 Whí'TLEATHER. n. s. [white and léa. It fiew, and wbizzing cut the liquid way. Dn

ther.) Leather dressed with alum, re- WH0. pronoun. genitive chose; other cases markable for toughness.

whom. [hpa, Saxon; wie, Dutch.) Whole bridle and saddle, wbitlether and nat,

1. A pronoun relative, applied to persons. With collars and harneis.


We have no perfect description of it, nor any He bor'd the nerves through, from the heel to

knowledge how, or by ubom, it is inhabited. ch’ankle, and then knit Both to his chariot with a thong of wbitleather. Oft have I seen a timely-parted gbost,

Chapman, Of ashy senıblance, meagre, pale, and bloodless, Nor do I care much, if her pretty snout Being all descended to the lab'ring heart, Meet with her furrow'd chin, and both together H'he, in the conflict that it holds with death, Hem in her lips as dry as good wbitleatber. Attracts the same for aidance 'against the ece

Sbaisi. WHITLOW. n. s. [hpit, Saxon, and loud, Were the grac'd person of our Banquo presenta

a wolf. Skinner. Þpit, Saxon, and low, Whom I may rather cliallenge for unkindness, a fame. Lye.] A swelling between the Than pity for mischance.

Sbak gaitas

The son of Duncan, cuticle and cutis, called the mild whit

From whom this tyrane holds the due of bireb, low; or between the periosteum and Lives in the English court.

Ship the bone, called the malignant whitlow. 2. Which of many. Paronychia is a small swelling about the nails

A man can never be obliged to submit to any and ends of the fingers, by the vulgar people ge

power, unless he can be satisfied wbo is the pero nerally called subitflaw.


son wbo has a right to exercise it. WHI'TSOUR. 11. s.

A kind of apple. We are still as much at a loss wbe civil poser WHITSTER, or W biter. n. S. [from belongs to.

Letz white.) A whitener.

3. As who should say, elliptically for as one Carry it among the whitsters in Darchet mead.

who should say. Sbakspeare.

Hope throws a generous contempt upoai1 Whi'TSUL. n. s. A provincial word. usage, and looks like a handsome defiance of a

Their meat was whitsul, as they call it; misfortune: as wlo should say, you are some namely, milk, sour milk, cheese, curds, butter.

what troublesome now, but I shall conquer yede Carew.

Collier against Dept. WHITSUNTIDE. 1. s. [wbite and sunlay; 4. Whose is the genitive of wbict, as well

because the converts newly baptized as of who, and is applied to things. appeared from Easter to Whitsuntide in Wbose soever sins ye remit, they are rerita white. Skinner.] The feast of Pentecost. ted; and wbose soever sins ye retain, they are

retained. Strephon, with leafy twigs of lacrel tree,

jus Algarland made on temples for to wear;

The question whose solution I require,
For he then chosen was the dignity

Is, what the sex of women most desire! Desde
Of village lord that Whitsontide to bear. Sidney.

Is there any other doctrine, wbose tollers This they employ in brewing and baking

are punished ? against Wbitsuntide.

Cerewo. 5. It has sometimes a disjunctive sense. And let us do it with no shew of fear;

There thou tell'st of kings, and we aspire; Nor with no more than if we heard that England Wbe fall, who rise, wbo triumph, who do mour. Were busied with a Whitson morrice dance.

Dasih Sbakspeuren

Tell who loves wbo; what favours some pare WHITTENTREE. 1. s. (sambucus aqua


And who is jilted.

tica.) A sort of tree.
WHITTIE. n. s. [hpýrel, Saxon.} 6. It is used often interrogatively; as, wba
1. A white dress for a woman. Not in use. is this? meaning, what is the character
2. Chyžrel, Saxon.] A knife.

or name of this person? W shall do There's not a wbittle in th' unruly camp this ? that is, where shall any be found But I do prize it at my love, before

that can do this? The reverend'st throat in Athens. Shaksp.

In the grave wba shall give thee thanks? A da ger hanging at his belt he had,

Psala, Made of an antient sword's well-temper'd blade; W bo is like unto the Lord? Piula:

He wore a Sheffield white in bis hose. Bettert. W bo is this that darkeneth counsel by wards To Whi’TTLE, V. a, (from the noun.] without knowledge!

