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26 Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hus- July 9

Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lans- July 10

ing (telegram).




Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arre- ...do.

Protection of Turkestan interests. Reply to his June
26. Incloses copy of Mr. Schmutz's 326 of June 19.
Inquires whether or not the Turkish Government
has any diplomatic or consular representative in
Mexico, and requests a statement of its wishes in
the case in hand.

Political affairs. Reports entry of Carrancista
troops into the capital.

to Mr...do..... Same subject. The Minister of Guatemala in-
forms the Secretary of State that in pursuance of
conferences with him on July 7 he had written to
the President of Guatemala that Mr. Lansing had
informed him that the President of the United
States authorized him to invite the Ambassadors
of Brazil, Chile, and Argentina and the Ministers
of Bolivia, Uruguay and Guatemala to an informal
conference on the recognition of a government in
Mexico, which he had accepted. He incloses copy
of this letter and of the reply instructing him unre-
servedly to cooperate with the Secretary.
Extradition of Huerta. Reply to his letter of July 1.
Owing to the absence of a recognized federal gov
ernment in Mexico and the well-known conditions
existing throughout Mexico, the Department must
decline to comply with the request for the extradi-
tion of Huerta.
Same subject.
of July 2.
Same subject.
July 3.
Political affairs. Department's 808 will be com-
municated to the Diplomatic Corps; as there are
no Convention authorities in the city, he requests
instructions as to communicating it to them where
they are.

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Less...do.....

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Llor- ...do.....

671 Mr. De Oliveira to Mr.

July 11

Mr. De Pena to Mr. July 12

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Mr. Lansing to the diplo- ...do..
matic representatives of
Argentina, Brazil, Bo-
livia, Chile, Guatemala,
and Uruguay (telegram).

Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing...do.....

Same to same.


Mr. Lansing to Mr. De July 14
Oliveira (telegram).

109 Mr. Lansing to Mr. July 15


819 Mr. Lansing to Mr. De July 16
Oliveira (telegram).

Acknowledges receipt of his telegram

Acknowledges receipt of his letter of

Same subject. Referring to the invitation men-
tioned by Mr. Mendez in his July 10, the Minister
of Uruguay states that he is authorized by his Gov-
ernment to place himself at the Secretary's service
in regard to an international conference on Mexico.
Taxation. Reply to his June 29..

Political affairs. Incloses copy of telegram from
Carranza setting forth his efforts to reestablish
civil government in the capital and improve food

Same subject. General Gonzalez appears to be well
intentioned; he has allowed reestablishment of
cable service and offered to assist International
Relief Committee.

Samo subject. Owing to present conditions in
Mexico, he asks whether they have been author-
ized by their Governments to participate in a con-
ference on Mexican affairs.


Protection of American mining interests.
Carranza be informed of the confiscatory effect of
his decree in many cases.

Same subject. Amplifies the foregoing..
Political affairs. Reply to his 671; Department's
808 will be delivered to Conventionists by Caro-
thers. Department is gratified at the splendid
work done by the Brazilian Minister in the recent
crisis in Mexico City.
Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to his 326
and incloses for his information a copy of Depart-
ment's note to Mr. Hussein of July 9.
Political affairs. Reply to his 672; instructs him
to say to General Gonzalez that the Department
is favorably impressed with his attitude and
hopes nothing will deter him from his good pur-
poses; instructs him to inform the General that
this statement is being copied to Silliman for

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silli-...do..... Same subject. Instructs him to say to Carranza
man (telegram).
that the Department is favorably impressed with
General Gonzalez attitude and hopes nothing will
deter him therefrom.

Batopilas Mining Co. to ...do..... Protection of American mining interests. Incloses
Mr. Lansing.

copy of official notice that enforcement of the
decree of Mar. 19 will be postponed to August
or later.




















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Lansing to Mr. July 17
July 18

677 Mr. De Oliveira to Mr.




Lansing (telegram).

Same to same (telegram)... July 19

Mr. Lansing to Mr. De July 20
Oliveira (telegram).

Mr. Silliman to Mr. July 21
Lansing (telegram).
Mr. Llorente to


Mr. Brown to Mr. Canova. ..do..

Political affairs. Acknowledges his letter of July 13..
Same subject. Reports evacuation of Mexico City
by General Gonzalez under pretext of need for
retaking Pachuca. Conditions are every day
further away from improvement; he considers
the situation hopeless.

