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Lansing to Mr.
Parker (telegram).

1915. Aug. 13

Political affairs. Instruction to deliver, translated into Spanish, to General Zapata and all other prominent military and civil authorities in central and southern Mexico whom he can possibly reach, the following message from the Secretary of State, the Ambassadors of Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, and the Ministers of Bolivia, Guatemala, and Uruguay: [Text of a communication, dated Aug. 11, made severally, independently, and unanimously by the seven above-named plenipotentiaries who, believing that if the men directing the armed conflict in Mexico could meet to exchange ideas and determine the fate of their country a satisfactory provisional government might be created, whose first step should be an immediate call to general elections; an adequate meeting place within Mexico should serve as the seat of such a conference. The seven plenipotentiaries offer, upon invitation, to serve as intermediaries for arranging the time, place, and other details of such a conference. They expect a reply to this communication within 10 days after receipt thereof, subject to prorogation for cause.] Further instruction to say to General Zapata that an identical message has been sent to General Villa and his chiefs; to see that the agent at Puebla obtains a copy; and to telegraph dates of deliveries. Mr. Lansing to Mr. Hanna...do..... Same subject. Instruction to deliver the above(telegram).

mentioned message of Aug. 11 to all prominent military and civil authorities in his district, and to repeat to certain consuls for like action. Mr. Lansing to General ...do..... Firing and raids. Quotes telegram to Consulate Scott (telegram).

General at Monterey instructing to ascertain
whether Obregon will meet Scott at Laredo or
Tampico in an informal conference regarding
welfare of Mexico. Suggests that he may be
able to arrange for a conference direct.

Mr. Silliman to Mr.do.... Protection of American mining interests. Refers to

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Caro- ...do..... thers (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to various

American Consuls and
other representatives in
Mexico (telegram).

Department's May 18 and incloses copy of his
representation to the Foreign Office and replies


Taxation. Continue efforts to have Villa remove
confiscatory tax on cotton.






Aug. 14

Political affairs. Instruction to deliver the above-
mentioned message to equivalent authorities in
their districts.


Same subject. Incloses printed text of the above-
mentioned message.


Mr. Lansing to all consuls...do..... and other representatives

of the United States in


Mr. Breckinridge to Gen- Aug. 16 Firing and raids. The President wishes to impress eral Funston (telegram).

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upon him the necessity of the greatest moderation
and caution lest his plans for a peaceful solution
be nullified by inception of armed conflict on the

Same subject. He will await at El Paso notifica-
tion of result of interview of Consul at San Luis
Potosi with Obregon and the consequent instruc-

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Garri- do..... Protection of American mining interests. Incloses
copies of letters from Miners' Association in regard
to the services of General Scott in preventing
Villa from molesting mining men.
Political affairs. Communicates Villa's acceptance
of the invitation of the plenipotentiaries, con-
tained in the message of Aug. 11, for himself and
the Conventionist Government, under date of
Aug. 16.

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Protection of Spanish interests. His Aug. 12 has
been referred to the Secretary of the Navy.
Protection of American mining interests. Incloses
copy of a letter from the Miner's Association com-
mending his services at the Scott-Villa meeting.
Mr. Simpich to Mr. Lan- ...do..... Taxation. Reports increasing number of requests
for advice as to tax payments; requests instruc-

Mr. Lansing to General Aug. 23 Firing and raids. Consul at San Luis Potosi tele-
Scott (telegram).
graphs that Obregon asserts he can not go to Tam-
pico or border unless ordered by Carranza.

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ca- ...do..... Taxation. Instructs to report as to cotton tax...
rothers (telegram).










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Mr. Jusserand to Mr.

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1915 Aug. 23




Mr. Aug. 24

Lansing (telegram).

Same to same..

Aug. 26

Mr. Carothers to Mr...do.....
Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Ca- ...do.....
rothers (telegram).

Mr. Llorente to Mr. Aug. 27
Mr. Cobb to Mr. Lansing.....do.....

Protection of French interests. In view of threat-
ened seizure of $5,000,000 worth of cotton consigned
to French firms in Mexico, requests appropriate
instructions to American customs authorities on
the border, as well as an investigation of the facts.
Political affairs. Transmits Carranza's inquiry
whether the message of the plenipotentiaries was
communicated on the authority of their Govern-
ments or in their private capacities.
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to
Department's July 28; refers to his Aug. 6 and 13,
concerning the extension of time for payment of
mine taxes to Aug. 31.

