Dickey, John, Dickenson, D. W., Ten. Kennedy, John P., Dillingham, Paul, Jr., Vt. King, Daniel P., Dodge, A. C., Del Wis. King, Preston, Dodge, Henry, Del. Ia. Kirkpatrick, L., Douglass, Steph. A., Ill. Labranche, Alcee, Dromgoole, Geo. C., Va. Leonard, Moses G., Duncan, Alex., O Levy, David, Del. Dunlap, Robert P., Me. Lucas, Wm. F., Ellis, Cheselden, N. Y. Lumpkin, J. H., Elmer, L. Q. C., N. J. Lyon, Lucius, Farlee, Isaac G., N. J. Maclay, Wm. B.,
State. Pa. Kennedy, Andrew, Ind. Robinson, Orville, N. Y. Md. Rockwell, Julius, Ms. Ms. Rodney, Geo. B. N. Y. Rogers, Charles, N. Y. N. J. Russell, Jeremiah, N. Y. La. Sample, Saml. C., N. Y. Saunders, R. M., Flor. Schenck, Rob. C., Va Senter, W. T., Ga. Severance, Luther, Mich Seymour, D. L. N. Y. Seymour, Th. H., Vt. Simons, Samuel, O Simpson, Rich. F., O. Slidell, John, Smith, Albert, Ill. Smith, Caleb B., Ala. Smith, John T.,
Ficklin, Orlando B. III. Marsh, Geo. P. Fish, Hamilton, N. Y. Matthews, James, Florence. Elias, O. McCauslen, W. C., Foote, Solomon, Vt. Mc Clelland, Rob., Mich. Foster, Henry D., Pa Mc Clernand. J. A., French, Richard, Ky. Mc Connell, F. G.,
O. Smith, Robert, Pa. Smith, Thomas, N. C. Spence, Thos. A., Pa. Steenrod, Lewis J., Va. O. Stephens, Alex. H., Ga. Me. Stetson, Lemuel, N. Y. La. Stewart, Andrew, N. Y. Stewart, John, N. Y. Stiles, Wm. H., Pa. St. John, Henry, Va. Stone, James, N.H. Strong, Selah B., Ind. Summers, Geo. W., Ms. Sykes, Geo., N. Y. Taylor, Wm.,
Giddings, Joshua R., O. Mc Dowell, Jos. J. Goggin, Wm. L. Va. Mc Ilvaine, A. R., Green, Byram, N. Y. McKay, J. J., Green, Willis, Ky. Morris, Edw. J., Grider, Henry, Ky. Morris, Joseph, Grinnell, Joseph, Ms. Morse, Freeman H., Hale, John P., N. H. Morse, Isaac E., Hamlin, Hannibal, Me. Moseley, Wm. A., Hammett, Wm. H., Mis. Murphy, H. C., Haralson, Hugh A., Ga. Nes, Henry, Hardin, John J., Ill. Newton, W., Harper, Alex., O. Norris, Moses, Jr., Hays, Samuel, Pa. Owen, Rob. D., Henley, Thos. J., Ind Parmenter, Wm. Herrick, Joshua, Me. Patterson, T. J., Hoge, Joseph B., Ill. Payne, Wm. W., Holmes, Isaac E., S. C. Pettit, John, Hopkins, Geo. W., Va. Peyton, Jas. H., Houston, Geo. S., Ala. Phoenix, J. P., Hubard, Edm. W., Va. Pollock, Hubbell, Wm. S., N. Y. Potter, Elisha, R., Hudson, Charles, Ms. Potter, Emery D., Hughes, Jas. M., Mo. Pratt, Zadock, Hungerford, Orv., N. Y. Preston, Jacob A., Hunt, Jas. B., Mich. Purdy, Smith M., Hunt, Washington, N. Y. Ramsey, Alex., Ingersoll, Chas. J., Ingersoll, Jos. R., Irvin, James, Jameson, John, Jenks, Michael H.,
Pa. Rathbun, George, Pa. Rayner, Kenneth, Pa. Reding, John R., Mo. Reed, Chas. M., Pa. Reid, David S.,
Johnson, Andrew, Ten. Relfe, Jas. H.,
![[blocks in formation]](https://books.google.rs/books/content?id=nGowAAAAIAAJ&hl=sr&output=html_text&pg=PA104&img=1&zoom=3&q=Mississippi&cds=1&sig=ACfU3U3RR-_sbYe9Qj7c3cJFcJOOB_2RbA&edge=0&edge=stretch&ci=97,1330,411,98)
Ten. Roberts, Rob. W., Va.
S New Haven-4th Tuesday in April;- Hartford-3d Tuesday in September.
N. YORK, S. Dist. {
N. YORK, N. Dist.
New York-last Monday in Feb., 1st Monday in April, last Monday in July and November.
