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Titles to lots.

SECTION 2. That a certificate, under the seal of the said cor poration, of the ownership of any lot or lots in the said ceme tery, shall in all respects have the same effects as any convey ance from the said corporation of such lot or lots would have if executed, acknowledged and recorded as conveyances of real estate are required to be.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The thirtieth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five.


May increase capital stock.

Νο. 636.


To the act, entitled "An Act authorizing the Governor to incorporate the President, Managers and Company of the Lewisburg and Jersey Shore Turnpike Road and Bridge Company," passed the fifteenth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and thirty-five, and the supplement to the same, passed the fourteenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-one.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the president and managers of the Jersey Shore bridge com pany may increase the capital stock of said company to a sum equal to the actual cost of the same, including the original subscription, the cost of constructing the road between the bridges and re-building of the east bridge, in pursuance of resolutions or by-laws adopted by the president and managers thereof; and all such loans, advancements or payments required to be made, or that hereafter may be required to be made by such resolu tion or by-law, shall be collected and enforced, by suit or other wise, as debts of like amount are by law collectable, and upon failure to collect in that manner, then by forfeiture, for the use of the company, of so much of the interest of said delinquent in the stock or dividend as the president and managers may de termine to be a fair equivalent for said delinquency; that no stockholder shall be entitled to vote at any election or meeting of stockholders who has not complied with all such resolutions or by-laws, and that all stockholders having fully complied with the same, shall be entitled to one vote for every share of stock held or owned by him, her or them.

SECTION 2. That the said Jersey Shore bridge company shall May construct railroad, turnpike have the right and power to construct a railroad, turnpike or or plank road. plank road from the West Branch division of the Pennsylvania canal, or any other point within the borough of Jersey Shore,

the county of Lycoming, across the West Branch of the Susuehanna, by way of the bridges and turnpike road between the ridges belonging to said company, and thence by the nearest nd best route to form a connection with the Sunbury and Erie ailroad, with the privilege of crossing or using such part or arts of the streets or public roads, for the purposes aforesaid, s may be necessary or expedient; subject to all the provisions nd restrictions, and with all the powers and privileges conained in an act, entitled "An Act regulating railroad comDanies," passed the nineteenth day of February, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, and an act, entitled An Act regulating turnpike and plank road companies," assed the twenty-sixth day of January, Anno Domini one thou. sand eight hundred and forty-nine, and the supplements thereto. HENRY K. STRONG,

Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The second day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five.

Subject o.


No. 637.


To incorporate the Philadelphia Steam Tug Company for saving and protecting property.

WHEREAS, It is manifest that the incorporation of a company with the proper means and appliances for saving wrecked pro- Preamble. perty, and to aid ships and vessels in distress and stranded in the Delaware river and bay and on the coast adjacent thereto, would be of great benefit to commerce generally, as well as to the merchants, traders and insurance companies of Philadelphia; and the construction and equipment of the necessary steamboats and other vessels, steam pumps and all the appliances adequate for that purpose, will require an amount of capital beyond the ability of any individual enterprise; therefore,

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Arthur G. Coffin, William Martin, Richard S. Smith, John R. Commissioners. Wuckerer, Charles S. Riche, William Craig, John Stewart, George F. M'Calmont, Joseph Copperthwait, Edward Harris Miles, William B. Norris, Diller Luther, John C. Montgomery, John H. Diehl and Clement S. Rutter, shall be and they are hereby appointed commissioners for the purpose hereinafter mentioned, that is to say, they or a majority of them are hereby authorized to receive subscriptions from all persons duly Duties. qualified and desirous of taking stock in the company to be in



Capital stock.

How paid.



President, &c.

corporated by this act; and the form of such subscription shall be as follows, viz: We, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do severally promise to pay to the Philadelphia steam tug com pany for the saving and protecting property, the sum of fifty dollars for each and every share of stock set opposite to our re spective names, at such times and in such instalments as the directors of the said company may require; and the said per sons at the time of subscribing shall pay to the said commis sioners an instalment of five dollars on each share of stock by them respectively subscribed.

SECTION 2. That the aforesaid persons, and those who may hereafter subscribe to the stock of said company, and their suc cessors and assigns, shall be a body corporate and politic in law, by the name, style and title of the Philadelphia steam tug company for saving and protecting property, and by the said name, style and title the said company shall have perpetual succession, and shall be able to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in all courts of record and elsewhere, and to have a common seal and the same to break, alter and renew at plea sure, and to receive, purchase, possess, employ, hire and dis pose of steamboats, steam tugs and other vessels, duly equipped with steam pumps, life boats and all other apparel, appurte nances and things necessary to be used for the purpose of sav ing and protecting all ships and other vessels and their cargoes wrecked or in danger and distress, and the steam engines and all other machinery and appurtenances whatever, necessary for the propulsion and navigation thereof and for the purposes aforesaid.