Taxation. Reply to Department's Aug. 23; impos-
sible to get cotton tax removed.

Protection of French interests. Informs him of the
threatened cotton seizure and instructs him to

Mr. Silliman to Mr...do..... Protection of Turkish interests. Incloses copy of
his note to the Foreign Office in pursuance of De-
partment's instruction of July 23.
Political affairs. Acceptance of the invitation con-
tained in the message of Aug. 11.
Protection of British interests. Reports seizure of
cattle owned by a cousin of William Benton.
Firing and raids. Instruction to urge Mexican au-
thorities at Matamoros that as firing from Mexican
side on United States troops, especially from a
point opposite Mercedes, Texas, has occurred
daily since Aug. 22, they should take immediate
action to prevent further firing, the matter being
sufficiently grave to lead to the most serious con-

Mr. Lansing to Mr. John- Aug. 28
son (telegram).

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silli- ...do.....
man (telegram).
Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lan- ..do..
sing (telegram).

Same subject. Instructions similar to the foregoing,
for presentation to Carranza.
Same subject. Reply to the foregoing. The For-
eign Office says strict orders have been given to
prevent any disorder on Mexican side, and re-
quests same instructions on American side.

Mr. Puig to Mr. Lansing...do..... Same subject.

Mr. Robertson to Mr...do.....
Lansing (telegram).

⚫75 Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing. Aug. 29

Reports calling on Matamoros com-
mander and requesting cessation of firing to Amer-
ican side. Was told that everything was being
done to that end. Complaint was made, in turn,
that there is constant shooting to the Mexican side.
Protection of American mining interests. Mexican
authorities are not fulfilling promise made as per
Mr. Silliman's telegram quoted in Department's
July 28. Requests instructions.
Political affairs. Incloses copies of replies of Zapata,
Pacheco, Palafox, Baz, and Borrego to the message
of Aug. 11; Borrego replies for President Lagos

Mr. Puig to Mr. Lansing...do..... Firing and raids. Commander Matamoros district,

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Nafarrate, personally assures him he has given
strict orders to assist in every way possible to avoid

Same subject. Urgently demands more troops;
further delay is dangerous.

Religious orders. Incloses protests to Obregon and
Berlanga made by Catholic women, concerning
persecutions by Constitutionalists.
Protection of American mining interests. Suggests
that miners await Mr. Silliman's reply to Depart-
ment's Aug. 31 to him.

Same subject. Instruction to request two months'
extension of time to pay taxes under decree of
Mar. 1, while reserving all rights under previous
protest against the decree.

Taxation. Reply to his 324 of Aug. 20...................

..do..... Protection of French interests. Informs him that
advices from Mexico show no intention of seizure
of cotton.

Osborne to



Same to same..


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Mr. Arredondo to Mr. Sept. 1

Mr. Silliman

to Mr...do.... Lansing (telegram).

Firing and raids. Complains of firing by American
soldiers on the American side at Mexican soldiers
on the Mexican side at Matamoros, wounding

Same subject. Refers to Department's Aug. 28,
1 p. m., and his own Aug. 28, 8 p. m. He has
received written reply to his representations,
stating that orders have been given to refrain
from anything that might cause friction with the
United States and for punishment of soldiers
found disobedient. His Government expects a
reciprocal attitude and a redoubling of vigilance
to prevent disturbers of peace in Texas from
taking refuge on Mexican side.

Same to same (telegram)......do..... Protection of American mining interests. Reply to

Same to same..


Mr. Bevan to Mr. Lansing Sept. 2 (telegram).

Department's Aug. 31. Carranza has decreed
temporary reductions of taxes and suspension
of rates of decree of Mar. 1 until Mar. 1, 1916.
Same subject. Incloses text of decree of Aug. 31,
referred to in his telegram of Sept. 1.
Forced loans. General Peláez at Vera Cruz re-
newed his demand for 50,000 pesos within_72
hours, made upon the Penn-Mex. Fuel Co.
On their refusal he closed pumping station and
secured 5,600 pesos and work was resumed.
The company desires representations to Car-
ranza requesting armed force to protect their

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Silli- Sept. 3 Political affairs. Refers to his Aug. 24. Instruc-
man (telegram).

tion to inform Carranza that the Secretary of
State is formally authorized by the Ambassadors
of Brazil, Argentina, and Chile and the Ministers
of Bolivia, Uruguay, and Guatemala to com-
municate the following: "My signature to the
communication of August 11 was in my official
capacity." On his own behalf he sends an
identical communication.

