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Earth, the strata of its surface regularly
formed, 286 crust of, not accurately
estimated, 288-on the internal mass
under the crust of, 289-on the spe-
cific gravity of the globe of, ibid—
conclusions drawn from the present
surface of, being occupied by water
in the proportion of two-thirds, 290
-on the influence of partial deluges
on the surface of, 292-owes its pre-
sent aspect to the last series of the ter-
tiary deluges, 296-periods occupied
in the formation of its first crust, stat-
ed. 305.

Education, examination whether public,
best conducted in day or boarding
schools, 5-on the Agrarian system of,


England, Social Life of, and France, 379
-portrait of a country gentleman of,
in former times, 382-in, the influence
of London on the country, to be dated
from the introduction of turnpike-
roads, 384-during the sixteenth cen-
tury in, the neglect of foreign travel
produced an ignorance of foreign lan-
guages, 385-the habits and manners
of the court and higher circles in, af-
ter the restoration of Charles II., 386
-of the habits and manuers in the
country during the same period, 399—
on fashionable dress in, from the reign
of Queen Ann to George III., 396—
cookery and dinner entertainment in,
compared with those of France, 406-
on the changes of cookery in, from the
introduction of stone-coal, 407.


Florida, Map of, referred to, 410-sketch
of the early history of, ibid-descrip-
tion of the ridges of, 411-the lakes of,
413-the rivers of, 414-General Ber-
nard's map of, in relation to a canal,
referred to, ibid-on the Tallahassee
district of, 416-its salubriousness ren-
ders it favourable to permanent resi
dence, which has a most happy effect
on both master and slave, 418.

Foot, Mr. Debate on his Resolutions,

France, Memoirs of a Peer of, reviewed,
61-the eulogist of La Fayette, &c.
ibid-account of himself, 62-on the
monarchy of, down to the period of
the revolution, 63-on the moral and
intellectual condition of the higher or-
ders of, before the revolution, 65-on
the depravity of the nobility and clergy

of, 66-portraiture of the Archbishop
of Cambray, with the Bishop of Or
leans, &c. 67-on the provincial gen-
try of, ibid-necessity of calling the
Parliament, 69 -evil consequences to,
arising from the Queen's intermed ling
in politics, 70-the notables of, called
on to correct the evil of unjust and
partial taxation, 71- on the tiers-etat,
73-effects of absenteeism in, during
the revolution, 74-the Peer's intro-
duction to Voltaire, 75-uotices Mar-
montel, La Harpe and Le Brun, 76
his opinions of Madame de Genlis, 78-
of Madame de Staël, 79—of Neckar,
80-of Mirabeau, 81-of Bailly, 85-
of Madame Campan, 86-succeeds in
gaining a deliverance from imprison-
ment of a stranger during the time of
Robespierre,89 anecdote of, 90-
Social Life of England and, 379-
the immoralities of the court of, did
not degrade the language or manners
of the theatre 391-evil influence in
the higher circles of, in the mode of
contracting marriages, 392--the come-
dy of, compared with that of England,
394-the introduction of carriages into,
395-the fashionable dress in, after the
death of Louis XIV., ibid-description
of a fashionable lady's head-dress in,
about the year 1782, 398-summary of
the French character previous to the
revolution, 402-ignorance of the peo-
ple of, as regarded foreign countries,
satirized, 404- cheapness and excel-
lence of education in, 405-on the
cookery of, ibid.


Geology, Brande's Outlines of,- Bake-
well's Introduction to.-Ure's New
System of. referred to, 254-Silliman's
Outline of the course of geological lec-
tures, referred to, ibid-on the date of,
as a science, ibid-the earlier authors
on the science of, ibid-Maclure the
parent of American, 2-5-the pursuits
of, and mineralogy almost unknown in
the institutions of the southern states,
ibid-on, as a science, 287-on the
crust of the earth, 283 on the inter-
nal mass of the globe, 289-the
depth of the Atlantic three miles, from
the theory of tides, 290-on the pre-
sent surface of the earth. ibid-on the
boulders of various mountains, 291–
deluges, 292-on the anthracite for
mations, 293-of the tertiary deluges,
295-on the Nochaic deluge, 296-on
the temperature of the earth anterior
to the period of general earthquakes
and inundations, 297-illiman's ad-
ditions to Ure's work on, reviewed.