Same subject. Zapatistas occupy the city on July
18 and President Cházaro and Conventionist
Government are expected. Everything as hope-
less as before.

Same subject. Instruction to communicate Depart-
ment's 808 of July 8 to Conventionists or Villistas
if either obtains control of Mexico City.
Same subject. Reasons given by Constitutionalists
for withdrawal from Mexico City.
Firing and raids. Calls attention to the capture of
Naco by Calles, in direct violation of the agree-
ment of Jan. 11; declares that Maytorena has
adhered strictly to this agreement. Suggests
that this Government prohibit exportation of
munitions of war from the American side of Naco,
authority for which is to be found in the act
approved Mar. 14, 1912.

Protection of American mining interests. Incloses
copy of Carranza's decree of June 19, 1915, ex-
tending time for payment of delinquent taxes.

Mr. Haff to Mr. Lansing.............do........... Taxation. Incloses circulars showing the intention

Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. July 22
Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to


Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silli- ...do..... man (telegram).

of the Carranza Government to ignore the prin-
ciples of international law respecting the suffi-
ciency of payment of taxes to de facto authorities.
Urges protection of American interests against
second collection of the same tax.
Political affairs. Zapatistas who took possession
of Mexico City after evacuation are indulging in
violence; appeals to President Cházaro at Toluca
unavailing; impossible to obtain redress.
Firing and raids. Special attention is being given
to the matter set forth in his July 21.
Same subject. Instruction to urge upon Carranza
to direct Calles immediately to withdraw from
Naco-a neutral point, as provided in the agree-
ment of Jan. 11-and to desist from his designs
upon Nogales; also to inform Calles that he will
be held personally responsible for any act danger-
ous to American citizens at these towns. This
Government expects Carranza to act with great
promptness in giving these orders to Calles.

Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing...do..... Protection of American mining interests. Urges

Mr. Adee to Mr. Silliman July 23 (telegram).

Mr. Slayden to

Lansing (telegram).


Mr. Adee to Mr. Silliman....do....

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Same subject. Instructs him to present to Car-
ranza the request in Mr. Hanna's July 22.
Same subject. Requests a vigorous protest against
confiscating mining taxes



Protection of Turkish interests. Reply to his
June 30. Instructs him to use his good offices in
behalf of Turkish subjects, saying that he is
acting on instructions from the Department as a
result of action by the Turkish Government.
Further instructs him to protest unofficially
against the summary executions mentioned in
his Feb. 16 and to make similar protests in the
future if there should be danger of such violence.

Mr. Adee to Mr. Hussein.....do..... Same subject. In view of the inability of the

Mr. Breckinridge to Gen- July 24 eral Funston (telegram).

Brazilian Minister in Mexico to use his good
offices in behalf of Turkish subjects, it is suggested
that his Government be asked to designate some
one else to represent its interests.
Firing and raids. Explains the reason for not per-
mitting him to cross the border in using force to
protect American life and property on the Ameri-
can side, namely the necessity of retaining at
Washington the final discretion in so important a


Mr. Lansing to Mr. Alger....do.... Protection of Spanish interests. Commends him for





his action as reported in his 637.

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€90 Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Lansing (telegram).

July 25


Mr. Lansing to Mr. Da July 26
Gama (telegram).

Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing ...do.... (telegram).



to Mr...do..... Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Carothers to Mr. ..do..
Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silli- ...do............. man (telegram).

Same to same (telegram).


Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lans- ...do..... ing (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silli- July 27 man (telegram).

Political affairs. Transmits message from American
Society and International Committee describing
the chaos in Mexico City and the contempt of
those in possession for this Government.
Same subject. Having now heard definitely from
all the countries except Brazil on the subject of an
international conference on Mexican affairs, it is
desirable to know the disposition of his Govern-

Same subject. Reports the end of hope for volun-
tary agreement among the factions; Villa's organi-
zation about to collapse but Villa remains a men-
ace; recommends an embargo or other method of
ending it.

Firing and raids. The Foreign Secretary informs
him that Naco had been evacuated by the military
authorities after establishing civil authorities; was
not informed as to the movement on Nogales.
Protection of American mining interests. Villa has
attempted to make a forced loan; resistance of
Chihuahua mine operators may cause trouble;
he has requested Escudero to publish notice of
postponement of applying the decree.
Same subject. Instruction to request of Carranza
immediate and material modification of the con-
fiscatory decree of Mar. 1.