SECTION 3. That the capital stock of the said company shall consist of two thousand shares of fifty dollars each, subscribed for as aforesaid; and if any subscriber, his or her assignee or transferee shall refuse or neglect to pay the second or any subsequent instalment called for and demanded by the directors, as aforesaid, such subscriber, his or her assignee or transferee shall forfeit each and every share on which payment shall not be duly made, within thirty days after the same has been so called for and demanded as aforesaid, together with all moneys or instalments before paid on such shares so forfeited, and new subscriptions may be opened and received for the share or shares so forfeited.

SECTION 4. That the affairs of the said company shall be managed by five directors, stockholders of the said corporation, who shall be elected as soon as one thousand shares shall be subscribed, and for that purpose the said commissioners, or a majority of them, shall appoint a day and fix a place for hold ing an election, of which they shall give ten days' notice in the newspapers published in Philadelphia, and annually thereafter the directors of the said company shall be elected on the first Monday in June, between the hours of ten, A. M., and two P. M., by the stockholders and by ballot, each share of stock hav ing one vote, ten days' notice of which shall be given by the secretary of the company; and the directors so elected shall appoint a president, treasurer and secretary of the company, and all such other officers, agents or persons as they may deem necessary for conducting and carrying on the business of the corporation, and fix the salaries of all such officers, agents persons employed in the business of the company, and require

rom any or each of them such securities for the faithful per- Bonds.
ormance of their respective duties as they may deem to be ex-
edient; and they shall have power to make and establish such
y-laws, rules and regulations as to them may seem proper
he well ordering and conducting of the affairs of the said con-



SECTION 5. That the shares of stock of the said corporation Transfer of stock. hall be assignable and transferable only on the books of the ompany, according to such rules and regulations as the direcors may establish.

SECTION 6. That the directors of the said company may, if hey deem it advisable for the interests of the said corporation, n the first Monday in May of each and every year, declare a ividend of so much of the profits as they may deem expedient, nd the dividends so declared shall be paid to the stockholders ubject to such rules and regulations as the directors shall make, or that purpose.


Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The second day of May, Anno Domini one thouand eight hundred and fifty-five.



No. 638.


To incorporate the Stout's Ferry Bridge Company, in the county of Berks.


SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represenatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assemly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That John Stout, Isaac Eckert, Simon Hoyer, Daniel Baum, Samuel loser, Jacob Leinbaugh, Daniel Aulenbaugh, John Koenig, Abraham Rieser, Abraham B. Tobias, George Maurer, George letler, Reuben Harbine, Abraham Harbine, John Zacharias, John Zacharias, junior, Jonathan Koenig, Jonas Shalter, Samuel lengle, George Shalter, George Fox, William Dunkel, Jacob Kallbauch, D. L. Beaver, Peres Hehn, Jacob S. Ebling, Jacob Ahrens, J. H. Spatz, Jacob Rieser, Daniel Maurer, Peter Rothrmel, Levi Good, Thomas Murphy and Jonathan Bitner, be and hey are hereby created commissioners to organize a bridge company, under the name and style of the Stout's ferry bridge Style. company, in the county of Berks, with a capital of ten thousand dollars, divided into shares of twenty-five dollars each, with Capital stock. power to increase the same, so far as may be necessary for the purpose of constructing of bridge across the Schuylkill river, at or near Stout's ferry, in said county; said company to be organized, managed and governed as is provided by an act regu

Subject to.


lating bridge companies, passed the twelfth day of April, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five, with all the privileges and immunities, and subject to all the restrictions contained in said act, except as herein modified.

SECTION 2. That when a good and complete bridge is erected over said Schuylkill, at the place aforesaid, the company, thet successors or assigns may demand and receive toll from travelers and others crossing the same, not exceeding the fol lowing rates: For every score of sheep, four cents; for every score of hogs, six and a fourth cents; for every score of horned cattle, twelve and a half cents; and so in this proportion for greater numbers; for every horse or mule, laden or unladen, with rider, three cents; for every chair, chaise or sulky, with two wheels and one horse, six and a fourth cents; the same with two horses, nine cents; for every dearborn wagon, with one horse, six and a fourth cents; for every chaise, coach, phaton, chair, stage, wagon, coachee or light wagon, with four wheels and two horses, twelve and a half cents; for either of the last named carriages or vehicles, with four horses, eighteen and three-fourth cents; for every other carriage of pleasure, under whatever name it may go, the like sums of toll, according to the number of wheels or horses drawing the same; for every sled or sleigh, three cents for each horse drawing the same; for every cart, wagon, or other carriage of burden, four cents for each horse drawing the same, and two oxen shall be rated as one horse or mule; for every foot passenger crossing the bridge, one cent.

HENRY K. STRONG, Speaker of the House of Representatives.


Speaker of the Senate.

APPROVED-The third day of May, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and fifty-five.




No. 639.


To incorporate the Fairfield Town Hall Association.

SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represen tatives of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in General Assem bly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That William Weaver, Nathaniel Burrows, George Babb, F. F. Bru ner, John C. Bryan, Samuel Harris, James Dennis, Joseph Hopper, Clemson Buckley, William Brass, and such other per sons as may associate with them, their successors and assigns, be and they are hereby created and made a corporation and bod politic, by the name and style of The Town hall association, and by that name and title shall have succession, and shall be

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