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Wbo first seduc'd them to that dire revolt? Some from vanity, or envy, despise a valuable
The infernal serpent.

Milton. book, and throw contempt upon it by wholesale. #bo feeds that alms-house neat, but void of

Watts. state,

WHOʻLESAlf. adj. Buying or selling in
Where age and want sit smiling at the gate? the lump, or in large quantities.
Who taught that heav'n-directed spire to rise ?

These are urolesale chapmen to Satan, that do The man of Ross, each lisping babe replies. Pope.

not truck and barter one crime for another, but WHOE'VER. pronoun. [who and ever.] take the whole herd. Govern. of the Tongue.

Any one, without limitation or excep- This cost me, at the who'esale merchant's, a tion.

hundred draclimas; I make two hundred by Whoever doth to temperance apply

selling it in retail.

Addison. His stedfast life, and all his actions frame, WHOʻLESOME. adj. [heelsam, Dutch, heyla Trust me, shall find no greater enemy,

sani, Teutonick: both from hæl, Sax. Than stubborn perturbation to the same.

bealth.] I think myself beholden, wherrer ses me my mistakes.


1. Sound. Contrary to unsound, in docWbot'er thou art, that fortune brings to keep

trine. The rights of Neptune, monarch of the deep;

So the doctrine contained be but wholesome Thee first it fits, O stranger, to prepare

and editying, a want of exactness in speaking The due libation, and the solemn prayer. Pope.

may be overlooked.

Alterbury. I hoever is really brave, has always this com- 2. Contributing to health. fort when he is oppressed, that he knows himself

Night not now, as ere iran fell, to be superior to those who injure him, by for- Wholesome, and cool, and mild; but with black giving it.

Pope. WHOLE. adj. (falz, Saxon; heel, Dutch.} Accompanied, with damps and dreadful gloom.

Nilton. 1. All; total; containing all.

Besides the molesome luxury which that place All the cubule army stood agaz'd at hiin.

abounds with, a kitchen garden is a more plea

This I my glory account,

sant sight than the finest orangery,


She held it wholesomer by much My exaltation, and my whole delight. Milton.

To rest a little on the couch.

Prior. Looking down he saw The whole world hild with violence, and all Nesh

3. Preserving; salutary. Obsolete. Corrupting each their way,

Mbilion. The Lord helpeth his anointed, and will hear Wouldst thou be soon destroy'd, and perish

him from his holy heaven; even with the whole whole,

some strength of his right hand. Psal1335. Trust Maurs with thy life, and Milbourne 4. Useful ; conducive to happiness or with thy soul.

Dryden. virtue.
Fierce extremes

They suffer us to famish, repeal daily any Contiguous might distemper the whole frame. wbolesome act established against the rich, and


provide more piercing statutes to chain up the 2. Complete ; not defective.


Sbakspeara The elder did whole regiments afford,

"Tis no less The younger brought his fortune and his sword. To govern justly, make your empire flourish,


With wholesome laws, 'in riches, peace, and 3. Uninjured ; unimpaired.

plenty; Anguish is come upon me, because my life is

Than, by the expence of wealth and blood, to yet whole in me.

2 Samurl.

make For while unhurt, divine Jordain,

New acquisitions.

Denham. Thy work and Seneca's remain;

5. Kindly; pleasing. A burlesque use. Thou keep'st his body, they his soul,

I caunot make you a wholesome answer; my He lives and breathes, restor'd and whole. Prior. wit's diseased.


To wail friends lost, 4. Well of any hurt or sickness, When they had done circumcising all the peo

Is not by much so wholesome, profitable, ple, they abode in the camp till they were whole.

As to rejoice at friends but newly found. Shaks. Fostua.

WHO'LESOMELY.ado. [from wholesome.) WHOLE. n. S.

Salubriously ; salutiferously. 1. The totality; no part omitted ; the

WHO'LESOMENESS. n. s. [from wholecomplex of all the parts.

some.] Fear God, and keep his commandments, for

1. Quality of conducing to health ; saluthis is the whole of man.

Ecclesiastes. brity. It contained the whole of religion amongst the His palate was so tractable, and subdued to antients; and made philosophy more agreeable. the dictates of an higher choice, that be really

Broome. thought no meat pleasant, but in proportion to There is a metaphysical chele, when the ese its wholesomeness.