299-on the partial instances of silici-
ous and calcareous chrystalline depo-
sition from certain waters, 301-on the
succession of strata of which the crust
of the earth is composed, 302---the old
arrangements founded on Werner's
system, 303---on the tertiary formation
or series of rocks, 304-- -tabular views
of the, and superior order or tertiary
series of rocks, 305--on the formation
of the earth's crust, ibid.
Gifford, W. his Works of Ben Jonson,
referred to, 91.

Greek Literature, the effect of the oppo-
site characters of the Ionians and Do-
rians on, 35-the various subjects it
embraces, ibid-the early poetry of,
strictly religious, 36-poetry of, first
divested of its religious cast, 37-
Homer, 38-on the introduction of the
epopee, the iambic, the lyric, 38-40,
Grecian lyric poety divided into two
distinct classes, 11-the Æolic -- Doric,
42-the Greek drama, tragedy, satiric-
drama, and comedy, 42-44-Grecian
history, 44-48-geography, 48-so-
pus, 49-natural eloquence first prac-
tised in the Ionic colonies, ibid-the
Attic orators,49-52-the Greek philo-
sophy, 52-61-greatly extended from
the reign of Alexander the Great to the
death of the emperor Augustus, 358-
diffused by the Macedonian conquests
among the greater part of the Asiatic
nations, ibid-the Alexandrian'school,
359-philology and mathematics, 360---
mythology, 361--Greek poetry con-
nected with civil liberty, ibid---of the
Alexandrian poets, 362-the theory of
poetry discussed by Aristotle, and
others whose works are lost, 364-as
connected with eloquence, ibid—his-
tory, 365-chronology, 367-geogra-
phy, ibid-philosophy, 369-of the
lectures and works of Aristotle of
Stagira, ib.- classification of the writ-
ings of Aristotle, 370-372-on The
ophrastus, the successor of Aristotle in
instruction, 372-on the Peripatetics
renowned as authors,ib.-of Epicurus,
373-the Stoic philosophy, 374-the
philosophy of the middle and modern
academy, ibid-the Pyrrhonic scepti-
cism revived at Alexandria, 375-a
scientific form given to mathematics
at Alexandria, ibid-the first principles
of the geometrical analysis discovered,
ibid-arrangement of the early mathe-
maticians of whom, written monu-
ments are possessed. 376-astronomy,
ib.-the most eminent early astronom-
ical authors, 377-physics, ibid-nat-

ural history, 378-the medical theory,

Greece, on the early history of, 32-reli-
gion of various districts of. ibid-pro-
gress of civilization in, 34-the lan-
guage of, 35-introduction of the art
of writing into, 36-education of youth
in, ibid-the early poetry of, 36-42-
first rudiments of her philosophy, 52-
61-the language of, extended to Asia
and Africa, 359.

Griesbach, D. Jo. Jac., his Novum Tes
tamentum Græcè, referred to, 513.


Hall, John, his Translation of Milton's
familiar Letters, reviewed, 198-ex-
tracts of two of his translations com-
pared with Fellowes' version, 199,
200-his translation of the letter to
Leonard Philaras, compared with
Wrangham's version of the same, 201-
203-incapable of infusing the spirit of
Milton into his translations, 203.
Hayne, R. Y. his speeches on Mr. Foot's
resolution, referred to, 140-his rejoin-
der on the claimed right to dispose of
the public lands for partial and local
purposes, 143-in the debate, attacked
by Mr. Webster without provocation,
144-bis defence of the South, referred
to, 148-defends the Carolina doc.
trine,' of a State having a constitu-
tional remedy in the exercise of its
sovereign authority against palpable
and deliberate violations of the Con-
stitution, 163-rests his argument on
the Virginia & Kentucky resolutions,

History of Greek Literature, 32--61, 358--

Hodgskin, Thomas, his Popular Political
Economy, referred to, i.


Johnson, Judge, his apology for the judi-
ciary act, in the case of Hunter v. Mar-
tin. quoted, 451.

