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Burroughs, Cootes Walton, Stacy Barcroft, John Anspach, C. Montgomery, Charles Truit, and Morris L. Hallowell, of city and county of Philadelphia; Elis Irwin, Henry Lorain, B. Patton, Richard Shaw, J. W. Smith, William Irvin, J. Bey ton, James B. Graham, A. K. Wright, William Powell, of Clea field county; A. G. Curtin, John T. Hoover, J. J. Lingle, Jam Irvin, James P. Hale, D. J. Pruner, and Charles R. Foster, Centre county; J. T. Mathias of Blair county; G. W. Ziegle John Dougherty, Darius Smith, of Jefferson county, or any of them, be and they are hereby appointed commissioners open books for the purpose of receiving subscriptions to t capital stock of the company hereinafter directed to be incorp rated.

SECTION 2. That the capital stock of said company shall exceed thirty thousand shares at fifty dollars per share, the privilege of increasing their capital stock to such amo as will enable them to construct and finish the road to the pu referred to in this act.

SECTION 3. That the Tyrone and Clearfield railroad compas Style and powers. hereby directed to be incorporated, shall be and hereby is vest with all the rights and powers necessary for the construction a railroad, with one or more tracks, beginning and connecti with the Pennsylvania railroad, at or near Tyrone, thence way of Emeigh's Gap, taking the shortest and most practicable route, so as to intersect with any other railroad leading to Lake Erie: Provided, That the said company shall not construct of extend their road northwardly or eastwardly of the located route of the Sunbury and Erie railroad.

Subject to.

May pay interest

SECTION 4. That said company shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges and be subject to all the restrictions and regulations provided for in the act, entitled "An Act regulating railroad companies," approved the nineteenth day of February one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine.

SECTION 5. That the president, directors and company of the on subscriptions. Tyrone and Clearfield railroad are hereby authorized and re quired to pay interest at the rate of six per cent. on all subscrip tions actually paid in, to the treasury of said company, until the completion of the first thirty-five miles of said road, coms mencing at Tyrone.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-third day of March, Anno Domini one

thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.


No. 599.


To incorporate the Jeddo and Carbon County Railroad Company.
ICTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen-
es of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem-
ret, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That
Pardee, of Luzerne county; William Lilly, of Carbon Corporators.
ty; William W. Longstreth, Algernon S. Roberts, J. Gil-
ham Fell and Edward Roberts, of Philadelphia city, and such
r persons as shall become shareholders, be and they are
by incorporated into a body corporate in deed and in law,
er the name, style and title of the Jeddo and Carbon County Style.
oad company, with all the powers and subject to all the
isions and restrictions of the act, entitled "An Act regu- Subject to.
g railroad companies," approved the nineteenth day of Feb-

y, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine: Provided, Proviso.
t the managers shall consist of a president and six directors,
jority of whom shall form a quorum.

ECTION 2. That the capital stock of said company shall con- Capital stock.
of ten thousand shares of fifty dollars each: Provided, That
said company may from time to time, by a vote of the stock-
lers at a meeting called for that purpose, increase their capi-
stock so much as in their opinion may be necessary to com.
e said road and to carry out the true intent and meaning of
act, not exceeding five thousand additional shares.
ECTION 3. That the said company shall have the right to Route.
d and construct a railroad from any point on the waters of
ck creek, in Hazle, Denison, Butler and Black Creek town-
os, Luzerne county, to the Lehigh river, with the privilege
onnecting with the Hazleton and Beaver Meadow company
road, and also to construct branch roads, not exceeding five
es each in length, from their main line to accommodate the
ers of coal lands.

ECTION 4. That the president and directors of said company Sale of stock. hereby authorized and empowered to issue, sell and transfer capital stock of said company, and to apply the proceeds reof to the construction of the railroad authorized by this and the cars, engines, buildings and other appurtenances essary for the transportation of passengers, coal and other modities, and to borrow such sums of money as they may May borrow mom necessary for the purposes aforesaid, not exceeding two ney. dred and fifty thousand dollars, to issue their bonds or obliions for the same in sums of not less than one hundred dol. each, and to mortgage the road, property and franchises of company as security therefor.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twenty-third day of March, Anno Domini one
Dusand eight hundred and fifty-four.

Issue bonds.


No. 600.


To extend the Charter of the Bank of Middletown.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Repre
tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem
bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, Th
the charter of the Bank of Middletown be and the same is heren
by extended and continued for the period of fifteen years from
and after the expiration of its present charter, subject to all the
provisions, limitations, restrictions and privileges of the act
assembly, entitled "An Act to regulate banks, approved the
sixteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundas u
dred and fifty.

Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The eighteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-four.




Subject to.


No. 601.


