fibi parum indulgentem: Æternitati femper attentam, omne fere virtutis nomen commendavit. Nata Nortoniæ Regis, in agro Varvicenfi, anno MDCLXIX; obiit MDCCLIX. Cum NATHANAELE illorum filio, qui natus MDCCXII, cum vires, et animi, et corporis multa pollicerentur, anno MDCCXXXVII, vitam brevem piâ morte finivit. 2. AT BROMLEY, IN KENT. Hic conduntur reliquiæ Antiqua Jarvifiorum gente, Qui multum amatam, diuque defletam Obiit Londini, menfe Mart. A. D. MDCCLIII. 3. IN WATFORD CHURCH. IN the vault below are deposited the remains of JANE BELL, wife of JOHN BELL, Efq. who, in the fifty-third year of her age, furrounded with many worldly bleffings, heard, with fortitude and compofure truly great, the horrible malady, which had for fome time begun to afflict her, pronounced incurable; and for more than three years, endured with patience and concealed with decency, the daily tortures of gradual death; continued to divide the hours not allotted to devotion, between the cares of her family, and the converse of her friends; rewarded the attendance of duty, and acknowledged the offices of affection; and while fhe endeavoured to alleviate by chearfulness, her husband's fufferings and forrows, increased them by her gratitude for his care, and her folicitude for his quiet. To the memory of these virtues, more highly honoured as more familiarly known, this monument is erected by JOHN BELL. She died in the month of October, 1771. 4. IN STREATHAM CHURCH. Juxta fepulta eft HESTER MARIA SALISBURY, THOME COTTON de Combei mere, Et literarum inter delicias rem Familiarem fedulo curaret, * Cancer. 5. IN WESTMINSTER ABBEY. OLIVARI GOLDSMITH Poeta. Phyfici. Hiftorici. Qui nullum ferè fcribendi genus Nullum quod tetigit non ornavit Affectuum potens at lenis Dominator Amicorum Fides Lectorum Veneratio Natus Hibernia Fornia Lonfordienfis In Loco cui Nomen Pallas Nov. xxix. MDCCXXXI. Obiit Londini April iv. MDCCLXXIV. Prologue spoken by Mr. Garrick, at the Opening of the Theatre Royal, Drury-Lane, 1747, Prologue Spoken by Mr. Garrick, before the Mafque of Comus, Acted at Drury-Lane Thea- tre, for the Benefit of Milton's Grand-daughter, 33 Prologue to the Comedy of The Good-natur'd Man, 35 |