Jonson, Ben, the works of, referred to,
91-sketch of his early life, 92-on the
dramatic literature of his day, ibid-
envious of Shakspeare, 94-on the
date of his plays compared with Shaks-
peare's, 95-in personal character the
reverse of Shakspeare, ibid-visits
Drummond, 96-heads of conversa-
tions, &c. at Drummond's, ibid-cha-
racter of, by Drummond, 97-defence
of, by Lord Clarendon, 98-his whole
life a scene of contention, 99-the in-
ventor of the masque, 100-specimen
of his epigrams, 101-his talent in the
composition of the masque, ibid-ac-

count of his various masques, 102-
the reformer of the stage, 105-on his
comedies and plays, 106-of his trage-
dies, 113-of his intellectual character,
ibid-his great learning, ibid-of the
causes why his plays have been neg-
lected in modern days, 114-his forte,
comedy, 115.

Josephine, Memoirs of, reviewed, 307—
birth, parentage and early education,
310-early attachment to de K—, 311
-consults a mulatto fortune teller,
ibid-informed by her father that she
was to take the place of her deceased
sister in a nuptial contract with de Beau-
harnois, 312-draws a happy presage
of the future from a meteor which ap-
peared over the ship that was convey-
ing her to Marseilles, 313-had an in-
terview with de K- at Marseilles,
ibid-marries de Beauharnois, 314-
became unhappy from the conduct of
her husband towards her, 315-her son
taken from under her care, 316-sepa-
rated from her husband,ibid-visits the
king and queen, 317-visits, with her
daughter, her parents in Martinique,
ibid-again visits the fortune-teller,
who confirms her former predictions,
318-returns to France and is recon-
ciled to her husband, ibid-de K-
marries, and as a proof of his affection
for, leaves his wite and infant in her
charge, 319-the French revolution
brought her much into the society of
the early distinguished revolutionists,
ibid-her husband adverse to the exe-
cution of the king, ibid-affectionate
conduct to de Beauharnois when in
prison, 320-Miss Le Normand's pre-
dictions as to her future destiny, ibid-
relieved from prison after her husband's
execution and Robespiere's arrest, 321
-Tallien and Barras befriend her,
ibid-attached to Hoche, to whose
care she entrusted her son, 322-intro-
duced to Bonaparte, 323-the sword
of her husband restored to her son by
Napoleon, 324-Bonaparte proposed
to her by Barras for a husband, 325-
marries Bonaparte, 326-joins the ge-
neral at Milan, after the battle of Lo-
di, 327-her influence over her hus-
band always exerted for some good
purpose, ibid-alarmed at witnessing
the commencement of the campaign
against Wurmsur, 328-accompanies
Bonaparte to Rome, 329-pleads with
her husband to spare the riches of the
Pope, ibid-visits Mantua and the Ty.
rol, 330-suspected by her husband,
ibid-somewhat treacherous to the
confiding Italians, 331--excited the

jealousy of her husband, who turned her
out of doos, for receiving the visits of
Botot, 332-restored to his confidence,
333-retires to Malmaison during Bo-
naparte's expedition to Egypt, 334-
meets her husband on his return from
Egypt, 335-advises Bonaparte to the
overthrow of the Directorial Govern-
ment, ibid confirms the account of
Bonaparte's panic before the council
of five hundred, 336 -averse to Bona-
parte mounting the throne of France,
337-her husband's will absolute both
as regards herself and her attendants,
338-from a dream was so excited that
she saved her husband from the effects
of the explosion of the infernal ma-
chine, ibid-frequently offended Bo-
naparte by offering him advice, 339-
retires to Malmaison, ibid-becomes
Empress and succesfully pleads the
cause of Tallien with the Emperor,
ibid-interests herself to save Moreau,
340-endeavours to save the Duc
d'Enghien, 341-kept up her efforts to
endeavour to obtain pardons for the
royalists, 342-her grandson whom
Bonaparte intended for his heir dies,
343-wished Bonaparte to abolish the
law of divorce, ibid—melancholy feel-
ings at her coronation, ibid-unfriend-
ly feelings of Bonaparte's family to-
wards her, 344-jealousy of her hus
band, 345-remembered her mother
in her exaltation, 346-accompanies
the Emperor to Strasbourg, 347-dis-
tress on being informed of Bonaparte's
intention to divorce her, 348-signs
the act of divorce, 350-again sees
Bonaparte, 351-ber affectionate re-
ception of the infant king of Rome,
352-kindness to the dethroned Pope,
ibid-her grief and anxiety at the dis-
asters of Napoleon in the Russian cam-
paign, 353-visited by Bonaparte, af-
ter his defeat at Leipsic, 354-desirous
to join Bonaparte after the allied pow.
ers were in possession of Paris, 355-
receives the Emperor Alexander and
the king of Prussia at Malmaison, ibid
-is again visited by her first lover
who soon after dies, 356-corresponds
with Bonaparte in Elba, ibid-dies,


