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Absent and not voting: Messrs. Gandy, Kandle, and Medcalfe

3 votes.

Neither having received a majority, the roll was again called.


Those voting for Milroy were: Messrs. Blackfan, Blair, Brown of Spokane, Cleman, Edens, Feighan, Flummerfelt, Foster, Grubb, Hamilton, Judson of Whatcom, Kennedy, Lull, Megler, Minkler, Morse, Nims, Ostrander, Person, Peterson, Pickrell, Plummer, Power, Randall, Spencer, Straight, Tucker, Turner-27 votes.

For Crawford: Messrs. Cook, Geoghegan, Judson of Pierce, Kuhn, McReavy, Meade, Purdy, Shaw, Stevenson, and Weatherford 10 votes.

For Reynolds: Messrs. Allen, Blair, Bird, Blackburn, Bothell, Browne of Pierce, Bush, Clark, Cornwell, Day, Dean, Drew, Farrish, Gilchrist, Grant, Herren, Hewitt, Hughes, Huntington, Hutchinson, Moultray, Nash, Oliphant, Painter, Robertson, Rotch, Rutter, Sharp, Shinn, Straight-30 votes,

Absent: Messrs. Gandy, Kandle and Medcalf

-3 votes.

There being no choice, the roll was again called, and resulted as follows:

For Milroy: Messrs. Blackfan, Blair, Brown of Spokane, Cleman, Edens, Feighan, Flummerfelt, Foster, Grubb, Hutchinson, Judson of Whatcom, Kennedy, Lull, Megler, Minkler, Morse, Nims, Person, Pickrell, Plummer, Power, Purdy, Randall, Spencer, Stevenson, Tucker, Turner 29 votes.

For Crawford: Messrs. Judson of Pierce, McReavy 2 votes.

For Reynolds: Messrs. Allen, Bird, Blackburn, Bothell, Browne of Pierce, Bush, Clark, Cook, Cornwell, Day, Dean, Drew, Eddy, Farrish, Geoghegan, Gilchrist, Grant, Herren, Hewitt, Hughes, Huntington, Kuhn, Moultray, Nash, Oliphant, Ostrander, Painter, Peterson, Robertson, Rotch, Rutter, Sharp, Shinn, Shaw, Straight, Weatherford-36 votes.

Absent: Messrs. Gandy, Kandle, Medcalf


Mr. Reynolds having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared elected.

Mr. Grant moved that a committee of five be appointed to prepare and submit to the House, at its next session, a list of officers necessary for the convenience of the House.


The speaker appointed Messrs. Grant, Geoghegan, Herren, Clark and Pickrell as a committee on permanent organization.

On motion of Mr. Hughes, the House took a recess of ten min


After recess, the speaker in the chair.

Secretary White administered the oath of office to the speaker, and, at his request, to the chief clerk, sergeant-at-arms and watch


On motion, the House took a recess until Monday, at 1 o'clock P. M. J. W. FEIGHAN, Speaker.

CHARLES E. CLINE, Chief Clerk.




OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON, Monday, Nov. 11, 1889.

1 o'clock P. M.

House met pursuant to adjournment, at 1 o'clock P. M.; the speaker in the chair.

All members present except Messrs. Gandy, Hewitt, Hughes, Medcalf and Megler. Messrs. Gandy, Hewitt, Hughes, and Medcalf were excused.

The journal of Thursday, November 7th, was read and approved. The report of the committee on permanent organization was read, as follows:

Your committee, to whom was referred the matter of suggesting a list of officers necessary to the permanent organization of the House, respect fully recommend that the permanent officers, in addition to speaker, chief clerk, sergeant-at-arms and watchman already elected, shall be as follows, viz.: Secretary for the speaker, to be selected by that officer, assistant sergeant-at-arms, assistant to the chief clerk, enrolling clerk, assistant enrolling clerk, engrossing clerk, journal clerk, door keeper, assistant door keeper, who shall also act as janitor, messenger, who shall also act as postmaster, assistant messenger, four pages, one to be selected by the speaker for his service. All of the above employes, excepting those otherwise designated, to be chosen by a viva voce vote of the House. Your committee having considered the employment of a chaplain, beg

to invite the attention of the House to that paragraph of section 11 of the constitution of the State of Washington, which is as follows, viz.: "No public money or property shall be appropriated or applied to any religious worship, exercise or instruction." Your committee further recommend that such (officers) as may from time to time be deemed essential be created by resolution of the House.

Respectfully submitted, November 11, 1889.






On motion of Mr. Shaw, the report was received and the committee discharged.

Moved by Mr. Pickrell that the House proceed to elect further officers.


On motion of Mr. Kuhn, the report of the committee on permanent organization was taken from the table for consideration.

Mr. Kuhn moved to amend the report by striking out the words "assistant sergeant-at-arms and assistant enrolling clerk."


The original motion was then carried, and the report adopted.
The House then proceeded to the further election of officers.
For assistant sergeant-at-arms, Mr. Allen nominated Robert
Ehman, of King county.

There being no further nominations, the roll was called.
Absent: Messrs. Gandy, Hughes, Medcalf, and Megler.

Sixty-six votes were cast; Mr. Ehman having received all the votes cast, was declared elected.

For assistant to the chief clerk, Mr. Spencer nominated W. M. Chandler, of Lincoln county.