Fell. sence of a thing is said to consist of two parts, We made a standard of the healthfulness of the genus and the difference, i.e. the general the air from the proportion of acute and epideand the special nature, which, being joined toge

mical diseases, and of the wholesomeness of the ther, make up a definition.

Waits. food from that of the chronical. Graunt. 2. A system ; a regular combination. At Tonon they shewed us a great fountain of Begin with sense, of every art the soul,

water, that is in great esteem for its wholesomeParts answering parts shall slide into a wide. ness ; weighing two ounces in a pound less than


the same measure of the lake water. Addison. WHOʻLESALE. n. s. (whole and sale. ]

Little kesaw he that th' Almighty pow'r, 1. Sale in the lump, not in separate small

Who feeds the faithful at his chosen hour,

Consults not taste, but wholesomeness of food,
2. The whole mass,

Nor means to please their sense, but do them



vance :


2, Salutariness; conduciveness to good. To put out the word whore, thou dost meso WhoʻLLY. adu. [from whole.]

Throughout my book; troth, put out woman

Ben Jonser. 1. Completely ; perfectly. The thrust was so strong, that he could not so

2. A prostitute; a woman who receives wboily bcat it away, but that it met with his

men for money. thigh, through which it ran.


Orontes Thus equal deaths are dealt with equal chance;

Convevs his wealth to Tiber's hungry shores, By turns they quit their ground, by turns ado

And fattens Italy with foreign wbores. Dryden.

We weary'd should lie down in death: Victors and vanquish'd in the various field,

This cheat of life would take no inore; Nor wholly overcome, nor wholly yield. Dryden. 'If you thouglit fame but empty breath,

This story was written before Boccace; but Your' Phillis but a perjur'd xbore. Prior. its author being u boily lost, Chaucer is now be- To WHORE. v. n. (trom the noun.) TO come an original.

Dryden. converse unlawfully with the other sex. 2. Totally; in all the parts or kinds.

'Tis a noble general's prudent part, Metals are wbelly subterrany. Bacon. To cherish valour, and reward desert: Nor wholly lost we so deserv'd a prey; Let him be dauh'd with lace, live high, and arbere For storms repenting part of it restor'd. Dryd. Sometimes be lousy, but be never poor. Drydo

They employed themselves wholly in domes To Whore. v.a. To corrupt with regard tick life; and, provided a woman could keep her house in order, she never troubled hersel about

to chastity. regulating the commonwealth. Addison.

Have I cubor'd your wife? Congrat. Whom. The accusative of who, singu- WHOʻREDOM. n. s. [from whore.] For. lar and plural.

nication. As God is originally holy in himself, so he

Some let go mbaredom as an indifferent matmight communicate his sanctity to the sons of

ter, which yet serive for an holy-day as for their men, wbom he intended to bring into the frui


Hall. tion of himself.


Nor can that person who accounts it his reThere be men in the world, colom you had

creation to see one man wallowing in bis filthy rather have your son be, with tive hundred

revels, and another infamous by his sensuality, pounds, than some other with five thousand.

be so impudent as to allege, that all the enorLocke.

mous draughts of the one can leave the least WHOMSOE'ver. pron. (oblique case of

relish upon the tip of his tongue; or that all the

fornications and wboredoms of the other can whosoever.) Any without exception.

quench his own lust.

Sostb. With whomsoever thou findest thy goods, let WHO'REMASTER. ? n. s. (wtore and him not live.

Genesis. Nature has bestowed mines on several parts;

master, or monger.] but their riches are only for the industrious and

One who keeps whores, or converses frugal. Wbomsoever else they visit, 'tis with with a fornicatiess.

the diligent and sober only they stay. Locke. What is a wboremaster, fool?--A fool in good WhoO'BUB. n. s. Hubbub. See HUBBUB. cloaths, and something like thee. Sbakspeare. In this time of lethargy, I picked and cut

As if we were drunkards by a planetary inmost of their festival purses: and had not the

fluence; an admirable evasion of wboremaster, old man come in with a wbcolub against his

man, to lay his goatish disposition on the change of a star.