To incorporate the Navigation Railroad Company.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Samuel Boyer, Jonas Robinhold, George Wagner, Nathaniel F. Jones, James Lyon, John S. Boyce, Henry S. Denison, Richard Carter, and all those persons who may or shall hereafter subscribe for the stock of the company hereby created, be and are hereby created and erected into a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name, style and title of the Navigation railroad company, and by the same name shall have perpetual succession, with all the privileges, franchises and immunities incident to a corporation, and shall be entitled to all the rights and privileges, and be subject to all the restrictions and regula tions provided for in the act, entitled "An Act regulating railroad companies," approved the nineteenth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, which are not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, and be able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in all courts of record and elsewhere, and also to make and have a common seal, and also to ordain, establish and put in execution such by-laws, ordinances i and regulations as shall appear necessary and convenient for the

I government of said company, not being contrary to the stitution and laws of the United States, or of this commonalth, and generally to do all and singular those matters and ngs which to them shall lawfully appertain to do, for the I being of the said company or corporation, and the due nagement and ordering of the affairs of the same: Provided, Proviso. at nothing herein contained shall be considered as in any giving to the said company or corporation any banking ileges or franchises, but such as may be necessary or incit to the making, equipping and maintaining of the said raild, and the conveyance of passengers and the transportation of United States mail, and of coal, iron, minerals, goods, merndize and other commodities thereon: And provided further, at the said company hereby created, shall not purchase or any real estate except such as may be necessary for the ing and construction of said railroad, and for depots, engine ses and water stations.

ECTION 2. That the said named person or persons, or a ma- Organization. ty of them, shall, after having given at least ten days' previnotice, in one or more newspapers, in the county through ch this road may pass, of the time and place by them apted to meet, together with such persons as may subscribe to stock of the said company, in order to organize the same, choose by a majority of the votes of the subscribers, by ɔt, one president and two managers, one of them to act also ecretary and treasurer, and such other officers as shall be ned necessary; and the president and managers so elected, 1 conduct the business of the said company until such by3, rules and regulations, as are not inconsistent with the 3 of the United States, or of this commonwealth, be made, that may be necessary for the well governing of the affairs he said company: Provided, That no person but a stockler holding at least five shares of twenty dollars each, in the k of the said company, shall be eligible to the office of presit or manager of the said company.

ECTION 3. That the amount of capital stock of said com- Capital stock.

y shall be ten thousand shares of twenty dollars each, which

at any time be increased to meet the wants of the com

y, to construct, equip and maintain the said railroad, and for
poses connected with the said railroad.

ECTION 4. That the president and managers of said com- Route.
y shall have power to cause a survey to be made, and to lay
vn, ascertain, mark out and fix such route or routes as they
deem expedient for a railroad, with as many tracks and
outs as they may deem necessary, from any point or points
the Schuylkill navigation company's landings, or from any
er point or points in the borough of Port Clinton, at or near
said landings, and thence in a westwardly direction not
eeding ten miles in length, with the privilege of connecting
h any other railroad or canal now constructed, or with any
road hereafter constructed.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.

Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The twentieth day of April, Anno Domini one usand eight hundred and fifty-four.





Capital stock.



No. 602.


To incorporate the Duncannon, Landisburg, and Broad Top Ran

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represes tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assen. bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, The Charles W. Fisher, John Souder, Abraham L. Bowman, Dav Mickey, Jacob Billow, Henry H. Etter, Christian Thudia Doctor James Galbraith, General Henry Fetter, David Kocher derfer, Jacob Bixler, George Hench, William B. Anderse Samuel Milligan, Arnold A. Fahs, George Johnston, Willar Kirk, Colonel George Noss and Alexander Blair, of Perry, Je niata, and adjoining counties, in Pennsylvania, with privileg to increase their number to thirty, be and the same are heret appointed commissioners under the provisions of an act, entitle "An act regulating railroad companies," passed the nineteen day of February, one thousand eight hundred and forty-nise with all the powers conferred by said act.

SECTION 2. That the name, style and title of the compan hereby authorized to be incorporated, shall be The Duncanto, Landisburg, and Broad Top railroad company.

SECTION 3. That the said company, when duly organized, hereby authorized to locate, construct and operate, under the provisions of said act, a railroad, running from a point at the Pennsylvania railroad, at or near Duncannon, in Perry county, to a point at Broad Top mountain, in Bedford county, passing by way of Shurmansdale, Landisburg, Bixler's mills, in Perry county, and Waterford, Juniata county.

SECTION 4. That the capital stock of the said company is hereby authorized to consist of eight hundred thousand dollars, and it shall be lawful for the said company, upon a vote of the stockholders, at any stated or special meeting convened for that purpose, to increase the capital stock to any amount sufficient to complete the road.

SECTION 5. That the company be and are hereby authorized to connect their road at Duncannon with the Pennsylvania railroad.

SECTION 6. That the term within which said company sha!! and completion complete and open said railroad for use, shall be four years from the date of the passage of this act.

[blocks in formation]

APPROVED-The fifth day of May, one thousand eight hur

dred and fifty-four.


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