Laurence, Richard, his Remarks on the
systematical classification of manu
scripts, &c. referred to, 513.

Madison, James, his two letters address-
ed to Joseph C. Cabell, referred to,
206-opposed the incorporation of the
former national bank, 432-disclaims

the power of an individual to call a
sovereign state into court, 436-his
opinions in 1787 not in accordance
with those of 1799, 504-his opinions
in 1799, contrasted with those of 1830,

Man, the constitution of, considered in
relation to external objects, 265.
Memoires d'un Pair de France, 61-91.
Memoirs of Josephine, 307-357.
Mental Developement, 263-life divided
by Shakspeare into seven ages. ibid-
mental powers not simply the result of
physical organization, 266-on mental
precocity,269--on genius,270--Combe's
phrenological principles, as regard the
relations of the human constitution to
external objects, stated, 273—of the
brain, ibid-of the plurality of the fa-
culties, 274-the phrenologists' divi-
sion of the faculties, ibid, (note)-on
the science of phrenology, 277-the
world indebted to Gall and Spurzheim
for a better knowledge of the structure
of the brain, 278-Fleureus' statements
relative to the functions and powers of
the brain, 279-on the influence of
education in giving character and ca-
pacity, 280-on the influence of age
upon the emotions, &c. of the mind,

Message of the President of the U. S. in
relation to the survey of a route for a
canal between the Gulf of Mexico and
the Atlantic ocean, referred to, 410.
Milton, Hall's translation of the Familiar
Letters of, 198-206.
Mineralogy, for the knowledge of, this
country indebted to Col. Gibbes, 285---
pursuits of, almost unknown among
the institutions of the South, ibid
specimens of granite collected from
various parts, similar, 286.
Ming, Alexander, sen. and Thomas
Skidmore, their Friend of equal rights,
referred to, 1-propose a convention
to be held, to order certain alterations
in the distribution of property, 3.
Mirabeau, his great influence on the ac
tors in the revolution of France, 81-
subsequently purchased by the court,
83-poisoned by Robespierre's party,
84-his death caused general grief, ib.

New Testament, the, in the common ver-
sion, conformed to Griesbach's stand-
ard Greek text, referred to, 513.
Nolan, Frederic, his Inquiry into the in-
tegrity of the Greek Vulgate, &c. re-
ferred to, 513,

Normand, Miss A. Le. her Memoirs of
Josephine, reviewed, 307.


Phrenology, Combe's Essays on, referred
to, 265-on the system of as applied
to practical inferences and purposes,
273-the division of the faculties in the
modern system of, 274, (note)-doc-
trines ol, destined to abandonment,

Physiology of the Passions,-of the attri-
butes of exterior life, 119-on the 'sen-
sible system,' ibid-of memory, 121—
of imagination, ibid-of conscience,
122-of the will, ibid-of habit, 123
on moral emotions, ibid-on the sci.
ence of morals. 124-instincts or pro-
pensities. 125-on the instinct of self-
preservation, 126-sketch of the diffe-
rence between egotism and avarice,
128-of the distinctions between pride
and vanity, 129-on coxcombry, 130—
on the modern doctrines of phreo-
logy, 133-on the instinct of imitation,
ibid-on the instinct of relation, 134.
Public Lands, the, the several speeches of
Mr. Hayne and Mr. Webster, on Mr.
Foot's resolution concerning the dis
posal of, referred to, 140-on the dis-
posing of, 141-conditions and trusts
under which they were granted, 142—
on the right of Congress to give grants
of, for partial or local purposes, 143–
according to the present disposition of,
a fund for the corruption of, rather
than a benefit to the States, ibid.

[blocks in formation]

Searcy, J. G. his map of Florida, refer-
red to, 410.