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker ...do..... Same subject. Instruction to telegraph statement

Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing Sept. 4

Mr. Lansing to Mr...do...
Robertson (telegram).

Mr. Roberston to Mr. Sept. 5
Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Naón to Mr. Lansing.. Sept. 6


Arredondo to



of conditions in Mexico City, number of Americans
that have left since arrival of Constitutionalists,
status of railway communication with Vera
Cruz, probable number of Americans who will
leave at once, and attitude of American colony
toward him.

Same subject. Reply to Department's 41 of Sept. 3.

Protection of American mining interests. Quotes
Mr. Silliman's Sept. 1.

Same subject. Inquires whether the 4-month period
payments specified in the new decree are the rates
per annum and are payable in currency.
Political affairs. Asks when the next conference
on Mexican affairs will be held.
Firing and raids. Incloses copy of a communica-
tion to the Secretary of State protesting in behalf
of the Carranza Government against insinuations
in the American press tending to embroil the
border situation and impute to the Carrancista
forces participation in border disturbances,
whereas the Carranza Government is the first
to deplore such a state of affairs.

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Naón.. Sept. 7 Political affairs. The conference is being postponed


Mr. Lansing to Mr. Jusse- ...do....



in expectation of Carranza's reply to the message
of Aug. 11.

Protection of French interests. Reply to his
Aug. 23 in regard to report of threatened seizure
of cotton.

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Parker. Sept. 9 Political affairs. Reply to his No. 50. The De-

partment is again making representations to Car-
ranza in behalf of the suffering poor of Mexico

Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing...do..... Protection of American mining interests. Forwards

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protest against new decree, made by American
Society of Mexico.

















Same subject. Quotes Mr. Robertson's Sept. 5..... 943

Forced loans. Refers to Mr. Bevan's Sept. 2 and
instructs to request Villa to order Peláez to with-
draw demand and cease interfering.


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Mr. Silliman to Mr.
Lansing (telegram).


Sept. 10 Political affairs. Transmits reply of Carranza,
dated Sept. 10, to the message of Aug. 11 from the
plenipotentiaries. Carranza declines to accept the
invitation thereby offered; gives his reasons at
length; offers, in his turn, an invitation to the
plenipotentiaries to confer with him on the border
for the purpose of discussing Mexican affairs,
solely from the international standpoint and solely
to determine whether or not they consider him to
be exercising a de facto government with all the
attributes for recognition as such and, if so, of
recommending to their Governments his recogni-
tion in that character.

Mr. Lansing to Mr. Arre- ...do..... Firing and raids. Reply to the letter of Sept. 6 ad-

dressed to the President. Quotes the substance
of telegrams from General Funston and Colonel
Bullard giving instances of firing to the American
side by Carrancistas.

Mr. Silliman to Mr. Lan- ...do..... Protection of American mining interests.
sing (telegram).

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Reply to
Department's Sept. 9. The new decree makes
gradual increase of rates until Mar. 1, 1916, when
rates of superseded decree will be effective; pay-
ments to be made in gold or its equivalent.
Protection of American interests. Instruction to
induce all Americans, and incidentally other for-
eigners in their districts, to leave Mexico without
any delay; directions in case of their personal
Protection of American mining interests. Quotes
Mr. Parker's Sept. 9 and instructs to continue ef-
forts to prevent increase of tax and confiscation of
mining properties.

Same subject. Reply to his No. 59 of Sept. 9, of
which Mr. Silliman has been informed, with in-







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Same subject. Can not attend the conference on
Sept. 15 on account of illness.
Firing and raids. Incloses copies of instructions
which General Funston proposes to give for the
suppression of raids, and approval thereof.
Protection of American mining interests. Reply to
his Sept. 5. Quotes Mr. Silliman's Sept. 10.
Same subject. Reply to Department's Sept. 11;
gives the Mexican Government's argument; sug-
gests that miners present their case directly to the
Secretary of Hacienda.

Political affairs. Postpones conference until Sept.
18 and changes the meeting place to New York

Firing and raids. Raids by both Villa and Car-
ranza troops into Arizona are increasing, practi-
cally without opposition. Urges that military be
given more authority, with detachments at more

Political affairs. Protest of Villista Government
against the invitation of Carranza to the plenipo-
tentiaries to confer with him.

