Soul-Prosperity, In Several SERMONS BY Printed for Awnsham Churchil at the Black 100.§.211. To the Worshipful THOMAS GROVE Efq; Of Fern in the County of Wilts. T He Authour of this Treatife was a perfon that greatly honoured you, and one whom you highly efteemed, and lo= ved. I therefore prefume (as being one intrufted by the Author to publish what was prepared for the Prefs 'to tender it to your Patronage. The Subject Speaks its own worth, the prefent Seafon its usefulness. As for your Self, you are a Gentleman fo univerfally known, that you are above my Character. That the God of all grace would give you a great increase of grace, and peace in your Old Age, and bless your House, is the hearty Prayer of SIR, Your much Obliged Joshua Churchil |