Silliman, Professor, his Outline of the
course of geological lectures given in
Yale-College, referred to, 284-his
additions to Bakewell's work, referred
to, 299----the mineralogical school at
New-Haven, conducted by, commend
ed, ibid-bis views of the Noachic de-
luge commented on, ibid-- adopts Wer-
ner's theory, 301----published Dr. Coo-
per's Essay, 302.

Skidmore, Thomas, his Rights of Man to
Property, referred to, 1-discusses the
benefits and evils of labour-saving ma-
chinery, 3-on the motto to his book,

Social Life of England and France, a com-
parative view of the, reviewed, 379-
deficient, as regards the state of the
middle and lower classes of society. 380
-a work intended for the higher class-
es of society rather than for the bulk

of the people, 381-its introduction
presents a sketch of society in Eng-
land, from 1640 to 1660, 382-its au-
thor's views of the French court from
Louis XIV.. 390-comparison of the
English and French comedy, 394-its
author not noticed the dissimilarity of
cooking between the two nations,
405-treats of kings and courtiers rath-
er than on the character of the great
mass of the population, 408-criticises
the characters of Swift, Pitt and Fox,
ibid-his politics, ibid.
South-Carolina, protest of the legislature
of, against the system of protecting du
ties, &c., referred to, 206-misconcep
tion prevails in, from the want of
clearly distinguishing a judicial from
a political question, 496-in, the con-
stitution admitted to be a compact be-
tween States, 501.

Supreme Court of the United States, Mar-
tin, heir at law and devisee of Fairfax,
v. Hunter's lessee, referred to, 421-
Cohens v. Virginia. referred to, ibid-
according to the advocate of the me-
rican System, to decide in favour of
the government in all doubtful cases,
discussed, 426-on the nature of the,
as a tribunal, 429-first developed its
intention of extending its powers in
the Courts of the U. S. in the case of
Chisolm v. State of Georgia, 434-
judges of the, have drawn to their ju
risdiction, cases which it was never
designed they should adjudicate, 437---
its first step towards universal empire,
was in the case of Chiselm v. Georgia,
438-clauses under which it claims to
revise the proceedings and judgments
of the State tribunals, 442-its argu-
ment for claiming the appellate pow-
er, examined, 446-its doctrine, that
the appellate power, is not limited by
the third article of the Constitution to
any particular court, examined, 449-
on the powers intended to be given to
the, when the plan of the confederation
was first promulgated, 455-its claim
to exclusive jurisdiction, examined,
476-on the power of, in regard to
State sovereignties, 480.


Taylor, John, of Caroline, Virginia, his
New Views of the Constitution of the
U. S., referred to, 421-shows that the
States unanimously rejected the re-
commendation of a national govern-
ment, 465-his views relative to dis-
putes between a state and the federal
government, 486.

Tribunal of dernier resort, the, 421--513.

Ure, Andrew, his new system of geolo-
referred to, 284, 298
Universal Suffrage, its expediency exa-
mined, 21-31.


Volcanoes, two hundred in occasional ac-
tivity within the period of historical
evidence, 290-- Scrope's Considera-
tions on, referred to, 301.


Webster, Daniel, his speeches on Mr.
Foot's resolution, referred to, 140~
his opinion of the power of Congress
to dispose of the public lands. 141-
extols Nathan Dane, 145-claims that
S. C. was the author of the tariff, 149
-his defence of his change of opinions
on the tariff, between the act of 1824
and the woollen's bill of 1827, 153-
examination of his defence, 156-con-
tends that the people erected the go-
vernment, and not the States, 167-
examination of his argument that our
government is a national one rather
than a federal. 171.
Webster, Noah, his letter to the editor of
the Review, on the criticism of his Dic-
tionary, and the reply of the writer of
the article. 255.

Werner, of Freyburg, systematized the
strata of the mountains in his own
neighbourhood, 287-his succession of
rocks may be traced through various
parts of the United States, ibid-his
theory adopted by Silliman, 301.
Works of Ben Jonson, the, by W. Gif-
ford, reviewed, 91–116.

Wright, Frances, and Robert Dale Owen,
their Essays on education, referred to,
1-disclaim connexion with the Agra-
rian party of Skidmore and Ming, 4.


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