Same subject. Same subject and tenor.
Same subject. Reports extension of old tax law for
one quarter.

Firing and raids. Refers to his July 26; instructs
him to inform the Foreign Office that Calles has
outposts six miles from Nogales and indications
are that he will attack soon. The site of Nogales
is such that any attack would necessarily endanger
life and property on the American side. Bring the
matter immediately to the attention of the Foreign

Mr. Silliman to Mr Lans-...do..... Protection of American mining interests. Reply to
ing (telegram).

377 Mr. Guyant to Mr. Lansing...do....

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Sim- ...do.... pich (telegram).

Mr. Phillips to Mr. Silli- July 28


Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna...do..... (telegram).

Mr. Jusserand to Mr. Lan- ...do..... sing.

Mr. Lansing to the Pleni- July 29
potentiaries of Argen-
tina, Brazil, Bolivia,
Chile, Guatemala, and
Uruguay (telegram).

The Plenipotentiaries to...do.....
Mr. Lansing (telegram).

692 Mr. De Oliveira to Mr....do....
Lansing (telegram).

693 Same to same (telegram).

Deparment's July 26. Government takes the
same ground, as to the mining decree of Mar. 1,
as in regard to the export taxes.
Taxation. Reports having induced Cantú to reduce
taxes in Lower California.

Protection of Chinese interests. At request of Chi-
nese Legation you are authorized to exercise good
offices behalf Chinese citizens at Cananea and
other points of your district.
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses
copy of Mr. Hanna's dispatch 548 of July 13 and
instructs him to bring its contents to the attention
of the appropriate authorities, adding that this
Government expects modification of the decree
of March 1.

Same subject. Quotes Mr. Silliman's July 26.....

Protection of French interests. Reply to Mr. Adee's
July 24; requests that Mr. Coen be directed to use
his influence to insure the safety of M. Chanel's
life and property.

Political affairs. Requests informal conference of
the Washington representatives of the conferring
powers on August 5.

Same subject. Accept the above invitation....................

Same subject. Transmits another appeal from the
American Society to this Government for aid
and description of the intolerable conditions in
Mexico City.

Same subject. Zapatistas again evacuate the
capital; description of chaotic conditions.

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Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing July 29

Protection of American mining interests. Reply to
the foregoing. Believes tax collection in gold
will not be required.

Mr. Silliman to Mr...do... Same subject. Reply to Department's May 18.

Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. July 30
Lansing (telegram).


Mr. Adee to Mr. Hanna... ..do..


Carranza assumes that a product sold for gold
should be taxed in gold, but at the instance of Mr.
Hanna has agreed to postpone collection in gold
until the next quarter.

Political affairs. Zapatistas have evacuated and
reoccupied the city three times in five days; the
so-called Conventionist Government remains at
Toluca inactive and impotent; danger and hope-
lessness properly describe the state of Mexico City.
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to
his 548 of July 13; incloses copy of instruction of
July 23 to Mr. Silliman and quotes Mr. Silliman's
July 27.

Mr. Letcher to Mr. July 31 Same subject. Villa on July 12, requested a loan of

Mr. Kai Fu Shah to Mr. ...do

Mr. Carothers to Mr.
Lansing (telegram).

Aug. 2

Aug. 3


Mr. De Oliveira to Mr.
Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to
Taylor (telegram).



Mr. De Oliveira to Mr. Aug. 4
Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Simpich to Mr. ...do..........
Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Hanna to Mr. Lansing...do.....

Same to same (telegram)......do...

$300,000 from the Mine and Smelter Operators
Association to be repaid in tax and freight credits.
The association declined and now requests the
Department's advice as to their proper course in
cases of forced loans.
Protection of Chine e interests. Chinese Minister
requests protection of American Consular and
naval officers for Chinese at and near Guaymas.
Protection of American mining interests. Villa has
called a meeting of all mining men in Chihuahus
to occur Aug. 9 "to receive proposition of grave
import;" failure to attend will be penalized by
closing properties.

Political affairs. Carrancistas occupy the capital
under General Gonzalez, but the distress remains
as acute as ever.
Protection of Chinese interests. Exercise good
offices on behalf Chinese in vicinity of Guaymas.
Political affairs. Americans will be allowed to
retain their arms; the suffering increases.
Firing and raids. Attack on Nogales has begun.
He has given the usual warning as to firing across
the line.