Same subject. Lists of replies to the message of
Aug. 11, received up to Sept. 18 from military and
civil officers of the Carrancista and the Conven-
tionist factions; the former all refer the matter to
Carranza, the latter refer it to Villa with the ex-
ception of certain acceptances without such refer-


Firing and raids. Reports firing across border by
Carrancista troops opposite Brownsville and re-
turn of fre, the Mexican officers trying to make it
appear that United States troops fired first.
Protection of Turkish interests. Instruction to ren-
der good offices in behalf of Touche.







751 ·




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1915. Sept. 18

Political affairs. Stenographic report of the meet-
ing at New York City on Sept. 18 of the plenipo-
tentiaries of the powers in conference; considera-
tion of Carranza's reply of Sept. 10 and of ways
and means for determining what course to pursue
in respect to selection of a de facto government in
Mexico; decision to request statements from the
factional leaders of the grounds on which they con-
sider their faction worthy of recognition.

Silliman to Mr.do... Protection of American mining interests. Incloses

Mr. Davis to Mr. Lansing.....do.....

Mr. Letcher to Mr. Lan- Sept. 19

copy of memorandum on mining taxes sent him by
the Secretary of Hacienda.

Same subject. Requests instructions as to how to
advise mine owners regarding taxes.

Protection of Turkish interests. Refers to Depart-
ment's Sept. 17 and reports his consequent action.
Observes that Turkish subjects at Chihuahua are
having recourse to the honorary German Consul in
cases requiring consular assistance, it being under-
stood that an agreement to this effect now subsists
as a result of the Turco-German alliance.

Mr. Llorente to Mr. Lan- Sept. 22 Revolutionary claims. The Conventionist Gov-

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Sept. 27
Sept. 29
Sept. 30

Mr. Polk to Mr. Belt




Mr. Montague to Mr....do.....
Lansing (telegram).

Mr. Belt to Mr. Lansing Oct.


Mr. Lansing to Mr. Belt.do.....

Mr. Belt to Mr. Lansing

Mr. Lansing to the Pleni-
potentiaries of the con-
ferring powers.

Mr. Parker to Mr. Lansing.

ernment of Mexico states that it is incumbent ex-
clusively upon the Federal Congress to acknowl-
edge and order payment of national debts; hence
Mr. Carranza lacks authority in the matter, and
the Conventionist Government, while admitting
the existence of such claims, considers necessary
the restoration of constitutional order before
Mexico can proceed to examine them.
Firing and raids. His Sept. 15 has been forwarded
to the War Department for appropriate action.
Religious orders. Reports confiscation at Colima of
church property..

Protection of American oil interests. Incloses copy
of Carranza's decree of Aug. 14, prohibiting drilling
within 30 meters of boundaries of oil properties.
Firing and raids. Instruction to represent to Car-
ranza the serious nature of an attack made Sept.
23 at Los Pelados in which Carrancista soldiers
crossed to American territory, attacked American
soldiers and killed and mutilated two of them.
This is one of many such atrocities, and as Car-
ranza claims to have authority in that district the
responsibility appears to rest upon him.
Protection of Chinese interests. Reports killing and
wounding of Chinese. Appeal made to General
Calles for protection.

Firing and raids. Instructions of Oct. 1 urgently
presented; an early reply is promised.

Protection of Spanish interests. Instruction to re-
quest restoration of property of Felipe Muriedos,
a Spanish subject.

Oct. 3 Firing and raids. Reports delays by Carranza in
replying concerning the atrocity at Los Pelados


5 Political affairs. Calls a meeting of the plenipoten-
tiaries of the powers in conference for Oct. 9.

.do..... Same subject. Transmits message from the Ameri-
can Society of Mexico renewing their request for
aid to the distressed citizens of the capital.

Mr. Belt to Mr. Lansing...do..... Firing and raids. Transmits reply of Carranza in

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The plenipotentiaries of Oct. -6

the conferring powers to

Mr. Lansing.

Mr. Arredondo to Mr.

the Los Pelados matter. It states the surprise of
Carranza at the contents of the American note,
declares he has had no news of the matter, but has
ordered an investigation. If the American allega-
tions are found true, he will have the guilty pun-
ished. Reiterates his resentment at the Depart-
ment's assumption that the report is true.
Revolutionary claims. Acknowledgment of his
communication of Sept. 22, 1915.
Political affairs. Accept the invitation to meet
on Oct. 9.

..do..... Firing and raids. Carranza instructs him to say
that he has no knowledge of the alleged Los
Pelados affair and it would be unjust for the De-
partment to presume that he would acquiesce in
such acts.




















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