There being no other nominations, the roll was called.

Absent: Messrs. Gandy, Hughes, Medcalf, and Megler.

Sixty-six votes were cast; Mr. Chandler having received all the votes cast, was declared elected.

For enrolling clerk, Mr. Clark nominated C. E. Fox, of Spokane county; Mr. Eddy nominated Miss Linnie Fenderson, of Snohomish county.

There being no further nominations, the roll was called.

Absent: Messrs. Gandy, Hewitt, Hughes, Medcalf and Megler.

Those voting for Miss Fenderson were: Messrs. Brown of Spokane, Cleman, Cook, Drew, Eddy, Edens, Foster, Geoghegan, Huntington, Hutchinson, Judson of Whatcom, Kennedy, McReavy, Minkler, Moultray, Painter, Robertson, Shaw, Spencer, Stevenson

20 votes.

Those voting for Mr. Fox were: Messrs. Allen, Bird, Blackburn, Blackfan, Blair, Bothell, Browne of Pierce, Bush, Clark, Cornwall, Day, Dean, Farrish, Flummerfelt, Gilchrist, Grant, Grubb, Hamilton, Herren, Judson of Pierce, Kandle, Kuhn, Lull, Meade, Morse, Nash, Nims, Oliphant, Ostrander, Person, Peterson, Pickrell, Plummer, Power, Purdy, Randall, Rotch, Rutter, Sharp, Shinn, Straight, Tucker, Turner, Weatherford, and Mr. Speaker- 45 votes.

Mr. Fox having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared elected.

For assistant enrolling clerk, Mr. Eddy nominated Miss Fender


There being no other nominations, the roll was called.

Absent: Messrs. Gandy, Hewitt, Hughes, Medcalf and Megler. Miss Fenderson having received 65 votes, the total number cast, was declared elected.

For engrossing clerk, Mr. Foster nominated Miss May Stream, of Pacific county.

There being no other nominations, the roll was called.

Absent: Messrs. Gandy, Hewitt, Hughes, Medcalf and Megler. Miss Stream having received 65, the total number of votes cast, was declared elected.

For journal clerk, Mr. Nims nominated Robert Black, of Chehalis county.

There being no other nominations, the roll was called.

Absent and not voting: Messrs. Bush, Gandy, Hewitt, Hughes, Medcalf, Minkler, and Rotch-7.

Mr. Black having received 63 votes, the total number cast, was declared elected.

For doorkeeper, Mr. Drew nominted Mr. McKay, of Kitsap county.

Mr. Kennedy nominated M. A. Day, of Adams county.

Mr. Lull nominated T. II. Tipton, of Pierce county.

There being no further nominations, the roll was called, resulting as follows, viz.:

Absent and not voting: Messrs. Eddy, Gandy, Grant, Hewitt, Hughes, Medcalf, and Megler—7 votes.

For McKay: Messrs. Allen, Bird, Bothell, Brown of Spokane, Bush, Clark, Drew, Edens, Herren, Huntington, Judson of Pierce, Kuhn, McReavy, Meade, Minkler, Morse, Nash, Painter, Plummer, Power, Robertson, Rutter, Shaw, Stevenson, Straight, and Mr. Speaker 26 votes.

For Tipton: Messrs. Browne of Pierce, Cornwell, Grubb, Hutchinson, Kandle, Lull, Ostrander, Peterson, Pickrell, and Rotch 10 votes.

For Day: Messrs. Blackburn, Blackfan, Blair, Cleman, Cook, Day, Dean, Farrish, Flummerfelt, Foster, Geoghegan, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Judson of Whatcom, Kennedy, Moultray, Nims, Oliphant, Person, Purdy, Randall, Sharp, Shinn, Spencer, and Tucker

27 votes.

There being no election, roll was again called.
Mr. Tipton's name was withdrawn.

For Day: Messrs. Bird, Blackburn, Blackfan, Blair, Browne of Pierce, Clark, Cleman, Day, Dean, Edens, Farrish, Flummerfelt, Foster, Gilchrist, Hamilton, Hewett, Kennedy, Lull, Nims, Oliphant, Person, Peterson, Pickrell, Rotch, Sharp, Shinn, Spencer, Tucker, Turner, and Weatherford-31 votes.

For McKay: Messrs. Allen, Bothell, Bush, Cook, Cornwell, Drew, Eddy, Geoghegan, Grant, Grubb, Herren, Huntington, Hutchinson, Judson of Whatcom, Judson of Pierce, Kandle, Kuhn, McReavy, Meade, Minkler, Morse, Moultray, Nash, Ostrander, Painter, Plummer, Powers, Purdy, Randall, Robertson, Rutter, Shaw, Stevenson, Straight, and Mr. Speaker-35 votes.

Absent and not voting: Messrs. Gandy, Hughes, Medcalf, and Megler--4 votes.

Mr. McKay, having received a majority of all the votes cast, was declared elected.

The privileges of the floor were extended to the state officers and members of the constitutional convention, on motion of Mr. Herren.

For assistant doorkeeper: Mr. Lull nominated Mr. Tipton, of Pierce, and Mr. Kennedy nominated Mr. Day, of Adams county. There being no other nominations, the roll was called, resulting as follows:

For Tipton: Messrs. Bird, Browne of Pierce, Brown of Spo

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