Sbakspeare. daughter, and scared nay choughs from the chaft, I had not left a purse in the whole army. Shaks.

Art thou fully persuaded that no oberemonga WHOOP. n. s. (See Hoop.]

nor adulterer shall have any inheritance in the

kingdom of God? and dest thou continue to Ji A shout of pursuit.

practise these vices?

Tillotsoa. Let them breathe awhile, and then

A rank notorious ob remaster, to choose Cry woboop, and set them on again. Hudibras. To thrust his neck into the marriage noose. A fox crossing the road, drew off a consider

Drude, able detachment, who clapped spurs to their H he were jealous, he might clip his wife's horses, and pursued him with whoops and hal- wings; but what would this avail, when there loos.


were flocks of ruboremasters perpetually hover2. (upupa, Latin.) A bird.

ing over his house?

Addises. TO WHOOP. v.n. (from the noun.) To Who'RESON, 1. s. [whore and son.] A

shout with malignity. It is written by bastard. It is generally used in a ludi. Drayton, whoot.

crous dislike. Treason and murder ever kept together,

W boreson, mad compound of majesty, wel. As two yoke devils sworn to either's purpose :

Shakspears. Working so grossly in a nat'ral cause,

Thou wboreson Zed! thou unnecessary letter. That admiration did not wboop at them. Sbaks.

Sbakspearr. Satyrs, that in shades and gloomy dimbles

How now, you wbareson peasant ? dwell,

Where have you been these two days loitering? Run whooting to the hills to clap their ruder

Sbakspears. hands,

Drayton. Frog way a sly whoreson, the reverse of John. To Whoop. v.a. To insult with shouts.

While he trusts me, 'twere so base a part Who'rish. adj. [from whore.] Un-
To fawn, and yet betray; I should be hiss'd chaste; incontinent.
And whoop'd in hell for that ingratitude.

You, like a lecher, out of wborisb loins
Dryden. Breed your inheritors.

Sbakspeare. WHORE. n. s. (hor, Sax. hoere, Dut.) By means of a whorish woman a man is 1. A woman who converses unlawfully brought to a piece of bread. Proverbs.

with men; a fornicatress; an adultress; WHO'RISHLY. adv. (from wborisb.] a strumpet,

Harlot like,




WHO'RTLEBERRY. n. s. [eoneberian,

If her chill heart I cannot move,
Saxon; vitis idæa.] Bilberry. A plant.

Why I'll enjoy the very love. Corolen.

Whence is this? why, from that essential suii

ableness which obedience has to the relatiou WHOSE. 1. s.

which is between a racional creature and his i. Genitive of wbo.


South, Though I could

WHY'NOT. adv. A cant word for violent With harefac'd power sweep him from my sight,

or peremptory procedure.
And bid my will avouch it, yet I must not:

Capoch'd your rabbins of the synod,
For certain friends that are both his and mine,
Whose loves I may not drop. Sbukspeare.

And snapp'd their canons with a wiynot. Hudib. 2. Genitive of which.

Wi. (Saxon.) Holy. Thus wimund, holy Thy name affrights me, in whose sound is peace; vibert, eminent for sanctity; death,

Shakspeare. alwi, altogether holy; as Hierocles, 'Those darts whose points make gods adore Hieronymus, Hofius, &c. Gibson. His might, and deprecate his pow'r. Prior.

Wic, Wich, comes from the Saxon pic, WHO'so. WHOSO E'VER.

which, according to the different nature Any, without restric

and condition of places, hath a threction. Whoso is out of use.

fold signification; implying either a W boso is out of hope to attain to another's virtue, will seek to come at even hand by de- village, or a bay made by the winding pressmg another's forturie.


banks of a river, or a ca tle. Gibson. Let there be persons licensed to lend upon Wick. n. s. (peoce, Sax. wiecke, Dut.] usury; ier the rate be somewhat more easy for The substance round which is applied the merchant than that he formerly paid; for all

the wax or tallow of a torch or candle. borrowers shall have some ease, be he merchant

But true it is, that when the oil is spent, or wbusoever.