Protection of American mining interests. Reports
confusion in the tax collector's office at Monterey,
due to obscure instructions.

Same subject. Forwards statement by foreign and
Mexican mine owners protesting against tax
collection in gold.

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Coen...do.... Protection of French interests. Instruction to use
his influence to secure respect for Mr. Chanel's
life and property.

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jus- do..... Same subject. Reply to his July 28; informs him
of the instruction to Mr. Coen.

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Firing and raids. General Villa has handed him a
message saying that as the Carrancista attack on
Nogales was a direct violation of the Calles-
Maytorena agreement of Jan. 11, Villa declines
any responsibility for what may happen unless
this Government forces Carrancistas to respect
said agreement.

Same subject. Instruction to inform Carranza that
if there is firing across the line at Nogales, the fire
will be returned immediately by the American
forces; the action of Calles is in direct violation of
the agreement of Jan. 11.

do..... Protection of American mining interests. Quotes
from Mr. Hanna's Aug. 4; instructs to urge sending
orders to Monterey tax collector to accept cur-

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Mr. Lansing to Mr. Caro

thers (telegram).

Mr. Carothers to

Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Sim- Aug. 6 pich (telegram).

Firing and raids. Same instructions as the forego-
ing to Silliman, for presentation to Calles and to

Same subject. Reply to his Aug. 4; refers to the
foregoing telegram to Mr. Silliman.
Same subject. Instruction to interview mining men
as to the meeting called by Villa for Aug. 9.
Same subject. He will see Villa as to mining con-





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Political affairs. Incloses draft of communication
to be made to the chiefs of factions, agreed upon at
the meeting of the conferees on Aug. 5.
Same subject. Calls a meeting of the Conference for
Aug. 11 in New York City and requests their




Mr. Arredondo to Mr.

Aug. 10 Same subject. Under instructions from Carranza,
he protests against any consideration that may be
given at the conferences of the powers of measures
that would interfere with the Constitutionalist

Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lans-...do..... Firing and raids. Villa authorizes General Scott to
ing (telegram).

treat in his name for an armistice of three months
in order to open railroads, all troops remaining
where they are; Scott to bring Zapata into the
conferences and any faction refusing to treat on
peace to be cut off from obtaining munitions of
war from the United States.

General Funston to War ...do..... Same subject. As it is impossible when pursuing

Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lans- ...do....
ing (telegram).

General Scott to Mr. Lans- ...do..
ing (telegram).

Mr. Osborne to Mr. Caro- ..do.
thers (telegram).

Mr. Polk to Mr. Letcher.. Aug. 11

Mr. Osborne to Mr. Caro-
thers (telegram).


Mr. Carothers to Mr. Lans-
ing (telegram).


Mr. Osborne to Mr. Hanna...do.....

outlaws to determine whether they are residents of the United States or of Mexico, he deems it his duty to continue using military to capture them. Protection of American mining interests. Generals Scott and Villa conferred Aug. 10, and agreed, among other things, on a suspension of the miners' meeting set for Aug. 9.

Same subject. Same subject and tenor...........

Protection of Spanish interests. Instruction to in-
form the Spanish Ambassador of any news he may
have of the Spanish confidential agent, Zapico, not
heard from for a month.
Protection of American mining interests. Acknowl-
edges No. 658 of July 31. Immediate notice of any
attempt to impose a forced loan upon Mine and
Smelter Operators' Association should be given
the Department.

Taxation. Instruction to make earnest endeavor
to obtain Villa's withdrawal of confiscatory tax
on cotton belonging to Tlahualilo Co. and others.
Protection of Spanish interests. Señor Zapico
arrived at El Paso Aug. 9.
Protection of French interests. Instruction to
investigate reported kidnapping of Henry Huguet,
a French citizen, held for a ransom of $10,000.
Protection of American mining interests. Convinced
Villa of impracticability of enforcing proposed
mining decrees. He has agreed to let mining men
alone and to discuss with them problem of keep-
ing railroads open. Promises protection.
do..... Same subject. Informs him of result of Scott-
Villa meeting.

Mr. Carothers

to Mr. Aug. 12 Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to Mr.
Letcher (telegram).
Mr. Riaño to Mr. Lansing


Protection of Spanish interests. Requests that
commanders of United States vessels in Mexican
waters give refuge in their ships to Spaniards in
case of need.













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