Albany-3d Tuesday in October; - Canandaigua- Tuesday next after third Monday in June. Trenton-1st April and 1st October. Philadelphia-11th April and 11th October. Pittsburg-3d Monday in May and Nov.; {port-3d Monday in June and September.
Newcastle Tuesday following 4th Monday in May;- Dover-Tuesday following 3d Monday in Oct. Baltimore-1st Monday in November.
Richmond-1st Mon. in May, and 4th Mon. in Nov. Lewisburg—1st Monday in August.
Raleigh-4th Monday in May, and 2d Mon. in Dec. Charleston-2d Tuesday in April; - Columbia-4th Monday in November.
Savannah-Thursday after the 1st Monday in May; -Milledgeville-Thursday after the 1st Monday in
Mobile-3d Monday in April, and 4th Mon. in Dec. Huntsville-1st Monday in June.
Jackson-1st Monday in May and November.
LOUISIANA, E. Dist. New Orleans-1st Mon. in April, and 3d Mon. in Dec.
Nashville-1st Monday in March and September; Knoxville-3d Monday in April and October; Jackson--2d Monday in October and April.
Frankfort-1st Mon. in May, and 3d Mon. in Nov. Columbus-3d Monday in May and December. Detroit-3d Monday in June, and 2d Monday in Oct. Indianapolis-1st Monday in December. Vandalia--last Monday in November. St. Louis-1st Monday in April.
Little Rock-2d Monday in April.
DIST. COLUMBIA.Wahlexandria-1st Monday in May and October.
Monday in March and November;
The Supreme Court is held in the City of Washington, and has one session annually, commencing on the 1st Monday of December.
The United States are divided into the following nine judicial circuits, in each of which a Circuit Court is held twice every year, for each State within the circuit, by a Justice of the Supreme Court, assigned to the circuit, and by the District Judge of the State or District in which the Court sits.
1st Circuit, Maine, New Hampshire, Mass. and R. I.,
5th do.
6th do. 7th do. 8th do.
9th do.
Vermont, Connecticut, and New York. New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Delaware, Maryland, and Virginia, Alabama and Louisiana,
N. Carolina, S. Carolina, and Georgia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Michigan, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Missouri, Mississippi and Arkansas,
Presiding Judge. Mr. Justice Story.
Mr. Chief Just. Taney. Mr. Justice Daniels.
Mr. Justice Wayne. Mr. Justice McLean. Mr. Justice Catron. Mr. Justice Mc Kinley.
There is a local Circuit Court held by three Judges in the District of Columbia, specially appointed for that purpose. The Chief Justice of that Court sits also as District Judge of that District.
NEW YORK, S. District.
Wiscasset-1st Tuesday in September;- Portland1st Tuesday in February and December;- Bangor-4th Tuesday in June.
{ Portsmouth 3d Tuesday in March and September;
Exeter-3d Tuesday in June and December. Rutland-6th of Oct.;- Windsor-24th of May. Boston-3d Tuesday in March, 4th Tuesday in June, 2d Tuesday in Sept., and 1st Tuesday in Dec. Newport-2d Tuesday in May, and 3d in October; Providence-1st Tuesday in August and February. New Haven-4th Tuesday in February and August;- Hartford—4th Tuesday in May and November.
New York-1st Tuesday of each month.
Albany-3d Tuesday in January;- Utica-2d Tuesday in July;- Rochester-3d Tuesday in May; Buffalo-2d Tuesday in October.-One term annually in the county of St. Lawrence, Clinton, or Franklin, at such time and place as the judge may direct.
S Trenton-2d Tuesday in March and September, and 3d Tuesday in May and November.
PENNSYLVANIA, S Philadelphia--3d Monday in February, May, August, E. District. and November.
PENNSYLVANIA, S Pittsburg-1st Monday in May, and 1st Monday in October;- Williamsport-1st Monday in October. Newcastle and Dover-alternately, on the 4th Tuesday in Nov. 1789; and three other sessions progressively, on the 4th Tuesday of every 3d calendar month.
Baltimore on the 1st Tuesday in March, June, Sep- tember, and December.
Washington-1st Monday in June and December. Richmond-12th of May, and 12th of November; Norfolk-30th of May, and 1st of November. Staunton-1st day of May, and 1st day of October;- Wythe Court House-3d Monday in April and Sep- tember;- Charleston-Wednesdays after the 2d Monday in April and September;-Clarksburg-last Mondays in March and August;- Wheeling-Wed- nesdays after the first Mondays in April and Sept. Edenton 3d Monday in April and Oct;- Newburn- 4th Monday in April and Oct.;- Wilmington-1st Monday after the 4th Monday in April and Oct.
Charleston-3d Monday in March and September, 1st Monday in July, and 2d Monday in Dec.;-. Laurens Court House-the next Tuesday after the adjourn- ment of the Circuit Court at Columbia.
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