He inclos'd

The light goes out, and wick is thrown away;

So, when he had resign'd his regiment, Knowledge of good and evil in this tree,

His daughter 'gan despise his drooping day. That wbuso eats thereof, forthwith attains Wisdom. Milton.


There lives within the very flame of love IV bosoever hath Christ for his friend, shall be

A kind of wick or suut that will abate it. sure of counsel; and zobosoever is his own friend,

Sbakspeare. will be sure to obey it


Bodies are infamed wholly and iramediately, WHURT. 1. 5. A whortleberry; a bil. without any wiik to help the inflammation. berry.

Bacon. For fruits, both wild, as wburts, strawberries,

Little atoms of oil or melted wax continually pears, and plums, though the meaner sort come ascend apace up the wiok of a burning candle. short, the gentlemen stcp not far behind those

Digby, Carew, The fungous parcels about the wicks of can

dles only signifieth a moist and pluvious air about Why. adv. [hpi, forhpı, Saxon.]


Brown. s. For what reason? interrogatively, WI'CKED. adj. [Of this common word

If it be lawful to support the faith of the the etymology is very obscure: picca, is church against an irresistible party, wby not the

an enchanter; pæccan, is to oppressi government and discipline of the church?

Lesley. sirian, to curse ; piced, is crooked: all They both deal justly with you; why? not

these, however, Skinner rejects for viti. from any regard they have for justice, but be- atus, Latin. Perhaps it is a compound cause their fortune depends on their credit.

of pic, vile, bad, and bead; malum cae Swit.

put.) 2. For which reason: relatively.

1. Given to vice; not good; flagitious ; In every sin, men must not consii'er the unlawfulness thereof oniy, but the reason by it

morally bad. should be unlawful.


The dwelling place of the wicked shall come Mortar will nor have attained its utmost com

to nought.

Job. pactness till fourscore years after it has been

And as the better spirit, when she doth bear employed; and this is one reason wby, in demo

A scorn of death, doth shew she cannot die; Jishing ancient fabrics, it is more easy to break

So when the wicked soul death's face doth fear, the stone than the mortar.


Ev’n then she proves her own eternity. Davies, No ground of enmity

He of their wicked ways shall them admonish. Wby he should mean me ill. Milton.

Miltor. Such, whose sole bliss is eating; who can give

But since thy veins paternal virtue fires, But that one brutal reason wby they live. Dryd.

Go and succeed! the rivals aims despise; 3. For what reason : relatively.

For never, never wicked man was wise. I was dispatch'd for their defence and guard;

2. It is a word of ludicrous or slight And listen wby, for I will tell you now. Milt.

blame. We examine the why, the what, and the how That same wicked bastard of Venus, that blind of things.


rascally boy, that abuses every one's eyes beTurn the discourse; I have a reason wby cause his own are out, let him be judge hoir I would not have you speak so tenderly. Dryd. deep I am in love.

Shakspear: 4: It is sometimes used emphatically.

3. Cursed; baneful; pernicious; bad in Ninus' tomb, man; why, you must not speak

effect, as medicinal things are called that yet : that you answer to Pyranı. Sbaksp. virtuvus. You have not been a-bed then?

The wickeu weed which there the fox did lay, Wby, no; the day had broke before we parted. From underneath his head he took away! Sluksyento



of other parts.



As wicked dew as e'er my mother brush'd Many of the fathers were far wide from the With raven's feather from unwholesome fen, understanding of this place.

Roleigé. Drop on you both.

Shakspeare. Consider the absurdities of that distinction WICKEDLY. adv. [from wicked.] Cri- betwixt the act and the obliquits; and the core minally; corruptly; badly.

trary being so wide from the truth of scripture

and the attributes of God, and so noxious to I would now send him where they all should

good lite, we may certainly conclode, thar to see, Clear as the light, his heart shine; where no man

the perpetration of whatsoever sin there is not Could be so wickedly or fondly stupid,

at all any predestination of God. Hamsand.

To move But should cry out, he saw, touch'd, felt wick.

His laughtor at their quaint opinions wide. edness, And grasp'd it.

Ben Jonson:

Oft wile of nature must he act a part, He behaved himself with great modesty and wonderful repentance; being convinced in his

Make love in tropes, in bombast break his heart.

Tickers conscience that he had done wickedly. Clarendon. That thou may'st the better bring about

WIDE, adv. Thy wishes, thou art wickedly devout. Dryden.

1. At a distance. In this sense site 'Tis phrase absurd to call a villain great: seems to be sometimes an adverb. Who wickedly is wise or madly brave,

A little wide Is but the more a fool, the more a knave. Pope. There was a holy chapel edified,

Wherein the hermit wont to say Wi'CKEDNESS. n. s. (from wicked ] Cor

His holy things each morn and even tide ruption of manners; guilt; moral ill.

Spier. Is it not good that children should know any

The Chinese, a people whose way of things wickedness; old folks have discretion and know.

seems to lie as wide of ours in Europe as they the world.

country does.

Tepke. These tents thou saw'st so pleasant, were the

2. With great extent.

of all these bounds enrich'd Of wickedness; wherein shall dwell his race

Who slew his brother.

With plenteous rivers, and wide skirted meads
We make thee lady.

Sbakspeare. WICKER. adj. [vigre, a twig, Danish;

On the east side of the garden place twiggen, Dutch.) Made of small sticks.

Cherubic watch, and of a sword the fame
Each one a little wicker basket had,

Wide-waving; all approach far off to fright.
Made of fine twigs entrailed curiously,
In which they gather'd flowers.


She open'd, but to shut
Then quick did dress

Excell'd her pow'r; the gates wide open stood.
His halfe milke up for checse, and in a presse
Of wicker prest it.


With huge two-handed sway The long broad shields, made up of wicker Brandish'd aloft, the horrid edge came down, rods, which are commonly used among the Wide wasting. northern Irish, but especially among the Scots, The south wind rose, and with black wings are brought from the Scythians. Spenser. Wide hovering, all the clouds together drie If your influence be quite damnd up

From under heav'n.
With black usurping mists, some gentle taper, Stretch'd at ease the panting lady lies,
Though a rush candle from the wicker hole To shun che fervour of meridian skies;
Of some clay habitation, visit us

While sweating slaves catch ev'ry breeze of air, With thy long-levellid rule of streaming light. And with wide-spreading fans refresh the fair. Milton.

Got A foolish painter drew January sitting in a Yet wide was spread their fame in ages pasi, wicker chair, with four nightcaps on, by the fire; And poets once had promis'd they should Ls. and without doors green trees, as if it had been

Pop in the midst of July.

Peacbam. Widely, adv. [from wide.] Wi'cket. n. s. [wicked, Welsh ; guighet, j. With great extent each way. Fr. wicket, Dutch.) A small gate.

Any that considers how immense the interes When none yielded, her unruly page

vals of the chaos are, in proportion to the bot With his rude claws the wicket open rent,

of the atoms, will hardly induce himself to be And let her in.

Spenser. lieve, that particles so widely disseminated out These wickets of the soul are plac'd on high, ever throng one another to a compact tevure. Because all sounds do lightly mount aloft.

Bat'. Davies.

2. Remotely; far. Now St. Peter at heav'n's wicket seems

Let him exercise the freedom of his reasce, To wait them with his keys. Milton, and his mind will be strengthened; and the ligte The cave was now a common way;

which the remote parts of truth will give to cos The wicket, often opend knew the key. Dryd.

another, will so assist his judgment, that he will The chaffering with dissenters, and dodging

seldom be widely out.

Lack about this or the other ceremony, is like opening a few wickets, by which no more than one

To Wi'den. v. a. [from wide. ] Ta can get in at a time.

Swift. make wide; to extend. WIDE. adj. [pide, Saxon; wijd, Dutcli.] So now the gates are ope; now prove good 1. Broad ; extended far each way.


'Tis for the followers fortune widens them,
They found fat pasture, and the land was wide

1 Chronicles.
Not for the fyers.

He wand'ring long a wider circle made,

These accidents, when they first happen, And many-languag'd nations he survey'd. Pope.

seem but small and contemptible; but by de 2. Broad to a certain degree: as, tbrer

grees they branch ouf and widen themselves into

à numerous train of mischievous consequences inches wide.

Sets 2. Deviating i remote,

He was accustomed to sleep with a peaceable

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and quiet.

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